Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Well-known member
The audacity and constant self-righteous judging of others which continually spews out of this group of people calling themselves "Christian" is astounding. Meanwhile most of you cannot even understand the scriptures; and meanwhile you yourself have even said that you have friends struggling with addictions. And why are you powerless to help them? You cannot help them because you yourself warn them not to even try to save themselves from this untoward generation by way of your own doctrines, for if they try to change themselves according to you they will fall from grace, and the small victories against sin, one at a time, little by little, which build up into change and victory, will be considered works, and you then condemn them for trying to better themselves. You instead say: "Just keep doing what you are doing and let "God" take over for you, yes, when he comes he will stop you from putting alcohol, drugs, and pharmakea into your bodies. If you do it yourself it is a carnal victory and you have fallen from grace." You have subverted everything upon its head and reversed reality to serve yourself in your false doctrine. So those you try to "help" end up doing more drugs in hopes of making "God" come sooner. There is not a shred of power in what you believe: neither spiritual power, nor visible power which can be seen in the lives of changed people. Also, I gave credit to the Son of Elohim, the Word, in my overcoming, and you call that carnal success? So then according to you true success is not quitting such things but rather continuing along your merry way and telling yourself that you are spiritually saved on the inside while the body is being destroyed by Satan. Bad news for you: Paul proclaims that Messiah is the Savior of the body, and that is both in the congregational sense, in the bride-wife sense, and individually to each and every believer. If you are destroying your physical body you are destroying your spiritual body because you are sowing to the flesh.

You're so full of crap they should put a CLOSED sign on your avatar.

Imaginations like yours are enough to make normal people just shake their head and wonder what planet you live on.:kookoo:


Well-known member
Self-consciousness requires a knower and a known plus a knower that knows that the known is known by the knower.



Well-known member
You're so full of crap they should put a CLOSED sign on your avatar.

Imaginations like yours are enough to make normal people just shake their head and wonder what planet you live on.:kookoo:

You are upset because you know that what I said is true, for that is indeed your doctrine: "Jesus + NOTHING", and that is exactly what you and your friends spout on a continual basis around here; so why should anyone not believe that is what you put forth to others in your own private lives? "Jesus + NOTHING" is the same as "Confess Jesus and DO NOTHING", and that is what your doctrine actually says by way of what you believe and teach. But since most people realize deep inside that doing nothing is a con; they continue doing what they were already doing, and in some unfortunate cases that means doing drugs. Your doctrine actually makes them worse off because you make them feel secure, or "saved", for having said some magic prayer words, while continuing to do what they were doing all along. As I said, your doctrine has NO POWER to truly change anyone. And when you find someone who truly has been changed by real truth found in the scripture you claim to know and understand; you gang up, stone him with sharp and vicious words like stones, slay him, and cast him forth out of what you think is your vineyard. :chuckle:


Well-known member
You are upset because you know that what I said is true, for that is indeed your doctrine: "Jesus + NOTHING", and that is exactly what you and your friends spout on a continual basis around here; so why should anyone not believe that is what you put forth to others in your own private lives?

No, we "spout" faith in Christ as we REST IN HIM. We give all the glory to God, and take NONE for ourselves. Resting in the Lord does not mean God is not doing HIS WORK in and through us. We just trust HIM to perform HIS work via the Holy Spirit, instead of getting in His way with our own self efforts. We don't "go before the Lord" with great "zeal", we wait for Him to take us through all He has ordained for us to do. Because of that, we don't get all wound up like you do, we are able to rest in confident assurance that it will be done in His good time, and in His good way.

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:​


Well-known member
No, we "spout" faith in Christ as we REST IN HIM. We give all the glory to God, and take NONE for ourselves. Resting in the Lord does not mean God is not doing HIS WORK in and through us. We just trust HIM to perform HIS work via the Holy Spirit, instead of getting in His way with our own self efforts. We don't "go before the Lord" with great "zeal", we wait for Him to take us through all He has ordained for us to do. Because of that, we don't get all wound up like you do, we are able to rest in confident assurance that it will be done in His good time, and in His good way.
Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that HE which hath begun a good work in you WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Just wanted to emphasize that for Lil' Daqquiri and his lil' pink umbrella.


Well-known member
No, we "spout" faith in Christ as we REST IN HIM. We give all the glory to God, and take NONE for ourselves. Resting in the Lord does not mean God is not doing HIS WORK in and through us. We just trust HIM to perform HIS work via the Holy Spirit, instead of getting in His way with our own self efforts. We don't "go before the Lord" with great "zeal", we wait for Him to take us through all He has ordained for us to do. Because of that, we don't get all wound up like you do, we are able to rest in confident assurance that it will be done in His good time, and in His good way.
Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:​

Thank you for confirming what I said: "REST IN HIM" is exactly what habitual drug users who claim to be "saved" imagine they are doing, thanks to such teachings coming from those such as yourselves and your favorite pulpit-master teachers.


