That right there is the absolute worst....not saying that Anna, in particular, does so....but, when someone thinks they know your motives/feelings, and they are dead wrong, it makes you wonder if it isn't they, themselves, that have those motives/feelings. Projecting is all too common around here. It's everywhere. I've never seen so many bad guessers in all my life. :chuckle:
If I had even 1% of the hate I've been accused of having, I'd be wearing a KKK hoodie and carrying a swastika branding iron.
Yep. What i am told is there is too much still with us for my Utopian attitude to hold valid.
If true, i hope I am right here. the thread on Houston unsexed bathrooms, I know this is true, if any people exposed to the modal liberal thought process, may resist, it shall be those of African decent will be m ore likely to find disfavour with all this unsexing than liberal people who descend from Europe.