Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Jonahdog,

You know, now that I think of it, we probably would think they were stars too if we didn't have telescopes, but also rockets to take cameras to these different planets. Has the U.S. ever landed anything onto Venus? Just the USSR? Without these pics, from us sending cameras to each place we visit, we would not know much either. Even the moon could be made out of beryl and we'd never know it. And the moon is not a planet or a star. What is it? A satellite? I guess it's just a moon, like a mini-planet? Not a star. Cool!!

Have A Wonderful Weekend!! Make It Count!!




You actually nailed what the moon is right on the head. It's a natural satellite. That's where the word for mechanical satellites comes from


New member


Shooting stars are what meteorites that come into Earth's atmosphere and subsequently burn have been called for millenia. Revelations and the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah describe meteorite impacts pretty accurately

Dear Kdall,

So then, the Lord God would be able to cause these meteorites pretty specifically onto where on the Earth He'd want them to fall. Do you know what I'm saying here? That He can precisely control where and when these meteorites fall on Earth. Awesome!!

Sodom and Gomorrah had sulfur come down, or some sort of Salt, which would seem to be sodium chloride? Is that correct? Like the Dead Sea is full of surrounding salt. Any ideas?

Praise The Lord!!





You actually nailed what the moon is right on the head. It's a natural satellite. That's where the word for mechanical satellites comes from

Dear Kdall,

I got it right, eh?!! I notice that it seems all of the planets up to the Earth have these moons, but Venus and Mercury don't have moons yet? Isn't that strange? Our moon/satellite may help the rotation of our Earth, eh? And it controls the tides/waves too. I wonder what else it does. And we are on Earth, a big electromagnet. And the Earth has gravity, but the moon does not. So the Earth's gravity keeps the moon close to it, I would guess. It's all so intricate, no? It is a finely-tuned solar system, and even Universe. Interesting!

Thanks! Much Love, In Christ,





Evolution isn't what is being discussed

Dear Kdall,

Nazaroo wasn't taking a shot at you. Don't worry. It's just a message to me personally about evolution being wrong and the Story of the Creation being the TRUTH!!

God Be With You And Yours!!






Dear Nazaroo,

I know what you mean!! It's good to have you here visiting this thread! Welcome!! I just got done watching this show about the Shroud of Turin and even the whole Universe is possibly of a different dimension than we realize. They dated the Shroud to be during Jesus' time, and the flowers that were on it were from Jerusalem, and the light that made the image had to be the same 'type' of life as the Big Bang theory (Energy of Life from God). And the cloth had all of the makings of it being from Jesus, including the coins on the eyes saying they had the shepherd's crook on them and that they were called widow's mites, like the pennies we have now. Not worth a lot, but okay to be buried with someone. Also they found around his neck a 'necklace' that said in Hebrew that said ABA (Abba). I'm just saying what I've just watched. They said the image was three-dimensional also. I couldn't understand everything they said, but most of it. Still, they said something about black holes being part of another dimension, etc. Oh well, that's all for this lesson. They said scientists have to do more work on it. And then it was over.

Well, good to see you here. May God Take Care Of All Your Wants And Needs!!






Dear All,

Hey, I just have to mention on a personal note that even though I have many gay friends, and was gay myself, I don't condone gay marriage whatsoever. Having a Civil Union is enough as it is. Don't gays know that marriage is for a man and his wife? Gays can be gay, but they don't have to go as far as marriage. They can find other ways of going by what should be bequeathed to them when their lover passes away, or have a Living Will drawn up for each other. I'm thinking that Gay Marriage is the abomination of desolation. "And when you shall see the abomination of desolation, {as spoken of by Daniel the prophet} standing {where it ought not} in the holy place {Church}, know that the time is near." You just ponder. I also do not like people who are bogus to gay people. They've had to go through enough just to get accepted. But no gay marriage, y'all!! I'll expound on this some other time.

God Bless You All, Including Gays,



Dear Kdall,

I got it right, eh?!! I notice that it seems all of the planets up to the Earth have these moons, but Venus and Mercury don't have moons yet? Isn't that strange? Our moon/satellite may help the rotation of our Earth, eh? And it controls the tides/waves too. I wonder what else it does. And we are on Earth, a big electromagnet. And the Earth has gravity, but the moon does not. So the Earth's gravity keeps the moon close to it, I would guess. It's all so intricate, no? It is a finely-tuned solar system, and even Universe. Interesting!

Thanks! Much Love, In Christ,




The moon has gravity. If it didn't then when an astronaut jumped he wouldn't ever come back down to its surface lol


what is in the holy place now?

Dear chrysotom,

I went to NYC, and at St. Patrick's Cathedral, I thought I would tell them about my story/testimony and I got no help except one of the priests asked me if I would have sex with him. It was totally far from my mind as could be and of course I was appalled and said no, it's not going to happen. Out of the closet gays who want to be married to each other, male to male and female to female. It is awry. I suppose you don't want to hear it because you doth protest too much. It's fine. Been there. Done that.

