Creation vs. Evolution II


Of course not. That would require rational thought and evidence.

You prefer to banter with Cadry where you know you will never be held to any scientific standards.

Stripe, you would not know a scientific standard if it bit you on the butt.


Dear Stripe,

There you go belittling Jonahdog and I. You are dead wrong on your assumptions and of course Jonahdog might like to banter with me, because I treat him with respect and love, and you don't. Now, who would you prefer?


Michael, being belittled by Stripe should be a badge of honor.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe, you would not know a scientific standard if it bit you on the butt.

But you're not going to quote me to back that up and describe your position. You're just going to rant.

We know why.

Darwinists hate a discussion over the evidence.


Dear jonahdog,

Well, here I go with all of these badges of honor over my heart!! It seems to be the only banter Stripe prefers to speak. All that I know is that Tambora seems to like him a lot, so I trust her that he is an okay guy!! Tambora has a big heart from what I've seen.



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With Love & Compassion,

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But you're not going to quote me to back that up and describe your position. You're just going to rant.

We know why.

Darwinists hate a discussion over the evidence.

Actually, discussion of evidence is important but it needs to be done without the need to shoe horn the evidence into Genesis which you need to do in order to avoid your deity sending you to eternal torment. Must be awful to live with that fear.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Actually, discussion of evidence is important but it needs to be done without the need to shoe horn the evidence into Genesis which you need to do in order to avoid your deity sending you to eternal torment. Must be awful to live with that fear.


Discussion of evidence is important, but it needs to be done without the need to shoehorn the evidence into your precious Darwinism, which you need to do to avoid the possibility that God might be real and you will be held accountable for your rejection of Him. Must be awful to live in denial.


Actually, discussion of evidence is important but it needs to be done without the need to shoe horn the evidence into Genesis which you need to do in order to avoid your deity sending you to eternal torment. Must be awful to live with that fear.

Dear Jonahdog,

I'm sorry, guy, but I must tell you that I believe Stripe is right. If you can't believe that God could make an Adam that was 16 years old or so, and chickens and cows in their early or late adulthood, and trees that were not saplings, but of greater age so that they were bearing fruit instantly, like the Garden of Eden, how can you believe in a God Who invests in Miracles?

God does not say that He created an egg. He said He created a chicken, a hen and a rooster. They came together and had a few eggs, and little babies. Same with the ducks. Same with the turtles. And He created young or old cows and steers, who came together and made some calves or cattle. He also miraculously created an Earth and a Heaven that were, or seemed to be, ancient or old. Oh, how does He test the Faith of men and women.

Jesus made wine out of water. He walked on the water to those disciples in their boat. He raised up his friend Lazarus from the dead. I know you don't believe any of this Jonahdog, but you've got to try putting yourself in our shoes, the same shoes that were made out of cattle skin. And a God who separated the waters in the Red Sea, so that the Hebrews could cross and safely escape their enemies, the Egyptians. No one has all of the answers, but both sides rely on Faith that their tales are the Truth. If we believe in a Jesus Who could do intricate miracles, how much more than His Father, God, doing greater miracles??!!

We creationists know that Darwin was just looking at an ape, and thought it looked like a monkey, and that the monkey was man's ancestors. Give me a break. Do you really expect us to believe that ALL of THESE MAGNIFICENT THINGS were just created there by themselves, and that no one Special made them for us to wonder at and ponder. And that all of these intricate stars, galaxies, planets, moons, hydrogen and helium suns and stars, gravity, magnetism, black holes, supernovas, the speed of light, all came to be on their own?? Do you want us to believe that Darwin did it?? You want us to believe that it was just there of it's own volition? No can do. You be reasonable for a change.

God said that He CREATED each object and flora, and fauna, and mankind, of His Own volition. We believe the latter, because we don't have misplaced Faith in NOTHING instead of SOMETHING. NOTHING CAME FROM NOTHING??!! Be sure of that, Jonahdog, before you pick your poison. I would rather have a noose around my neck than to direct my love to Darwin and chimpanzees. It's quite farfetched and also not true.

I'm sorry Jonahdog, but this is where I stand, and I know that millions of others also believe my way and a lot of others, though totally outnumbered, don't. I just have a feeling that my hunch is correct in believing with the majority. It is not the reason I chose to believe in God. It just turned out to be that they are in the majority. I believed because I loved God and His Son Jesus, and I found out later, when I was tons older, that I was in the majority. I know that these things all did not come about just from nothing, or on their own. But I did not know I'd be judged later in life for believing in God while I was younger.

