Creation vs. Evolution

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My point is this. The earth appears to be flat from our vantage point. The sun appears to revolve around earth from our vantage point. We appear to be stationary from our vantage point. If one suggests that all of these observations are incorrect, there must be incontrovertible proof. So far, there are only experiments and calculations. The flat earth model has it's own empirical evidence. So, like I said, whether you admit it or not, the globe model rests on fake pictures (,composites by NASA'S OWN ADMISSION. not photos) and alleged photos taken from a moon mission that didn't happen.

The idea seems insane because we are taught as children that earth is an inconsequential rock spinning around and inconsequential star in an inconsequential galaxy that hurls through an infinite universe.

I started reading the flat earth stuff just for my own amusement. Just to laugh at the idiots who thought the earth was flat. But some of them, like Math Powerland and Eric Dubay make great points. Watch some if their videos on YouTube. What will it hurt? Hear the other argument from someone more articulate on this subject than myself. Math Powerlands YouTube channel is called thenasachannel. Just type it in like that. What will it hurt to watch?

Dear Daniel1611,

Sure, I'll take a look at the video. As long as it isn't too long. Will get back to you about it. So you think that we didn't get to the moon, eh? And how about our cameras relaying pics of Saturn, Jupiter, even Pluto!! They are beautiful and hard to fake. It's all junk, eh? Well, Russia will be relieved. They've been to the moon also, right? Okay, I will see.

God's Best For You,


:thumb: :guitar: :cloud9: :angel:


New member

Dear Daniel1611,

Sure, I'll take a look at the video. As long as it isn't too long. Will get back to you about it. So you think that we didn't get to the moon, eh? And how about our cameras relaying pics of Saturn, Jupiter, even Pluto!! They are beautiful and hard to fake. It's all junk, eh? Well, Russia will be relieved. They've been to the moon also, right? Okay, I will see.

God's Best For You,


:thumb: :guitar: :cloud9: :angel:

If you think they are hard to fake, watch Math Powerland's perception test on youtube. He has some videos called "perception test" and in his video called "NASA wikileaks" is probably the best perception test he does. His channel is called thenasachannel. See how good your perception is, watch this guy, an ultra realistic painter


New member
The Hubble telescope, they say, can see 15 Billion light years into space. A light year is about 6 Trillion miles. This thing is supposed to see so far that most people dont even know a name for the number.

It can see 15 Billion times 6 Trillion miles into space. We can't see to the bottom of the ocean but we can see 6 Trillion times 15 Billion miles into space. I call B.S.
My understanding is that the edge of visible universe is about 42 billion light years away. Hubble I presume may have current design limits that restrict its depth of field to specific goals?
There are then perhaps good practical reasons for not seeing in detail both the deepest depths of the sea and the night sky. Not that conspiracy theorists want to know much about that of course.


New member
My understanding is that the edge of visible universe is about 42 billion light years away. Hubble I presume may have current design limits that restrict its depth of field to specific goals?
There are then perhaps good practical reasons for not seeing both the deepest depths of the sea and the night sky. Not that conspiracy theorists want to know much about that of course.

So, you have no problem believing this thing can take a picture from 6 Trillion times 15 billion miles away? It's nonsense.


New member
They claim the Hubble telescope can see roughly 240 Sextillion miles into space. I believe that is the name for this number.


New member
I agree, but it sure is funny to watch! :cool:

I laugh that you believe that we don't know what's a few miles down in the ocean but we can see 240,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles into space. 240 Sextillion miles. It's hillarious when you look at that number and realize people actually think NASA is taking pictures that far away.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
I have noticed that all those multilevel marketing scams always tell their followers not to explain the system to others, but to urge them to "just watch the video."

So when someone can't explain things, and wants me to "just watch the video", it's a tip-off for me.

Why type things when you apparently arent reading it anyway?

Just noting that "watch the video" is a scammer's argument. If you can't understand it well enough to tell us about it, what makes you think it's right?


I laugh that you believe that we don't know what's a few miles down in the ocean but we can see 240,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles into space. 240 Sextillion miles. It's hillarious when you look at that number and realize people actually think NASA is taking pictures that far away.

Big numbers are just scary.


New member
Big numbers are just scary.

No. I just do not believe it's possible. We can't point the camera down and get a picture of the ocean floor, but we can see 240 Sextillion miles into space? How gullible can you be to believe that? They don't see 100 quintillion miles into space. Oh, no no no. They see 240 Sextillion miles into space. Lol at people just eating up everything NASA says.


New member
Barbarian chuckles:
I have noticed that all those multilevel marketing scams always tell their followers not to explain the system to others, but to urge them to "just watch the video."

So when someone can't explain things, and wants me to "just watch the video", it's a tip-off for me.

Just noting that "watch the video" is a scammer's argument. If you can't understand it well enough to tell us about it, what makes you think it's right?

For one, Math Powerland Boylan's perception test is very important with regards to the alleged NASA photos. Michael Cadry said it would be hard to fool people with fake images. This guys demonstrates that it's actually pretty simple. I don't have the photos to show you because they're in a YouTube video and I don't know how well I could screenshot them on my smart phone. And unlike the presenter in the video, I'm not a realist painter, so I can't make some of the images he uses like he does. That's why I say watch the video.

Also, I'm typing on my smart phone, so some of the more complex points are just too complex to type on this phone. If I had a keyboard or were on the phone or Skype or in person, I could be much more articulate than I can with this phone.


New member
Also, I'm typing on my smart phone, so some of the more complex points are just too complex to type on this phone. If I had a keyboard or were on the phone or Skype or in person, I could be much more articulate than I can with this phone.
The good craftsman always blames his tools. :rolleyes:


New member
That is your opinion but astronomical distances are better measured in light years, it helps keep the numbers down.:plain:

I understand the reason for using light years, but it doesn't really let you comprehend how far that is. I hear 15 billion light years, and I think "wow! That is far! Unimaginably far!". But when you see 240 with 21 zeroes, and you see that number, it puts in perspective how far that really is. It's ridiculous, really. I can't honestly say that i believe NASA sees 240-with-21 zeroes miles into space.


New member
I understand the reason for using light years, but it doesn't really let you comprehend how far that is. I hear 15 billion light years, and I think "wow! That is far! Unimaginably far!". But when you see 240 with 21 zeroes, and you see that number, it puts in perspective how far that really is. It's ridiculous, really. I can't honestly say that i believe NASA sees 240-with-21 zeroes miles into space.
If arguments from personal incredulity ever become convincing to me I'll let you know.:)


New member
If arguments from personal incredulity ever become convincing to me I'll let you know.:)

So what does convince you that it's that far? Because NASA said so? That picture might only be 999 quintillion miles away. It might be 1,000 miles away or it might be a fake picture. How would you know?

If "cuz I says so" ever becomes convincing to me, I'll let you know.


Well-known member
I laugh that you believe that we don't know what's a few miles down in the ocean but we can see 240,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles into space. 240 Sextillion miles. It's hillarious when you look at that number and realize people actually think NASA is taking pictures that far away.

You laugh. Have you ever considered that perhaps you are laughed at due to your unsupported claims?


New member
You laugh. Have you ever considered that perhaps you are laughed at due to your unsupported claims?

I know these ideas are ridiculed. You have to be stupid or insane to question the ball, right? You laugh at people that question something you have never seen: the earth from space. You laugh because that's what they taught you to do. You laugh at different ideas that contradict your shaky globe that all relies on a painting that they told you was a photo.

That's what it boils down to is the picture. Without that picture, it's all just calculations. At one time it was calculated that man couldn't fly. The calculations aren't proof. The only proof you have is the little picture of the ball.
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