God Bless Your Beautiful Heart!!





The moon has gravity. If it didn't then when an astronaut jumped he wouldn't ever come back down to its surface lol

Dear Kdall,

Wow, I'm shocked. The moon has 'gravity.' That is cool. Maybe the moon's gravity and Earth's gravity keep us all in the same position all of the time, like this timeless heavenly clock we are in, called the Milky Way. I believe it was named the Milky Way from God putting the words into the one who coined it first. Milk is for young babies and for adult babies. Who can say? We all take care of our children until they are 21, then they are on their own to pick and choose what they want to believe. Let's hope they choose the right ways.

God Help Us All In Due Season And More,






The moon has gravity. If it didn't then when an astronaut jumped he wouldn't ever come back down to its surface lol

Dear Kdall,

Are you sure that the Moon has gravity? Is that why it keeps the same distance from our Earth, as it rotates itself and revolves around the Earth. How can any ONE think this Universe just CAME TO BE?? It's so complex and awesome. Is this gravity due to the magnetism of the Earth (and Moon?)?! We could have more impact craters on the Earth, but they are hidden by our foliage and trees? Is that how the Grand Canyon was formed? By an impact crater and wear, and tear from rainwater shaping it. Very interesting!

May God Be With You,



Dear Kdall,

Are you sure that the Moon has gravity? Is that why it keeps the same distance from our Earth, as it rotates itself and revolves around the Earth. How can any ONE think this Universe just CAME TO BE?? It's so complex and awesome. Is this gravity due to the magnetism of the Earth (and Moon?)?! We could have more impact craters on the Earth, but they are hidden by our foliage and trees? Is that how the Grand Canyon was formed? By an impact crater and wear, and tear from rainwater shaping it. Very interesting!

May God Be With You,


Our atmosphere burns up all smaller meteorites but yes there are craters from bigger ones that have been eroded and changed by Earth over time. The moon has no atmosphere, and so every impact it's ever had is still there. Just like the astronauts' footprints are still there. I don't think magnetism factors into gravity, it's just that smaller celestial bodies tend to orbit larger ones, like all the planets go around the sun and their moons orbit them.

The Grand Canyon was formed by water erosion over a long long time. You can see each geologic layer pretty clearly in the canyon walls with obvious separation.

Good questions


Dear Kdall,

Really Good Answers!! The moon takes a lot of hits for us on Earth!! It's also awesome to think that the Grand Canyon was made by flowing water. I do suppose God had something to do with it to the max. Is it by the Colorado River? That's a real powerful River. California and Arizona get their water from the Colorado River. Maybe an earthquake or so also hit the Grand Canyon, too.

The Earth has one moon. Does Mars have more than one? I know some of the planets have multiple moons. I don't know why. There are some very big planets out there though. I would love to live on Jupiter and stare at Saturn all the time. Saturn has a Constant Rainbow. God said He would put His Bow in the clouds on Earth here re: the Great Flood. Well Kdall, I see you are banned, so I will hold off on posting to you for a day or two. I'm really sorry about it and I know it's your business, so I won't pry. God Be With You And Yours!!



Dear Kdall,

Hi Dude! Yep, I tried to do a little digging myself. The moon does have very little gravity, 17% of us on Earth. I had no idea!! Where does this gravity come from on the moon and on the Earth? What makes gravity? Is it a magnetic iron core?

Also I found out that Meteor Crater is here in Arizona. Awesome! I've never seen it or the Grand Canyon so far. The Grand Canyon must be chiseled from the Colorado River, though don't quote me on that. Oh God, how very much water pressure to do all of that exquisite meandering canyon walls. Well, Kdall, I hope you're not going to be banned long. Thanks tons for all of your help and kindness. Talk with you ASAP!!

Praise God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost!!



Dear Alwight,

Hey Dude! How's things goin'? I hope okay. How is your ride? What R U driving these days {on the left side of the street}?!!? I've got a 2001 Ford Escort ZX2 2-door with a spoiler. It is champagne colored, 4-cyl., dual overhead cam, and a 2.0 liter engine. It is now in the repair shop. EEEEEEKK!! It's been in there overnight so far. Cyl-4 is misfiring. Maybe the EFI (Electronic Fuel Injector) for that cylinder. Maybe the coil or wires. Spark plugs okay. Maybe kaput catalytic converter, by some chance. Or the car's computer.

Hey, it looks like Mars may have had life on it before because of the nitrogen levels it has. Wouldn't surprise me any. I think they had found water there too, a few mos. ago. From what I understand, God made the host of Heaven on the 4th Day, including the Sun and Moon. And, Alwight, on the 3rd day, it says that God created the Earth and sea. I have to really dig hard and ponder more as to whether the Earth is older than the Bible says. Al, there may be a glitch somewhere that we Christians aren't realizing, just like the same predicament that the scientists are in.

