Creation vs. Evolution

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Worse than Chernobyl: The inner threat of Fukushima crisis

Worse than Chernobyl: The inner threat of Fukushima crisis

No Michael. Really sorry dude but it's not going to happen. It's been predicted before, many times, and it will be predicted many times hence, but no, it isn't going to happen. You will have your proof by the end of the year. But don't despair. Life is still good.

I'm always digging into new ways of making my music productions better. In the old days a piece of music was recorded in a studio by a band who had rehearsed and perfected that piece. They would "capture" the performance. It's different now. Musicians might perform their parts across the globe or, very often in the case of electronic music, the whole piece could be created, mixed and mastered by one producer in a single environment. Necessity is the mother of invention/

Lady Gaga is a talent for sure. I'm doing fine. Don't you worry your head about me, the future has more for you to think about.

All the best

Was this predicted as well?

Not quite Armageddon, but as far as Japan is concerned, almost. I bet they have contingency plans to evacuate the northern island to Korea, China, anywhere. A lot of this radiation will end up in the USA, a long way downwind, admittedly, but then there is an awful lot of radioactivity involved.



No Michael. Really sorry dude but it's not going to happen. It's been predicted before, many times, and it will be predicted many times hence, but no, it isn't going to happen. You will have your proof by the end of the year. But don't despair. Life is still good.

Hey Hedshaker,

Wonderful to hear from you, to be honest. Yes, I know it is impossible to believe, considering all of the deluded people who have come saying it in the past. Makes it tons harder for me. I like life either way. If I stay here, I'm fine, and if I go to heaven, I'll be even more fine. A win-win no matter how you look at it.

I'm always digging into new ways of making my music productions better. In the old days a piece of music was recorded in a studio by a band who had rehearsed and perfected that piece. They would "capture" the performance. It's different now. Musicians might perform their parts across the globe or, very often in the case of electronic music, the whole piece could be created, mixed and mastered by one producer in a single environment. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Hedshaker, you are the expert on producing music. I do not even know how to work or mixer or what it even does or what it is. I guess it puts music together. Very intricate.

Lady Gaga is a talent for sure. I'm doing fine. Don't you worry your head about me, the future has more for you to think about.

All the best
Yes, she is quite unusually talented and quite a looker. Nice on the eyes in blond or brunette. I've never seen her as a redhead yet. I've got all of her CD's though. She's 29, I think. Can you imagine being that young again?!

Well, it's been quite nice chatting with you again Hedshaker. Seems like it always is. I wish you a life filled with happiness and joy!!



Barbarian observes:
Change in allele frequency over time.

Anything creationists finally realize that they can no longer deny, they call "part of the Biblical creationist model." But of course, it's not in the Bible, and creationists fought tooth and nail against it, until they decided they believed it all along.

Barbarian continues:
And ultimately, common descent.

Directly observed. Even many creationists are not admitting the evolution of new species, genera, and families. No point in denying that.

DNA analysis confirms the common descent of all living things on Earth, as was first uncovered by Linnaeus hundreds of years ago.

Says you. Just because everything is made of molecules and atoms does not make them of comment descent. Right?

Creationists have presumed that they speak for God.

Barbarian observes:
Evolution is God's creation.

Michael observes:
You're quite a dreamer, Barbarian.

Christianity. But Christianity does not include science, nor does it endorse or reject evolution. Or electrons, or organic chemistry, or many other things. Some things God left us to find out for ourselves.

I believe in Science, I reject evolution, I believe in electrons, organic chemistry, and DNA/RNA, neutrons, protons, nuclei, atoms and molecules, and elements, etc.

6Days accuses Christianity:

We're used to that. Your little slander has no effect on anything but your soul.

Barbarian observes:
Nature is His creation, like every other thing that exists. The gnostic idea that nature is an inferior thing, created by a demiurge, is heresy.

God said it is very good.

St. Paul anticipates creationists:
"They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen." Rom. 1:25

Set your pride aside, and let it be His way. And stop accusing His people of calling Him a liar.