Well-known member
Thank you for confirming what I said: "REST IN HIM" is exactly what habitual drug users who claim to be "saved" imagine they are doing, thanks to such teachings coming from those such as yourselves and your favorite pulpit-master teachers.

Resting in received forgiveness, justification, reconciliation...He did it all. There's work for believers to do but THAT work is DONE.

What don't you like about that?


Well-known member
Resting in received forgiveness, justification, reconciliation...He did it all. There's work for believers to do but THAT work is DONE.

What don't you like about that?

Why should I care either way? You believe what you want to believe, but what you believe clearly is no help to drug users and abusers, which seems to be along the lines of the topic of this thread if you had not noticed.


Well-known member
Why should I care either way? You believe what you want to believe, but what you believe clearly is no help to drug users and abusers, which seems to be along the lines of the topic of this thread if you had not noticed.

Still a lazy pouty one, I see. Tell me I don't respond with anything related to the topic, then I do, then you say it don't matter and you're not gonna read it so there. Cool.


Well-known member
Still a lazy pouty one, I see. Tell me I don't respond with anything related to the topic, then I do, then you say it don't matter. Cool.

Nothing more than words of condemnation. Have you nothing of real substance to offer? And why do you call me pouty when you and yours are so perverted and blinded by your dogma that you will tell someone who is sober nine years that his "victory is carnal"? and call him "an idiot"? and tell him he is "full of crap"? It is precisely the opposite: you are not really "Christians" but rather nothing more than imposters playing online games and pretending to be what you claim. The only power you actually have is in numbers, online friends, and how many people thank your posts. Lol, what a sad joke has been played on you and yours.


Well-known member
Thank you for confirming what I said: "REST IN HIM" is exactly what habitual drug users who claim to be "saved" imagine they are doing, thanks to such teachings coming from those such as yourselves and your favorite pulpit-master teachers.

That's a lie.

No believer claims to be resting in the Lord when he loses his temper with his kids. No believer claims to be resting in the Lord when he drinks too many beers after work. No believer claims to be resting in the Lord if they say cruel things to a friend. We rest in the Lord in spite of all the trials, tribulations of this life, and in spite of all our faults and short comings.

What people who "claim to be saved" might say or do is not my concern. It's yours....since you claim to be saved, and don't even know what it means to rest in the Lord. You're the one who is able to relate to the unsaved.

What you do, though, is make it clear that you haven't a clue of what it means to be a member of the body of have been created IN HIM, and to trust in Him through every moment of the day instead of yourself. You have the same problem the Jews had.


Well-known member
Why should I care either way? You believe what you want to believe, but what you believe clearly is no help to drug users and abusers, which seems to be along the lines of the topic of this thread if you had not noticed.

That's a pretty silly thing to say. So you stopped that it? And you think you are somehow special because of that, right? I would hate to tell you of all the things the Lord has done for those who are members of His body. You would be put to shame. He does it in His own good time.....a heck of a lot quicker than you did in many cases, and he did it by changing our desires. Total incredible life changing things that make what happened for you seem like child's play.

Do we go around bragging about what we used to be like before we were saved? (Well, Bluster does)....but most of us don't even speak of those things we used to do in secret. You do...and you brag about how you were able to overcome, and claim we should be pointing people to your way.

Not a chance. We know that God does it a better way. We aren't left bitter and hate filled as you seem to be. Bitterness is not a FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, and you're full of bitterness. Not good.


Well-known member
That's a lie.

No believer claims to be resting in the Lord when he loses his temper with his kids. No believer claims to be resting in the Lord when he drinks too many beers after work. No believer claims to be resting in the Lord if they say cruel things to a friend. We rest in the Lord in spite of all the trials, tribulations of this life, and in spite of all our faults and short comings.

What people who "claim to be saved" might say or do is not my concern. It's yours....since you claim to be saved, and don't even know what it means to rest in the Lord. You're the one who is able to relate to the unsaved.

What you do, though, is make it clear that you haven't a clue of what it means to be a member of the body of have been created IN HIM, and to trust in Him through every moment of the day instead of yourself. You have the same problem the Jews had.

