Creation vs. Evolution II


Most things Cadry says will.

He's got very little that is true, let alone helpful.

Hey Stripe!!

It's really excellent to have you posting here again! 6days will love it too!! I clobbered the atheists here, so they are gone. Even Silent Hunter is silent, eh!! ROTFL!! I like it better having Christians visit. They are the ones I've wanted to reach with the good news, to be honest!

Stripe, I have very much that is true and helpful. You are either biased or jealous, or something. Ask some of the Christians here that have recently posted. Randomvim started a new thread from something he learned here, so it helped him. I know you are not kind sometimes when you post, but I have a very high capacity of forgiveness and love, so I just attribute your remarks to someone who has not really known me. I hope with time, everything will be better.

Once again, thanks for posting, Stripe!! It is the first time you've posted since I started this Part II thread. Good to break a record! Stripe, how would I have such an extremely long thread if I'm not being true or helpful?? C'mon. The things you say about me are not true.

May God Be With You & Tambora. I think she is an excellent person, BTW.



Finally, Silent Hunter is SILENT!! Hard to believe, but accurate. I now have a Christian Thread. I let the atheists know how I felt about them, out of the Scriptures, too boot! Why waste over 3 years of life trying to change the spots and they still are atheists? The only one who changed was Alwight, and that was when he was on his death bed and he didn't want to face it without knowing that a new life was awaiting him instead of the life he had. I still saved emails of him asking for an angel. He helped me out, so I helped him out! He taught me some of the ins and outs to navigate this website. Thank God for him!

May God Call For You, Alwight!!



Dear Stripe,

I certainly can forgive you for the fact that Jesus, when he was on the Cross, said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." The people there didn't ask for one first. Also, Jesus saved the adulteress from a barrage of stones and she did not say I'm sorry first. Jesus, forgiving and helping others, and He did not even require a Thank You, much less an apology. Jesus cured the man who had many devils in him and Jesus didn't receive a thank you or and apology.

You don't treat me well at all, and said nothing but evil, mean words to me, and your not apologizing to me. Yippee!! So you do not treat me as your fellow man, nor respect me. And you call yourself a Christian? Quit being so unfriendly. And is it God leading you to say the things that you do, or Satan. I forgive you and love you, regardless of your words. Jesus taught me that. When I asked you to post, I didn't expect you to do this, amigo!!



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Dear Stripe, I certainly can forgive you for the fact that Jesus, when he was on the Cross, said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." The people there didn't ask for one first. Also, Jesus saved the adulteress from a barrage of stones and she did not say I'm sorry first. Jesus, forgiving and helping others, and He did not even require a Thank You, much less an apology. Jesus cured the man who had many devils in him and Jesus didn't receive a thank you or and apology. You don't treat me well at all, and said nothing but evil, mean words to me, and your not apologizing to me. Yippee!! So you do not treat me as your fellow man, nor respect me. And you call yourself a Christian? Quit being so unfriendly. And is it God leading you to say the things that your do, or Satan. I forgive you and love you, regardless of your words. Jesus taught me that. Michael

Why are you quoting Jesus?

You hate Him.


Why are you quoting Jesus?

You hate Him.

Dear Stripe,

Where do you come up with this stuff. Total lies! Of course I don't hate Jesus and I love Him more than you could even begin to fathom. Ask the rest of ToL users if I hate Jesus. I think you just come up with these things instead of using your brain to answer what was posted to you. You don't know what to say, to defend yourself.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Dear Stripe, Where do you come up with this stuff. Total lies! Of course I don't hate Jesus and I love Him more than you could even begin to fathom. Ask the rest of ToL users if I hate Jesus. I think you just come up with these things instead of using your brain to answer what was posted to you. You don't know what to say, to defend yourself. Michael


You think I need to defend myself?

You're a drug-addled maniac whose ego is stoked by the number of replies you get.

When you confess Jesus as Lord God and savior, get back to us. :up:



You think I need to defend myself?

You're a drug-addled maniac whose ego is stoked by the number of replies you get.

When you confess Jesus as Lord God and savior, get back to us. :up:

Dear Stripe,

For one, I am not a drug-addled moron, and you've used that saying on me too many times before. I'm not a drug addict. Maybe you are. You protest it so much!! What are you trying to keep to yourself?

I've been saved since I was 11 years old, when I asked Jesus to come into my heart. The rest of what has happened to me since then you can't handle. So whatever.

Jesus taught me something I guess He never taught you. I treat all of my brethren with love and respect, as often as I can. I invested over 3 years trying to convince atheists and evolutionists to accept God and Jesus. No one has changed their spots except Alwight! One person. And he was on his death bed when he was asking me to pray that God would send him an angel. My work is more important than you calling me names, so I shall not change what I am doing.

Your ramblings are for kids, Stripe. It's too bad this all had to turn out this way. I was hoping for the Stripe I used to know, but now, even you have resorted to childish tantrums. You are just a spoiled child inside and will say anything to get his way.

I don't want any negativity here. I got enough of that with the atheists, whom I chased away here with the truth. I left them dumbfounded. They have to reassess their lives and beliefs.
I am reaching people all over the world with leading them to Christ. You don't know my life and what I've gone through, so what do you know, what do you know?? You're a brother hater and you've made that clear. You like to be sarcastic, that is your way.

