Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Well-known member
Daqq vs Zeke

Sounds like a Japanese monster movie.

Sounds like a typical response from one saved by the historical Jesus Motif that is the sugar pill of traditional programming. Matt 11:11 is you're saviour seeing you think the eternal Spirit was born of flesh and blood instead of representing the quickening spirit that is dormant until awakened by the Divine that has no Mother or Father, but you will eventually wake up so enjoy persona ville Ephesians 5:14.


Well-known member
Sounds like a typical response from one saved by the historical Jesus Motif that is the sugar pill of traditional programming. Matt 11:11 is you're saviour seeing you think the eternal Spirit was born of flesh and blood instead of representing the quickening spirit that is dormant until awakened by the Divine that has no Mother or Father, but you will eventually wake up so enjoy persona ville Ephesians 5:14.

You talk much and say nothing.


Well-known member
You talk much and say nothing.

No wander seeing you claim to know the mystery of Christ in you yet wait for the second coming, a bit dyslexic in spiritual reading skills, add in some bad divisional comprehension and the traditional trance/veil concerning where the kingdom is located stays a mystery to those claiming to know it.

To think one incarnation is enough time to learn about eternity is like a two year old trying to do a heart transplant, doesn't add up in the justifiable department when your eternal hell dogma is hanging in the balance.


You are upset because you know that what I said is true, for that is indeed your doctrine: "Jesus + NOTHING", and that is exactly what you and your friends spout on a continual basis around here; so why should anyone not believe that is what you put forth to others in your own private lives? "Jesus + NOTHING" is the same as "Confess Jesus and DO NOTHING", and that is what your doctrine actually says by way of what you believe and teach. But since most people realize deep inside that doing nothing is a con; they continue doing what they were already doing, and in some unfortunate cases that means doing drugs. Your doctrine actually makes them worse off because you make them feel secure, or "saved", for having said some magic prayer words, while continuing to do what they were doing all along. As I said, your doctrine has NO POWER to truly change anyone. And when you find someone who truly has been changed by real truth found in the scripture you claim to know and understand; you gang up, stone him with sharp and vicious words like stones, slay him, and cast him forth out of what you think is your vineyard. :chuckle:


It's like this... The Flesh dies... and sewing to it is utterly useless... in respects of righteousness by any effort... even while coupled with the Lords help. It DIES. Our bodies... as they are... tattoos, Self Dicipline and all... DIE.

Take Cancer for instance and leprosy too... it is a Carnal scourge. A Cancer patient and a leper... won't be a Cancer Patient or Leper... after death. The condition has no influence on salvation. Defeat of either disease has zero impact on salvation.

To assist fellow travelers in life with "conditions"... that desire cure... is good. To tell them that their carnal state decides their Spiritual fate... is bad.

Only God can Save. You deny the meaning of BLOOD ATONEMENT in scripture. This is the most important aspect of the Old Testament to understand. You also miss the meaning of the first fruit sacrifice.

You literally remove that God alone saves... and demand that your knowledge and effort... with God saves.

If God is so ineffective that His Work on earth is incomplete... then we have some major issues to come to grips with and some ideas to let go of... mainly... that God is ALL POWERFUL... But... you go further and deny that God would even ... directly work with us in His Physical presence. In other words... you deny that God is willing to physically manifest Himself amongst us... born of a woman.

Your denial of the ANOINTED SAVIOR... GOD MAN... is at the heart of your denial of Christ and your inability to contribute to your salvation... other than excepting the FREE GIFT that scripture discusses.

You may die void of less human vices than any other human being that has ever lived... but you will never please God with Obedience... Flesh Sewn Accomplishment or Works of any kind. You are not wrong to desire individuals to live healthy, happy lives... but one mans addiction... may be another mans occasional indulgence... and in that... the heart is only known by God. And the kicker... neither man is saved or condemned by addiction or indulgence.

There are destructive indulgences that God abhores... and they have to do with disregard for the value of life. However... false standards of religious performance... that deny each individuals unique qualities and right to customized evaluation... By God Himself... are a disregard for life... in and of themselves.

Only God is without sin. Only God is without blemish... Until you understand what the Passover Lamb and the blood over the doorposts means... you are sewing to the flesh. In other words... you can't take that righteousness with you... because it will rot and die. We will be different when we are brought from death.

God's healing is different than carnal accomplishment.

A good place to start is watching "Schindler's List". Schindler was a scoundrel that had many human flaws... but He trusted God and gave up everything he had out of a God imparted Love for the Jews. He was not Righteousness material... but he was a humble instrument... with no desire for reward.

