Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear 6days,

Thanks so much for coming here to explain that. You're the most!! I thought it had to be big to hold so many animals. Wasn't there seven pairs of clean animals? And two pair of unclean animals? That's a lot of animals. Will PM you with some questions.

Thanks Tons for posting!!



i will take what they found or both, I want to see for myself

:think: Nebraska Man

they should have done that with Rodhocetus

I'm curious to hear what your opinions are of AiG's Creation Museum fabricating a whole ark, with exactly 0 original ark wood? If fabricating a nose for the sake of completeness is dishonest to you, what is fabricating an entire ship based on no evidence at all?


New member
and how do you KNOW your world IS reality? Is there a test? Do you have observable proof?
In light of your declaration from some days ago, I see no point in even trying to reply to your questions. Here is what you offered:
… Faith is the enemy of logic. Faith is the enemy of so-called educated people.
I try to limit myself to logic, and minimize my dependence on faith. I think you value faith as a guide far above logic. Don’t you see a bit of a disconnect here, inasmuch as for me to answer your question, I would try to employ logic, which you seem to despise?


That's fine Kdall!! I still prefer the KJV out of all of them. You know that Jesus read from the scroll there in the Temple what was written in Isaiah. If there was anything wrong with the Bible then, He certainly would have said something.


No he wouldn't have, because he preached to rural, uneducated people who had no ability to comprehend such a reality, especially when their whole lives had been spent thinking something else was true. Jesus wanted to gather followers. If he had gone around saying things that science would not discover for another 1500-2000 years later (like the Earth orbiting the sun, or the Earth being spherical, or that the sun was millions of times bigger than Earth), people would've thought he was completely crazy and never would follow him or believe what he said. He dumbed it down for his audience.


Dear Kdall,

He could have easily told these uneducated people that God did create everything in six days.


The Barbarian

The ark had the capacity of about 550 railway cars....easily enough room to hold all the various kinds of animals.

That's another problem. You see, a wooden boat that size would leak so badly that a few people could never bail it out.

The 100-meter Wyoming could only sail with several pumps working full time. As the ship flexed, the joints, even though sealed with pitch, opened and leaked huge quantities of water. The Ark would have been much bigger, and therefore even more fragile. There's no way that a few people could have bailed out such a structure.


Dear Kdall,

He could have easily told these uneducated people that God did create everything in six days.


And he may have. Telling them otherwise, when their whole lives they had been taught otherwise, would've made people greatly question him and unwilling to follow


That's another problem. You see, a wooden boat that size would leak so badly that a few people could never bail it out.

The 100-meter Wyoming could only sail with several pumps working full time. As the ship flexed, the joints, even though sealed with pitch, opened and leaked huge quantities of water. The Ark would have been much bigger, and therefore even more fragile. There's no way that a few people could have bailed out such a structure.


way 2 go

Well-known member
I'm curious to hear what your opinions are of AiG's Creation Museum fabricating a whole ark, with exactly 0 original ark wood? If fabricating a nose for the sake of completeness is dishonest to you, what is fabricating an entire ship based on no evidence at all?

Gen 6:15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
Gen 6:16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.

For Rhodocetus, I'll check into your claim momentarily, but ...

Rodhocetus fake ?


That's another problem. You see, a wooden boat that size would leak so badly that a few people could never bail it out.

The 100-meter Wyoming could only sail with several pumps working full time. As the ship flexed, the joints, even though sealed with pitch, opened and leaked huge quantities of water. The Ark would have been much bigger, and therefore even more fragile. There's no way that a few people could have bailed out such a structure.

Do you actually think God would tell Noah how to build a boat that would leak?? I don't think so! You all come up with the strangest imaginations of your hearts and minds.



Gen 6:15 And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.
Gen 6:16 A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it.

Rodhocetus fake ?

Firstly, the Bible isn't evidence, and it's certainly not evidence if actual fossils aren't. That's ridiculous.

On Rhodocetus, I think the scientist in the video explained it well. They knew, based on the earbone structure that I explained to you in my post about Ambulocetus, that Rhodocetus was a cetacean ancestor. They were missing the feet and tail, so they filled in the blanks as best they could. Then, when they found feet that did not appear to be flipper-like, they changed their idea on how the tail was constructed also. This is a perfect example of how science is a process, not an "AHA!" moment. For decades scientists thought that Tyrannosaurus rex stood upright, but later discoveries indicated that it stood more horizontally. Same thing there: later evidence had to be factored in, and that changed perception of the animal.

I cannot emphasize enough that the way cetacean ancestors, like Rhodocetus, are identified is not by their feet or tails, but by the structure and position of the earbone. The feet and tails are just icing on the cake.

Now, do you have actual evidence of the ark?
Are you aware that whales and dolphins have fingerbones?

way 2 go

Well-known member
Dear way to go,

That's what I should have said!! Sounds more plausible. You see. You can't trust scientists. They make up stuff that they don't know for sure. Including the age of the Earth. 220 million years! I wonder how they half-life that!!

I ask people, if they have heard of soft tissue in dinosaur bones ?
EVERY time the answer is NO


I ask people, if they have heard of soft tissue in dinosaur bones ?
EVERY time the answer is NO

Except they actually say yes, and there is a scientific explanation for it that I've gone over time and again

You gonna answer my questions?


An Endless Cycle of Improvements

Dr. Frank Oski was in residency when he saw an angel appear as bright as the sun in a dying patient’s room.

“The angel (I don’t know what else to call her) said that life is an endless cycle of improvements and that humans are not perfect yet. She said that most people have this secret revealed to them when they die, but that handicapped children often know this and endure their problems without complaining because they know that their burdens will pass. Some of these children, she said, have even been given the challenge of teaching the rest of us how to love.” Oski wrote about his experience in a major pediatric journal.

With Love From God And Jesus,



An Endless Cycle of Improvements

Dr. Frank Oski was in residency when he saw an angel appear as bright as the sun in a dying patient’s room.

“The angel (I don’t know what else to call her) said that life is an endless cycle of improvements and that humans are not perfect yet. She said that most people have this secret revealed to them when they die, but that handicapped children often know this and endure their problems without complaining because they know that their burdens will pass. Some of these children, she said, have even been given the challenge of teaching the rest of us how to love.” Oski wrote about his experience in a major pediatric journal.

With Love From God And Jesus,


Got a citation to the major pediatric journal?

The Barbarian

Oski believed in reincarnation, claiming that we go on and on, in an endless cycle.

That's what you believe? That's what he says the angel told him.
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