Consequences of Unbelief or Incorrect Doctrine

patrick jane

Any doctrine that treads on the immutability of God is false- one shouldn't have to even explain why. The big mistake; the folly of Catholicism, is that they did exactly that. They made the supreme providence of God frivolous with their doctrines, and Arminian Protestants do much the same.
Calvinists are the worst

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
You have one scripture that appears to support Calvinism, Acts 13:48.

There is no other scripture that supports the idea that God appoints people to eternal life. You would like to eliminate Christ and his Gospel. The Bible does not support the idea that God appoints people to eternal life. Acts 13:48 is an error, it should read "For as many as believed were appointed to eternal life" then it would be compatible with dozens of other scriptures such as Acts 2:41 also Galatians 3:2.

We are saved and born again by hearing and believing the Gospel, not by being appointed to salvation by God.

Give up your anti-Christ doctrine and believe the Gospel.

Ah give up your rant

It says the truth, you are saying it should say what you want it to. Nobody can come to Jesus unless the Father draw him. IF Jesus be lifted up He will draw ALL men to Him....some unto salvation, others unto judgement.

God has set the cross for the salvation of those He always intended should be saved and to stumble His enemies.

You can whine all you like Pate but there will be no children of the devil in heaven....because of your foolish doctrine there are plenty children of the devil in the church....YOU are responsible for that and for all the damage they do.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Ah give up your rant

It says the truth, you are saying it should say what you want it to. Nobody can come to Jesus unless the Father draw him. IF Jesus be lifted up He will draw ALL men to Him....some unto salvation, others unto judgement.

God has set the cross for the salvation of those He always intended should be saved and to stumble His enemies.

You can whine all you like Pate but there will be no children of the devil in heaven....because of your foolish doctrine there are plenty children of the devil in the church....YOU are responsible for that and for all the damage they do.

If God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, John 3:16. Then it is not God's will that any should perish, 2 Peter 3:9. If there are some that are children of the devil, it is because they have chosen to be children of the devil. The devil does not have the power to create a people for himself. I am not responsible for anyone going to hell, no one is. Everyone has ears to hear and eyes to see. If anyone goes to hell it will be because they have rejected God's great free gift of salvation that has been provided by Jesus Christ.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Jesus said to those who opposed Him they could not understand His speech because they were children of the devil

I did not say your theology was to blame for anybody going to hell, I said it is responsible for allowing entrance into the church the devil's children.

That is why the church is in such a mess of confusion.

Brother Ducky

New member
You have one scripture that appears to support Calvinism, Acts 13:48.

There is no other scripture that supports the idea that God appoints people to eternal life. You would like to eliminate Christ and his Gospel. The Bible does not support the idea that God appoints people to eternal life. Acts 13:48 is an error, it should read "For as many as believed were appointed to eternal life" then it would be compatible with dozens of other scriptures such as Acts 2:41 also Galatians 3:2.

We are saved and born again by hearing and believing the Gospel, not by being appointed to salvation by God.

Give up your anti-Christ doctrine and believe the Gospel.

OK. So the supposed grammatical error really is your pateification on how the verse should read???? No textual reasons? No support from real translations? Just your opinion? Interesting.

There is lots of support for Calvinism. The only reason that Acts 13:48 is so often brought up is that you so often insist that not one verse says that anyone is predestined for heaven or hell. The verse absolutely proves you wrong. Not that it has stopped you from your rants.


New member
Jesus said to those who opposed Him they could not understand His speech because they were children of the devil

I did not say your theology was to blame for anybody going to hell, I said it is responsible for allowing entrance into the church the devil's children.

That is why the church is in such a mess of confusion.

Ah, the warm love of the Calvinist god who creates the lost from the foundation of the world. John Calvin was a heretic who took grace to such an extreme that he made God himself the author of sin. Arminianism is the blue collar false gospel for the legalists and Calvinism is the white collar false gospel for the intellectual idiots. Righteousness by faith is the biblical understanding in the middle. Faith is the one requirement in the bible for being saved and this same faith is also spoke of as a gift. Faith is a requirement and a gift to focus on one to the exclusion of the other leads to the ditch on the right(Arminian) or the ditch on the left(Calvin).


Sin is a violation of God's sovereignty. To say he willed it to happen is indefensible.