That is in itself a lie because it is you who does not know what it means to "Rest in Messiah", and you prove it by your own speech and doctrine which you continually share and relate, for you say that there are many sayings of the Messiah that do not apply to yourself and were only said and written "to the Jews". But the only way you can "Rest in Messiah" or even be "IN Messiah" is to be IN his Testimony. Paul did indeed "Rest in Messiah" because he believed, walked, and taught IN the Testimony which you outright reject as applying to yourself in many cases. You therefore "Rest in Paul", that is, a pseudo-version of Paul which you have concocted for your own dispensational "grace-only" benefit so that you need not feel compelled to actually do the will of Elohim which is found in the holy Testimony of the Messiah found in the Gospel accounts. You "rest" in a pseudo-version of Paul while claiming you are "resting in Messiah", but the works that you do, which come forth from your mouth and proceed from your heart, belie your claim. In short there is a huge lack of evidence to support your own claims concerning yourself because of the fruit that comes forth from your own mouth, fingertips, and heart; and the tree is known by its fruit.


Well-known member
That's a pretty silly thing to say. So you stopped that it? And you think you are somehow special because of that, right? I would hate to tell you of all the things the Lord has done for those who are members of His body. You would be put to shame. He does it in His own good time.....a heck of a lot quicker than you did in many cases, and he did it by changing our desires. Total incredible life changing things that make what happened for you seem like child's play.

Do we go around bragging about what we used to be like before we were saved? (Well, Bluster does)....but most of us don't even speak of those things we used to do in secret. You do...and you brag about how you were able to overcome, and claim we should be pointing people to your way.

Not a chance. We know that God does it a better way. We aren't left bitter and hate filled as you seem to be. Bitterness is not a FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, and you're full of bitterness. Not good.

Uh, last I checked that has much to do with the thread and especially Evil.Eye whining about how he was offended over what the OP may or may not have suggested concerning his friends by quoting from Rev 9. My initial comments here had everything to do with those circumstances. Making more false accusations and trying to paint me in an evil light only reveals what is in your heart; which you apparently cannot help but do every time you respond. Calling it bragging is yet another instance of your evil speaking ways. It is what it is, and I know who delivered me from alcoholism, and I already told you it was not me but the Living Torah-Word of Elohim whom you claim to know and worship. You appear to be in a fit of jealousy and rage; your venom reveals your master, just as with your pal Musterion. How can you not see your own bitterness and continual evil speaking? Just because someone tells you a little about his testimony when it suits the topic does mean he is boasting. You are the one full of bitterness, and no doubt, for the accusers always accuse others of what they themselves are doing.


Well-known member
That is in itself a lie because it is you who does not know what it means to "Rest in Messiah", and you prove it by your own speech and doctrine which you continually share and relate, for you say that there are many sayings of the Messiah that do not apply to yourself and were only said and written "to the Jews". But the only way you can "Rest in Messiah" or even be "IN Messiah" is to be IN his Testimony. Paul did indeed "Rest in Messiah" because he believed, walked, and taught IN the Testimony which you outright reject as applying to yourself in many cases. You therefore "Rest in Paul", that is, a pseudo-version of Paul which you have concocted for your own dispensational "grace-only" benefit so that you need not feel compelled to actually do the will of Elohim which is found in the holy Testimony of the Messiah found in the Gospel accounts. You "rest" in a pseudo-version of Paul while claiming you are "resting in Messiah", but the works that you do, which come forth from your mouth and proceed from your heart, belie your claim. In short there is a huge lack of evidence to support your own claims concerning yourself because of the fruit that comes forth from your own mouth, fingertips, and heart; and the tree is known by its fruit.

I guess poor ol' daqq doesn't know we are in the RISEN LORD....not the one who walked this earth. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Uh, last I checked that has much to do with the thread and especially Evil.Eye whining about how he was offended over what the OP may or may not have suggested concerning his friends by quoting from Rev 9. My initial comments here had everything to do with those circumstances. Making more false accusations and trying to paint me in an evil light only reveals what is in your heart; which you apparently cannot help but do every time you respond. Calling it bragging is yet another instance of your evil speaking ways. It is what it is, and I know who delivered me from alcoholism, and I already told you it was not me but the Living Torah-Word of Elohim whom you claim to know and worship. You appear to be in a fit of jealousy and rage; your venom reveals your master, just as with your pal Musterion. How can you not see your own bitterness and continual evil speaking? Just because someone tells you a little about his testimony when it suits the topic does mean he is boasting. You are the one full of bitterness, and no doubt, for the accusers always accuse others of what they themselves are doing.

You're just in a snit because you don't know what it means to rest in the Lord. :chew: