Creation vs. Evolution

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The seasons would work by the sun moving instead of the earth.

As to why the rulers of earth would lie, there are a few possible reasons. One is that there is more land. There's more land that they don't want the masses to know about.

Dear Daniel1611,

So you think that the Earth is the all-important place to be in this galaxy/universe? The Sun is going around the Earth? And I suppose all of the planets are going around the Earth also? You've got to get out of that bubble you're in. C'mon. You can't be serious about this?



Michael, Daniel1611’s participation in this thread seems to be rather like mark SeaSigh’s was – mostly for his own perverse form of entertainment. His approach is less insulting and abrasive than SeaSigh’s was, and I doubt that Daniel will end up like Mark did having a Technicolor psychological meltdown on the internet. But I see little value in trying to educate someone like Daniel who is so poorly grounded in science and is so deep into conspiracy theories.

As to blessing my heart, it is doing well, except on those days when Poseidon gets angry and sends the Gorgon to rip out and eat my heart. That hurts.

Dear DavisBJ,

It's not Mark. I call him every weekend or else he calls me. He would tell me if he was back on TOL. Now Daniel is coming around, I think. So just hang in there. He's just kind of paranoid about certain organizations, like NASA. I've heard people before saying that NASA had lied about any man making it on the Moon. He didn't believe the photographic footage of it. So he is just not convinced enough. Who will get through to him? Just give him some time.

Many Blessings!!



Not a very good colour to read Michael. :wave:

Dear StanJ,

Thanks for letting me know. I guess it's easier when you know what you have typed. Do you know what I mean? I guess I won't use that color again. I have fixed it. It's really good to see you posting here!!

God's Wisdom Be With You Always!!


:angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel: :guitar: :singer:


Dear alwight,

Hey, good buddy! How are you doing? I've been so busy trying to catch up to all the posts I had to read that I couldn't give them each the attention I normally would. I'm sorry to all of you for that. I was five pages behind. Tons of posts behind. But I have to read every post on this thread, because I must know what is going on and because I can't let anyone down here. The weather here has been nice {and hot}. At night, we get down to 85 degrees, but during the day, it's like 107 or so. The monsoon season is finally here, so we will be dealing with that. It means we get more storms and rain, but usually just lightning storms. But when it rains, it gets humid, and at 107 degrees plus the humidity, it gets hot and sweaty. We've had the highest temp. ever, which was 122 degrees in Phoenix. Now in Lake Havasu, about 200 miles from here, they've even got that beat. Lake Havasu bought the old London Bridge and reassembled it here. So yes, Al, I've seen the London Bridge in my lifetime. Instead of me going there, it came here. I've never been to Europe before. It'd be wonderful, but it's expensive in London, from what I hear. Well, I will get going and PM you.

Warm Regards And Cheerio, Dude!!


:angel: :angel: :cloud9: :cloud9: :rapture: :guitar: :singer:

:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :singer: :guitar:


New member

Dear Daniel1611,

So you think that the Earth is the all-important place to be in this galaxy/universe? The Sun is going around the Earth? And I suppose all of the planets are going around the Earth also? You've got to get out of that bubble you're in. C'mon. You can't be serious about this?


My point is this. The earth appears to be flat from our vantage point. The sun appears to revolve around earth from our vantage point. We appear to be stationary from our vantage point. If one suggests that all of these observations are incorrect, there must be incontrovertible proof. So far, there are only experiments and calculations. The flat earth model has it's own empirical evidence. So, like I said, whether you admit it or not, the globe model rests on fake pictures (,composites by NASA'S OWN ADMISSION. not photos) and alleged photos taken from a moon mission that didn't happen.

The idea seems insane because we are taught as children that earth is an inconsequential rock spinning around and inconsequential star in an inconsequential galaxy that hurls through an infinite universe.

I started reading the flat earth stuff just for my own amusement. Just to laugh at the idiots who thought the earth was flat. But some of them, like Math Powerland and Eric Dubay make great points. Watch some if their videos on YouTube. What will it hurt? Hear the other arguement from someone more articulate on this subject than myself. Math Powerlands YouTube channel is called thenasachannel. Just type it in like that. What will it hurt to watch?


Not hard to find. Google Bedford Level Experiment or Bedford Canal Experiment. The two terms seem to be used interchangeably.

Correct, and easy now to understand how someone with as little intellectual honesty would cite an experiment from 1838 for the moronic ideas that the earth is flat, science is a big lying conspiracy and NASA is full of fakers.
Thanks for the comic relief.

The Barbarian

Correct, and easy now to understand how someone with as little intellectual honesty would cite an experiment from 1838 for the moronic ideas that the earth is flat, science is a big lying conspiracy and NASA is full of fakers.
Thanks for the comic relief.

