Creation vs. Evolution

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Ben Masada

New member
Creation vs. Evolution

Evolution is what came afterwards. Creation is the beginning of all things. And Evolution is just another name for Expansion, and both are related to Creation.

Albert Einstein was working on a formula about the Expansion of the universe when he was asked if he believed in God. He answered and said that all his life was trying to catch God at His work of Creation. If brain has spoken over matter, what more has matter to inquire?


New member
Evolution is what came afterwards. Creation is the beginning of all things. And Evolution is just another name for Expansion, and both are related to Creation.

Albert Einstein was working on a formula about the Expansion of the universe when he was asked if he believed in God. He answered and said that all his life was trying to catch God at His work of Creation. If brain has spoken over matter, what more has matter to inquire?

i don't see an expansion, according to scripture God ceased from his work.

Hebrews 4:4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.


Ben Masada

New member
i don't see an expansion, according to scripture God ceased from his work.

Hebrews 4:4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.


The Bible almost everywhere refers to the expansion of the universe as of stretching the heavens as we have in Job 26:7 like, "stretching the north over the empty place aka vacuum."


New member
The Bible almost everywhere refers to the expansion of the universe as of stretching the heavens as we have in Job 26:7 like, "stretching the north over the empty place aka vacuum."

i think of it as the expanse of the universe, how huge the universe truly is, comets, meteors, and asteroids that we've never seen before come into our orbit from time to time, the Hubble telescope is finding large galaxies beyond those we already knew about and we haven't even scratched the surface, but those have been there from the beginning when God created the heaven and the earth.



Your just repeating what you've been told, the same guy says that God isn't a divine being, do you believe that as well?


No, he is repeating what the evidence suggests.

Don't you think it ironic when you complain that someone is repeating what he has been told when you repeat what you have been told and what you have read in a several 1000 year old book based on oral myth?


New member
No, he is repeating what the evidence suggests.

Don't you think it ironic when you complain that someone is repeating what he has been told when you repeat what you have been told and what you have read in a several 1000 year old book based on oral myth?

Your referring to Gods kingdom something you can't see until you've been born again.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

i was like you at one time but the day i met Jesus that all changed, if your not afraid of change go and talk it out with him.



Well-known member
Your referring to Gods kingdom something you can't see until you've been born again.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

i was like you at one time but the day i met Jesus that all changed, if your not afraid of change go and talk it out with him.


Right. And how do we know you are being sincere and/or are not delusional?

I am not debating the scriptural reference, rather that it means that we should just accept your word that your claims or perceptions are accurate.


Your referring to Gods kingdom something you can't see until you've been born again.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

i was like you at one time but the day i met Jesus that all changed, if your not afraid of change go and talk it out with him.


"Verily" love that as well.

As for meeting Jesus---nah, been there, done that. Quite unsatisfactory.


Suppose you bring your car into the shop, because it's starting to burn a lot of oil, and the mechanic tells you that the solution is to bore out the cylinders a bit.

If he does exactly the wrong thing, does that mean that boring out cylinders is a faulty procedure?

Nope. Just means that he used the method in the wrong case. Likewise, Austin (apparently knowingly) used a method of dating that he should have known would not work in that particular circumstance.

There are entire books written on the ways you can mess up, using dating methods in the wrong situation. It's not magic, and if you ignore the restrictions, you'll get the wrong answer.

Dear The Barbarian,

Perhaps he should have had new piston rings put on it. Tough to tell. Well, thanks!! Now you see how frustrating it is to believe in dating methods. Thanks for the comparison!!

Bless The Lord Jesus!!



Genesis confuses the first 6 days that the materialized Adam & Eve spent on earth surveying the garden (that the inhabitants of earth had prepared for them) with creation. When the Hebrew priest were compiling their history in Babylonian captivity they had no way of knowing the earth had evolved or that it was billions of years old. It was an enchanting age with no science.

But we have to put away childish things, grow up and face the new facts of evolution.

Dear Caino,

Sounds like quite a dream you've had, Caino!





Change in allele frequency over time. And ultimately, common descent.

BTW, human-induced abortion is not a consequence of evolution. And I don't vote for candidates who endorse it.

Scientists call that "speciation." Evolution is God's creation.

No. It just shows how He did it.

Nature is His creation, like every other thing that exists. The gnostic idea that nature is an inferior thing, created by a demiurge, is heresy.

May God be with you, too.