I believe in a Creator who made them all. And I am happy, and full of joy, and I am not queasy about my decisions in my life, but rather I feel emboldened to share my feelings with others. I'm not sorry to hold these beliefs. I'm still on your side about some things, but not about that. JD, where do you think a feeling called Love came from? Did it create itself? Air created itself? The wind created itself. You can't see them, yet you believe in them. Well, our God is there, and you also can't see Him. We still see the evidence of Him actually being there. I do hope you'll understand.

God does not expect everyone to believe in Him out of being forced to. He's not like that. We all suffer at times and we all live gloriously at other times. It's too bad it can't be gloriously ALL the time. But, God has reserved that those who can not believe in Him in this life will still get one last chance to believe in Him in the world to come. This is why it says that THE DEAD SHALL LIVE AGAIN after 1,000 years of time passing. We know this is true by what is written in the Scriptures.

In Rev. 20:5, it says, "But the rest {remainder} of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished." But, oh, I can tell you that in the next life that you have, it will be even harder to believe in God than now. It is written, 'blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power...{see Rev. 20:6}" I know it's probably hard for you to believe all of this, but it's there for the taking. It's written there in black and white. It's been plainly printed for us to decide what we want out of this life. That's something to ponder, eh?

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Dear Jonahdog,

I'm sorry, guy, but I must tell you that I believe Stripe is right. If you can't believe that God could make an Adam that was 16 years old, and chickens and cows in their early or late adulthood, and trees that were not saplings, but of greater age so that they were bearing fruit instantly, how can you believe in a God Who invests in Miracles. God does not say that He created an egg. He said He created a chicken, a hen and a rooster. They came together and had a few eggs, and little babies. Same with the ducks. Same with the turtles. And He created young or old cows and steers, who came together and made some calves or cattle. He also miraculously created an Earth and a Heaven that were, or seemed to be, ancient or old. Oh, how does He test the Faith of men and women.

Jesus made wine out of water. He walked on the water to those disciples in their boat. He raised up his friend Lazarus from the dead. I know you don't believe any of this Jonahdog, but you've got to try putting yourself in our shoes, the same shoes that were made out of cattle skin. And a God who separated the waters in the Red Sea, so that the Hebrews could cross and safely escape their enemies, the Egyptians. No one has all of the answers, but both sides rely on Faith that their tales are the Truth. We creationists know that Darwin was just looking at an ape, and thought it looked like a monkey, and that the monkey was man's ancestors. Give me a break. Do you really expect us to believe that ALL of THESE MAGNIFICENT THINGS were just created there by themselves, and that no one Special made them for us to wonder at and ponder. And that all of these intricate stars, galaxies, planets, moons, hydrogen and helium suns and stars, all came to be on their own?? Do you want us to believe that Darwin did it?? You want us to believe that it was just their of it's own volition? No can do. You be reasonable for a change. God said that He CREATED each objects and flora, and fauna, and mankind of His Own volition. We believe the latter, because we don't have misplaced Faith in NOTHING instead of SOMETHING. NOTHING CAME FROM NOTHING!! Be sure of that, Jonahdog, before you pick your poison. I would rather have a noose around my neck than to direct my love to Darwin and chimpanzees. It's quite farfetched and also not true.

I'm sorry Jonahdog, but this is where I stand, and I know that millions of others also believe my way and a lot of others, though totally outnumbered, don't. I just have a feeling that my hunch is correct in believing with the majority. It is not the reason I chose to believe in God. It just turned out to be that they are in the majority. I believed because I loved God and His Son Jesus, and I found out later, when I was tons older, that I was in the majority. I know that these things all did not come about just from nothing, or on their own. I believe in a Creator who made them all. And I am happy, and full of joy, and I am not queasy about my decisions in my life, but rather I feel emboldened to share my feelings with others. I'm not sorry to hold these beliefs. I'm still on your side about some things, but not about that. JD, where do you think a feeling called Love came from? Did it create itself? Air created itself? The wind created itself. You can't see them, yet you believe in them. Well, our God is there, and you also can't see Him. We still see the evidence of Him actually being there. I do hope you'll understand.

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,


"You know, Hippy, would you do me a favor. Stay off my side."
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patrick jane

Dear Jonahdog,

I'm sorry, guy, but I must tell you that I believe Stripe is right. If you can't believe that God could make an Adam that was 16 years old or so, and chickens and cows in their early or late adulthood, and trees that were not saplings, but of greater age so that they were bearing fruit instantly, like the Garden of Eden, how can you believe in a God Who invests in Miracles?

