Coitus Interruptus... Flirty Turtles, Fossils and the Flood

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Yes...God's Word is inerrant
Absolutely not.

So, we should just go on your say-so?

Why do I always forget that question begging is the creationist's stock and trade?

Absolutely no possibility of a local flood?

So, your "evidence" is that there are fossil burials in other parts of the world so it MUST have been a global flood.

You are so not even wrong.


New member
So, we should just go on your say-so?
Go on God's say so.
SilentHunter said:
Absolutely no possibility of a local flood?
So, your "evidence" is that there are fossil burials in other parts of the world so it MUST have been a global flood.
The evidence for the global flood is God's Word. Fossils would only be one of the supporting evidences.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame

So, we should just go on your say-so?

Why do I always forget that question begging is the creationist's stock and trade?

Absolutely no possibility of a local flood?

So, your "evidence" is that there are fossil burials in other parts of the world so it MUST have been a global flood.

You are so not even wrong.

Instead of desperately trying to undermine our ideas to avoid scrutiny of yours, how about you engage on the evidence?

Turtles encased in rock requires three things: water, sediment and cement.

From there, we can discuss the kind of event that must have happened.

What have you got to lose?


Go on God's say so.
The evidence for the global flood is God's Word. Fossils would only be one of the supporting evidences.

I have no other choice than to commend 6days and Stripe for putting up a great defense for their God, which I also want to partake in. It is not my job to date them or determine anything except that they were created after the 1st day of Creation and that's good enough for me. Yes, that's how it works. That's all you get. You want more out of me?? Go ask God for yourself then!!



Wiki gives you a 21 million year window of time. They miss the correct answer by that 21 million years, plus about another 21 million. Just goes to show you all knowing Wiki, doesn't know turtles. (And they seem unaware of huge problems in Ar to Ar dating method used).
They weren't interrupted. Read the OP...They are still doing it.
When were they the OP. (Hint...the turtles, birds etc were rapidly buried and preserved in sediment, similar to billions of other fossils around the world... evidence of the global flood)
Read the OP.
Evidence for the time frame...
*The inerrant Word of God
*The evidence of rapid burial of many other fossils at this location, consistent with the global flood model.
* Soft tissue would also be great evidence...perhaps they should cut the fossils open.

Problems with Ar dating, please explain and suggest how the dates are several orders of magnitude off.
given the global flood model you tout, all fossils, everywhere should date within a short time frame, is that what we see?
Lets get those crack creation scientists working on this. Call up Kenny Ham, perhaps if he spent his $ on research rather than ripping off Kentucky you would have something to talk about. But Ham needs some way to fleece the sheep and pay his salary.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Problems with Ar dating, please explain and suggest how the dates are several orders of magnitude off.
given the global flood model you tout, all fossils, everywhere should date within a short time frame, is that what we see?
Lets get those crack creation scientists working on this. Call up Kenny Ham, perhaps if he spent his $ on research rather than ripping off Kentucky you would have something to talk about. But Ham needs some way to fleece the sheep and pay his salary.

Darwinists will say anything to avoid a discussion over the evidence.

We have turtles frozen in rock, which requires that water, sediment and cement be involved. However, the evolutionists want to talk about televangelists.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Go on God's say so.
The evidence for the global flood is God's Word. Fossils would only be one of the supporting evidences.
Your non-existent friend's say-so?

Have you ever heard of circular reasoning (begging the question)?

God said it because it's in the bible. It's in the bible because god said it.

Get the picture?

Global flood?

You're not even wrong.

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Darwinists will say anything to avoid a discussion over the evidence.

We have turtles frozen in rock, which requires that water, sediment and cement be involved. However, the evolutionists want to talk about televangelists.
Stripeman, how long ago were the turtles fossilized and what evidence do you have for that date?

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Instead of desperately trying to undermine our ideas to avoid scrutiny of yours, how about you engage on the evidence?

Turtles encased in rock requires three things: water, sediment and cement.

