Creation vs. Evolution II


New member
Dear randomvim,

How're you doing today? I hope that all is well. Your point of view does not diminish anything. Just try trusting 6days and myself to help you out. 6days is a wealth of information and compassion. I'm the same way, so everything is cool!

Jesus is quite similar to His Father {Our God} in His features and Spirit. It's like having two glasses of wine, and they are both half-full. Well, God is the One who is more than half-full because there are a few drops of wine more in His glass. So Jesus is close to God and they are almost the same. I hope that answers your questions.

It is written, "Go ye therefore, and teach them in the name of the Father {God}, and of the Son {Jesus}, and of the Holy Ghost" {Matt. 28:19KJV}. Now, Jesus saying that, you should all believe the the Son is not the Father, and you might also be convinced that there is a Trinity. Make of it what you will. I still believe what I want.

You see, randomvim, I just follow the words of Jesus. It's quite easy then. Jesus did say that the Father was God, and that He was the Son, and the Holy Ghost is quite sanctified indeed. Never speak nonsense about the Holy Ghost/ Holy Spirit. That is an unforgivable sin. Be careful. Don't think of any negative thoughts in your brain about God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost, yourself, your family and friends, and your fellow men and women. Keep good thoughts as long as you are able. There are certain things in this world that just have to happen, which means certain people will die. I will explain more later.

Good to have you posting. If I haven't answers your questions, you might want to ask 6days what he thinks also. It may be the same, and it may not. I have the feeling that he will make of it the same way. Got to get going for now. Be Free Now!!

May God Bless You And Seek You Out!!

2. would you compare your wine analogy to that of titans and greek gods?

both are powerful or divine (under greek mythology concern) but two are not same.

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New member
That is like asking "if Jesus did not physically ressurect, then what?" Or "What if Jesus secretly lusted?" Essentially you are asking does it matter if the Bible isn't totally accurate.*

If you are doubting Jesus is God, tell us why. Lets discuss it.
I am not doubting Jesus is God. Just trying to understand a different view point than my own which sounds like Jesus is not God or a different being than Father.

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2. would you compare your wine analogy to that of titans and greek gods?

both are powerful or divine (under greek mythology concern) but two are not same.

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Dear randomvim,

I am not concerned with including Titans or Greek gods, because they were, and are, not gods. Only in a Greek man's imagination. I believe in only one true God and there are none like Him, except His Son. The Greek gods were the result of a man's lack of someone or something to be called "god." It is all trifle. Are you an atheist or agnostic? Or are you someone who seeks the truth?? Just wondering, offhand. {It does seem to be that, once an atheist, always an atheist. They don't want to change}. Do you think the true God can be compared to a make-believe god like Zeus, or whoever? Not going to happen. The Romans had the same problem believing in another set of 'gods' too. They were just trying to get themselves a 'god' like the Israelis and Greeks had.

You see, our body is a vessel. That vessel is filled with a soul. God's Spirit resides in each vessel or soul, etc. Well, randomvim, I hope this helps some. Let me know if you have other pertinent questions. Until then, be joyful knowing that God's Son is coming for us very soon!! No, I will not venture by my guessing when. Someone named DavisBJ asked me that before. I won't do that again. Hard lesson to learn!! He bugged me to give him a certain time frame and then bugged me again when my guess was wrong. It taught me a wonderful lesson though, so no biggie.

Praise God!!!

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Scientists find 'oldest human ancestor'

By Pallab Ghosh
Science correspondent, BBC News

Dear Caino,

Hope you are in good spirits lately and are full of joy re Christ's Return for us. I certainly don't believe this oldest human ancestor bunk, but you have every right to believe as you wish. I hope that I have not been too blunt here. I'm trying. Really!

God Knows What's True And What Is Not!!

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,



New member
Dear randomvim,

I am not concerned with including Titans or Greek gods, because they were, and are, not gods. Only in a Greek man's imagination. I believe in only one true God and there are none like Him, except His Son. The Greek gods were the result of a man's lack of someone or something to be called "god." It is all trifle. Are you an atheist or agnostic? Or are you someone who seeks the truth?? Just wondering, offhand. {It does seem to be that, once an atheist, always an atheist. They don't want to change}. Do you think the true God can be compared to a make-believe god like Zeus, or whoever? Not going to happen. The Romans had the same problem believing in another set of 'gods' too. They were just trying to get themselves a 'god' like the Israelis and Greeks had.