The ONE who WORKS... expects Pay... but the ONE who has faith has God's works credited to his account. And Daqq... If God's work isn't good enough... then how in the Hell do you ever get off thinking that yours is?

In other words... you are so caught up in the flesh... you have totally missed the Spirit. No carnal effort draws you near to God. Only God can draw you to God.

Did He give you salvational Love of a free gift to fill your Spiritual Lungs with... as surely as He gave you Free Air to carnally Breath?

He Did!

You say "HE Didn't". You go even further and imply that more than "some" assembly is required. God ain't IKEA!

The package is delivered... fully assembled and on your doorstep. But... you have to want it bad enough to open it... ... no... you have to know you NEED it... and as long as you are used to convincing yourself and others that you need to do this and that to be willing to open the package... and assume that the effort will count as actually opening the package... you won't get the wedding garment that is inside.

God help you if you show up without that "Covering" Garment. But... it will be too late... because it had been on your doorstep all this time and... the Angel of Death will see that your doorpost isn't covered by the Lambs blood. You were so focused on using your own paint and doing it your way... that you forgot to ask God what HIS WAY "Really IS". "Ahem... Who HIS Way... Really IS"

If you do not understand that He is He... you will die in your sins.

All that sewing to the flesh will rot, decay and stink of death. I hurt for you and understand why you are not happy with my words.... but when the Homeless junkie shows up... arm and arm with a drunk prostitute ... both, with that garment on ... and you start with the finger pointing... it will be you that gets drug away from the celebration.

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Back on topic, I've never consumed "magic" mushrooms myself, but I do hear from others that they taste terrible, which is unfortunate, because you have to eat them. :chuckle:

I had friends that made tea with them and added juice for taste... but... ahem... I never asked them if it tasted good. I just know they got 10 shades of retarded and pictures of their behavior would have been black mail material for life...


Well-known member
Back on topic, I've never consumed "magic" mushrooms myself, but I do hear from others that they taste terrible, which is unfortunate, because you have to eat them. :chuckle:

Nah, they don't taste bad, but they do grow on cow excrement.

Peyote is what tastes bad.
After that nothing compares.


No wander seeing you claim to know the mystery of Christ in you yet wait for the second coming, a bit dyslexic in spiritual reading skills, add in some bad divisional comprehension and the traditional trance/veil concerning where the kingdom is located stays a mystery to those claiming to know it.

To think one incarnation is enough time to learn about eternity is like a two year old trying to do a heart transplant, doesn't add up in the justifiable department when your eternal hell dogma is hanging in the balance.

Zeke... I believe you want the entire world to be saved... and that's okay... because God does too. He died and rose to assure the simplicity of it and He is all about mercy and forgiveness. He became ALL of mankinds Attorney... upon Death, Burial and Ressurection. He'll show up to the trial on behalf of people that didn't even know they have the Best Jew Lawer there has ever been. You can be certain that many charges will be "dropped" in the name of Love... but there will be those that are beyond defense and God has Moral Principle that governs what He will do towards them.

Why is the Living, Breathing Work of God... Jesus Christ anything less than enough to bring you peace?

The extra spiritual insight and mumbo jumbo just complicates what is written and declared.

We are doomed and we have a PROPHESIED Messiah!

That's it! He's the Hero and He "Gets the Girl". It's that... SIMPLE!


Well-known member

It's like this... The Flesh dies... and sewing to it is utterly useless... in respects of righteousness by any effort... even while coupled with the Lords help. It DIES. Our bodies... as they are... tattoos, Self Dicipline and all... DIE.

Take Cancer for instance and leprosy too... it is a Carnal scourge. A Cancer patient and a leper... won't be a Cancer Patient or Leper... after death. The condition has no influence on salvation. Defeat of either disease has zero impact on salvation.

To assist fellow travelers in life with "conditions"... that desire cure... is good. To tell them that their carnal state decides their Spiritual fate... is bad.

Only God can Save. You deny the meaning of BLOOD ATONEMENT in scripture. This is the most important aspect of the Old Testament to understand. You also miss the meaning of the first fruit sacrifice.

You literally remove that God alone saves... and demand that your knowledge and effort... with God saves.

If God is so ineffective that His Work on earth is incomplete... then we have some major issues to come to grips with and some ideas to let go of... mainly... that God is ALL POWERFUL... But... you go further and deny that God would even ... directly work with us in His Physical presence. In other words... you deny that God is willing to physically manifest Himself amongst us... born of a woman.