Ok, quit wearing out your new word, demiurge. It's getting tiring. And you are wrong about your last few sentences. Creationists didn't trade the truth about God for a lie. That's just ridiculous. Yes, God created, not Science created. You seem to have it backwards. And true Christians feel that God is worthy of eternal praise. You mix lying speech with good speech.



Michael you are so easily fooled by claims of authority from ignorant people. The person who first set up the YEC chronology as a scientific model was Bishop Ussher.

Ussher's Chronology

It was the most comprehensive research program of that time in regard to natural history. So we must give credit where credit is due. However, his chronology was based on a less than comprehensive examination of all the evidence available to us today. The reason for that is pretty obvious, he did not have current data. Soon after he published his chronology, educated people began to realize it was inaccurate. Only stubborn egotistical theists do not accept the current evidence. I am sure you are proud to be one of those.

But you are correct. God knows which people are buffoons. And He certainly understands why.

Dear noguru,

Well, very nice to finally hear from you again. How is it that the Earth was created a few days apart from when man was created, and yet the Earth is older than man by billions of years? You figure someone lied in the Bible? Or didn't know they were mistaken? Wouldn't Jesus have corrected us about that while He was on Earth? I guess not, eh? I haven't been banned from here since I joined. You have. So who is the buffoon? See, how my bad remark was preceded by your bad remark about me. It's not like I wanted to have to say such a thing. You just keep pushing my buttons. It's hardly my fault.

God Help You, Noguru,



:angel: :cloud9:


Was this predicted as well?

Not quite Armageddon, but as far as Japan is concerned, almost. I bet they have contingency plans to evacuate the northern island to Korea, China, anywhere. A lot of this radiation will end up in the USA, a long way downwind, admittedly, but then there is an awful lot of radioactivity involved.


Dear everready,

Thanks so much for all of your support. I wouldn't be surprised if we weren't in a war soon, tbh (to be honest). Time will tell. I hear that our dollar is worth 3 cents. It's a shame. The U.S. is just borrowing too much money. Seems to me, anyway. See what happens.

God Watch Over You And Your Loved Ones,



Well-known member
Dear noguru,

Well, very nice to finally hear from you again. How is it that the Earth was created a few days apart from when man was created, and yet the Earth is older than man by billions of years? You figure someone lied in the Bible? Or didn't know they were mistaken? Wouldn't Jesus have corrected us about that while He was on Earth? I guess not, eh? I haven't been banned from here since I joined. You have. So who is the buffoon? See, how my bad remark was preceded by your bad remark about me. It's not like I wanted to have to say such a thing. You just keep pushing my buttons. It's hardly my fault.

God Help You, Noguru,



:angel: :cloud9:

What do you think Jesus should have corrected the people on? You think he should have given them a lesson in science before he got to the theological part? What expectations in regard to science do you have of Scripture and the Gospels? Why?


New member
What do you think Jesus should have corrected the people on? You think he should have given them a lesson in science before he got to the theological part? What expectations in regard to science do you have of Scripture and the Gospels? Why?

He may have said something like this.

I Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen. The first to Timothy was written from Laodicea, which is the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana.



What do you think Jesus should have corrected the people on? You think he should have given them a lesson in science before he got to the theological part? What expectations in regard to science do you have of Scripture and the Gospels? Why?

Dear noguru,

He could have corrected them up on how long the Creation took, for 6days or billions of years, for starters. When was the Universe created? When was the Earth created? Should Jesus have told them it took longer or not?

Why does science keep screwing up on their 'dating methods.' Their carbon-14 dating didn't cut it, and neither did their, oh well, I forgot. I'm not a science freak, but you would probably know. Half-lives or shelf-lives doesn't matter when they are wrong. We can't even hope to live 1/4 of their half-lives, so how to we find out if we are correct? Our descendants can find out thousands or millions of years from now? How long is a light year? By the time the light gets to us, it's been how long? Before we were born, probably, right? I think something else is going on than all of that. I believe in a 4th dimension or veil upon the heavens. I don't have to explain myself because it is self-explanatory. You will be able to see the Lord God sitting upon His Throne once the veil is lifted. You'll see what I mean. And the stars shall fall from heaven, even as a fig tree who fruit is not quite ready. Thus it shall be. Wait and see!! God Be With You!!

Thanks for asking, noguru,





He may have said something like this.

I Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babbling, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen. The first to Timothy was written from Laodicea, which is the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana.


Dear everready,

Thanks for your input and post. It is a good example!!

Tons Of Blessings From The Lord God,





Dear Ardima,

How are you doing?? I'm sorry about that mix-up earlier. What do you think of Armageddon coming before the end of this year? That also means that Jesus will be coming. Are you ready? I hope you are looking forward to it. Anticipation!! (by Carly Simon). I Can't Wait (by Stevie Nicks). Just joking!!

Much Love, In Christ,



Well-known member
He may have said something like this.

I Timothy 6:20 O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

21 Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen. The first to Timothy was written from Laodicea, which is the chiefest city of Phrygia Pacatiana.


So this tells you that you should ignore the empirical evidence regarding science?


New member
Barbarian said:
St. Augustine wrote that they were categories of creation, set out in allegory as periods of time. And no one at the time argued with him.
Although there have always been people arguing against scripture, the early church fathers were almost unanimous in 24 hour creation days and a young earth belief. Those who argued against normal 24 hour days, such as Augustine argued that God created in an instant....not over vast periods of time. (His confusion was possibly due to him using a translation of a translation).

Augustine argued against those who were trying to add time periods into Genesis. He said that from Scripture we know that *creation happened less than 6,000 years ago.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Although there have always been people arguing against scripture, the early church fathers were almost unanimous in 24 hour creation days and a young earth belief. Those who argued against normal 24 hour days, such as Augustine argued that God created in an instant....not over vast periods of time. (His confusion was possibly due to him using a translation of a translation).

Augustine argued against those who were trying to add time periods into Genesis. He said that from Scripture we know that *creation happened less than 6,000 years ago.
Not to mention that Augustine preached creation ex nihilo and a global flood. :chuckle:


Well-known member
What does it tell you?


That some people are misled/misguided in regard to finding and/or describing things accurately. Pretty darn simple.

So for a person such as you, who exhibits serious confusion regarding reality, just claiming the "Word of God" or "I'm a Chrisitan" does not give you a free pass in my book. Though I do realize you would like to use that as your trump card because it is easier than actually putting in the required effort. Abdicating one's own responsibility for the ignorance one might believe is commanded in scripture is really just a cop out used by lazy cowards.

Simon Baker

Dear Ardima,

How are you doing?? I'm sorry about that mix-up earlier. What do you think of Armageddon coming before the end of this year? That also means that Jesus will be coming. Are you ready? I hope you are looking forward to it. Anticipation!! (by Carly Simon). I Can't Wait (by Stevie Nicks). Just joking!!

Much Love, In Christ,


You did not ask me, however, I do not think Armageddon is "coming" BEFORE the end of this year. Jesus WILL be Coming, ready or not. I feel confident in MY Prediction WITHOUT Visitation, Christ will NOT return BEFORE the End of This Year. I have been Wrong more than right, so maybe you ARE a Prophet. Time Will Tell.


Well-known member
Not so fast, what is the Empirical evidence . . . regarding Science ?

No, its not fast. It actually takes much time to investigate and understand all the empirical evidence regarding science. But something tells me that you are not here for that. I strongly suspect that you are here for a quick and easy answer. What say you on that matter?


New member
That some people are misled/misguided in regard to finding and/or describing things accurately. Pretty darn simple.

So for a person such as you, who exhibits serious confusion regarding reality, just claiming the "Word of God" or "I'm a Chrisitan" does not give you a free pass in my book. Though I do realize you would like to use that as your trump card because it is easier than actually putting in the required effort. Abdicating one's own responsibility for the ignorance one might believe is commanded in scripture is really just a cop out used by lazy cowards.

Being a Christian gives us a free pass in Gods eyes because in Christ we're freed from the rudiments of this world.

Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

How does science explain this

Joshua 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

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