You see, our body is a vessel. That vessel is filled with a soul. God's Spirit resides in each vessel or soul, etc. Well, randomvim, I hope this helps some. Let me know if you have other pertinent questions. Until then, be joyful knowing that God's Son is coming for us very soon!! No, I will not venture by my guessing when. Someone named DavisBJ asked me that before. I won't do that again. Hard lesson to learn!! He bugged me to give him a certain time frame and then bugged me again when my guess was wrong. It taught me a wonderful lesson though, so no biggie.

Praise God!!!


I dont think you understood. I was comparing greek mythology towards your explaination to God & Jesus.

both titans and greek gods were (for lack of better word) both divine in my understanding of their readings. but not the same being or creature. So, is that how you are explaining God the father and Jesus the son?

See, with your wine analogy, we have two different glasses or two different beings. thus Father is not the son. Son is not the father. However, unlike trinitarianism, these two would not be the creature. Like how zues was not a titan.

just trying to better understand what you are saying.

for me, no not atheist. Catholic.


I am not doubting Jesus is God. Just trying to understand a different view point than my own which sounds like Jesus is not God or a different being than Father.

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Dear randomvim,

I know you are trying to understand. Just think of God and Jesus being twins, except one has a better skill than the other. The One with the better skill is the Father, and the Other, the Son. There you go!



I dont think you understood. I was comparing greek mythology towards your explaination to God & Jesus.

both titans and greek gods were (for lack of better word) both divine in my understanding of their readings. but not the same being or creature. So, is that how you are explaining God the father and Jesus the son?

See, with your wine analogy, we have two different glasses or two different beings. thus Father is not the son. Son is not the father. However, unlike trinitarianism, these two would not be the creature. Like how zues was not a titan.

just trying to better understand what you are saying.

for me, no not atheist. Catholic.

Dear randomvim,

Oy vay!! Wonderful!! So you are Catholic, eh?!! That is too nice. You're already halfway there, if not more. So cool!! To be honest, God and Jesus are the same as any Father or Son. But God knows more than His Son, even though on Earth, a son sometimes ends up smarter than his father. Just wanted to make that clear, for starters. Everything Jesus is, is what God has instilled within Him. Why is it so hard to imagine that God has a son? Didn't the angel that visited Mary say 'and He shall be called the Son of God, Son of the Most High?? Mother Mary was visited by an angel when the Lord made her pregnant by a miracle. Do not put so much emphasis on the Virgin Mary, as all Catholics do. Rather, acknowledge her as a precious woman, but remember, Jesus and God are the Ones who you should love the most!! Jesus said, "No man comes to the Father, except by Me."

God says, why do these Catholic people pray to me on their knees, so uncomfortably on these thin slats of wood behind each pew? It is ridiculous!! Pray as others do, by standing up in prayer!! And why does each Catholic sprinkle water upon his face upon walking into the Catholic Church. This does not baptize anyone. It's a waste of what some call 'holy water.' That is not how you get baptized. You get baptized at a church, usually baptist, where there is a baptismal. Or you can go to another kind of church who baptizes you in a lake. But you are not 'baptizing yourself' every time you go to church and are simply doing it because someone taught it to you. It means NOTHING! The Catholics are an unusual people sometimes, but they serve the same God, even though it seems like they pray more to Mary and the Pope. They call the Pope "Father" when God Is The FATHER instead. The Pope is NOT a Father!! Don't think it for a second. And your rosary beads are for nothing, except some sort of abacus to each follower. You should not worship a Pope, for he is just a man, whether Italian or Polish, or whatever. Your worship should be upon God and even Jesus, but that's about it.

This is why God is not pleased with the Catholics in all their ways. But God does know that you acknowledge and love Him and Jesus, so that is good. We only have to clear the bugs out a bit. You should instead be in a non-denominational church with your emphasis on God first and then Jesus, our Christ, also. So I guess I would strongly suggest that you try a different Church.

Didn't Jesus say, 'Why call me good? God is good." Why did Jesus on the Cross say, "My God, My God!! Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" So Jesus called Him, "My God." So how can anyone be confused. How can other men not say that God was Jesus' God also? Things are so very clear already. God was also Jesus' God... His Father!