Cool story

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

You believe that God makes mistakes and therefore fallible, and that is what is indefensible- trading God's sovereignty for what suits your desire of free will :rolleyes:


New member
Cool story

Isaiah 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

You believe that God makes mistakes and therefore fallible, and that is what is indefensible- trading God's sovereignty for what suits your desire of free will :rolleyes:

I never said God makes mistakes, fanboy. God created Lucifer(Satan) perfect until iniquity was found in him. God created Adam and Eve perfect until they ate from the forbidden fruit. Everything God created was perfect. Sin is a violation of his Divine will not something he willed into existence. Only a total incompetent would charge the Almighty with creating sin.


I never said God makes mistakes, fanboy. God created Lucifer(Satan) perfect until iniquity was found in him. God created Adam and Eve perfect until they ate from the forbidden fruit. Everything God created was perfect. Sin is a violation of his Divine will not something he willed into existence. Only a total incompetent would charge the Almighty with creating sin.

You're all bang and no buck. Come back when you have something besides a buch of hot air :wave2:


New member
You're all bang and no buck. Come back when you have something besides a buch of hot air :wave2:

Yea, bow out now before it gets ugly.

The Clavinist will quote Isa. 45:7 but never 1John 1:5

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

God created Lucifer(Satan) and Lucifer(Satan) eventually sinned against his creator so who is the sin chargeable to - the creator or the created? Well seeing that Satan is headed for the lake of fire some day it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.


Yea, bow out now before it gets ugly.

It's not going to get ugly because you are not producing anything interesting. It's small beans.
Reformed theology is well above your apparent shallow interpretation and prejudice of Calvinism.


New member
It's not going to get ugly because you are not producing anything interesting. It's small beans.
Reformed theology is well above your apparent shallow interpretation and prejudice of Calvinism.

I don't have a problem with moderate Calvinists it's the hypers and their God is the author of sin doctrine I despise.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Ah, the warm love of the Calvinist god who creates the lost from the foundation of the world. John Calvin was a heretic who took grace to such an extreme that he made God himself the author of sin. Arminianism is the blue collar false gospel for the legalists and Calvinism is the white collar false gospel for the intellectual idiots. Righteousness by faith is the biblical understanding in the middle. Faith is the one requirement in the bible for being saved and this same faith is also spoke of as a gift. Faith is a requirement and a gift to focus on one to the exclusion of the other leads to the ditch on the right(Arminian) or the ditch on the left(Calvin).

Presumption is another wide ditch to beware of. I am not Calvinist, I read nowhere in scripture that God created the lost from the foundation of the world, I DO read that we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.

The real trick is not to try to navigate between Arminius and Calvin but to believe what the bible says

..and not be a snotty nose

It was Christ who said they were of their father devil, He is a good authority. In another place he explains clearly that God sowed wheat in His field who were sons of the kingdom, and while men slept the devil came and sowed tares.

The church is still bleary eyed with sleep and cain't tell the difference between wheat and tares and who is responsible for each. "Oh" they say "no but we must love all equally, if we love hard enough the tares will anon turn into wheat, the goats will become sheep and vipers doves"

Wisdom would tell them that if an enemy hath done this then he has done it for a purpose, that is to destroy the wheat field, the kingdom.

God predestined salvation see, He did not predestine sin though He foreknew it.

...and the tares, are not in the world but right here in the church


New member
Presumption is another wide ditch to beware of. I am not Calvinist, I read nowhere in scripture that God created the lost from the foundation of the world, I DO read that we were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world.

The real trick is not to try to navigate between Arminius and Calvin but to believe what the bible says

..and not be a snotty nose

It was Christ who said they were of their father devil, He is a good authority. In another place he explains clearly that God sowed wheat in His field who were sons of the kingdom, and while men slept the devil came and sowed tares.

The church is still bleary eyed with sleep and cain't tell the difference between wheat and tares and who is responsible for each. "Oh" they say "no but we must love all equally, if we love hard enough the tares will anon turn into wheat, the goats will become sheep and vipers doves"

Wisdom would tell them that if an enemy hath done this then he has done it for a purpose, that is to destroy the wheat field, the kingdom.

God predestined salvation see, He did not predestine sin though He foreknew it.

...and the tares, are not in the world but right here in the church

I agree with this, sista girl!