Creation vs. Evolution

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Off his meds me thinks. :eek:

Dear StanJ,

Watch what you say. He may lose his temper and get banned again. I truly do not want to see that happen, noguru!! You know I don't. Just take a deep breath.

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


Yes, I love you even though we don't agree on everything. I learned that from Jesus and God.


New member
Cadry and Science

Cadry and Science

Dear noguru,

I had tons of hours of science in school. I know what is proposed by science. …


Michael, whenever someone questions your ability to understand science, you seem to take it as a personal slight. Be that as it may, your track record as regards science in this thread leaves little doubt that science is something you understand very poorly. Let me give two specific ways you are ignorant of science from just the last couple months in this thread.

Lack of Science Knowledge​
Dear Kdall,

… If the tide is shoving water into a smaller area, like a bay, of course it will be a higher level.

Aristotle would have loved you. Don’t actually make observations, just think for a second, then make a declaration about how nature has to work. I realize you are at a disadvantage in parched and dry Phoenix, but close to me we have lots of bays – big and small. And you know what, maybe I just haven’t been paying attention, but I haven’t seen an iota of difference in the tides in any of them. Of course the government publishes tide tables for the fishermen ... but nope, I see they must be deceived too.
Dear Kdall,

… And the Earth has gravity, but the moon does not. …

When I first read this jewel I thought to myself, “No, no, not even Michael would say that.” But alas, you did. For you it seems, with your understanding of science, Newton’s law of gravity – from several centuries ago - is just a joke. And I presumed that, at your age, you might have actually watched some of video that was taken decades ago when men actually walked on the moon.
First Moon Landing

See Neil Armstrong taking that last step down the ladder to be the first man standing on the moon? Notice he actually jumped down off that step, and something – maybe magic – pulled him down that last foot or so to the surface of the moon. Then note shortly later when one of the astronauts was skipping down a slope – jumping up a couple of inches, and then (miracle of miracles) something magic pulled him right back down to the moon's surface.

Yes, you know science, Cadry - as it existed before the 1600s.
Cadry's Opinion Overrules Observations​
Dear TracerBullet,

… My rejection of how man dates things is my own beliefs. I think he's wrong, whether it's a half-life, or a quarter-life, or a 16th-life. I don't trust it all one bit!!

Dear Kdall,

You've got to be kidding me? How would anyone know it was 220 million years ago? What a farce! Did they use uranium dating for that? Too much!!

Dear Kdall,

So their fossils lasted 220 million years?! Give it a rest!!


Dear Kdall,

I just think it is a huge amount of time that it is too much. It's not that I just don't like it. It's that I just don't believe it. You can't handle what happened 7,000 years ago, yet I'm supposed to believe something that happened 220 million years ago? You've got to be kidding, right?

Dear Kdall,

Then I guess we agree to disagree, because I don't believe that this Earth has been here for 220 million years! Believe whatever you like, yourself.

I like your consistency, Michael, in expressing your personal disbelief. I have had things in science I also balked at, but I soon learned that to actually be a scientist, my feelings mean nothing. Either I accept nature’s way, or I fail. And that is why you are not a scientist in any way, shape, or form. If you were, you would be a colossal failure, telling nature what you will accept and what you will not.



I am an unbeliever. As I go about my daily life, I sometimes see despicable people, and often I see truly admirable people. There seems to be a fairly low correlation between the “good” people and their declaration of allegiance to whatever religious views they profess, their race, or their nationality. Therefore I was struck by your statement:

This is one of the ugliest views of humanity that I can imagine. I am not bankrupt, or depraved, and I often speak of the beauty I see in life. I get the feeling that if I were to ask you for spiritual guidance, to fit in with your description perhaps I should first engage in a period of lawlessness, sexual depravity, and wickedness, and then smear excrement all over myself to somehow make myself more fit for your spiritual guidance.

Dear DavisBJ,

Everready is a very excellent person from what I've gathered in his posts. I am glad to have him posting here. He is an ally. So how have you been doing, Davis? I hope life's been treating you well. It's been a while. I guess you know that I believe evolutionists and some scientists date things at ridiculous ages, because no one can prove them fake or true. I'm not dumb. I got their number. Do you feel the same way? I do not believe that life on earth is older than 220 million years. The dingo ate it!!




New member
Dear DavisBJ,

Everready is a very excellent person from what I've gathered in his posts. I am glad to have him posting here. He is an ally. So how have you been doing, Davis? I hope life's been treating you well. It's been a while. I guess you know that I believe evolutionists and some scientists date things at ridiculous ages, because no one can prove them fake or true. I'm not dumb. I got their number. Do you feel the same way? I do not believe that life on earth is older than 220 million years. The dingo ate it!!