Catholics put too much emphasis on Mary, and the Pope, etc. They should not be worshiping Mary, but instead, God. Even Jesus would say, don't worship Me, worship God. Catholics also forget to put Jesus first in everyone's life, coming into their hearts to sup with Him. You have not known this doctrine yet, yet it really decides where you're heading. I don't mean Hell, so don't think that. A close, good relationship with Jesus is so very important! If you know Jesus, you will know His Father.

I will help you out in any ways you need to turn your life around, if that's what you want. But I will not force anything upon you, since it was not done to me either. But showing you how to attain Jesus' and God's love, that I can help you with. You probably have it already, or you would not be saying you are Catholic. I have a rough time trying to change the spots on an atheist, but you, I can help easily!! I will show you how to have Jesus in your life. And for those who read these posts, they may learn how to find the Lord as well.

Well, will get going for now. The first important point that I can give you is to pray by yourself to Jesus and ask Him to enter your heart and remain there. You should notice a difference right afterwards, as if someone was there then to share your life with you, every minute, and moment, as long as you wish it. You will wish it and never want it to be different again. Try this and see if it works for you. Swallow your pride when asking Him and have nothing but humbleness within your mind and heart. Go For It!!

May God Share His Love And Life With You And Increase Your Countenance Threefold,

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Dear 6days,

ransomvim is a Catholic!! It is so nice to have someone visit who believes in God and Jesus, and is willing to give them a chance. Any help that you would like to give this Catholic man would certainly be appreciated. There are things you will know and some that I might know. But we are not a cult here. It's totally up to him whether to believe each thing we say, or not. Will chat with you soon!!

With His Blessings From Above,



New member
Dear randomvim,

I know you are trying to understand. Just think of God and Jesus being twins, except one has a better skill than the other. The One with the better skill is the Father, and the Other, the Son. There you go!

See. that sounds like two different beings. one unequal to the other.


New member
wow. Id like to respond but I feel it would go off topic. well we kinda already did go off topic. and I dont remember why. hm...

Okay. I think I can tie this in to everything. here goes.

Dear randomvim,

Oy vay!! Wonderful!! So you are Catholic, eh?!! That is too nice. You're already halfway there, if not more. So cool!! To be honest, God and Jesus are the same as any Father or Son. But God knows more than His Son, even though on Earth, a son sometimes ends up smarter than his father. Just wanted to make that clear, for starters.
this must he where I am being confused. See, in trinitarism, Jesus the Son and God the Father are equal and are the same being. difficult mystery I know but idealy one being and three persons. which is Why I said earlier that Jesis IS (unsure how to bold) God and for God to sacrifice Himself takes compitition out of the water (other gods or faiths).

Thus I was curious how such a statement deminished the crucifix though I may have missunderstood what the actual response.

Everything Jesus is, is what God has instilled within Him. Why is it so hard to imagine that God has a son?

Are you saying that Father instilled something into the Son?

not hard to imagine but difficult to understand how someone else explains things.

Didn't the angel that visited Mary say 'and He shall be called the Son of God, Son of the Most High?? Mother Mary was visited by an angel when the Lord made her pregnant by a miracle. Do not put so much emphasis on the Virgin Mary, as all Catholics do. Rather, acknowledge her as a precious woman, but remember, Jesus and God are the Ones who you should love the most!! Jesus said, "No man comes to the Father, except by Me."

yeah, Catholics say the same thing. just that its okay to honor Mary. And go to her so that she may lead you to her Son. like any good Jewish mother. Mary, " oh, habe I got a son for you!"

ha ha. heard that one from a Jewish nun.

God says, why do these Catholic people pray to me on their knees, so uncomfortably on these thin slats of wood behind each pew? It is ridiculous!! Pray as others do, by standing up in prayer!!

And why does each Catholic sprinkle water upon his face upon walking into the Catholic Church. This does not baptize anyone. It's a waste of what some call 'holy water.' That is not how you get baptized. You get baptized at a church, usually baptist, where there is a baptismal. Or you can go to another kind of church who baptizes you in a lake. But you are not 'baptizing yourself' every time you go to church and are simply doing it because someone taught it to you. It means NOTHING!
wow so much to mean small...

1. I dont think God is asking that.
2. the water is not there for a baptism. here is a outsiders looking in explaination which I think goes pretty well into depth of things.

3. As for the knees...Im guessing that is during Mass? there are certain points during Mass that Catholics must kneel to reflect respect and service. I would suggest researching part. is a good sourse but they changed their layout. I am having a hard time navigating it. Otherwise I have no problem with kneeling. Various parts of catholicism have their reasons.

