Creation vs. Evolution

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Greatest poster ever
Yyou do know that before the end of this year is up, you will get all the proof you need, for the Lord has told me that Armageddon shall happen before then.

Really? What will you have to say when January 1, 2016 rolls around and Armageddon hasn't started?


New member
Steve Austin has claimed to invalidate isochron dating with samples from the Grand Canyon. However, to do an isochron, one cannot take samples from different flows; it invalidates the test.

He actually included one sample from rock that had never been melted in the lava flow.
No surprise you get your info from an atheist website
From Creation Wiki
"There seems to be no basis for Talk Origins' claim here. Austin makes it clear that he chose samples that should have been isotopically homogeneous. ....It seems more likely that it is Talk Origins that is doing the misstating here."


New member

Whoops, wrong Steve Austin.

The Barbarian

No surprise you get your info from an anti-science website:

From Creation Wiki
"There seems to be no basis for Talk Origins' claim here. Austin makes it clear that he chose samples that should have been isotopically homogeneous. ....It seems more likely that it is Talk Origins that is doing the misstating here."

The game is up. Austin inadvertently admitted that he included material from different flows and treated them as if they were all from the same flow. Even worse, his samples include one that was from material that had never even melted in the flow, which would give you a false, and very ancient date.

Austin indicated that his five data points came from four different lava flows plus an extracted "phenocryst" (large mineral which likely formed in the magma chamber and was not molten in the lava flow). We had known from the Impact articles that Austin's samples were not all cogenetic; years later we found out by his own admission that no two of them are so.

There's no point in denying what Austin's own report accidentally revealed. It is not possible to get isochrons using different flows or material that was never melted in the first place.

This kind of thing is SOP for Austin:

It was Austin's intention to use the St. Helen's eruption to convince us that catastrophes can cause rapid, large-scale changes on the earth's surface. Austin said that he had once been an evolutionist, but that his observations of the Mt. St. Helens eruption had converted him to catastrophism and creationism. (More about that later). He set up a "straw man", implying that his "catastrophist" view of geology was something new and revolutionary in the geologic world, and that the "uniformitarian" (ie, mainstream) geologists totally ignore the role of volcanoes and other catastrophic events in the shaping the earth. One of our group leaders, a Ph.D. paleontologist, took Austin to task for having such a simplistic view...
At the end of the presentation Austin was confronted by another member of our group, who asked, "Whatever happened to Stuart Nevins? Does he publish anymore?" Those of you familiar with ICR literature may recognize the name from tracts published in the late 70's. Austin admitted that he had published under that penname. So much for his recent, Mt. St. Helen's-induced conversion to creationism.

Not a very honest person, Austin.


Really? What will you have to say when January 1, 2016 rolls around and Armageddon hasn't started?

I won't be on earth to say anything to anyone here. The situation you speak of won't happen, so it's unnecessary for me to debate it.





No surprise you get your info from an atheist website
From Creation Wiki
"There seems to be no basis for Talk Origins' claim here. Austin makes it clear that he chose samples that should have been isotopically homogeneous. ....It seems more likely that it is Talk Origins that is doing the misstating here."

Hi 6days!

I checked your text out here and find it quite interesting. I can't imagine something being older than the Grand Canyon. It seems like it was made by a humungous earthquake and then running water, carving it even more. But what I was hoping was that they found a layer of 'silt' I believe, which they said proved the flood happened and that it was found elsewhere in the earth. I think they called it silt. I am not sure. I'll see what I can find out about it. Love rain on you.



Dear 6days,

Polystrate Fossils:

One of the strongest pieces of evidence for a worldwide flood is the existence of what Rupke termed "polystrate fossils." Such fossils are found all over the world: especially in and around coal seams. They are often in the form of fossil trees that were buried upright and which often cross multiple layers of strata such as sandstone, shale, limestone and even coal beds. They range in size from small rootlets to trees over 80 feet long. Sometimes they are oblique (or at an angle to) the surrounding strata, but more often they are perpendicular with (or standing 'upright' in) it. For example, at Joggins, Nova Scotia, polystrate tree (and root) fossils are found at various intervals throughout roughly 2,500 feet of strata. Many of the trees are from 10-20 feet long, and at least one was 40 feet long.

Very few of these upright fossil trees have attached roots, and only about 1 in 50 have both roots and rootlets attached. Such trees, and their missing roots are discussed in detail in an article on 'Fossil Forests'. Likewise many, if not most, of the large, fragmented, and broken-off Stigmaria roots (of these trees) are also missing their rootlets. In fact, that's how the word "stigmaria" (roots) got its name: i.e. because of the scar marks left behind from the broken off (and now missing) rootlets.

I found the above by going to Google and typing Noah's Great Flood Evidence Worldwide. There is tons of info there.

May God Bring Us All Peace And Contentment!!