Again, you go by what you personally choose to believe, but I am constrained by what nature shows me. You can live in a dream world, I have to face reality.


Again, you go by what you personally choose to believe, but I am constrained by what nature shows me. You can live in a dream world, I have to face reality.

Dear DavisBJ,

Yes, I go by what I believe and am happy with my world. It is a wonderful dream which includes God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and Heaven. I am so joyful. Especially because I'm pretty sure that Autumn will be a real eye opener and my waiting will end. I look forward to an Earth that is ruled by Jesus Christ, and the meek shall inherit the Earth. There will be quite a cataclysm before that though and there will be a lot of work to do burying all the bodies, and rebuilding. Things will be rough. Earthquakes where communications outside or inside the cities isn't possible, and no outside help is coming, no electricity, no A/C, no heat, no computers, no lights, no toilets, all of it's going to change. I could go on and on. No cars or gas to drive them with. It's going to be quite basic. I'd rather just go to heaven this time around. Beats pitching a tent and trying to find a way to light a fire to cook on once all of the bic lighters and matches are used up. BJ, you have NO IDEA what's going on. And you think I'm the one with a problem? Wow, you will see what you will see. That's all I can say. Will get back to you!!

Good Wishes!!



New member
Dear DavisBJ,

Yes, I go by what I believe and am happy with my world. It is a wonderful dream which includes God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, and Heaven. I am so joyful. Especially because I'm pretty sure that Autumn will be a real eye opener and my waiting will end. I look forward to an Earth that is ruled by Jesus Christ, and the meek shall inherit the Earth. There will be quite a cataclysm before that though and there will be a lot of work to do burying all the bodies, and rebuilding. Things will be rough. Earthquakes where communications outside or inside the cities isn't possible, and no outside help is coming, no electricity, no A/C, no heat, no computers, no lights, no toilets, all of it's going to change. I could go on and on. No cars or gas to drive them with. It's going to be quite basic. I'd rather just go to heaven this time around. Beats pitching a tent and trying to find a way to light a fire to cook on once all of the bic lighters and matches are used up. BJ, you have NO IDEA what's going on. And you think I'm the one with a problem? Wow, you will see what you will see. That's all I can say. Will get back to you!!

Good Wishes!!

You admit going even deeper into your self-admitted dream that caters to your need to escape reality, while reality is the world I live in.


Dear Kdall,

We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, among other texts that have been found. I mean, they did not have Writing Tablets back then. I think that you and noguru just have weak arguments. Even if you said the Earth were 20 million years old, I wouldn't believe you. Do you know how many days are in 220 million years?!! Get a grip! You figure that what you say won't be opposed because it's so ridiculous that it could not be proven or unproven by anyone.


Yes we do have the Dead Sea Scrolls, but none of the documents there are originals. The Scrolls contain many documents that were excluded from the Bible on the pretense that they were too gnostic. I think you likely don't accept them as accurate, yet you do accept the documents that are in the Bible and were found alongside them unquestionably? The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, for instance?

Yes there were writing tablets AND papyrus paper to use then. The Iraqi flood story that is nearly identical to the Noah story was written on a clay tablet a couple thousand years before the Dead Sea scrolls are thought to have been written.

And no, in fact 220 million years is the number that was agreed upon not prior to, but only after being proven through multiple radiometric dating techniques. The only things in this conversation that are unproven or unprovable are assertions by young Earthers


You admit going even deeper into your self-admitted dream that caters to your need to escape reality, while reality is the world I live in.

Dear DavisBJ,

I'm not going deeper in a self-admitted dream. I don't need to escape reality. I live in a world of reality. You will see how real before the end of this year. Boy, won't you be surprised!! You live in this reality, but you don't believe in Who made this reality. That's too bad.

Hey, will chat with you later.

Much Love, In Christ,



Yes we do have the Dead Sea Scrolls, but none of the documents there are originals. The Scrolls contain many documents that were excluded from the Bible on the pretense that they were too gnostic. I think you likely don't accept them as accurate, yet you do accept the documents that are in the Bible and were found alongside them unquestionably? The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, for instance?

Yes there were writing tablets AND papyrus paper to use then. The Iraqi flood story that is nearly identical to the Noah story was written on a clay tablet a couple thousand years before the Dead Sea scrolls are thought to have been written.

