Creation vs. Evolution

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Dear Kdall,

I'm getting pretty much to the point where I think you're all ready for some new information -- another mystery of God. I'm just wondering. I know some may be ready, but others I'm not sure of. Nevertheless, you're going to find out as soon as the Lord God reveals Himself to you, so you're going to have to face it now or in the near future. I'll get into it 2nite at around 1am MST.

Until Then, May The Lord Shine Upon You All,

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Dear All Here Whom I Do Love,

I've shared many of my experiences with you, but it's been hit and miss. So some of you know some and missed out on the others. You can read my book, if you want to know more. I'll tell you later how to get a Free READ over the Internet.

Okay, here goes. I'd rather not even share any of this with you, but the Lord has told me that it is mandatory right now, for the days of the Lord's Returning closes in now. Better I tell you these things before you see them for yourself. It will be less shocking and confusing if I tell you beforehand.

First, I have posted here a number of times that those who go to heaven become servants and children of God, and we become like the angels. See Dan. 12:3KJV, "And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament (heaven, the stars); and they that turn many to righteousness (shall be) as the stars for ever and ever." So what we are being told is that we will leave this 'earthly' body and receive a 'heavenly' body. That is how God replenishes his children and servants. He teaches them long and carefully so they'll be ready for heaven, and wise enough not to 'fall' from heaven, as you know that the devil did.

Okay. Now you know that we shall have a heavenly body and can enjoy the beauty of Heaven and, in time, visit throughout the Universe. You will be able to move (fly) very fast because you won't have legs to hold your spirit or energy that was in your soul and body to hinder you.

Okay, now this is what I want to tell you, that you may have a hard time to bear. Jesus also did not tell His disciples when He was here on Earth. Remember Him saying to them, 'there are many things I could tell you, but you are not yet able to bear them.' Some words to that effect. OK, brace yourself and keep your heart and mind open. Our Lord God also has the whole Universe as His Throne, but the Throne that He chooses now is our Moon. It is HIS Heavenly Body. He stays close to us always, and oversees things on the Earth, like tending to His angels, and people, and those things happening on the Earth, like fires, tornadoes, etc. The angels do most of the work, but God puts the word out for every thing.

This is why it is written in Revelation, He sits on His Great WHITE Throne, and Jesus is with Him on His Right Hand (Side). Their Spirit is in the vessel of the lunar satellite/the Moon, and it is very, extremely ingenious to be honest. Just like the angels'/servants' have a star for a heavenly body, and just like women and men have Earthly bodies for a while. I have so much more I could tell you and the problem also is that it's not even written in my book, but you can learn it from the angels later. There are also the elders who have heavenly bodies/moons, etc. Any questions, just ask me. I'll do my best to answer you, but just remember, I don't know everything and can only help you with what the Lord has taught me on the subject.

DO NOT 'worship' the moon, or any other thing that is in heaven. Otherwise, you commit a grievous sin. Worship the Spirit of God that is inside the moon and everywhere; but don't worship the moon. Give me a break. You make sure you don't do it. God's Spirit is of GREAT Joy, Love, Caring, Understanding, Helpful, and Unconditional for the most part. Just remember, God will clobber you if you start worshiping the moon instead of Him. That's why you have all not been told this before. Be careful.

Okay, I've been taught much by Him, but I can't write it all on TOL. Much of it is in my book "What Your Eyes Have Not Seen" by Michael W. Cadry. The newest 7th Edition is at the Library and on my website. You can read it FREE in the downtown Phoenix Library or, for FREE online at my website. Go to
Once there, on the left of the pic of Jesus, left-click on the words 'Book Copy'; then click on the words 'SKU-text2.pdf'. My book will come up then. Note that the first two pages are blank. That is for autographs and notes. On the third page, you will find the Title of my book. The Lord gave me the Title. Now, you can flip through the pages of the book by using your up and down arrow cursor keys. You can probably copy the file to your computer, or I'm pretty sure you can print one out on your printer. Otherwise, you can read it on your computer screen at your leisure. It's an easy read and double-spaced, and only 88 pgs. long.

Notice that the Lord said to Jesus, 'Sit thou on my right side, while I make thy enemies thy footstool.' Words to that effect. Earth is the footstool. The moon is the throne. Also, see Rev. 16:17KJV, "from the throne, saying, It is done." See also Rev. 19:4,5KJV. In Rev. 6:16, it says "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb." Also see Rev. 10:7, "the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets."

Especially see Rev. 20:11, "And I saw a great white throne, and Him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them."
Okay, I have given you several 'throne' scriptures to peruse/investigate. I am POSITIVE of this which I am saying. You will notice that, in a full moon, you can see two eyes, a nose, and a mouth on the face of the moon. It always Faces Us, and there is a reason. God's closely watching us from a 'base station'. His Spirit is also EVERYWHERE, even in angels, servants, plants, rocks, air, sea, hell, heaven, ... EVERYWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE ALSO!! He has revealed Himself to some people in the past, and they get called lunatics when they try to tell someone else. They're not crazy; Just pure in heart!! A lot of mentally troubled people will be freed from the devils that trouble them and they will go to Heaven. You will learn more as you get to know Him. I'm going to go for now. There are also secrets you do not know about me, and I am not going to tell them to you, for you wouldn't believe. It is best to let God bear witness of me, than doing it myself. May God Guide You During Armageddon!!

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Dear All,

Our Moon is His Great White Throne!! Didn't you read my long post? I don't blame you, but you missed my message. The veil/curtain will be lifted and the Lord God will let you all see what's going on! The first time I saw Him, He had the most Loving face and in His eyes, was an extraordinarily deep love. But now He has an angry face, since the Tribulation started, and it is not finished yet. But it is coming to a head. Just keep waiting for Jesus. It's always darkest before the dawn. Remember that!! We are His children. We should wait forever if need be. He's our Eternal father.

I do hope you understand all of this!



Let me're the archangel Michael.

Hmmmm, that´s interesting! Have a look at what is written in Colossians 1:16, which probably is closer to the real majesty and glory of our Lord and Savior than banning Him on the moon, that´s quite something...:dizzy::Wamba:

16For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.


New member
Hmmmm, that´s interesting! Have a look at what is written in Colossians 1:16, which probably is closer to the real majesty and glory of our Lord and Savior than banning Him on the moon, that´s quite something...:dizzy::Wamba:

16For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-- all things have been created through Him and for Him. 17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

You'll have to elaborate, I'm afraid...I was just joking around.


Dear CJLind & Charlie Brown,

CJLind is probably saying that the moon's pull on the Earth keeps it's tides functioning, etc. Does it also help the Earth turn as fast as it does? And God is ingenious by proxy. Do you think I would have made all of this up?? Even considering what they say about lunatics?? C'mon. You'll find out soon enough. It may surprise you!

Much Love, In Christ,



You'll have to elaborate, I'm afraid...I was just joking around.

Actually was quoting the wrong thread, sorry for the confusion my brother! The thing is, what Michael says about the moon as throne of Jesus, well, i thought it was quite funny and absurd. However, there might be actually a spark of truth in it, at least no need to ridicule Michael....However, Michael, i hope you understood that the real throne of Jesus is much much much much more than the Moon. What we should not forget is as well, that we are not looking so much for external evidence for His coming, since it will be so obvious that even the most convinced atheists are going to bow their knees and convert, but we are to open our hearts for Him so He can dwell in us and intervene for us with God the Father, so we can be reconciled


New member
What we should not forget is as well, that we are not looking so much for external evidence for His coming, since it will be so obvious that even the most convinced atheists are going to bow their knees and convert, but we are to open our hearts for Him so He can dwell in us and intervene for us with God the Father, so we can be reconciled
Atheism is the lack of belief, it isn't in itself something that is believed or found convincing.
It is simply the lack of credibility seen in the claims of believers which is found to be unconvincing by atheists, not any compulsion to dogmatically reject gods.
If God or gods are true, if Jesus returning is true, if angels are true, if Satan is true, if a supernatural is true then let's see the evidence. Let's be convinced by the evidence and rationality rather than some blind belief in an ancient scripture or the otherwise bald assertions of the religious.


New member
Yes, and another thing about the statement below....... atheists cannot say, ah, but will you de-convert when Jesus doesn't return, because they will just repeat the mantra: give it more time... it will be soon. So it's a loaded statement as they cannot possibly be shown wrong. It will always be soon, just wait, you'll see. Lame! But of course, if they had the guts to put a date on it that would level the playing fields a bit.

even the most convinced atheists are going to bow their knees and convert,


New member
Atheism is the lack of belief, it isn't in itself something that is believed or found convincing.
For many...perhaps most atheists, it is an active belief in the non-existence of God. ( Not just a lack of belief) Atheism is a religion with assertions....dogma....and 'evangelists'.


