Creation vs. Evolution II


1. we dont know how Adam looked.

We know that Adam was created in the image of God. When Jesus was on Earth, he looked like a man. He says, "He who hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." So, in other words, God looks like man and man looks like God. Hope that helps!!

The End.

2. Common ancestry is not denied as Adam was first human which would have been first of the family "homo." Genetically different enough from the common ancestor which is a theory - unless this has remained a hypothesis.

3. the word Adam means man, which there is a very real metephorical meaning in creation story that depicts more than literal meaning as this is the beginiing of the entire race.

4. evolution relates to the human origion: "I made you from clay." By which we were formed into man - that is a process

5. clay aslo depicts atoms.

And elements and minerals, etc.



New member
1. we dont know how Adam looked.

2. Common ancestry is not denied as Adam was first human which would have been first of the family "homo." Genetically different enough from the common ancestor which is a theory - unless this has remained a hypothesis.

3. the word Adam means man, which there is a very real metephorical meaning in creation story that depicts more than literal meaning as this is the beginiing of the entire race.

4. evolution relates to the human origion: "I made you from clay." By which we were formed into man - that is a process

5. clay aslo depicts atoms.

You didn't address the point I made. If physical death existed before first Adam sinned, then what was the purpose of the cross?



The purpose of the cross was our creator Son experiencing what man is called to experience, death. Jesus lived his entire life on the cross of human experience. Death is the final drama for man on this world. The false speculation that Jesus was a human sacrifice became the faulty foundation which took the original gospel of salvation by faith in a different direction. Mortal death or translation is normal. Besides, the one thing Jesus said about the death and resurrection was that this miracle would prove his authority to teach.

Sin didn't come through Adam and Eve, in truth the crafty beast had already sinned. Death came specifically to Adam and Eve because of their specific disobediance, mortal man already experienced it.


Well-known member
That's quite disingenuous of you Lon being that everyone that disagrees with your religious outlook must "where it on their sleeve", lest you wouldn't have made such a broad-brushed comment last post:

Again, you wear it on your sleeve. There is no guess-work.

Well, since 'red' can be mutually experienced, objectively verified and it's not literally like that.
It is the difference, literally, of who can see and who cannot. Most blind people aren't so ill-equipped to think the rest of the seeing community is wrong. Some perhaps audacious, others arrogant, others yet just not able to conceive such a thing.

No one stands on a corner or goes door-to-door handing out pamphlets claiming that there is no existing god and one is eternally punished for believing in such a god....rather that view is obtained through reason and the objective critique of all forms of religion. This is something you're unwilling, nay, fearful to undertake.
:nono: I've looked. You are imagining an even playing field here. You are the one who cannot see it, not I.

Until an objective approach is drawn...."us vs. them" arrogance will always predominate. The problem still remains with you Lon and other such're just too spiritually blinded to recognize this.
Being correct and asserting such will always produce such erroneous summations in one who thinks the ground is level. It isn't. They are part and parcel to your understanding on this point. It is why you'd remain as you are, it is the purpose of it.


That's quite disingenuous of you Lon being that everyone that disagrees with your religious outlook must "where it on their sleeve", lest you wouldn't have made such a broad-brushed comment last post:


Well, since 'red' can be mutually experienced, objectively verified and it's not literally like that.

No one stands on a corner or goes door-to-door handing out pamphlets claiming that there is no existing god and one is eternally punished for believing in such a god....rather that view is obtained through reason and the objective critique of all forms of religion. This is something you're unwilling, nay, fearful to undertake.

Until an objective approach is drawn...."us vs. them" arrogance will always predominate. The problem still remains with you Lon and other such're just too spiritually blinded to recognize this.

Dear Quip,

I've got to tell you, Quip, that Lon is extremely correct and has chosen careful words to explain it to you in the best form possible. Some things are Bluntly True, and still, some people won't listen. Is there something more that Lon could say that would reach deep into your heart and soul, and enlighten your eyes and mind? ANY THING??

Good luck with your eternal life. God did not make souls and spirit that can die. No, He made them eternal, lasting forever. Where you spend that forever is up to each individual. Why would He create them to simply perish. He's not like that. When He creates something, it stays in one form or the other. It doesn't disappear. Now where that soul or spirit spends it's eternity, that is the question. He has given us two choices. That's the harsh, hard reality for you. If you want to refuse and defy your own maker and creator, it is a dumb thing to do. You certainly could end up spending your eternity in an unpleasant setting.

You'll evidently find that out the hard way, I guess. I hope that somehow this gets through to your brain/mind. NOTE: Some souls will 'die,' but that means that they will lose consciousness for a number of years, but they will still be brought back to their alive state again, even though they were dead/sleeping. Look at these verses: Rev. 20:5KJV, 'But the rest of the dead didn't live AGAIN until the 1,000 years were finished.'

See also Rev. 20:12-14KJV. I will not quote it here, because it is too long, but it may just open your eyes to the fact that the dead shall be judged according to their works... And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire {our Sun}. Hell is in the center of our Earth, and is hot with magma and lava. Some souls spend a long time there.

You see. You don't have all of the facts to make the kind of decision you are making, but you will get what you wish. A life without God, and instead, a life with Satan. There's more going on here than meets the eye. If you don't want God or Jesus, then you will not have them. But your undying, eternal soul will have to spend somewhere, and do you know where that is??? The ones who choose God and Jesus will spend their eternal lives with Him, in Heaven. It is so beautiful and awesome there, that you have never seen the likes of it anywhere!