And no, in fact 220 million years is the number that was agreed upon not prior to, but only after being proven through multiple radiometric dating techniques. The only things in this conversation that are unproven or unprovable are assertions by young Earthers

Dear Kdall,

When Adam and Eve were on Earth, there were tablets or papyrus? Even during Noah? I don't care how multiple radiometric dating techniques are used. I don't believe the Earth is that old. You can't prove it's true, even with your half-lives or one sixteenth-lives. I don't believe your multiple dating techniques. You could be making the same mistake with all of them. Your proof and credibility with me is found to be wanting. Even if you waited one sixteenth amount of years, you can't anyways. It's still too long of a time for one man's duration of life.



Dear Kdall,

When Adam and Eve were on Earth, there were tablets or papyrus? Even during Noah? I don't care how multiple radiometric dating techniques are used. I don't believe the Earth is that old. You can't prove it's true, even with your half-lives or one sixteenth-lives. I don't believe your multiple dating techniques. You could be making the same mistake with all of them. Your proof and credibility with me is found to be wanting. Even if you waited one sixteenth amount of years, you can't anyways. It's still too long of a time for one man's duration of life.


No, it's unlikely that any writing tools were around in the time the Bible says Adam and Eve were on Earth. But yes, clay tablets should've been around in Noah's time, and the 4000 year old clay tablet found in Iraq is strong evidence for some truth behind the legend of Noah's ark. It's likely that a large, regional flood hit the Fertile Crescent and that it may have killed almost everyone there. The Iraqi tablet says that the Noah figure put a breeding pair of all of his domestic animals on board a scaled-up version of the traditional water vessel of the people in that region, which is a round, hollowed out craft made of wood and other materials.

It doesn't really matter how you, or I, or anyone else feels about the results of radiometric dating. The fact is that it is a tried and true method that is 99% accurate when done correctly. It doesn't matter if those results don't prove anything to you. They do prove things to others who are far more familiar with them and know that they cannot be faked or misleading if taken correctly


Dear Kdall,

The Bible says how Noah should make the boat. It also says he shall use pitch (tar) to seal up seams in the boat. It says the boat is huge, nothing like the boats they had already. They would have been puny compared to Noah's Ark. Thanks for your information, Kdall.

Much Love, In Christ,



Dear Kdall,

The Bible says how Noah should make the boat. It also says he shall use pitch (tar) to seal up seams in the boat. It says the boat is huge, nothing like the boats they had already. They would have been puny compared to Noah's Ark. Thanks for your information, Kdall.

Much Love, In Christ,


What you mention, with the exception of the use of pitch, is exactly why the Bible's account is not 100% accurate


Dear Kdall,

Have you read in the KJV the details of how God wanted Noah to make the boat, and how many cubits it should be lengthwise and a how wide, and tall. It had to be big considering how many animals he took on the Ark, along with his family.

God Bless Your Heart!


way 2 go

Well-known member
Let me ask you this: you have a complete human skeleton with just one problem: the top half of the skull is missing. You can either display your half headless skeleton, or, using the bottom jaw to determine the exact size that you need, you can make a cast of what you know the rest of the skull to look like. That way you can have a complete skeleton instead of a mutilated one. Which do you choose?

i will take what they found or both, I want to see for myself

:think: Nebraska Man

they should have done that with Rodhocetus


Dear way to go,

That's what I should have said!! Sounds more plausible. You see. You can't trust scientists. They make up stuff that they don't know for sure. Including the age of the Earth. 220 million years! I wonder how they half-life that!!



New member
Again, you go by what you personally choose to believe, but I am constrained by what nature shows me. You can live in a dream world, I have to face reality.

and how do you KNOW your world IS reality? Is there a test? Do you have observable proof?


Dear Kdall,

Have you read in the KJV the details of how God wanted Noah to make the boat, and how many cubits it should be lengthwise and a how wide, and tall. It had to be big considering how many animals he took on the Ark, along with his family.

God Bless Your Heart!


KJV was written in the 1600s


KJV was written in the 1600s

That's fine Kdall!! I still prefer the KJV out of all of them. You know that Jesus read from the scroll there in the Temple what was written in Isaiah. If there was anything wrong with the Bible then, He certainly would have said something.



New member
Dear Kdall,

The Bible says how Noah should make the boat. It also says he shall use pitch (tar) to seal up seams in the boat. It says the boat is huge, nothing like the boats they had already. They would have been puny compared to Noah's Ark. Thanks for your information, Kdall.
The ark had the capacity of about 550 railway cars....easily enough room to hold all the various kinds of animals.
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