Creation vs. Evolution

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Yes, and another thing about the statement below....... atheists cannot say, ah, but will you de-convert when Jesus doesn't return, because they will just repeat the mantra: give it more time... it will be soon. So it's a loaded statement as they cannot possibly be shown wrong. It will always be soon, just wait, you'll see. Lame! But of course, if they had the guts to put a date on it that would level the playing fields a bit.

Dear Hedshaker,

How you doing Mr. Music? I heard some great awesome music on Seth Myers last night with a lot of tech synthesizers and colored strobe life and quite an excellent Light Show (besides the strobe lights) and an excellent performance. I can't remember the name of them, but if it comes to me, I'll let you know.

I feel strongly that you will get your proof by the end of this year. Okay, Hedshaker? Only God knows the day and the hour, so why expect others to know the day and hour, much less month or year? I'm giving you my best hunch. And no one but me seems to be doing what Jesus told us to do, which is as follows: (Matt. 24:20KJV] "But pray ye that your flight be not in winter, neither on the sabbath day; For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

So, I'm probably the only one on earth who is even praying for this, so it could likely be that it will happen in winter. Hey Hedshaker, I want to console you and tell you to just hang in there. Don't let a guilt complex or demons trouble your thoughts or heart ever!! Shake it off!! OK, remember that you are loved!!



:bang: :cheers:

:angel: :up:
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New member
Dear alwight,

I know that Venus is a star and a planet. It is smothered in thick, noxious, poisonous, clouds, and I believe it reflects the sun to make it shine. But if Jesus said He was given the bright and morning star, what you gonna do? It's fine with me. Perhaps Venus isn't even a planet. Who's to say what is below the gases. Maybe it is totally made up of the gases. We can't get near enough or inside to check it out.

Wonderful To Hear From You Again!!



I believe they have mapped the surface of Venus through the atmosphere Michael. It's a planet rather like Earth underneath except with a poisonous and super heated atmosphere.


New member
Dear Alwight,

Hope you don't mind me saying here to CJLind that Jesus' Second Coming will be in His Human body, not the moon, as far as I am certain.

Well, Alwight, I am so glad you and Hedshaker have posted. I missed you both. So you just don't believe in God because of 'lack of belief.' Well, that's okay. Better than what I had thought. Alwight, they that you mentioned, are ALL true. I would strongly suggest that, before the end of this year, you will find out and you will get your evidence. Is that good, my dear friend? You have ALWAYS been there for me, Al, and I appreciate it immensely. Thanks for all of your support and help. Don't you wonder where I get all of my joy and love, and exuberant spirit from?? Do you know I rarely get sad. Many times, I go a year or more without crying? It is written that God will wipe the tears from your eyes in the latter times.

To My Unbelieving Older Brother,


:angel: :patrol:


Hi Michael,
it soooo isn't going to happen, the end isn't nigh and you will be greatly disappointed I fear. :(


True, not true, tru, tru, not not, tru, tru ru,tru ramen noodles are the Devil!


Dear CJLind,

Hey, you need a moderator to help you fix your Avatar area. Click on anyone with a dark purple name, like Delmar, or Inzl Kett, and write them a PM about it. If you don't know how to do any of that, let me know in a post here and I will contact them.

God Give You Joy And Wonderment,





I believe they have mapped the surface of Venus through the atmosphere Michael. It's a planet rather like Earth underneath except with a poisonous and super heated atmosphere.

Dear Alwight,

I don't remember seeing any of the mapped surface or a description of it on the News Channels, or the newspapers. But if you say so, I'll believe you because I trust you.

Hope Your Day There Is Wonderful!!






Hi Michael,
it soooo isn't going to happen, the end isn't nigh and you will be greatly disappointed I fear. :(

Hi Matey,

It soooo is going to be, the end is near, and you will be extraordinarily surprised! I know it seems impossible. I may not know when, but I know it's going to be. Al, there was a huge flood. Weird things happen with God. You can be sure that God is not a one-trick pony. The Earth is a mess down here and He is going to make that mess go away! Did you notice our Boston, Mass. getting 9 feet of snow this year? Broke all records. God is trying to tell us He's there and He's giving us signs. And people turn to Him to say, please God, no more snow. He wants people to turn to Him. It's simple enough. The same thing with a tornado or hurricane, or an earthquake. Many women and men turn to God during those times because no one else can help them.