The problem was that by setting the sight as close to the water surface as possible, refraction errors made it impossible to get a consistent result. Alfred Russel Wallace (a trained surveyor) repeated the experiment, but set the line of sight well above the surface at both ends, and got repeatable results showing curvature.

The Barbarian

What will it hurt to watch a video espousing a flat earth? Probably less than a sharp stick in the eye, but not by much.

I have noticed that all those multilevel marketing scams always tell their followers not to explain the system to others, but to urge them to "just watch the video."

So when someone can't explain things, and wants me to "just watch the video", it's a tip-off for me.


New member
Dear alwight,

Hey, good buddy! How are you doing? I've been so busy trying to catch up to all the posts I had to read that I couldn't give them each the attention I normally would. I'm sorry to all of you for that. I was five pages behind. Tons of posts behind. But I have to read every post on this thread, because I must know what is going on and because I can't let anyone down here. The weather here has been nice {and hot}. At night, we get down to 85 degrees, but during the day, it's like 107 or so. The monsoon season is finally here, so we will be dealing with that. It means we get more storms and rain, but usually just lightning storms. But when it rains, it gets humid, and at 107 degrees plus the humidity, it gets hot and sweaty. We've had the highest temp. ever, which was 122 degrees in Phoenix. Now in Lake Havasu, about 200 miles from here, they've even got that beat. Lake Havasu bought the old London Bridge and reassembled it here. So yes, Al, I've seen the London Bridge in my lifetime. Instead of me going there, it came here. I've never been to Europe before. It'd be wonderful, but it's expensive in London, from what I hear. Well, I will get going and PM you.

Warm Regards And Cheerio, Dude!!


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :singer: :guitar:
Hi Michael, we just had the hottest day on record here although it didn't bother me too much since it was quite dry, not humid like it often is. According to my research the temperature here actually exceeded your 107 degree temperature which is highly unusual, but if it ever gets to 122 degrees however then I'll be thinking you might be right about Armageddon.;)
I didn't realise that you also had a monsoon season, I thought that was just Asia, there you go.
BTW I've walked across that bridge while it was still in London.:)


New member
He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.
Proverbs 18:13
Probably more than 90% of the work I have done over the decades has had crucial aspects that would have failed had the earth not been spherical. One of my major projects required not just that the earth be spherical, but I had to use WGS-84 mathematics to account for the equatorial bulge due to the rotation of the earth. Daniel1611, you will just have to understand why I am not much interested in seriously investigating whether the earth might be flat.


New member
I have noticed that all those multilevel marketing scams always tell their followers not to explain the system to others, but to urge them to "just watch the video."

So when someone can't explain things, and wants me to "just watch the video", it's a tip-off for me.

Why type things when you apparently arent reading it anyway?




Scientists Wrong AGAIN!!

Esther Inglis-Arkell
Filed to: space 7/02/15 12:55pm

There May Be Nowhere Near the Number of Galaxies We Thought There Were

It looks like we might have overestimated how many neighbors we have. New predictions show that the universe might be an emptier place than we imagined.

Since the Hubble launched, we’ve been seeing stunning image of the crowded universe. Most of the images come accompanied by assurances that what we see in the images is just the start. Astronomers have been excitedly guessing at the amount of faint, distant galaxies that they can’t see. Lurkers surely outnumbered visible galaxies.

New simulations done on Blue Waters, a supercomputer at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications indicate that that isn’t the case. Researchers at Michigan State University simulated the formation of the early universe. The number of bright, luminous galaxies that the simulations predicted just about synced up with the data we can see from the Hubble. But the simulations indicated that number of faint galaxies, which the Hubble can’t see, wasn’t anywhere near what previous predictions had estimated. Conservative estimates reduce the number of faint galaxies ten times, but it’s just possible that the universe has only one hundredth the faint lurker galaxies we previously thought it did.

We’ll get an idea of whether those estimates are correct when the James Webb telescope goes up in 2018. Rest assured, there are still plenty of galaxies to explore.

[Source: The Astrophysical Journal Letters]
Top Image: NASA

Dear Friends,

Now this makes more sense to me!! If there is only our galaxy, it would not surprise me.


Check out this post, Daniel1611!!
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New member
The Hubble telescope, they say, can see 15 Billion light years into space. A light year is about 6 Trillion miles. This thing is supposed to see so far that most people dont even know a name for the number.

It can see 15 Billion times 6 Trillion miles into space. We can't see to the bottom of the ocean but we can see 6 Trillion times 15 Billion miles into space. I call B.S.
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