God does not say that He created an egg. He said He created a chicken, a hen and a rooster. They came together and had a few eggs, and little babies. Same with the ducks. Same with the turtles. And He created young or old cows and steers, who came together and made some calves or cattle. He also miraculously created an Earth and a Heaven that were, or seemed to be, ancient or old. Oh, how does He test the Faith of men and women.

Jesus made wine out of water. He walked on the water to those disciples in their boat. He raised up his friend Lazarus from the dead. I know you don't believe any of this Jonahdog, but you've got to try putting yourself in our shoes, the same shoes that were made out of cattle skin. And a God who separated the waters in the Red Sea, so that the Hebrews could cross and safely escape their enemies, the Egyptians. No one has all of the answers, but both sides rely on Faith that their tales are the Truth. If we believe in a Jesus Who could do intricate miracles, how much more than His Father, God, doing greater miracles??!!

We creationists know that Darwin was just looking at an ape, and thought it looked like a monkey, and that the monkey was man's ancestors. Give me a break. Do you really expect us to believe that ALL of THESE MAGNIFICENT THINGS were just created there by themselves, and that no one Special made them for us to wonder at and ponder. And that all of these intricate stars, galaxies, planets, moons, hydrogen and helium suns and stars, gravity, magnetism, black holes, supernovas, the speed of light, all came to be on their own?? Do you want us to believe that Darwin did it?? You want us to believe that it was just there of it's own volition? No can do. You be reasonable for a change.

God said that He CREATED each object and flora, and fauna, and mankind, of His Own volition. We believe the latter, because we don't have misplaced Faith in NOTHING instead of SOMETHING. NOTHING CAME FROM NOTHING??!! Be sure of that, Jonahdog, before you pick your poison. I would rather have a noose around my neck than to direct my love to Darwin and chimpanzees. It's quite farfetched and also not true.

I'm sorry Jonahdog, but this is where I stand, and I know that millions of others also believe my way and a lot of others, though totally outnumbered, don't. I just have a feeling that my hunch is correct in believing with the majority. It is not the reason I chose to believe in God. It just turned out to be that they are in the majority. I believed because I loved God and His Son Jesus, and I found out later, when I was tons older, that I was in the majority. I know that these things all did not come about just from nothing, or on their own. But I did not know I'd be judged later in life for believing in God while I was younger.

I believe in a Creator who made them all. And I am happy, and full of joy, and I am not queasy about my decisions in my life, but rather I feel emboldened to share my feelings with others. I'm not sorry to hold these beliefs. I'm still on your side about some things, but not about that. JD, where do you think a feeling called Love came from? Did it create itself? Air created itself? The wind created itself. You can't see them, yet you believe in them. Well, our God is there, and you also can't see Him. We still see the evidence of Him actually being there. I do hope you'll understand.

God does not expect everyone to believe in Him out of being forced to. He's not like that. We all suffer at times and we all live gloriously at other times. It's too bad it can't be gloriously ALL the time. But, God has reserved that those who can not believe in Him in this life will still get one last chance to believe in Him in the world to come. This is why it says that THE DEAD SHALL LIVE AGAIN after 1,000 years of time passing. We know this is true by what is written in the Scriptures.

In Rev. 20:5, it says, "But the rest {remainder} of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished." But, oh, I can tell you that in the next life that you have, it will be even harder to believe in God than now. It is written, 'blessed are those who take part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power...{see Rev. 20:6}" I know it's probably hard for you to believe all of this, but it's there for the taking. It's written there in black and white. It's been plainly printed for us to decide what we want out of this life. That's something to ponder, eh?

Much Love, In Jesus Christ,

Great post Michael !!!


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Notice how it works?

The creationist wants to talk evidence; the Darwinist spouts nonsense and wants to talk anything but.


Dear Lon,

Thanks for letting me know how you felt about my post. Sometimes I think God helps me write these.

God Be With You And Your Loved Ones,



Dear Hedshaker, gcthomas & Silent Hunter,

Well, it's been awhile. If you can find the time to read my Post 1508 on Page 101 of this thread, give it a chance. It might help you overcome your disbelief in God and the world. See what happens. Read it slow, so that you can understand it well. God knows that I've tried everything. This may just be the post that does it!




Dear Atheists & Agnostics,

Now, that I think about it, I guess you will not allow anything to pierce your thoughts and souls towards the truth, regardless of what I say. It's really too bad. Forget that I asked.



Dear 6days,

How're you doing lately? I guess I forgot to send you a message here in the posts. I thought I had already mentioned it, but I looked back and realized that I didn't. Would you let me know if you understand my Post #1508 on page 101? I don't know if you will get it all or not. You're usually pretty good at these things, though. If you don't agree with it all, I will understand.

May God Rest Your Head Near His Heart!!

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