Dear The Barbarian,

There is no such thing as Mother Nature. God does it ALL. All the thunder, rain, snow, lightning, hail, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. and change in allele frequency, or amount of genes, protons, nuclei, DNA, is of God. He oversees it through His angels and Himself. And I am far from being a heretic.

Much Love, In Christ,



Your just repeating what you've been told, the same guy says that God isn't a divine being, do you believe that as well?


Dear everready,

Right on!! God is divine. He does not need evolution to make a man or ape. I don't agree with the Pope. He's just trying to appease and agree with something he doesn't understand yet. He's trying to 'go with the flow.' Shortly, the Lord will tell us all what really happened. It's only a matter of months now. Yep, I know you don't believe me. It's okay. I would have a time believing me myself. But when the word of the Lord comes to you, you believe by the faith you have. There's nothing more that I could tell you, except have faith.

God Bless All That You Do,





Evolution is what came afterwards. Creation is the beginning of all things. And Evolution is just another name for Expansion, and both are related to Creation.

Albert Einstein was working on a formula about the Expansion of the universe when he was asked if he believed in God. He answered and said that all his life was trying to catch God at His work of Creation. If brain has spoken over matter, what more has matter to inquire?

Dear Ben Masada,

Expansion is not evolution. It is just tending to those things already Created, to be more precise.




Dear The Barbarian,

There is no such thing as Mother Nature. God does it ALL. All the thunder, rain, snow, lightning, hail, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. and change in allele frequency, or amount of genes, protons, nuclei, DNA, is of God. He oversees it through His angels and Himself. And I am far from being a heretic.

Much Love, In Christ,



Your referring to Gods kingdom something you can't see until you've been born again.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

i was like you at one time but the day i met Jesus that all changed, if your not afraid of change go and talk it out with him.


Dear everready,

I believe you!! What you have is special. Don't let it be trampled on. There are those who WISH they had what you have. So they will try to condemn you for it, to boot. Jesus said basically, 'Look at what they've tried to do to me; how much more shall they do the same thing or worse to you!' They are just jealous and hurtful people. Persons without God in their lives or hearts, but they don't realize He's not there inside them. It is instead God's adversary in their hearts and minds. Be strong and don't let it get you down. You're on your way up. Don't look back, unless you can find some friends you can take up with you.

I (Jesus) will make you a fisher of men!




"Verily" love that as well.

As for meeting Jesus---nah, been there, done that. Quite unsatisfactory.

Dear Jonahdog,

No, you've not met Jesus before or you wouldn't be where you are at today, or where you're going to be tomorrow.



Right. And how do we know you are being sincere and/or are not delusional?

I am not debating the scriptural reference, rather that it means that we should just accept your word that your claims or perceptions are accurate.

Dear noguru,

You always think the OTHER GUY is delusional. You ought to take a good look in the mirror to see who is delusional and troubled. Sometimes, I wonder if you know what being a Christian is or not? All you have are bad things to say against those who share their experiences. Is it because you've not had some of your own?

I wish I didn't have to butt heads with you every time we cross paths. But you ask others. I am friendly and agreeable, and you are the opposite. So it is what it is!





Dear Jonahdog,

Now why'd you go and get banned?? Don't you guys know any better? It isn't that hard to just be respectful and polite, is it? No cussing and no temper. That's a cinch.

Now Jonah, what's the difference between cancer and multiple sclerosis, or even cirrhosis of the liver. They are all incurable right now. So there are diseases. God allows diseases. People have to die from something. They have to leave this earthly life and pop!!, out of their body they go, off to live an eternal life. Living once, pop!!, living further. You can't leave this dimension until and unless you die or God performs a different type of miracle indeed. Don't worry. Just pray to God and hope that Jesus will take you to Him. You'll be fine then.

Give Yourself To God! The Rest Will Follow!




New member
Barbarian said:
Change in allele frequency over time.
Thats observable science and part of the Biblical creationist model.

Barbarian said:
*And ultimately, common descent.
Thats non - observable psuedoscience and contradictory to God's Word.

Barbarian said:
Evolution is God's creation.
That's your religion, which calls God a liar.

He tells us "For in six days the LORD made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart as holy."

Barbarian said:
Nature is His creation, like every other thing that exists. The gnostic idea that nature is an inferior thing, created by a demiurge, is heresy.
Not sure of your point but nature is an inferior thing.

"They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen." Rom. 1:25

*We believe our omnipotent *Creator spoke creation into existence.
"*For when he spoke, the world began! It appeared at his command."Psalm 33:9

"By*faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at God's command, that what we now see did not come from anything that can be seen."Hebrews 11:3
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