Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Well-known member
Yes, I hope she does. I truly do. Simply quit it.

Yeah, I could quit taking hot baths with essential oils, too, but I have no desire to stop something that helps me feel so relaxed. If it bothers you that I can relax with something as harmless as a glass of wine, then that's your problem, not mine.

I hope you examine yourself, and can see your misplaced hopes for what they are. Not your business.

Eagles Wings

New member
Yeah, I could quit taking hot baths with essential oils, too, but I have no desire to stop something that helps me feel so relaxed. If it bothers you that I can relax with something as harmless as a glass of wine, then that's your problem, not mine.

I hope you examine yourself, and can see your misplaced hopes for what they are. Not your business.
I have no problem with you.

I said what I think is truth.

I am continually being examined.

Would you like this be the end of the discussion, as that is fine with me.


Well-known member
Its taken me a while to under your perspective. Honestly... I think you rely on a Works Based mindset to maintain your carnal success. In this... I understand you and applaud your victory over your issue with alcohol.

However... John 6:63 has deeper meaning than you would care to understand and I think your loathing of Alcohol is permanent. I know an anti drinker when I hear one.

I'm not so sure your carnal success hinges on your theological view... as much as you think.

Anyhow... all respect...

- EE

The audacity and constant self-righteous judging of others which continually spews out of this group of people calling themselves "Christian" is astounding. Meanwhile most of you cannot even understand the scriptures; and meanwhile you yourself have even said that you have friends struggling with addictions. And why are you powerless to help them? You cannot help them because you yourself warn them not to even try to save themselves from this untoward generation by way of your own doctrines, for if they try to change themselves according to you they will fall from grace, and the small victories against sin, one at a time, little by little, which build up into change and victory, will be considered works, and you then condemn them for trying to better themselves. You instead say: "Just keep doing what you are doing and let "God" take over for you, yes, when he comes he will stop you from putting alcohol, drugs, and pharmakea into your bodies. If you do it yourself it is a carnal victory and you have fallen from grace." You have subverted everything upon its head and reversed reality to serve yourself in your false doctrine. So those you try to "help" end up doing more drugs in hopes of making "God" come sooner. There is not a shred of power in what you believe: neither spiritual power, nor visible power which can be seen in the lives of changed people. Also, I gave credit to the Son of Elohim, the Word, in my overcoming, and you call that carnal success? So then according to you true success is not quitting such things but rather continuing along your merry way and telling yourself that you are spiritually saved on the inside while the body is being destroyed by Satan. Bad news for you: Paul proclaims that Messiah is the Savior of the body, and that is both in the congregational sense, in the bride-wife sense, and individually to each and every believer. If you are destroying your physical body you are destroying your spiritual body because you are sowing to the flesh.