One part to, for example, we do not teach against evolution. One may agree or disagree with evolution as they see fit.

The Catholics are an unusual people sometimes, but they serve the same God, even though it seems like they pray more to Mary and the Pope. They call the Pope "Father" when God Is The FATHER instead. The Pope is NOT a Father!! Don't think it for a second. And your rosary beads are for nothing, except some sort of abacus to each follower. You should not worship a Pope, for he is just a man, whether Italian or Polish, or whatever. Your worship should be upon God and even Jesus, but that's about it.

This is why God is not pleased with the Catholics in all their ways. But God does know that you acknowledge and love Him and Jesus, so that is good. We only have to clear the bugs out a bit. You should instead be in a non-denominational church with your emphasis on God first and then Jesus, our Christ, also. So I guess I would strongly suggest that you try a different Church.

thank you but no thanks.
3.. Rosary is for prayer.

4.. We do not pray to a pope but I do note that the word prayer can mean different things to different people. The old English term pray refer to a conversation only not a form of worship.

Catholics see things differently, than others but without knowing how or why - too many guessing can come to wrong conclusions.

I would suggest another thread for more in depth look.

Didn't Jesus say, 'Why call me good? God is good." Why did Jesus on the Cross say, "My God, My God!! Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" So Jesus called Him, "My God." So how can anyone be confused. How can other men not say that God was Jesus' God also? Things are so very clear already. God was also Jesus' God... His Father![\quote] yes things can be confusing at times. Many things are said with meaning, like " why has thou forsaken me?" but would this not imply that Jesus was not a willing participant?

Or could a willing participant say this sentence in hopes others may hear him quote and reference a poem that is in Torah or OT?

Catholics put too much emphasis on Mary, and the Pope, etc. They should not be worshiping Mary, but instead, God. Even Jesus would say, don't worship Me, worship God. Catholics also forget to put Jesus first in everyone's life, coming into their hearts to sup with Him. You have not known this doctrine yet, yet it really decides where you're heading. I don't mean Hell, so don't think that. A close, good relationship with Jesus is so very important! If you know Jesus, you will know His Father.

I will help you out in any ways you need to turn your life around, if that's what you want. But I will not force anything upon you, since it was not done to me either. But showing you how to attain Jesus' and God's love, that I can help you with. You probably have it already, or you would not be saying you are Catholic. I have a rough time trying to change the spots on an atheist, but you, I can help easily!! I will show you how to have Jesus in your life. And for those who read these posts, they may learn how to find the Lord as well.
5. you say I should not trust a pope because he is man. but you I can put first?

6. Catholics are not supposed to worship any of man. Not Mary or a pope. that is teaching. says so in catechism which is shared on vatican web site.

to put God first is to recognize he created everything. In my own view, this is not explained step by step. so sciences that help us understand the world does not go against His teachings, nor should it be in the way of us following Him.

Well, will get going for now. The first important point that I can give you is to pray by yourself to Jesus and ask Him to enter your heart and remain there. You should notice a difference right afterwards, as if someone was there then to share your life with you, every minute, and moment, as long as you wish it. You will wish it and never want it to be different again. Try this and see if it works for you. Swallow your pride when asking Him and have nothing but humbleness within your mind and heart. Go For It!!

May God Share His Love And Life With You And Increase Your Countenance Threefold,

thank you for sharing your info. Ciao.
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See. that sounds like two different beings. one unequal to the other.

Dear randomvim,

They are different beings, of course. And the differences are few and far between. But they are One in Spirit, and they think completely the same as each other most all of the time. Jesus will refer back to His Father about any questions He {Jesus} has that are hard to find. So that God can enter into His Rest, which is spoken of in the Holy Scriptures also. God will pass the scepter to Jesus to Reign on Earth.

Amen!! Godspeed!!



wow. Id like to respond but I feel it would go off topic. well we kinda already did go off topic. and I don't remember why. Hmmm...

Okay. I think I can tie this in to everything. here goes.

This must he where I am being confused. See, in the Trinity, Jesus the Son and God the Father are equal and are the same being. difficult mystery I know but ideally one being and three persons. which is Why I said earlier that Jesus IS (unsure how to bold) God and for God to sacrifice Himself takes competition out of the water (other gods or faiths).

Thus I was curious how such a statement diminished the crucifix though I may have misunderstood what the actual response.

