Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


I mean, technically, if a believer's pot smoking (or whatever) stumbles another believer by offending them (because their conscience does not allow them to approve of it), then if we use this passage without prooftexting it, the pot smoker would have to give up pot (or whatever) out of respect and charity for that other believer's lack of faith. Rom 15:1-2

Again, just one guy's opinion.

I'll be bold on this... Diplomacy is always wonderful... but in the end... the Pious of the faith are relegated to an artificial view of their fellow believers. They wear masks and get to know the masks people wear. Only the humble and accepting tend to really know the people behind the masks that are created out of a people pleasing nature.

Sincerity and honesty... tapered with grace... brings the deepest healing... but to the credit of the flesh focused... they can assist people in cleaning up the outside quite well... but... that is extremely ephemeral and doesn't get to the "heart" of the matter.

The thing is... no matter what people say... the unbelieving and the believing alike can champion morality...

Only unconditional Love from Jesus... gets to the very core of a person's true being.

So... sure... it's alright to hold that Piety detecter and respond accordingly... but a worldview that associates Christianity with "superior" Moral standards is doomed to fail. The pious carry the deepest secrets and tend to crash and burn harder than the people they point fingers at.

I admire the recognition of the multiple perspectives and biblical based respect for those with tender sensibilities... and yet... "The Truth sets you free" is a statement that has so many positive applications that ripple from the Lover of our Souls... Jesus!


Do you know how I was delivered from alcoholism? I finally surrendered and began to immerse myself in the Torah and the Prophets, (after assuming myself to have been a "Christian" and "saved" for a very long time, believing in much the same way that many do here). One day I was reading in Daniel 8 and came across the "king of fierce countenance", (and I recognized and knew him well as my old man twin), and I also remembered that I had read the same phrase in Deuteronomy 28:50, and that is when I realized that the curses in the Torah had somehow come upon me; and I also came to realize that the Prophets are always expounding the Torah, just as the Master does throughout the Gospel accounts in his holy Testimony. I can honestly say that the Word of Elohim, the Torah, the Living Oracles of the Father, delivered me from my alcoholism: for I have not had a sip, or a drink, or anything, not even any kind of pharmakea, in nine years now. Some of you here in this very thread might actually be able to help some of your own friends who are struggling with such things if only you would believe the truth. But of course that might mean that you yourselves would be required to change also, and "God forbid" you "fall" from your grace only doctrines by doing what is right not only for yourselves but for those you love and care about. It is not a bad thing to hear about the judgment of Elohim such as even what the OP quoted to Evil.Eye.

Its taken me a while to under your perspective. Honestly... I think you rely on a Works Based mindset to maintain your carnal success. In this... I understand you and applaud your victory over your issue with alcohol.

However... John 6:63 has deeper meaning than you would care to understand and I think your loathing of Alcohol is permanent. I know an anti drinker when I hear one.

I'm not so sure your carnal success hinges on your theological view... as much as you think.

Anyhow... all respect...

- EE


Well-known member
I'll be bold on this... Diplomacy is always wonderful... but in the end... the Pious of the faith are relegated to an artificial view of their fellow believers. They wear masks and get to know the masks people wear. Only the humble and accepting tend to really know the people behind the masks that are created out of a people pleasing nature.

Sincerity and honesty... tapered with grace... brings the deepest healing... but to the credit of the flesh focused... they can assist people in cleaning up the outside quite well... but... that is extremely ephemeral and doesn't get to the "heart" of the matter.

The thing is... no matter what people say... the unbelieving and the believing alike can champion morality...

Only unconditional Love from Jesus... gets to the very core of a person's true being.

So... sure... it's alright to hold that Piety detecter and respond accordingly... but a worldview that associates Christianity with "superior" Moral standards is doomed to fail. The pious carry the deepest secrets and tend to crash and burn harder than the people they point fingers at.

I admire the recognition of the multiple perspectives and biblical based respect for those with tender sensibilities... and yet... "The Truth sets you free" is a statement that has so many positive applications that ripple from the Lover of our Souls... Jesus!

If someone believes Christ died for their sin, was buried and rose again for their justification, they're saved, right?


If someone believes Christ died for their sin, was buried and rose again for their justification, they're saved, right?

And... you have nailed it on the head! All is counted loss when drawn up next to the words you have written here in this quote.

We can gain the whole world... but what is it for if our souls are lost?

Exercise profits little is a verse that many miss. The treadmill is cherished by many... but the Cross, Tomb and Emptiness of that tomb is the actual thing that is unique to all other things.



It is typical of an non Christian to suggest an uptight Christian loosen up with pot.

Christians would not suggest this.

Are you in support of Christians using cannibus for non-medicinal reasons? How about in states where it is illegal?

Pish Posh... The house of the Lord is made up of many Pious minds like yours... so... your "perspective" is understood... however... "perspectives" and reality... rarely linenup as planned.

patrick jane

I can see you know nothing about it. That's okay...many people don't.

I'll use the herbs of the ground that God has given me, and I'll thank Him for them.
Hebrews 6:7 For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:​
EW saw the movie Reefer Madness 50 years ago and thinks pot is evil


How does someone who is saved - declared dead, made alive, forgiven, washed, adopted, justified, reconciled and ascended - lose his soul?

Seriously perplexed,


I guess it depends on what saved means. If someone "thinks" they have a part in their salvation... past accepting His FREE GIFT... and ... "hold on" for dear life... they might lose "their grip" on what they never had... in the first place.

But... if someone falls into the Arms of our Lord, God Jesus Christ... they are saved and held by the Eternal and I would say that they cannot lose what God found.



Daqq vs Zeke

Sounds like a Japanese monster movie.


Eagles Wings

New member
Going under the power of this drug involves what they call "death of the ego".
Those that fight against surrender to this drug are in for a psychological thrashing (ie: "bad trip").
As well, these "psychedelics" are actually a gateway to evil spirits... "magic mushroom" sounds so innocent.
It is a phony type of "salvation". True salvation requires surrender of the ego to the HOLY SPIRIT.
Of course, it is realization of total sinfulness and the holiness of God that brings us to true salvation.

Good post.

Eagles Wings

New member

Rev_9:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.
Rev_18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.

pharmakeía; gen. pharmakeías, fem. noun from phármakon (n.f.), a drug, which in the Gr. writers is used both for a curative or medicinal drug, and also as a poisonous one. Pharmakeía means the occult, sorcery, witchcraft, illicit pharmaceuticals, trance, magical incantation with drugs (Gal_5:20; Rev_9:21; Rev_18:23; Sept.: Exo_7:22; Isa_47:9, Isa_47:12).
Syn.: mageía (G3095), magic."- Spiros Zodhiates- "Complete Word Study"
Thank you.


Well-known member
I was never much of a drinker but I'm down to an average 1 beer every three weeks, maybe, and it usually goes unfinished. Losing my taste for it for some reason. I also vape occasionally, bare minimum nicotine. As far as "dubious bodily intake," that's about it. But I would be fellowship from my old church for even that.

The key for every believer...concerning everything in their whether we allow something to have power over us. There are many possibilities here in this world - gambling, drink, food, entertainment etc. Once we start looking at the lives of other believers, instead of just keeping our own lives in check, we enter into dangerous ground. Woe be the day when we start pointing our fingers at those who are a bit overweight, or wear short hair, or use makeup. Some do, but I won't be a part of such nonsense. :listen:

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.​