Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


Well-known member
Having help with correctly spelling something isn't the same as the person writing it for you. They may have been meshaks words, but she was having help with writing them in English. I'm not surprised she asked for help with the way some people here jump on others because of their spelling and grammar, luckily God doesn't care about that but rather what the heart is like.

I wonder how many here who critise her could speak and write in fluent Japanese? Or would you all also need help?

English is meshaks second language, so she will have needed help at times. But as she says, she's writing for herself now as her English is improving. But what's the big deal if she needs help? I need help with spelling at times too and by first language is English!

People here need to stop straining at the gnat as they could be swallowing a camel.

And I also wonder how many of you that judge meshak as a liar, have told a lie yourselves?

Those without sin cast the first stone.

Shut up. Miss cleaner rat.


Well-known member
Those verses don't mean that you judge others, they mean that those who walk in the Spirit speak the word of God and judge by the word. And no man can judge those who walk in the Spirit because they are living right before God so it doesn't matter what men think of them as they have the mind of Christ, and have understanding in the truth and hearts full of love, mercy and forgiveness for others. Something which is not seen by many on here.

But rather they see themselves as perfect and saved whilst they look down on others. God will be their judge!

No, the verses mean the natural man does not understand spiritual things and the spiritual man does. That's why you only see Jesus Christ in the are of the flesh.


Well-known member
Meshak, just don't listen to him, even better, don't even read his posts when they are insulting you. He knows what to say to hit a nerve and he's doing it over and over and you're biting. Don't take the bate and take no notice.

I know what you mean when you say you have needed help with your English, and anyone with half a brain can see what you mean because it's your second language so you will have needed help. Even many with English as their first language need help, including me.

I've been called many things here, and many bad things have been said about me. But I don't take it to heart as God knows my heart inside and out and I only worry what he thinks of me. Let them say whatever they want, Jesus was called a devil by those whose hearts were hard. So do what's right before God and don't worry that others say. Because at the end of the day it's God we have to face, and it's God who judges us all!

We do it for your own good. You both need to come to the knowledge of the truth, or you will die in your sins. You should be thanking us instead of burying your head in the sand.


New member
It's dangerous to make statements about somebody or some thing that you don't know anything about. You wind up with egg on your face.

We "worship" Christ, just not as God. "Worship" is relative. It merely means to give honor or respect to. We worship a court judge as a high official, as well as we do a president or a governor. We worship Jesus as the Son of God, worthy of high praise and honor. The only One we worship as God Almighty is Jehovah,
the Father
. So you are very WRONG about your accusation.

Do you worship three Gods? We only worship one. Jehovah.

That is not what worship means. Adoration/veneration means to give honor and respect.


New member
That is not what worship means. Adoration/veneration means to give honor and respect.

If you knew what you were talking about you would understand that the words used for "worship" in the scriptures simply mean showing respect. Human authorities are "worshiped," as has been brought out before on these threads. They just are not worshiped as God Almighty. Only Jehovah is worshiped as God Almighty.


New member
Then your definition is wrong.

Then demonstrate that with my original post:

KR stated: "We "worship" Christ, just not as God. "Worship" is relative. It merely means to give honor or respect to. We worship a court judge as a high official, as well as we do a president or a governor. We worship Jesus as the Son of God, worthy of high praise and honor. The only One we worship as God Almighty is Jehovah,
the Father. So you are very WRONG about your accusation.

Do you worship three Gods? We only worship one. Jehovah."*

My response:
"That is not what worship means. Adoration/veneration means to give honor and respect."

Now, demonstrate how KR, and yourself, are correct, and I am incorrect. (For the record, I included "adoration," due to modern language evolution and definition; meaning to hold in high view or esteem, absent of glorification and worship).

*Fallacies abound in KR's statement. First off, we can see that in my response regarding the definition of "worship" and "adoration/veneration." Second, no one should be worshiping public officials, as clearly demonstrated in the Scriptures. If you claim to only "worship" one God, how can you "worship" public officials? This is putting humans on equal footing of praise with God. This is evident in KR's direct quote "We worship Jesus as the Son of God, worthy of high praise and honor." Thus, idolatry abounds. Third, KR's question if Trinitarians worship three Gods is quite silly, given that Trinity doctrine identifies God as a singular deity, existing in three roles (not three Gods), as evidenced by the term "Triune God." Either KR is ignorant of Trinity doctrine, or is intentionally destroying their own position, by redefining worship.


your kind of logic is not child like.

God the Father is God and Jesus is God and the HS is God.

it is simply three Gods to me.

remember Jesus says have a child like faith?


New member
If you knew what you were talking about you would understand that the words used for "worship" in the scriptures simply mean showing respect. Human authorities are "worshiped," as has been brought out before on these threads. They just are not worshiped as God Almighty. Only Jehovah is worshiped as God Almighty.

Incorrect. Can you provide a verse where an individual other than God was worshiped, and not rebuked for it, by a holy figure?

You are also creating two different definitions of worship. Note that your last two sentences use the same word, but apply two different levels of intent? This is not concurrent with what is stated in Scripture (such as when John bows down to worship the angel in Revelation, and is rebuked and corrected for such action).


New member
your kind of logic is not child like.

God the Father is God and Jesus is God and the HS is God.

it is simply three Gods to me.

remember Jesus says have a child like faith?

This is not childlike logic, but illogic, or nonsensical logic. If I am home, my wife is home, and my child is home, are we in three different homes? No. Even a child understands this. The phrase "is God" equates into a singular existence, since there is but One God who is Lord.


This is not childlike logic, but illogic, or nonsensical logic. If I am home, my wife is home, and my child is home, are we in three different homes? No. Even a child understands this. The phrase "is God" equates into a singular existence, since there is but One God who is Lord.

that is not child like faith. You are distorting to suit your ideas or faith.


Well-known member
This comment seems nitpicking. I don't see any difference with what she said.

Worship comes from old English 'worth'.
Worship means to deem as having ultimate worth and then acting upon that fact.
There can be only one ultimate.
If the Lord Jesus is not GOD and one worships Him then one is guilty of idolatry.
Only the Creator is worthy of worship.