Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


Well-known member
Jesus prayed to the Father, and Jesus said in John 16:7 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you."
The 'Comforter' is the 'Holy Spirit.'

Matthew 26:39 "He went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.”

These two verses of Scripture 'prove' there are three separate members involved, yet, they are considered, one God.

How does that prove your point?

It only proves he was praying to his God.

God uses agents to do his work. The logos is God's original son. Second in command as God created all through this son. It/he was given the fullness of the Father.


Well-known member
[MENTION=3801]keypurr[/MENTION], what you are esposing is a load of crap and here's why....

First off, you say the logos is really the Christ. But by your own admission, this created thing didn't die, only that Jesus gave the logos up when Jesus said "unto you I commit my spirit."

Yet the scripture clearly says Jesus had to die for the saving of mankind.


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But what about His other son, you know, he one who actually died on the cross?
I'm still waiting for Keypurr to answer several of my questions, the correct answers to which utterly destroy his false teachings.

The most important of which being:

If Jesus was only a man, how can he (according to Psalm 49:7-9,15) ransom his life for anyone other than Himself?


Well-known member
But what about His other son, you know, he one who actually died on the cross?

Do you seriously believe that God can die?

The MAN who died was given the logos to bring light to us, Jesus was sent to die for our sins for he was pure. And that is why God provided a sinless body to hold the true son that he SENT to dwell and speak through to bring understanding to mankind. That which is spirit became flesh just as his God sent him to do.

Believe in the words of your Lord when he speaks of his God and creator. John 17:3

Doc, the logos is not Jesus, the logos was IN Jesus, speaking through him. The logos is a created FORM of God, not God the Son. I have tried my best to show on TOL what I see in scripture but now they will not allow me to express my point of view. I gave arguments that management disapproved of becauseit destroyed their traditions, but it is truth.


Well-known member
[MENTION=3801]keypurr[/MENTION], what you are esposing is a load of crap and here's why....

First off, you say the logos is really the Christ. But by your own admission, this created thing didn't die, only that Jesus gave the logos up when Jesus said "unto you I commit my spirit."

Yet the scripture clearly says Jesus had to die for the saving of mankind.

The logos is the EXPRESS IMAGE of Heb 1:3, a created spirit, the exact image of his spirit Father.

I told you that I have not finished my study on the spirit that left Jesus at his death. Consider that the spirit son may not be the same spirit that Jesus was born with because Jesus received the POWER of the logos at his anointing, Acts 10:38.


Well-known member
[MENTION=3801]keypurr[/MENTION], what you are esposing is a load of crap and here's why....

First off, you say the logos is really the Christ. But by your own admission, this created thing didn't die, only that Jesus gave the logos up when Jesus said "unto you I commit my spirit."

Yet the scripture clearly says Jesus had to die for the saving of mankind.

Keep in mind that Christ means the anointed one of God.

God's Truth

New member
Yeah, one God, Three Persons.

One WHAT, three WHOs.

Why is that so hard for you to understand?

You, GT, are one WHAT and one WHO.

GOD is one WHAT and three WHOs.

I am one person made alive by my one spirit.

You make God three different separate persons with one of the persons with his own spirit.