Your denial of the ANOINTED SAVIOR... GOD MAN... is at the heart of your denial of Christ and your inability to contribute to your salvation... other than excepting the FREE GIFT that scripture discusses.

You may die void of less human vices than any other human being that has ever lived... but you will never please God with Obedience... Flesh Sewn Accomplishment or Works of any kind. You are not wrong to desire individuals to live healthy, happy lives... but one mans addiction... may be another mans occasional indulgence... and in that... the heart is only known by God. And the kicker... neither man is saved or condemned by addiction or indulgence.

There are destructive indulgences that God abhores... and they have to do with disregard for the value of life. However... false standards of religious performance... that deny each individuals unique qualities and right to customized evaluation... By God Himself... are a disregard for life... in and of themselves.

Only God is without sin. Only God is without blemish... Until you understand what the Passover Lamb and the blood over the doorposts means... you are sewing to the flesh. In other words... you can't take that righteousness with you... because it will rot and die. We will be different when we are brought from death.

God's healing is different than carnal accomplishment.

A good place to start is watching "Schindler's List". Schindler was a scoundrel that had many human flaws... but He trusted God and gave up everything he had out of a God imparted Love for the Jews. He was not Righteousness material... but he was a humble instrument... with no desire for reward.

The ONE who WORKS... expects Pay... but the ONE who has faith has God's works credited to his account. And Daqq... If God's work isn't good enough... then how in the Hell do you ever get off thinking that yours is?

In other words... you are so caught up in the flesh... you have totally missed the Spirit. No carnal effort draws you near to God. Only God can draw you to God.

Did He give you salvational Love of a free gift to fill your Spiritual Lungs with... as surely as He gave you Free Air to carnally Breath?

He Did!

You say "HE Didn't". You go even further and imply that more than "some" assembly is required. God ain't IKEA!

The package is delivered... fully assembled and on your doorstep. But... you have to want it bad enough to open it... ... no... you have to know you NEED it... and as long as you are used to convincing yourself and others that you need to do this and that to be willing to open the package... and assume that the effort will count as actually opening the package... you won't get the wedding garment that is inside.

God help you if you show up without that "Covering" Garment. But... it will be too late... because it had been on your doorstep all this time and... the Angel of Death will see that your doorpost isn't covered by the Lambs blood. You were so focused on using your own paint and doing it your way... that you forgot to ask God what HIS WAY "Really IS". "Ahem... Who HIS Way... Really IS"

If you do not understand that He is He... you will die in your sins.

All that sewing to the flesh will rot, decay and stink of death. I hurt for you and understand why you are not happy with my words.... but when the Homeless junkie shows up... arm and arm with a drunk prostitute ... both, with that garment on ... and you start with the finger pointing... it will be you that gets drug away from the celebration.


Nothing but false accusations, my atonement understanding has been explained many times over to both you and several others. Making false accusations does not change the fact that your belief system is utterly powerless to change lives.
Christian Azazel Atonement Theory

Your own atonement theory is blasphemy, saying the "Jesus is YHWH" while at the same time saying the "Jesus became Azazel" for you, and therefore blasphemously claiming that "YHWH is Azazel", who is a demon in the book of Enoch, and while knowing that the book of Enoch is quoted in the New Testament. This is hard, painful, Biblical truth, which you deny and subvert in your false doctrines.

As for the flesh dying, that is your job, not the job of the Messiah, for nowhere does he tell anyone that he is going to pluck out their evil eye for them, or cut off their right hand or foot for them; it is your duty to cut off your own sin from yourself. And this is the will of Elohim, (1Thes 4:1-8, Heb 10:35-39), and if you do not do the will of Elohim you cannot receive the promise, (Heb 10:36 KJV).


Well-known member
You're just in a snit because you don't know what it means to rest in the Lord. :chew:

You misapply the meaning of "Resting in Messiah" because you do not understand or truly believe his own Testimony; and therefore neither can you understand the words of Paul, which are based in the foundation of that Testimony of Messiah found in the Gospel accounts. Spiritual warfare is not against others outside yourself but rather with those of your own household, that is, the "members" of your own house-body-temple, and we wrestle not against flesh and blood. No warrior goes to sleep or takes his rest in the middle of the battlefield in the heat of battle; but that is essentially what you have confessed because you do not understand the parables of the Messiah you claim to know and worship. You are not resting but rather more like asleep at the wheel: and while you are sleeping your members rule your house, and by your own words here in this thread, and many times over in other places, your own little horn member of your household, your tongue, (James 3:5-9), has set your house ablaze while you sleep. You are not resting in Messiah but asleep at the wheel while your members rule your house. You have not won the war at all but rather you have surrendered in the midst of the battlefield, and that is because you do not understand that the war is within you and not with me or others outside yourself.