Are you saying that the Father instilled something into the Son?

Dear randomvim,

I am saying that the Lord God instilled into Jesus a large part of Himself, Of His Spirit, and unending gifts and blessings from His Father. I'm not saying that They are the same beings. The Father {God}, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are different beings, but They have the same Great Spirit inside Them.

I'll explain that further if you need me to. Let me know.

I've got to be clearer here, it seems. The 3 deities in the Trinity are God, Jesus, and thirdly, the Holy Ghost. They are different beings, but One in Spirit. Does that help?? Also, Greek and Romans gods are just myths, nothing of any truth, randomvim. They just made up special gods, etc. because they wanted a story to go with their new god. They all copied the Bible. Especially the Qur'an! Just as they said that they saw 'chariots' flying in Heaven, instead of now, where we have UFOs. It's just that Satan doing/ sayings those things, and those stories are, in league with the flying chariots.

Satan is just being granted that UFOs exist now, before Jesus' Second Coming, Just as he's trying to screw with man's beliefs like the first time. It's either flying chariots or UFOs. This time, he is hoping that we consider that our ancestors were from the 'aliens' in Heaven, instead of what God told us about where we came from. There's so much more going on than you realize. I can't answer this post completely, because it is getting very late. Will try to get back to you 2morrow! Yeah Super Bowl!!

not hard to imagine but difficult to understand how someone else explains things.

yeah, Catholics say the same thing. just that its okay to honor Mary. And go to her so that she may lead you to her Son. like any good Jewish mother. Mary, " oh, babe I got a son for you!"

ha ha. heard that one from a Jewish nun.

wow so much to mean small...

Randomvim, I'm not trying to dis your Church at all. I mean, you and I both believe in God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost. I consider you equally as a person and brother!! I'm so glad that you are posting on this thread. I wish more Christians would come here too.

1. I don't think God is asking that.
2. the water is not there for a baptism. here is a outsiders looking in explanation which I think goes pretty well into depth of things.

3. As for the knees...I'm guessing that is during Mass? there are certain points during Mass that Catholics must kneel to reflect respect and service. I would suggest researching part. is a good source but they changed their layout. I am having a hard time navigating it. Otherwise I have no problem with kneeling. Various parts of Catholicism have their reasons.

One part to, for example, we do not teach against evolution. One may agree or disagree with evolution as they see fit.

I guess I went with a person who didn't know what they were saying. But you must realize that if you do want to get in touch with Jesus, just go directly to Him. But, it's no big deal, I guess.

thank you but no thanks.
3.. Rosary is for prayer.

4.. We do not pray to a pope but I do note that the word prayer can mean different things to different people. The old English term pray refer to a conversation only not a form of worship.

Catholics see things differently, than others but without knowing how or why - too many guessing can come to wrong conclusions.

I would suggest another thread for more in depth look.

Didn't Jesus say, 'Why call me good? God is good." Why did Jesus on the Cross say, "My God, My God!! Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" So Jesus called Him, "My God." So how can anyone be confused. How can other men not say that God was Jesus' God also? Things are so very clear already. God was also Jesus' God... and His Father!

yes things can be confusing at times. Many things are said with meaning, like " why has thou forsaken me?" but would this not imply that Jesus was not a willing participant?

Or could a willing participant say this sentence in hopes others may hear him quote and reference a poem that is in Torah or OT?

Jesus was a willing participant because it was something His Father/ His God, wanted Him to do. Jesus did pray to God saying, 'Father, let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless, not as I want, but as You want.' Something to that effect. Also, if you ever need me to provide you with Scriptural reference, I will do what I can to help.

5. you say I should not trust a pope because he is man. but you I can put first?

6. Catholics are not supposed to worship any of man. Not Mary or a pope. that is teaching. says so in catechism which is shared on Vatican web site.

to put God first is to recognize he created everything. In my own view, this is not explained step by step. so sciences that help us understand the world does not go against His teachings, nor should it be in the way of us following Him.

thank you for sharing your info. Ciao.

Oh, randomvim, I don't mean for you to worship me at all. I would put an end to it swiftly. Let us not me misunderstood with each other on every level. Hey, I'm learning a lot about catechism than I knew before I met you. It is nice to learn some new facts about Catholicism. I will write more soon. It is 5:30 a.m. here, so I should get to bed.

Praise The Lord!!

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Dear randomvim,

Okay, I finished answering the rest of your post!! Eeeekkk! Hope it helps. If I've used words that you don't understand, just let me know. These long posts are rough, but sometimes necessary! You have a real good day and I hope it is warm where you are at!!

Pray For Israel!!



New member
Dear randomvim,

I am saying that the Lord God instilled into Jesus a large part of Himself, Of His Spirit, and unending gifts and blessings from His Father. I'm not saying that They are the same beings. The Father {God}, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are different beings, but They have the same Great Spirit inside Them.

I'll explain that further if you need me to. Let me know.

I've got to be clearer here, it seems. The 3 deities in the Trinity are God, Jesus, and thirdly, the Holy Ghost. They are different beings, but One in Spirit. Does that help?? Also, Greek and Romans gods are just myths, nothing of any truth, randomvim. They just made up special gods, etc. because they wanted a story to go with their new god. They all copied the Bible. Especially the Qur'an! Just as they said that they saw 'chariots' flying in Heaven, instead of now, where we have UFOs. It's just that Satan doing/ sayings those things, and those stories are, in league with the flying chariots.

Satan is just being granted that UFOs exist now, before Jesus' Second Coming, Just as he's trying to screw with man's beliefs like the first time. It's either flying chariots or UFOs. This time, he is hoping that we consider that our ancestors were from the 'aliens' in Heaven, instead of what God told us about where we came from. There's so much more going on than you realize. I can't answer this post completely, because it is getting very late. Will try to get back to you 2morrow! Yeah Super Bowl!!

Randomvim, I'm not trying to dis your Church at all. I mean, you and I both believe in God And Jesus, And The Holy Ghost. I consider you equally as a person and brother!! I'm so glad that you are posting on this thread. I wish more Christians would come here too.

I guess I went with a person who didn't know what they were saying. But you must realize that if you do want to get in touch with Jesus, just go directly to Him. But, it's no big deal, I guess.

Didn't Jesus say, 'Why call me good? God is good." Why did Jesus on the Cross say, "My God, My God!! Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" So Jesus called Him, "My God." So how can anyone be confused. How can other men not say that God was Jesus' God also? Things are so very clear already. God was also Jesus' God... and His Father!

Jesus was a willing participant because it was something His Father/ His God, wanted Him to do. Jesus did pray to God saying, 'Father, let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless, not as I want, but as You want.' Something to that effect. Also, if you ever need me to provide you with Scriptural reference, I will do what I can to help.

Oh, randomvim, I don't mean for you to worship me at all. I would put an end to it swiftly. Let us not me misunderstood with each other on every level. Hey, I'm learning a lot about catechism than I knew before I met you. It is nice to learn some new facts about Catholicism. I will write more soon. It is 5:30 a.m. here, so I should get to bed.

Praise The Lord!!


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New member
Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:

You should be able to see a persons motivation for preaching. I can say I'm guilty at times for preaching out of strife. I don't seek preaching from paid preachers of any kind. Their motivation should alway be questioned. But on a blog. I would say most of us are motivated for the love of our fellow man.

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Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will:

You should be able to see a persons motivation for preaching. I can say I'm guilty at times for preaching out of strife. I don't seek preaching from paid preachers of any kind. Their motivation should alway be questioned. But on a blog. I would say most of us are motivated for the love of our fellow man.

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Dear balut55,

I hope that I am also of good will!! I only have the good news that Jesus is returning very soon, and my testimony of all that has happened in my life so far. I only mentioned Jesus' words when He was crucified, to clarify that Jesus has the same God as all of us, and that He is also the Son of God. And He calls God His "Father." God did send His Son onto the Earth to give man two commandments, instead of all ten. 'Love God with all of your heart, mind and soul.' And second, 'Love your neighbor as you do yourself.' He said, that if you keep these two commandments, the others will fall into place with time. He also showed us how to live our lives by being an example. My motivation for speaking my testimony to others is to help my fellow men and women. So they will be advised beforehand that He is returning for us so very soon, though I do not know the day. That is all. I want all of my friends and family to make it to Heaven with me, because I'd rather not miss them in my everyday life. And also those who know Jesus as their personal Savior and that they sought God out for answers. He loves those who seek Him!! His Loving is Eternal, if You want it to Be.

Well, I hope this has been good news to you. I am joyful every day now. God does wipe your tears away, when you know why He does things. It has been full of trials and growth. It has been quite a life so far!

May God Be With You And Your Loved Ones!!

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