Coitus Interruptus... Flirty Turtles, Fossils and the Flood


How old do they say these turtles are ?

Per Wiki, the site is between 36 million and 57 million years old. Not sure how old the turtle fossils are?

How old do Stripey and 6days claim they are? Pre flood? Post flood? During flood? And how do you know?

Stripe? 6 days?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Problems with reading 2 or more posts together, Stripe-0?
The suggestion was made that shale is a constituent of cement, I was simply wondering if that helps your particular current fantasy.
Problems reading, doggy?

You called my claims "nonsensical."

Claim 1, Evidence: There are turtles encased in rock. How is that nonsensical?
Claim 2, Necessary factors: Water, sediment and cement are needed to get the things we see. How is that nonsensical?

We know why you're desperate to avoid even simple statements of fact.

Per Wiki, the site is between 36 million and 57 million years old. Not sure how old the turtle fossils are?

How old do Stripey and 6days claim they are? Pre flood? Post flood? During flood? And how do you know?
Is this tacit concession that my description of the necessary conditions is accurate?


Per Wiki, the site is between 36 million and 57 million years old. Not sure how old the turtle fossils are?

How old do Stripey and 6days claim they are? Pre flood? Post flood? During flood? And how do you know?

Stripe? 6 days?

Dear jonahdog,

The turtles must be 70 million years old. You know how turtles live a long time! Ha!! LOL!!



New member
Another moron who does not believe water, sediment and cement are necessary to form fossils.
Nope. Evidence, remember?
Do I need to present evidence that the sky is blue before you'll engage rationally?
Creationists will do anything to avoid talking about the evidence.
Oh, you mean like the dope who has it in his mind that he could lecture me on the absence of cement using an example of cementation?
Try reading for once, you'll learn something!


Problems reading, doggy?

You called my claims "nonsensical."

Claim 1, Evidence: There are turtles encased in rock. How is that nonsensical?
Claim 2, Necessary factors: Water, sediment and cement are needed to get the things we see. How is that nonsensical?

We know why you're desperate to avoid even simple statements of fact.

Is this tacit concession that my description of the necessary conditions is accurate?

Oh, Stripey, can you answer my question? When were those turtles interrupted and buried? How many years ago, and on what do you base your answer?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Oh, Stripey, can you answer my question? When were those turtles interrupted and buried? How many years ago, and on what do you base your answer?

Can you answer a question, Doggy?

How are my claims "nonsensical"?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Evidence: There are turtles encased in rock.
Necessary factors: Water, sediment and cement are needed to get the things we see.


Can you answer a question, Doggy?

How are my claims "nonsensical"?
Stripe-0, We all know you are a literalist. You think Genesis is literal. Ergo, your ideas about fossilization are nonsense.
But you do not have courage enough to face that issue squarely and answer the question---when were those fossil turtles formed, how many years ago, and how do you know?


New member
If you are not willing to concede that water, sediment and cement are necessary to make sedimentary rock, you're not qualified to be part of this conversation. :wave2:
Nope, evidence remember? Where is yours for this being necessary for fossils?

Creationists will do anything to avoid talking about the evidence. :chuckle :


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe-0, We all know you are a literalist. You think Genesis is literal. Ergo, your ideas about fossilization are nonsense.

But you do not have courage enough to face that issue squarely and answer the question---when were those fossil turtles formed, how many years ago, and how do you know?
Hey, doggy: Can't you answer simple questions? How are my claims nonsensical?

I say that the evidence is fossilized turtles and the necessary conditions to get what we see were water, sediment and cement.

Are you just going to level unfounded accusations and then run away when called on to back them up?



Hey, doggy: Can't you answer simple questions? How are my claims nonsensical?

I say that the evidence is fossilized turtles and the necessary conditions to get what we see were water, sediment and cement.

Are you just going to level unfounded accusations and then run away when called on to back them up?

Ah, Stripey, Stripey, Stripey. You simply do not have the courage to tell us all how old you believe the fossilized turtles to be. Why might that be? Perhaps because you have none of that EVIDENCE to support your position.
Intellectually dishonest and no courage. Man-up.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Doggy, Doggy, Doggy. You simply do not have the courage to back up your accusation. That is because you are up against the fundamentals of science.

You can't defeat those, sonny.


Doggy, Doggy, Doggy. You simply do not have the courage to back up your accusation. That is because you are up against the fundamentals of science.

You can't defeat those, sonny.

You broke my irony meter again. "Fundamentals of science"

How long ago were those turtles fossilized?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Fundamentals of science.


The first things they teach you in a geology course is how it takes water, sediment and cement to make fossils.

You call it nonsense, which shows you are dedicated to your religion, not science.


New member

The first things they teach you in a geology course is how it takes water, sediment and cement to make fossils.
Awww look at Stripe trying to pretend he knows what's taught in geology courses. Who are you trying to kid? We can all see how little you know about the subject. All you do is repeat the same old catch phrase, never going into any detail or evidence upon which to actually talk about.

Evidence, remember? Find some.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Well, no. Sorry, son. Go to any Web site you like on the formation of fossils and you will always find three things.

Here's one.


From dinosaur to fossil
Stage 1
A dinosaur dies and is buried before the remains are completely destroyed.

Stage 2
Over time, layers of sediment build up and press down on the buried remains.

Stage 3
Dissolved minerals [cement], transported by ground-waters in the sediment, fill tiny spaces in the bones. The combination of pressure, chemical reactions and time eventually turns the sediments into rock and the bones into mineralised fossils.

That didn't take long.



The first things they teach you in a geology course is how it takes water, sediment and cement to make fossils.

You call it nonsense, which shows you are dedicated to your religion, not science.

Actually, I suspect the first things they teach you in a geology course is about geology, not about the formation of fossils. Although, perhaps in creationist courses they jump right to fossilization to avoid any pesky evidence about the age of the earth.

So, Stripe, how long ago were those turtles interrupted in the midst of their fun?