Only geologist who have checked their science at the door would come to that conclusion. But then that is what happens when you let a cobbled together several thousand year old religious book rule your intellect.

Dear Jonahdog,

That old religious book is sacred. It is a history of what has happened in past lives and current lives, and future lives. Christians know it. So do Catholics, Agnostics, and some Muslims know it. It's not cobbled together. It is different books written by holy people and all combined into one Holy Bible. It has sold more copies than any other book. Why? Because people are aware of what it holds . . . truth!! You just wish it were cobbled together. The book does not rule my intellect. My intellect is increased tons because of that book. I hope you take to heart the previous post I have to say about this matter. Excellent people wrote the Bible. They can't all be wrong. Some books weren't even included for our Bible. Our Bible is Holy Truth!

Praise The Lord God!!!






And I thought it was just made-up story told to kids since ancient times. ;)
You are too funny Alwight!! Why didn't you believe the kids since the story was told ancient times?

Did you know Michael that the JWs have believed that the second coming was going to happen several times in the past, but have been disappointed every time.
In the 1970's in England we had a very promising football player who had been selected for the national team and was a JW who believed that end times were just around the corner. He gave up a very lucrative career to go preaching, but of course as we know it never happened.
JW's come to my door and I tell them to go, I'm not interested, or else tell them a few things. They leave as very different people. They are taught to witness for Jehovah.

Without checking I believe it is derived from "God blind me",
as in "God blind me if I lie."

Two nutty creationists then. :)
If mainstream geology has been turned upside down then I never got the memo Michael. :nono:

Wow!! God blind me if I lie. I never would have expected that. Oh also, if mainstream geology was turned over, it would take more evidence or screw-up science's truthfulness and reliability.

I Always Love Hearing From You, Al!!




Steve Austin has claimed to invalidate isochron dating with samples from the Grand Canyon. However, to do an isochron, one cannot take samples from different flows; it invalidates the test.

Before the Grand Canyon Dating Project began, in his 1988 Impact article, Austin admitted in print that the selected lava flows fell into two different stratigraphic stages. That is, the very information which he used to select the flows, also clearly indicates that they did not all occur at the same time. In his subsequent book (1994, p. 125), Austin indicated that his five data points came from four different lava flows plus an extracted "phenocryst" (large mineral which likely formed in the magma chamber and was not molten in the lava flow). We had known from the Impact articles that Austin's samples were not all cogenetic; years later we found out by his own admission that no two of them are so.

He actually included one sample from rock that had never been melted in the lava flow. That's an incredible discrepancy, one that no geologist would knowingly do, if he was honest.

Austin pulled the same trick in dating dacite from the lava dome at Mt. St. Helens. One-trick pony, it seems.

Dear The Barbarian,

Thanks for your honesty and candor. It looks like sometimes dating methods are wrong. I don't believe in any dating methods yet. Especially those that have a half-life or shelf-life, or whatever. Good to hear from you, dude!!

To A Wonderful Christian of God's,


:bowser: :jawdrop:


New member
You are too funny Alwight!! Why didn't you believe the kids since the story was told ancient times?
I don't believe it like I don't believe any such contrived tall stories Michael, it's obviously designed to be wondrous and inspirational tale without letting the need for real facts and historical accuracy spoil it.

JW's come to my door and I tell them to go, I'm not interested, or else tell them a few things. They leave as very different people. They are taught to witness for Jehovah.
The point was however that they also really believe what their organisation wants them to believe, the Brooklyn Organisation as some call it, aka The Borg. The writers of Star Trek TNG clearly were inspired anyway. :rolleyes:
They have been led to believe that the end of days was literally days away several times in the past 100+ years. The rank and file didn't take on meaningful and worthwhile careers because it interferes in their search to assimilate new JWs. The founder of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Charles Taze Russell died a disappointed man, but still convinced that Jesus had returned in secret.
I predict that the world is not going to end this year Michael and you too will be a disappointed man unless you make adjustments to allow for that possibility.

Wow!! God blind me if I lie. I never would have expected that. Oh also, if mainstream geology was turned over, it would take more evidence or screw-up science's truthfulness and reliability.

I Always Love Hearing From You, Al!!


Gor-blimey Michael in all probability there will be a next year, be prepared for it. ;)


Dear Alwight,

Oh, I know the world will not end. It will just be a new beginning for many people. The world will be clobbered heavily, but will not end. There shall be an earthquake greater than any since man has been on earth. I believe that will be in Phoenix, AZ. There shall also be other earthquakes, especially a very severe one in Hollywood/L.A. Some of the mountains shall melt (flatten) and some islands will sink into the ocean. There will also be a great plague of enormous hail. This is just stuff that I'm touching upon. I have this feeling there will be more things happening too, like other earthquakes, possibly a pole reversal. It is written that the Earth shall be utterly removed out of her place and that she shall reel to and fro like a drunkard in that great day of the Lord. I'm just telling you what I know. As unlikely as it seems, I can understand that. It does say the meek shall inherit the Earth. This will all not just happen in one day. It also says that Jesus shall come with the clouds, from the western to the eastern sky. I know it does sound far-fetched. There are reasons that I believe, of course. Well, I don't want to freak you out. Just see what happens. It helps to know beforehand for those people who are really struggling out there and need relief as soon as possible. Especially if they are in severe depression and want God to come and rescue them.

