Creation vs. Evolution

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It makes sense. I have heard it all before. But making sense does not mean it is accurate. I am asking you to support your claims with evidence, or is that too much to ask?

Have you ever considered that maybe your view of this is all wrong?

So I guess we will get no real answers from you, just more obfuscation.

Why share my thoughts with you, they are my thoughts, if you want facts ask the Lord your signature says Christian, show us the evidence that you know Jesus.



Well-known member
Why share my thoughts with you, they are my thoughts, if you want facts ask the Lord your signature says Christian, show us the evidence that you know Jesus.


I got that covered. But out of curiosity what evidence would suffice for you?

At any rate, you started asking why does science not recognize your perspective. So I asked you "Have you ever considered that maybe your perspective is inaccurate?".

You don't have to answer. In fact I strongly suspected you would hide behind such and such words. You are exactly as I originally suspected, a big mouthed coward. Using your label of Christian to hide from some strongly needed soul searching. I know what people like you are all about. The world is full of frauds like you, except many of them do not take the Lord's name in vain as a way to continue perpetuating confusion. I really don't think that is what Jesus intended for his followers.


Do you deny that he taught predominantly in parables? That's not mind reading on my part. Just examining his teaching methods, and also comes from the opinions of respected Biblical scholars and theologians

I already know, Kdall! Not everything was in parables though.



Yes. There is mounds of evidence to support this, yet you reject it on the basis of.....nothing. You just don't like it. Too bad. Unfortunately we don't get to choose how nature is

Dear Kdall,

I just think it is a huge amount of time that it is too much. It's not that I just don't like it. It's that I just don't believe it. You can't handle what happened 7,000 years ago, yet I'm supposed to believe something that happened 220 million years ago? You've got to be kidding, right?




Well I know this is your claim. But I do not think the evidence supports your claim. Since you keep confusing science with theology.

You don't face reality squarely. You hide behind delusions, and are afraid to admit your delusions.

Nah. I am just reporting reality accurately

I have no interest in furthering myself in other's eyes on this sight. As you can see I am not intimidated by the fear of being banned here by people who are afraid of reality. I certainly do want to further myself in regard to progressing at the things I do in life.

My only commitment here is to report reality as accurately as is humanly possible. You should try that. If you were sincerely interested in reporting reality accurately you would humbly and honestly admit that your "visitation from angels" might have been just an illusion/hallucination.

Talk to me in December.



Well-known member
Dear Kdall,

You can't handle what happened 7,000 years ago, yet I'm supposed to believe something that happened 220 million years ago? You've got to be kidding, right?



I cannot speak for kdall, but for me it is not a matter of "can't handle it". It is not that it was 7,000 years ago that is a problem. It that the evidence indicates the earth is much much older.


When the going gets difficult, the cowardly get out of town.

But I'm sure you will be back when you think I am away for a while. So that you can post as much garbage as you like without an immediate response from me.

P.S. Michael the blue square still has a white x in it.

Dear noguru,

Funny! I just had to go to the store. I wasn't trying to evade you. I like debating with you, booper. I saw you were still here and still desired to post. So so much for that idea. What do you mean about the blue square?

Talk with you later dude!



Well-known member
Dear Kdall,

I just think it is a huge amount of time that it is too much. It's not that I just don't like it.

What objective criteria do you use to determine that it is "too much time"?

I strongly suspect that you don't even know that it is "you don't like it". You do not seem to have much awareness and control over your thoughts and how they arise.


Mounds of real evidence to the contrary, want a example?


Progeria when something young grows old in a short period of time.

Josiah suffers from progeria, a genetic disease that causes accelerated aging in children. Its name, of Greek origin, means "prematurely old." Incurable, progeria is among the rarest diseases on Earth and affects roughly one in 4 million.

Dr. Colleen Walsh, who treats Josiah, said it was hard to tell how old his body is.

"About one year was equal to about 10 years," Walsh said. "Josiah's looking at being between an average 60- to 70-year-old."

When sin entered Gods creation things went south in a hurry.


Dear everready,

Good to hear from you again! No, I didn't even know about such a disease. And here noguru can't handle God creating an aged Earth and an aged Adam being created by God.

Thanks tons!!



Well-known member
Dear everready,

Good to hear from you again! No, I didn't even know about such a disease. And here noguru can't handle God creating an aged Earth and an aged Adam being created by God.

Thanks tons!!


Michael, I will ask you one more time to not misrepresent me. I can handle an aged earth and aged Adam being created by God. Ultimately that is what happened anyway. So again you are being deceitful to cover your previously deceitful steps.


I agree that looks can be deceiving. That is why further investigation is always the best option. Do you think you might be deceived by what Genesis looks like to you? Have you done a thorough enough investigation of science to answer that?

You are the one who wants to make your YEC model part of science. If you want to do that then you should be able to submit your model for careful/rigorous investigation and analysis at the same level of scrutiny that the current model has undergone. Can you supply a model that can be investigated and analyzed with science?

We know, by using the scientific method, that Progeria is a genetic disorder/disease. We do not know, by using the scientific method, that sin is the cause of disease and physical death.

I don't think Progeria is your silver bullet.

Dear noguru,

He's trying to say that just because the Universe looks old (and Earth) doesn't mean it is.



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

He's trying to say that just because the Universe looks old (and Earth) doesn't mean it is.


I know what he was trying to say. And that is a possibility. But just because it is a possibility does not mean it is accurate. Why do you think God would deceive us in that way? Why would he make a universe that looked old, but was young?

And actually his example of Progeria is not a good one. Because we know what standard aging process is, and we know there is a genetic disorder involved with people like Josiah. So it is not misleading. That is why I responded by saying we should investigate anything that appears a certain way at first glance. So that we can have a more comprehensive understanding of things. You reject a more comprehensive understanding of science, yet you want to tell people about science. And you still have the audacity to demand people see you as credible in regard to science.


I got that covered. But out of curiosity what evidence would suffice for you?

At any rate, you started asking why does science not recognize your perspective. So I asked you "Have you ever considered that maybe your perspective is inaccurate?".

You don't have to answer. In fact I strongly suspected you would hide behind such and such words. You are exactly as I originally suspected, a big mouthed coward. Using your label of Christian to hide from some strongly needed soul searching. I know what people like you are all about. The world is full of frauds like you, except many of them do not take the Lord's name in vain as a way to continue perpetuating confusion. I really don't think that is what Jesus intended for his followers.

Dear noguru,

He doesn't seem to be a big-mouthed coward to me. You like to call everyone a coward when they aren't even. Who knows where you come up with this stuff. And I really am curious about how much you know Jesus and God. Do you love them exceedingly? You don't seem to know what Jesus intended for His followers. He certainly meant for you to believe the Bible and that God created things in six days.



Aside from believing in the 6 day creation I've been entertaining thoughts about sin being the root cause for the creation we see. In the beginning everything was good, nothing amiss things were perfect and God was exited with everything as it was, and then it happened, sin entered the picture and the instant it did everything was corrupted.

Man doesn't see things this way, because he was corrupted along with the rest of Gods creation, we're bankrupt, totally depraved, spiritual thinking isn't in our vocabulary, is this making sense to you?


Dear everready,

Yes, you are right! The Earth is corrupted and many of it's people. God will do something like a flood here, but with earthquakes and hail instead.



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Thus saith the Lord God.

You're out of it!



Ah, noguru,

You are too far gone with these replies you give me. It is getting tiring and redundant. You are given good arguments, not just by me, and you still wallow in it.

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