From there, we can discuss the kind of event that must have happened.

What have you got to lose?

Instead of desperately trying to undermine science to avoid scrutiny of your nonsense ideas, how about engage on the evidence?

Encased turtle?

Ok, they're in rock. So? Just so I am up-to-speed on your understanding of the science, how do fossils form?

I take it as read that sedimentary rock is formed primarily (though it happens by other means) by the laying down of sediment (thus the name) layers.

Please explain how a global flood is the ONLY explanation for the event in question. Try to avoid 6's explanation if possible (for obvious reasons.)

I'm interested in your answer to Jonahdog's question:

How long ago were the turtles encased in the sediment (and before they became fossilized)? What is your evidence for that date?

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Wiki gives you a 21 million year window of time. They miss the correct answer by that 21 million years, plus about another 21 million. Just goes to show you all knowing Wiki, doesn't know turtles. (And they seem unaware of huge problems in Ar to Ar dating method used).
They weren't interrupted. Read the OP...They are still doing it.
When were they the OP. (Hint...the turtles, birds etc were rapidly buried and preserved in sediment, similar to billions of other fossils around the world... evidence of the global flood)
Read the OP.
Evidence for the time frame...
*The inerrant Word of God
*The evidence of rapid burial of many other fossils at this location, consistent with the global flood model.
* Soft tissue would also be great evidence...perhaps they should cut the fossils open.

Do you realize that this post does not provide any EVIDENCE for when those turtles were fossilized, don't you? You raise a question about radiometric dating, favorite dodge of creationists. You claim the existence of the happy fossils must suggest a big ol global flood as a mechanism, ignoring the mechanism put forth by the paper, without providing a refutation of that mechanism. Finally, you bring out the several thousand year old oral myths of a particular group of people.
Your science is abysmal. Please study harder for the next quiz.
As an extra credit possibility, go you your local university and see if you can find a paleontologist to talk with. Report back.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
This post does not provide any EVIDENCE for when those turtles were fossilized.

When you will not concede the necessary conditions, it is pointless to discuss anything further with you.
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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I've often wondered, given that there are millions of fossils found in thousands of locations throughout the world that were supposedly laid down in a massive global flood, why absolutely no ("modern") human fossils have been found. :think:

:idea: I know, it's a massive conspiracy being perpetrated by the paleolithic community to hide these discovery to "protect their precious religion from scrutiny".


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New member
Silent Hunter said:
I've often wondered, given that there are millions of fossils found in thousands of locations throughout the world that were supposedly laid down in a massive global flood, why absolutely no ("modern") human fossils have been found.
The problem is yours. The fossil record is consistent with the Bible. There are actually billions of fossils buried in sediment on all continents, on all mountain ranges and 95%+ are marine organisms, with close to 0% being human. There may be no pre-flood human fossils at all. Gen. 6:7


New member
JonahDog said:
Problems with Ar dating, please explain and suggest how the dates are several orders of magnitude off.
Sure... lets start with Ar40/Ar39. When 'measuring' the decay rate, how do they calibrate results allowing for initial quantities of Ar39?
JonahDog said:
given the global flood model you tout, all fossils, everywhere should date within a short time frame, is that what we see?
What we see is marine fossils buried in sediment everywhere on earth including all mountain ranges. The evidence is consistent with God's Word and the global flood. It's exciting times for Christians as science continues to unveil the majesty of God, and the truth of His Word.

Jose Fly

New member
Sure... lets start with Ar40/Ar39. When 'measuring' the decay rate, how do they calibrate results allowing for initial quantities of Ar39?
What we see is marine fossils buried in sediment everywhere on earth including all mountain ranges.

And here we go again....covering topics 6days has been slaughtered on countless times by countless people before. Isochron dating actually tests for initial quantities of daughter elements, and all you have to do is ask a couple of questions about how those fossils got up on mountain tops and he'll run away.