Well, I'd best get going. I've told you what I know. Not all I know. My prayers include you every night before I go to bed. Hedshaker too, and all of my TOL friends here!!

Warmest Regards & Cheerio!!!

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Evolution is God's creation.

Dear The Barbarian,

It depends what you mean by evolution. Do you mean that from a seed comes another of the same kind? Like a flower casts it's seeds upon the ground and more of the same flowers grow up. Do you mean that by animal's or human's seed, that other animals or humans are born? Do you believe that God controls how that child or animal is born while it is in the womb? Do you believe that sometimes, God lets Siamese twins be born, or a blind child be born? He has His reasons and though they require more love from their parents, they can do just fine. Do you know that Rachel died after having Jacob's last child, Benjamin? So you see, the mother died even though the child lived. God determines all of those things. God does not like abortion either. He says it is killing babies. I used to think abortion was okay but He said No. So I believe what He tells me. Yes, I know there have been times when God had to kill children during certain times of war or otherwise, like Egypt's children when Pharoah would not let the Hebrews go. Or when Jesus was born and Herod killed all male children two years and younger. He determines that because He is God. We, as mothers, should not determine to kill our own children or fetuses. How would you like it if your Mom killed you before you were born??

You see, Barbarian, God created man separately from apes/animals. Evolution says differently. That's why I can't agree with you that God created Evolution also. It is the antithesis of what He says.

God Be With You For Good Reasons,




Dear The Barbarian,

Do you believe that Armageddon shall not occur before the end of this year also, like Alwight? I'm asking you because you are Christian. Do you believe it's got to happen some day and some time? We've waited for years and decades, and centuries for it to happen. Why not finally now? Basically the whole earth has had a chance to learn about the Bible. That being the case, why not now? I'm just asking you for a reason.

The Lord has confided in me that it will happen before this year ends. I asked Him also if I could tell anyone, and He said Yes. For me, that is rare. Usually, I've had to keep some things secret before, and still do right now. But that, I won't tell you about until after it happens, because it is very private between God and myself. Well, we're all going to see what happens. I do hope that you are hoping to see Him!!

Much Love, In Christ,


The Barbarian

Thanks for your honesty and candor. It looks like sometimes dating methods are wrong.

Suppose you bring your car into the shop, because it's starting to burn a lot of oil, and the mechanic tells you that the solution is to bore out the cylinders a bit.

If he does exactly the wrong thing, does that mean that boring out cylinders is a faulty procedure?

Nope. Just means that he used the method in the wrong case. Likewise, Austin (apparently knowingly) used a method of dating that he should have known would not work in that particular circumstance.

There are entire books written on the ways you can mess up, using dating methods in the wrong situation. It's not magic, and if you ignore the restrictions, you'll get the wrong answer.


Genesis confuses the first 6 days that the materialized Adam & Eve spent on earth surveying the garden (that the inhabitants of earth had prepared for them) with creation. When the Hebrew priest were compiling their history in Babylonian captivity they had no way of knowing the earth had evolved or that it was billions of years old. It was an enchanting age with no science.

But we have to put away childish things, grow up and face the new facts of evolution.

The Barbarian

It depends what you mean by evolution.

Change in allele frequency over time. And ultimately, common descent.

BTW, human-induced abortion is not a consequence of evolution. And I don't vote for candidates who endorse it.

You see, Barbarian, God created man separately from apes/animals.

Scientists call that "speciation." Evolution is God's creation.

Evolution says differently.

No. It just shows how He did it.

That's why I can't agree with you that God created Evolution also.

Nature is His creation, like every other thing that exists. The gnostic idea that nature is an inferior thing, created by a demiurge, is heresy.

May God be with you, too.


New member
Pope Contradicts Genesis Account of Creation

Pope Contradicts Genesis Account of Creation

Change in allele frequency over time. And ultimately, common descent.

BTW, human-induced abortion is not a consequence of evolution. And I don't vote for candidates who endorse it.

Scientists call that "speciation." Evolution is God's creation.

No. It just shows how He did it.

Nature is His creation, like every other thing that exists. The gnostic idea that nature is an inferior thing, created by a demiurge, is heresy.

May God be with you, too.

Your just repeating what you've been told, the same guy says that God isn't a divine being, do you believe that as well?

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