Yes, and another thing about the statement below....... atheists cannot say, ah, but will you de-convert when Jesus doesn't return, because they will just repeat the mantra: give it more time... it will be soon. So it's a loaded statement as they cannot possibly be shown wrong. It will always be soon, just wait, you'll see. Lame! But of course, if they had the guts to put a date on it that would level the playing fields a bit.

Indeed, we shall see!


New member
For many...perhaps most atheists, it is an active belief in the non-existence of God. ( Not just a lack of belief) Atheism is a religion with assertions....dogma....and 'evangelists'.
Not true, most atheists don't claim to know that no gods exist, only that they have not been convinced that any do. Atheism is not an aim in itself any more than theism is, or not playing chess. It's just what you call people who don't believe in gods.


True, not true, tru, tru, not not, tru, tru ru,tru ramen noodles are the Devil!



New member
Indeed, we shall see!

Of course. We have forever to wait and see for a conclusion that may follow from a premise that has an indeterminate time reference.

Although, it's easy to see why people are reluctant to pinpoint when since those that have are invariably 100% wrong. But God knows when, right? :angel:

It would be amusing were it not so brainless :bang:


Actually was quoting the wrong thread, sorry for the confusion my brother! The thing is, what Michael says about the moon as throne of Jesus, well, i thought it was quite funny and absurd. However, there might be actually a spark of truth in it, at least no need to ridicule Michael....However, Michael, i hope you understood that the real throne of Jesus is much much much much more than the Moon. What we should not forget is as well, that we are not looking so much for external evidence for His coming, since it will be so obvious that even the most convinced atheists are going to bow their knees and convert, but we are to open our hearts for Him so He can dwell in us and intervene for us with God the Father, so we can be reconciled

Dear CJLind,

How much grander did you want Jesus' throne to be. An ordinary big chair?? He is now at the right side of our Lord, His spirit in the moon. You will also notice that soon, that Jesus inherits the star of Venus. The bright and morning star. (See Rev. 2:28KJV). Also see Rev. 22:16, "I am the bright and morning star." Jesus said that. What do you make of it?

Just letting you know what the Lord has told to me. I am a witness. What I see and hear from Him, I share with my brethren here on earth. That is my testimony, as if we were in Court.





New member
The bright and morning star. (See Rev. 2:28KJV). Also see Rev. 22:16, "I am the bright and morning star." Jesus said that. What do you make of it?
Hi Michael,
I hope you do realise that Venus is a planet not an actual star?
If they had known that in Biblical times rather than just a light in the firmament I at least might have been impressed, but clearly they could only guess at what they could see.


Atheism is the lack of belief, it isn't in itself something that is believed or found convincing.
It is simply the lack of credibility seen in the claims of believers which is found to be unconvincing by atheists, not any compulsion to dogmatically reject gods.
If God or gods are true, if Jesus returning is true, if angels are true, if Satan is true, if a supernatural is true then let's see the evidence. Let's be convinced by the evidence and rationality rather than some blind belief in an ancient scripture or the otherwise bald assertions of the religious.

Dear Alwight,

Hope you don't mind me saying here to CJLind that Jesus' Second Coming will be in His Human body, not the moon, as far as I am certain.

Well, Alwight, I am so glad you and Hedshaker have posted. I missed you both. So you just don't believe in God because of 'lack of belief.' Well, that's okay. Better than what I had thought. Alwight, they that you mentioned, are ALL true. I would strongly suggest that, before the end of this year, you will find out and you will get your evidence. Is that good, my dear friend? You have ALWAYS been there for me, Al, and I appreciate it immensely. Thanks for all of your support and help. Don't you wonder where I get all of my joy and love, and exuberant spirit from?? Do you know I rarely get sad. Many times, I go a year or more without crying? It is written that God will wipe the tears from your eyes in the latter times.

To My Unbelieving Older Brother,


:angel: :patrol:




Hi Michael,
I hope you do realise that Venus is a planet not an actual star?
If they had known that in Biblical times rather than just a light in the firmament I at least might have been impressed, but clearly they could only guess at what they could see.

Dear alwight,

I know that Venus is a star and a planet. It is smothered in thick, noxious, poisonous, clouds, and I believe it reflects the sun to make it shine. But if Jesus said He was given the bright and morning star, what you gonna do? It's fine with me. Perhaps Venus isn't even a planet. Who's to say what is below the gases. Maybe it is totally made up of the gases. We can't get near enough or inside to check it out.

Wonderful To Hear From You Again!!



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