Well-known member
Zeke... I believe you want the entire world to be saved... and that's okay... because God does too. He died and rose to assure the simplicity of it and He is all about mercy and forgiveness. He became ALL of mankinds Attorney... upon Death, Burial and Ressurection. He'll show up to the trial on behalf of people that didn't even know they have the Best Jew Lawer there has ever been. You can be certain that many charges will be "dropped" in the name of Love... but there will be those that are beyond defense and God has Moral Principle that governs what He will do towards them.

Why is the Living, Breathing Work of God... Jesus Christ anything less than enough to bring you peace?

The extra spiritual insight and mumbo jumbo just complicates what is written and declared.

We are doomed and we have a PROPHESIED Messiah!

That's it! He's the Hero and He "Gets the Girl". It's that... SIMPLE!

We have a different view on where that all takes place, I say it happens in the kingdom of God which is in man Luke 17:20-21, Acts 17:24, 2Tim 2:13. The religious labels, cultures, and doctrines handed down through generations have there temporary place until one enters 1John 4:18, 1Cor 13:1-13, then the impossible mentality of traditional view more concerned with this world than the ever present kingdom of God in them which is where all things are possible, Jew, Gentile, Male, Female mere characters in this temporal incarnation of Divine off spring that Jesus and many others where a pattern, or why would he tell you that you could do the same and even greater works in you're kingdom 1Cor 3:16, etc........2Cor 3:6, the dead zone is the letter extroverted as secular history that involved a flesh and blood sacrifice which is only a type of the spiritual act.


Well-known member
I saw a documentary once where a guy drank some kind of South American hippie shroom brew and randomly devolved into a monkey. Now he works as a paid leftist protester. A specialist in throwing feces.


Well-known member
You misapply the meaning of "Resting in Messiah" because you do not understand or truly believe his own Testimony; and therefore neither can you understand the words of Paul, which are based in the foundation of that Testimony of Messiah found in the Gospel accounts. Spiritual warfare is not against others outside yourself but rather with those of your own household, that is, the "members" of your own house-body-temple, and we wrestle not against flesh and blood. No warrior goes to sleep or takes his rest in the middle of the battlefield in the heat of battle; but that is essentially what you have confessed because you do not understand the parables of the Messiah you claim to know and worship. You are not resting but rather more like asleep at the wheel: and while you are sleeping your members rule your house, and by your own words here in this thread, and many times over in other places, your own little horn member of your household, your tongue, (James 3:5-9), has set your house ablaze while you sleep. You are not resting in Messiah but asleep at the wheel while your members rule your house. You have not won the war at all but rather you have surrendered in the midst of the battlefield, and that is because you do not understand that the war is within you and not with me or others outside yourself.

Spoken as a man still under the law....which is why you have no rest.


Well-known member
Spoken as a man still under the law....which is why you have no rest.

Wrong again, and yet another false accusation, for if I use the Torah lawfully, which means to use it against myself so as to cut off sin within the household which I am set in charge of, (like the porter of the door, Mark 13:34), then Torah is become a Rod of Iron in my hand, (Rev 2:25-26). And if Torah is a Rod of Iron in my hand then I am no more under it. This is precisely what Paul means by "using the law lawfully", for the Torah of sin and death, (Sinai, and of below), is to be used against the "unruly members" of our own households. I therefore do as Paul says, while you really have no clue what things he actually speaks about: for I myself with the mind serve the Torah of Elohim, (which is Horeb, and of above), but concerning the flesh I employ the Torah of sin, (which is Sinai, and of below, and for use against the "resident evil" which dwells in the outer-bounds "commons-profane area", which is the flesh and all its attributes concerning the body-temple). Your doctrine denies all of these things and that is precisely why it is powerless to change anyone.


Well-known member
Spoken as a man still under the law....which is why you have no rest.

