There's a chance that our Lord will deny them by telling them evildoers if they did lead away souls.
:AMR: Who are dem der evildoers?

There's a chance that our Lord will deny them by telling them evildoers if they did lead away souls.
Get a puppy.Ro 5:8
anna's just butthurt 'cause town's gone off
This thread is ridiculous. Nobody has ever decided to reject God because of what other people believe about God. AB (both of them) is a liar and a :loser:.
anna's just butthurt 'cause town's gone off
Doesn't it just ruin your day that I'm still here? (I sure hope so.)
not going back through all this (man, did this thread catch fire yesterday or what?), but....
did anna ever make any indication of what she would like knight to do differently, or wish that he had done differently with those mean mean posters who don't represent Christian values to her satisfaction?
You know what I was hoping to hear, Knight?
I was hoping that you cared about people on this forum other than your compadres.
You could have shown some leadership. Some empathy. Some Christian charity. Instead, you do what so many others do on this forum, and in the name of Christian 'truthsmack,' you treat other people like dirt. That's no way to witness, no way to show the light of the Christ in whom you believe to unbelievers.
1. I can't speak for zoo, and you can't speak for zoo. Only zoo can speak for zoo, and he did, and he said this forum played a large part in his becoming agnostic. Your callousness and that of others in this thread rather proves his point.
2. You have a commission, do you not? And if you come back with anything about shaking the dust, I'll say this first:
Shaking the dust doesn't mean "since you don't believe in God after I hit you over the head with my truthsmacking club, I'm now going to mock and belittle you into oblivion and I'm going to give my approval to anyone else who wants to pile on."
Doesn't it just ruin your day that I'm still here? (I sure hope so.)
nope, it sure doesn't
kinda revealing that you'd hope so, though
This thread is ridiculous. Nobody has ever decided to reject God because of what other people believe about God. AB (both of them) is a liar and a :loser:.
We dont know why anna is suffering her faith, all we know is that she is placing blame where it doesnt belong.
The only example we need to be looking at is His.
Not necessarily, a person could be really really immature and or babe in Christ, and or have limited biblical knowledge, trusting in others to provide it instead.
Example. I suffered a "crisis" in faith when i was younger that caused me to question the limited information i had as a new believer, i falsely expected that now that i had become a believer, that everything would be different which included other "believers".
I had just started going to church regular and as such i did not have but a couple dresses and one was nicer than the other and we had little means for me to just run out and get some more - my children were little and we were stretched to the max, and my husband was getting baptised that day so i wore my best one (which i had worn the week before).
While he was, i overheard 3 women talking really bad about me because i had on the same dress for a second sunday in a row and it was really nasty (the things they were saying), i was very young and a new believer and it affected me so deeply i did not want to return.
Then when no one from the church came by to see how we were or even call to check on us, that hurt even more. At the time it made me feel like i didnt matter. Things were also getting harder in life in other ways, and one thing led to another and i started to blame God, and then told myself for a season that it was all a bunch of junk and i could better without Him. (because again, being immature myself and yet a babe without sufficient food yet, i believed that everything was suppose to instantly become perfect in my life and that other believers were perfect or should be).
At any rate, God never left me, i am who left, because i was too immature to keep seeking Him, i let those women take my eyes off Him, and put them on myself and them instead, them who needed Him as much as I did.
He never did me wrong, and never said believers wouldn't suffer things.
My faith needed to be tested, so i could grow.
We dont know why anna is suffering her faith, all we know is that she is placing blame where it doesnt belong.
The only example we need to be looking at is His.
Then what's the point of being a Christian witness to anyone? Really, what's the point of being the lamp on the stand?
I'm keeping the lamp lit. Just in case someone needs the light.
Throughout my life people have been good to me and it has made a difference.
Surprisingly, the people who were not good to me also made a difference.
The people who were good to me held me up until I could hold myself up.
The people who were not good to me made me fight the good fight!
Blessings dear Anna.
Then what's the point of being a Christian witness to anyone? Really, what's the point of being the lamp on the stand?
Thank you, bybee. I needed a kind word today. I'm thankful for yours and for those given to me privately by another.
I think I'm finished with this thread.