The Very Best To You Always, Al,





New member
I feel strongly that you will get your proof by the end of this year. Okay, Hedshaker? Only God knows the day and the hour, so why expect others to know the day and hour, much less month or year?

And there you have it in a nutshell, an indeterminate time reference by a none established being. I rest my case. :bang:

So, I'm probably the only one on earth who is even praying for this, so it could likely be that it will happen in winter.

Or it could happen before then or after then but it will always be soon....... exactly as I said.

Hey Hedshaker, I want to console you and tell you to just hang in there. Don't let a guilt complex or demons trouble your thoughts or heart ever!! Shake it off!!

Why would someone else's imaginary characters bother me? I do occasionally find the Dunning Kruger effect mildly annoying but that just comes with the territory :)

In reason :up:

The Barbarian

The Soviet Union landed at least one probe on the planet, and it sent back pictures. We know exactly what it looks like.



Dear The Barbarian,

Thanks for your pics and concern, and help. Yes, earlier today I looked it up in Wiki and saw what they had to offer about the planet Venus. I guess the USSR did what the US did not. Go figure. But Jesus did call it a star, so what can you do? I'm fine with it until He tells me different when I meet Him in Heaven. How about you? Hey, do you miss MarkS? I keep in touch with him. He is doing fine. He does miss you all. What a shame. He had a place in his heart for all of you. I do too!

On The Rebound, God Be With You,



The Soviet Union landed at least one probe on the planet, and it sent back pictures. We know exactly what it looks like.


I must say this pic of yours is pretty nice. I see it includes the landing camera. Maybe some stars are this way. Who knows what it was like 2,000 years ago. Maybe a star changing into a planet? I have no idea. Don't stars have a central mass or is it just gas?? Sounds like they need Gas-X. Heeeehhhhheee!! I just couldn't resist! Thanks for the good work, Barb.

May God Be With You In Those Things You Do For Him!






I must say this pic of yours is pretty nice. I see it includes the landing camera. Maybe some stars are this way. Who knows what it was like 2,000 years ago. Maybe a star changing into a planet? I have no idea. Don't stars have a central mass or is it just gas?? Sounds like they need Gas-X. Heeeehhhhheee!! I just couldn't resist! Thanks for the good work, Barb.

May God Be With You In Those Things You Do For Him!





Stars are all gas. More dense in the center due to immense pressure, but they're all gas and so hot that only millions of degrees can describe even the coolest parts. No solid or liquid matter can survive these temperatures.

By definition, anything with solid surface must be a planet, moon, or asteroid/comet thing.


Dear Kdall,

Then why does everyone call Venus the morning or evening star? Perhaps Jesus figured it would be easier than explaining to His disciples what a planet was?! I'll just go with how I think. If I'm wrong, I'll be corrected by Him when I see Him.

Thanks For All You've Done,



Dear Kdall,

Then why does everyone call Venus the morning or evening star? Perhaps Jesus figured it would be easier than explaining to His disciples what a planet was?! I'll just go with how I think. If I'm wrong, I'll be corrected by Him when I see Him.

Thanks For All You've Done,


He may have done as you say or maybe in the same way that his human body had limits, perhaps his knowledge of such things did also. It's called the morning and evening star because it's been used for navigation, like the North Star, for hundreds of years


Dear Kdall,

Then why does everyone call Venus the morning or evening star? Perhaps Jesus figured it would be easier than explaining to His disciples what a planet was?! I'll just go with how I think. If I'm wrong, I'll be corrected by Him when I see Him.

Thanks For All You've Done,


And because all the planets look like little points of light without some technology that allows magnification (telescopes).
And given Venus orbit it usually shows up in the early evening or morning.


He may have done as you say or maybe in the same way that his human body had limits, perhaps his knowledge of such things did also. It's called the morning and evening star because it's been used for navigation, like the North Star, for hundreds of years

Dear Kdall & Jonahdog,

Thank you both so very, very much for your insights and helpful info on this subject. The thing is, Jesus was in Heaven when He said "I am the bright and morning star." Rev. 22:16KJV. He should have known then. I think He knew, but He knew also that He couldn't tell the disciples 'planet', because that was not within their grasp to understand the difference. Maybe? I do wonder where the New Jerusalem will be located. Venus? Very interesting. See Rev. 21:10KJV.

Hey, I really totally appreciate your input on this matter. I couldn't do these things on my own. You're both wonderful!! When you get a good evening sighting of Venus, it's brilliance and brightness is astounding.

Much Love Coming Your Ways!!



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Stars are all gas. More dense in the center due to immense pressure, but they're all gas and so hot that only millions of degrees can describe even the coolest parts. No solid or liquid matter can survive these temperatures.

By definition, anything with solid surface must be a planet, moon, or asteroid/comet thing.

Dear Kdall,

So all stars are hotter than hell. That's a trip. So that must mean, when Jesus said the stars shall fall from heaven, He's talking about shooting stars? See Matt. 24:29KJV and Mark 13:25KJV. And Rev. 6:13KJV. The stars falling from Heaven onto Earth? What do you make of these things? Is it intriguing? I can't wait until He returns!! I ache so badly for it, to see Him, and leave with Him.

Praise God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost!!





And because all the planets look like little points of light without some technology that allows magnification (telescopes).
And given Venus orbit it usually shows up in the early evening or morning.

Dear Jonahdog,

You know, now that I think of it, we probably would think they were stars too if we didn't have telescopes, but also rockets to take cameras to these different planets. Has the U.S. ever landed anything onto Venus? Just the USSR? Without these pics, from us sending cameras to each place we visit, we would not know much either. Even the moon could be made out of beryl and we'd never know it. And the moon is not a planet or a star. What is it? A satellite? I guess it's just a moon, like a mini-planet? Not a star. Cool!!

Have A Wonderful Weekend!! Make It Count!!





Dear Stuu,

Hey, how are you doing? Hope that everything is going your way this weekend! Where have you been? On hiatus, eh? We're chatting about the stars falling from Heaven in the latter days, and the planet Venus. It's been intriguing and eye-opening. Let me know how you're doing. You live in New Zealand, right? Do I have a good memory, or what? I wish so badly that I could visit there, and Australia too. It's like a mini-U.S. there. At least you speak the same language and it is beautiful there with many beaches indeed!! Nice continent, I must admit! Is it Autumn there now? It is Spring here. It got up to 90 degrees last week. I'm in Phoenix, AZ remember. 90 feels like 80. 115 feels like 105!! No humidity here except after a rain. But the rain dries up so quickly because of the Sun, so it isn't humid long at all. And we only get rain very sparingly. Maybe once a month. Well, I've got to run for now. Prior engagement! Will chat with you soon, I hope.

Tons Of Love Coming At You!!



Dear Aimiel,

How's it going? I hope all is well. I wrote you an email. Hope you get it. I'm having car trouble. Don't know if it's an electronic fuel injector on Cyl. 4, or the catalytic converter. Can barely drive it without is stalling out. I think Cyl. 4 is misfiring.

I do suppose that you believe in the Creation? A lot of us Christians do. I have a hard time believing this Earth is 4.5 billion years old or the Universe either. What would God do with all of that time? Do you realize how many years is a billion?!! And man is more than a million years old, or something like that. Hardly. I don't think so. I believe that Evolution is fallible/falsifiable. The only way I'll change my mind is if the Lord speaks to me that I'm wrong. You do know, Aimiel, that the Lord can speak to you sometimes. Everyone should know that. The Lord spoke to enough people in the past for whom He had a mission, which are more people than you might think. God leads many, many lives right now, and since our Adam and Eve, He has. Okay, will close for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

God Bless You Tons!!



Dear Kdall,

So all stars are hotter than hell. That's a trip. So that must mean, when Jesus said the stars shall fall from heaven, He's talking about shooting stars? See Matt. 24:29KJV and Mark 13:25KJV. And Rev. 6:13KJV. The stars falling from Heaven onto Earth? What do you make of these things? Is it intriguing? I can't wait until He returns!! I ache so badly for it, to see Him, and leave with Him.

Praise God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost!!




Shooting stars are what meteorites that come into Earth's atmosphere and subsequently burn have been called for millenia. Revelations and the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah describe meteorite impacts pretty accurately
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