Wrong again, and yet another false accusation, for if I use the Torah lawfully, which means to use it against myself so as to cut off sin within the household which I am set in charge of, (like the porter of the door, Mark 13:34), then Torah is become a Rod of Iron in my hand, (Rev 2:25-26). And if Torah is a Rod of Iron in my hand then I am no more under it. This is precisely what Paul means by "using the law lawfully", for the Torah of sin and death, (Sinai, and of below), is to be used against the "unruly members" of our own households. I therefore do as Paul says, while you really have no clue what things he actually speaks about: for I myself with the mind serve the Torah of Elohim, (which is Horeb, and of above), but concerning the flesh I employ the Torah of sin, (which is Sinai, and of below, and for use against the "resident evil" which dwells in the outer-bounds "commons-profane area", which is the flesh and all its attributes concerning the body-temple). Your doctrine denies all of these things and that is precisely why it is powerless to change anyone.

The following passage well defines what we have been discussing herein. Paul is speaking about gaining others, and how he walks in the doctrine of Messiah so as to gain others to the faith of and in Messiah, and he says that he beats or pummels his own body to bring it into slavery, subjection, submission, even bondage in the ASV version. What does he mean by this? And what does he mean about "not beating against the air"? He means that his faith and belief is not some fanciful pie-in-the-sky heavenly vision of what he may or may not be in the age to come but has a real and physical impact on himself and his lifestyle. Not that he literally pummels or beats his body but that he does indeed do so in the supernal sense by mortifying or putting to death the deeds of the body, mortifying or putting to death your "members" which are upon your own land or earth, (Rom 8:13 KJV, Col 3:5 KJV), and that is to say, putting those "unruly members" of your own house to sleep, not putting yourself to sleep and allowing your members to rule your house in your place while you are out to lunch or alseep at the wheel; it is yet another body-temple analogy.

1 Corinthians 9:19-27 ASV
19 For though I was free from all men, I brought myself under bondage to all, that I might gain the more.
20 And to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, not being myself under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
21 to them that are without law, as without law, not being without law to God, but under law to Christ, that I might gain them that are without law.
22 To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak: I am become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some.
23 And I do all things for the gospel's sake, that I may be a joint partaker thereof.
24 Know ye not that they that run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? Even so run; that ye may attain.
25 And every man that striveth in the games exerciseth self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
26 I therefore so run, as not uncertainly; so fight I, as not beating the air:
27 but I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.

One who brings his/her body into subjection can really only do so by the Testimony of the Messiah, in the name of Messiah, for that is his doctrine, (and the carnal man can never understand such things nor bring his body of death into subjection), the one who does so therefore reveals the power of Elohim through the Testimony of His Son; and the Testimony of His Son expounds the Torah.


I had friends that made tea with them and added juice for taste... but... ahem... I never asked them if it tasted good. I just know they got 10 shades of retarded and pictures of their behavior would have been black mail material for life...
The Church says(Text 2291) that drugs "[inflict] very grave damage on human health and life," and that's why using drugs is "a grave offense."


Well-known member
Wrong again, and yet another false accusation, for if I use the Torah lawfully, which means to use it against myself

Really? Well the law is not made for a righteous man, so you're admitting you do not have the righteousness of Christ accounted to you? :think:

so as to cut off sin within the household which I am set in charge of, (like the porter of the door, Mark 13:34), then Torah is become a Rod of Iron in my hand, (Rev 2:25-26). And if Torah is a Rod of Iron in my hand then I am no more under it. This is precisely what Paul means by "using the law lawfully", for the Torah of sin and death, (Sinai, and of below), is to be used against the "unruly members" of our own households. I therefore do as Paul says, while you really have no clue what things he actually speaks about: for I myself with the mind serve the Torah of Elohim, (which is Horeb, and of above), but concerning the flesh I employ the Torah of sin, (which is Sinai, and of below, and for use against the "resident evil" which dwells in the outer-bounds "commons-profane area", which is the flesh and all its attributes concerning the body-temple). Your doctrine denies all of these things and that is precisely why it is powerless to change anyone.

Ah, the old Romans 7 and 8 controversy. You are the wretched man, sold under sin, doing what you don't want to do and unable to do what you want. :sigh:

"But concerning the flesh......" God be thanked, we are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit if the Spirit of God dwell in you.

Seriously, Daqq. You are so upset when others judge you, yet you do nothing but judge others. This is using the law unlawfully.

1 Timothy 1:7-9
7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. 8 But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; 9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,​

Better if you could just be delivered from the LAW (Torah) completely, and be justified by Jesus Christ through the law of Faith. Boasting is excluded by the law of faith.....which means you wouldn't have to work so hard trying to convince others (desiring to be a teacher) on how to justify yourself. You would.......wait for justified by FAITH.

Romans 3:26-28
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.​