Well, Buddy, I've got to go and get some pudding and Iced Tea. And I want to post to Hedshaker 2nite also. It's been a few days. I'm used to friends that I can talk to EVERY DAY! So you see, that's where I came from when I was younger. Our friends were staunch and not fair-weather friends but instead, true blue friends. When I was younger, we'd have a few beers and play Risk (the board game) or shoot pool/billiards at my buddy's house. He had a table. We did not. Now one of my other friends had a ping pong table. So we had fun. And Rick and I each had a basketball hoop to shoot baskets with. Oh, well, I always end up writing you a novelette. You take good care and I'll PM you soon. Enjoy the Spring!!

Bye Alwight!!



Dear Hedshaker,

How're you doing, mate! I hope that all is going real well 4 U these days. How's the music doing? Just last nite, went over to my nephew's and jammed down on an electric 6-string. I didn't take my 12-string 'cause I still have to put 6 more strings on it. So I used a guitar that he had already. We had a blast and I had a bit too much Vodka and Tonic, with a touch of lime. It was his birthday party. I gave him a $500 gold tie clasp that my grandmother gave me when I was 11 years old. It is pure 18K gold. Not gold-plated at all. I had it appraised and that's where I came up with the $500. The jeweler told me. I have another tie pin I can use, so I'll be okay. Where I'm going, I'll hardly need a tie clasp. Anyways Hedshaker, one of the things he got me for my birthday was a portable amp that can fit on your belt. {It's got a clip for your belt}. I can use it for either mic or guitar, or even both, since I have a junction jack {2 to 1}. Music's going well. I got the sheet music for Hozier's Take Me To Church. Am going to give that to my nephew's girlfriend. She wants to learn it badly. I am impartial to the song lyric-wise. It's a nice tune though.

When I went there, I got to see my two great-nieces too. That was only the 3rd time in their lives that I've gotten to see them. They live in Colorado. They always live out-of-state. They used to live in Atlanta, Georgia. I'm in Phoenix, Arizona. Hey, I know that you are in England, but I don't remember if you mentioned which city? Is it north of London? Heck, you and Alwight live close together. I used to keep in touch with a friend in Scotland. We used Yahoo to chat back and forth with webcams and mic headsets. It was really cool and it was FREE. Anyway, I played some Cat Stevens, and Elton John, and some Fleetwood Mac, etc.

How is the weather lately, where you are at? It was 85 here. Tomorrow 87, I believe. It's suppose to get up to 95 this week. I can't wait to get my car back. It's in the shop. Que sera! Man, it must be nice to be in Europe. You are so close to France and Spain. It's awesome. Have you done any traveling Hedshaker? I hope you've checked out some nearby places.

Oh man, I forgot that I was supposed to stay on subject or whatever you want to call it. Well, you can read about some of that in some of my previous posts here. I just slipped. I'm loving Venus' brilliance this time of year, as an evening star, and am definitely looking forward to the blood red moon on April 4th's Lunar Eclipse! Pretty rare. Four of them in one year! Just awesome. I think you should get a good viewing there, as long as it isn't cloudy.

Well, Hedshaker, I'm going get hitting the sack soon here. Will close for now. I hope life is still treating you well and that you are joyful!! Best Wishes Indeed!!



New member
Dear Alwight,

Hey Dude! How's things goin'? I hope okay. How is your ride? What R U driving these days {on the left side of the street}?!!? I've got a 2001 Ford Escort ZX2 2-door with a spoiler. It is champagne colored, 4-cyl., dual overhead cam, and a 2.0 liter engine. It is now in the repair shop. EEEEEEKK!! It's been in there overnight so far. Cyl-4 is misfiring. Maybe the EFI (Electronic Fuel Injector) for that cylinder. Maybe the coil or wires. Spark plugs okay. Maybe kaput catalytic converter, by some chance. Or the car's computer.
Hi Michael, I used to have a Ford Escort XR3i (with spoiler) many years ago.:)
These days I have a 2014 VW Golf so I don't expect any problems.

Hey, it looks like Mars may have had life on it before because of the nitrogen levels it has. Wouldn't surprise me any. I think they had found water there too, a few mos. ago. From what I understand, God made the host of Heaven on the 4th Day, including the Sun and Moon. And, Alwight, on the 3rd day, it says that God created the Earth and sea. I have to really dig hard and ponder more as to whether the Earth is older than the Bible says. Al, there may be a glitch somewhere that we Christians aren't realizing, just like the same predicament that the scientists are in.
Most Christians here at least probably accept that the Earth is many millions of years old, not just a few thousand.
In the US however there are many more fundamentalists who seem to prefer to remain wilfully ignorant of science and simply believe that the Bible is literally true regardless. You should talk to Christians who are able to think for themselves rather than adhere literally to ancient scripture. There really doesn't have to be any conflict imo.:nono:
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