I also do not care how many posts I get here. If I did, I wouldn't have chased away so many nonbelievers. They are thinking twice now, I'd bet. If I find the post I wrote, I will let you know how to view it. I'm going to find it. Well, will close for now. Learn to be kindhearted and loving, and you will go further towards Heaven. Jesus taught us this. I love my enemies besides just my friends. Jesus taught me that too! What good is a man if he just loves his friends and family? Doesn't everyone do that already? Love your enemies too, and you will be one step closer to God. You just love to hurl insults at people. That is your M.O. it seems. Whatever. What are you going to come up with next??

Love On The Way!!

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Dear Stripe,

For one, I am not a drug-addled moron, and you've used that saying on me too many times before. I'm not a drug addict. Maybe you are. You protest it so much!! What are you trying to keep to yourself?

I've been saved since I was 11 years old, when I asked Jesus to come into my heart. The rest of what has happened to me since then you can't handle. So whatever.

Jesus taught me something I guess He never taught you. I treat all of my brethren with love and respect, as often as I can. I invested over 3 years trying to convince atheists and evolutionists to accept God and Jesus. No one has changed their spots except Alwight! One person. And he was on his death bed when he was asking me to pray that God would send him an angel. My work is more important than you calling me names, so I shall not change what I am doing.

Your ramblings are for kids, Stripe. It's too bad this all had to turn out this way. I was hoping for the Stripe I used to know, but now, even you have resorted to childish tantrums. You are just a spoiled child inside and will say anything to get his way.

I don't want any negativity here. I got enough of that with the atheists, whom I chased away here with the truth. I left them dumbfounded. They have to reassess their lives and beliefs.

I am reaching people all over the world with leading them to Christ. You don't know my life and what I've gone through, so what do you know, what do you know?? You're a brother hater and you've made that clear. You like to be sarcastic, that is your way.

I also do not care how many posts I get here. If I did, I wouldn't have chased away so many nonbelievers. They are thinking twice now, I'd bet. If I find the post I wrote, I will let you know how to view it.*** I'm going to find it. Well, will close for now. Learn to be kindhearted and loving, and you will go further towards Heaven. Jesus taught us this. I love my enemies besides just my friends. Jesus taught me that too! What good is a man if he just loves his friends and family? Doesn't everyone do that already? Love your enemies too, and you will be one step closer to God. You just love to hurl insults at people. That is your M.O. it seems. Whatever. What are you going to come up with next??

Love On The Way!!


*** Hey, I found the post!! Please see Post #1400, on Page 94. Read what it says about Sodom and Gomorrah and just before that.


Dear 6days,

With that post, all of the atheists started dropping like flies here, suddenly. Now they are hard to find. Like they cleared out of town. Just see Post #1400 on Pg. 94. It had to be done. The axe has dropped.

Yeah Creationists!!



Dear 6days,

Seeing as if we scared away all of the atheists, I guess that makes us Creationists the winners!! I guess they all went to crawl under a rock. Hey, you all, I defeated you with the Word in the Scriptures. Jesus' Words. I thought that would do the trick! I do hope the atheists will have to reconsider what other options they have, now that the jack popped out of the box! I hope they decide to give Christianity another try!! I can't help it that I feel so giddy!

Gleefully Yours,

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Dear Jonahdog,

Thanks so much for finally posting again. I do not know how to interpret your post. If it is for me, thank you! If not, accept my apologies.

Warmest Regards,


Michael, I think you and Stripe are both wrong on your basic facts. Stripe is just nasty and thinks he is better than anyone else. He picks fights and then runs away, Stripey is a real school-yard bully.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe [is] wrong on ... basic facts.
But you won't name one or say why it is wrong. :idunno:

I think we know why that is. :rolleyes:

Stripe is just nasty and thinks he is better than anyone else. He picks fights and then runs away, Stripey is a real school-yard bully.


Don't worry, little man. I feel confident that with time and counseling, you'll get over it.
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Stripe is a moron -

Dear patrick jane,

I have to agree with you on that one!! I never realized how bad he was until he started speaking blatant lies about me in these posts here. Jonahdog is right too!! Congratulations jonahdog and patrick!! Stripe just uses negative words against anyone who says something that he doesn't like, whether it's true or not. Then, when you respond to him, he just uses snide remarks, that are also not true. God looks down upon him and knows, so it does not go unnoticed by Him. Que sera, sera!! He's also not much of a man because he can't find it in his heart to apologize to those he lies about.

Tons Of Love Upon You From God Above,



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Hydroplate. Dont [want] to add anything else.

Of course not. That would require rational thought and evidence.

You prefer to banter with Cadry where you know you will never be held to any scientific standards.


Of course not. That would require rational thought and evidence.

You prefer to banter with Cadry where you know you will never be held to any scientific standards.

Dear Stripe,

There you go belittling Jonahdog and I. You are dead wrong on your assumptions and of course Jonahdog might like to banter with me, because I treat him with respect and love, and you don't. Now, who would you prefer?