Please quit being so stubborn. Lon and I are only trying to help you. I know a lot of things and that is how I could tell you more than Lon could, about where you'll spend your everlasting life. The ball is in your court now!!

Tons Of Love, In Christ,

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New member
Yes... we want evidence bssed science. For too many years, a false belief system has been taught in the guise of science. Sadly students were taught psuedoscience things such as transitional ape-men, junk DNA, vestigial organs, psuedogenes,poorly designed eyes etc.
Yes... we want observational, emperical science taught in schools; not the false beliefs of Darwinism.


Yes... we want evidence bssed science. For too many years, a false belief system has been taught in the guise of science. Sadly students were taught psuedoscience things such as transitional ape-men, junk DNA, vestigial organs, psuedogenes,poorly designed eyes etc.
Yes... we want observational, emperical science taught in schools; not the false beliefs of Darwinism.

As in dinosaurs and man lived together? That empirical science?


Yes... we want evidence bssed science. For too many years, a false belief system has been taught in the guise of science. Sadly students were taught psuedoscience things such as transitional ape-men, junk DNA, vestigial organs, psuedogenes,poorly designed eyes etc.
Yes... we want observational, emperical science taught in schools; not the false beliefs of Darwinism.

When science is wrong it's forced to admit it. Those who adhere to the doctrine of the inspiration of scripture, maintain a self hypnotic form of belligerent denial. Then they conveniently accuse their adversaries of alignment with Satan. They did it to the prophets, they did it to Jesus, and they are still doing it today.

It's called crossbedding, it occurs when the original depositional layers have been deformed and tilted.



New member
But in the meantime, did dinosaurs and man live at the same time, and how do YOU know?

Yes...Dinosaurs and men did co-exist. But why are you suggesting that is science? Evolutionists have a hard time understanding the difference between their belief system and science.


New member
.It's called crossbedding, it occurs when the original depositional layers have been deformed and tilted.
Caino.... tilted, warped, bent, layers...especially when full of fossils; even polystrate are great evidence for the truth of God's Word.



Dear Quip,

I've got to tell you, Quip, that Lon is extremely correct and has chosen careful words to explain it to you in the best form possible. Some things are Bluntly True, and still, some people won't listen. Is there something more that Lon could say that would reach deep into your heart and soul, and enlighten your eyes and mind? ANY THING??

Good luck with your eternal life. God did not make souls and spirit that can die. No, He made them eternal, lasting forever. Where you spend that forever is up to each individual. Why would He create them to simply perish. He's not like that. When He creates something, it stays in one form or the other. It doesn't disappear. Now where that soul or spirit spends it's eternity, that is the question. He has given us two choices. That's the harsh, hard reality for you. If you want to refuse and defy your own maker and creator, it is a dumb thing to do. You certainly could end up spending your eternity in an unpleasant setting.

You'll evidently find that out the hard way, I guess. I hope that somehow this gets through to your brain/mind. NOTE: Some souls will 'die,' but that means that they will lose consciousness for a number of years, but they will still be brought back to their alive state again, even though they were dead/sleeping. Look at these verses: Rev. 20:5KJV, 'But the rest of the dead didn't live AGAIN until the 1,000 years were finished.'

See also Rev. 20:12-14KJV. I will not quote it here, because it is too long, but it may just open your eyes to the fact that the dead shall be judged according to their works... And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire {our Sun}. Hell is in the center of our Earth, and is hot with magma and lava. Some souls spend a long time there.

You see. You don't have all of the facts to make the kind of decision you are making, but you will get what you wish. A life without God, and instead, a life with Satan. There's more going on here than meets the eye. If you don't want God or Jesus, then you will not have them. But your undying, eternal soul will have to spend somewhere, and do you know where that is??? The ones who choose God and Jesus will spend their eternal lives with Him, in Heaven. It is so beautiful and awesome there, that you have never seen the likes of it anywhere!

Please quit being so stubborn. Lon and I are only trying to help you. I know a lot of things and that is how I could tell you more than Lon could, about where you'll spend your everlasting life. The ball is in your court now!!

Tons Of Love, In Christ,


I simply don't trust you and Lon's objectivity. Your respective appeals could be from any such proprietary cling to yours simply because that's the particular tinted lens from which you've been enthralled and subsequently vend your persuasions through.

Remove the lens, then get back to me.


New member
We know that Adam was created in the image of God. When Jesus was on Earth, he looked like a man. He says, "He who hath seen Me, hath seen the Father." So, in other words, God looks like man and man looks like God. Hope that helps!!

The End.

And elements and minerals, etc.

1. quote you provide is a testiment to Jesus' divinity not physical attributes of God.

my point was in reference to early humans having looked different to how we appear today. Which Adam may have been. In which, if Adam looked this way, he would not have been any less special.

2. "clay".
Yes. or other things, but the point was that we are made of the foundation of things which is supported.


New member
You didn't address the point I made. If physical death existed before first Adam sinned, then what was the purpose of the cross?

1. where does it say that death was not present before Adam? If I remember right, only humans were condemned to death which may mean only humans pertained a uniqueness that other animals do not.

Animals were given to man, I dont see how if we would feed on them and they did not die.

2. where does it indicate that resurrection was in response to physical death? there is lots of symbolism mixed in with literal meaning within the Bible, but death is often refered to as a spiritual death.

Also possible that the new suffering humans would endure after first sin was different to both by context and reflection.