Lather, rinse, repeat.....such is the nature of creationism.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
The problem is yours. The fossil record is consistent with the Bible. There are actually billions of fossils buried in sediment on all continents, on all mountain ranges and 95%+ are marine organisms, with close to 0% being human. There may be no pre-flood human fossils at all. Gen. 6:7

Well, let's take a look at that "consistency" shall we:

So the*Lord*said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth*the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.”

You seem to say that there are no human fossils because your invisible buddy "wiped" them (all humans) from the earth but left behind all the animals. Why does the verse say, "and with them" all animals as well?

It is quite apparent the bible IS NOT consistent with the fossil record as you insist because we shouldn't see any trace of animals OR humans, at least according to the bible.

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New member
Jose Fly said:
6days has been slaughtered on countless times by countless people before. Isochron dating actually tests for initial quantities of daughter elements
Jose... you were slaughtered before with your statements on isochron dating. You are forgetful.
JoseFly said:
and all you have to do is ask a couple of questions about how those fossils got up on mountain tops and he'll run away.
You are forgetful...... you have been slaughtered before on this topic. (Same as you were forgetful about Biblical "kinds', and kept insisting no one had ever given you a definition). God's Word tells us Psalm 104:6"You clothed the earth with floods of water,
water that covered even the mountains.
At your command, the water fled;
at the sound of your thunder, it hurried away.
Mountains rose and valleys sank
to the levels you decreed.
Then you set a firm boundary for the seas,
so they would never again cover the earth."


New member
Silent Hunter said:
It is quite apparent the bible IS NOT consistent with the fossil record as you insist because we shouldn't see any trace of animals OR humans, at least according to the bible.
Wow..... I'm so surprised you reject God's Word... NOT :)

God's Word and evidence from the world around us is always consistent. Science and scripture will always be in harmony.
I had suggested that there may be no such thing as pre-flood human fossils since in Genesis 6, God is angry with humans. That may, or may not be the answer to the scarcity of human fossils. Here is another suggestion.

It is evolutionists though who have the problem with the scarcity of human fossils. That scarcity has lead to many false and even silly conclusions. When they do find humans (ex. Neandertals)...they try make it seem apelike. When they find a small monkey like fossil, they talk about it being part of human ancestry, and give it human names. And the gullible blindly believe. (Ex. Darwinius Massillae)


Sure... lets start with Ar40/Ar39. When 'measuring' the decay rate, how do they calibrate results allowing for initial quantities of Ar39?
What we see is marine fossils buried in sediment everywhere on earth including all mountain ranges. The evidence is consistent with God's Word and the global flood. It's exciting times for Christians as science continues to unveil the majesty of God, and the truth of His Word.

If you dont like argon dating, get the creation scientists cracking on a new dating method, one that will clearly show all fossils dating from the last 6000 or so years. All fossils.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Wow..... I'm so surprised you reject God's Word... NOT :)

God's Word and evidence from the world around us is always consistent. Science and scripture will always be in harmony.
I had suggested that there may be no such thing as pre-flood human fossils since in Genesis 6, God is angry with humans. That may, or may not be the answer to the scarcity of human fossils. Here is another suggestion.

It is evolutionists though who have the problem with the scarcity of human fossils. That scarcity has lead to many false and even silly conclusions. When they do find humans (ex. Neandertals)...they try make it seem apelike. When they find a small monkey like fossil, they talk about it being part of human ancestry, and give it human names. And the gullible blindly believe. (Ex. Darwinius Massillae)
I reject your handy dandy book of fables because it doesn't even come close to matching reality. Among other nonsense snakes don't talk and the dead don't come back to life, but hey, even John Nash had his delusions.

I not surprised that you would ignore the obvious inconsistency and continue to insist there isn't one despite the evidence you yourself provide (a verse from your book of dreams).

Then, true-to-form go on some imagined rant that when scientists get it wrong on first consideration that that somehow means creationism is the correct conclusion by default. You're almost as crazy as Michael.

Without resorting to circular reasoning, can you explain why a global flood is the only explanation for the turtle fossils.

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