Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Well-known member
Really? Well the law is not made for a righteous man, so you're admitting you do not have the righteousness of Christ accounted to you? :think:

Ah, the old Romans 7 and 8 controversy. You are the wretched man, sold under sin, doing what you don't want to do and unable to do what you want. :sigh:

"But concerning the flesh......" God be thanked, we are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit if the Spirit of God dwell in you.

Seriously, Daqq. You are so upset when others judge you, yet you do nothing but judge others. This is using the law unlawfully.
1 Timothy 1:7-9
7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. 8 But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; 9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

Better if you could just be delivered from the LAW (Torah) completely, and be justified by Jesus Christ through the law of Faith. Boasting is excluded by the law of faith.....which means you wouldn't have to work so hard trying to convince others (desiring to be a teacher) on how to justify yourself. You would.......wait for justified by FAITH.
Romans 3:26-28
26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.​

Making more false accusations does you no good and has nothing to do with what was said from the scripture. I did not use the scripture like a weapon against you but rather simply tried to show you what it means within its own context. You are using the scripture as if a weapon against me, which is not good by any means, and it merely shows that you only use it for your own private interpretations and use it against those with whom you disagree theologically. What I said about the Timothy passage is true, and now that you have quoted it, you confirm that you understood what I was talking about. But you apparently deny that evil dwells in the flesh just as Paul tells you in Romans 7. That is indeed the proper usage of the law and what it means to use it lawfully: all the evils that Paul mentions in the Timothy passage are evils that dwell in the flesh and need to be put to death, and if you notice he says, "and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine", so it therefore truly does speak of doctrine. You implying that you apparently have no issues with any of those things only reveals your self-righteous thinking concerning yourself. Do you not understand that evil thoughts, murders, blasphemies, false witness and a host of other things proceed from the heart and come forth out of the mouth? That is why the Elder says, "Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer", meaning that in the kingdom of Elohim you need not to have actually killed someone with your hands to be considered a murderer: all you need to be doing to be counted a murderer is to be hating someone, and especially someone who has told you the truth from the scripture, for that is indeed a brother whether you wish to admit it or not so as to save your skin. Why do you not believe the Testimony of the Messiah whom you claim to know and worship as God Almighty? If you truly believe he is God Almighty then why do you not believe his words and do as he says? Not only do you not use the law lawfully but you also use the writings of the NT, (mainly Paul), against those outside yourself whom you perceive to be your enemies. No one here is your real enemy because we wrestle not against flesh and blood and your enemies are those of your own household, (Mat 10:35-36 quoting Mic 7:5-6 referencing Deut 13:6-11), and that is a parable: your "father the devil" -vs- your heavenly Father, your "mother of harlots" vs your mother-(covenant) Jerusalem of above, your "son of perdition" -vs- your spiritual son of Elohim "inner man", a man against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. These things are all parables and sayings, and not intended to be taken as literally dishonoring your physical parents and family members, (for the Master clearly upholds those commandments in other places such as Mat 19:18-19).

Matthew 10:34-38
34 Think not that I am come to send peace upon the land: I came not to bring peace but a sword
[macharia-sword of spiritual warfare, Rev 6:4].
35 For I came to sever a man from his father, and the daughter from her mother, and the daughter in law from her mother in law:
36 And the enemies of a man shall be those of his own household
[Mic 7:5-6, Deut 13:6].
37 He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And he that does not take up his stake and follow after me is not worthy of me.

You have no power because you have a false Gospel and do not believe or understand the parables, allegories, sayings, and LOGOS-Reasoning of the Word whom you claim to know and worship as God Almighty.


Well-known member
Making more false accusations does you no good and has nothing to do with what was said from the scripture. I did not use the scripture like a weapon against you but rather simply tried to show you what it means within its own context. You are using the scripture as if a weapon against me, which is not good by any means, and it merely shows that you only use it for your own private interpretations and use it against those with whom you disagree theologically.

I would have to laugh if I didn't know you are so serious. I am not using the scripture as a weapon against you. You must be suffering being convicted by the Holy Spirit.


You have no power because you have a false Gospel and do not believe or understand the parables, allegories, sayings, and LOGOS-Reasoning of the Word whom you claim to know and worship as God Almighty.
The true Gospel is that, "He is risen" (Mt28:6KJV Mk16:6KJV Lk24:6KJV). "Believe in thine heart" (Ro10:9KJV). Romans 4:8 (KJV)


Well-known member
The true Gospel is that, "He is risen" (Mt28:6KJV Mk16:6KJV Lk24:6KJV). "Believe in thine heart" (Ro10:9KJV). Romans 4:8 (KJV)

The true Good News is that he is risen because his holy Testimony was not only sealed from above, by the Father, but it was received into evidence by the Father when the Father received his Spirit-Testimony; and therefore that Testimony is the only way that anyone can be delivered, atoned, set right, and become pleasing to the Father, and that is by believing and doing his Testimony written in the Gospel accounts. Hearing that Testimony and not doing it, or ignoring it, or rejecting it for ones own doctrine, only condemns the person even worse because the same has not believed the Word, who is the Son of Elohim, whom Elohim sent into the world that the world might be delivered. The Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts is everything: without it, and without holding it in uprightness and truth, you have absolutely nothing.


Well-known member
I would have to laugh if I didn't know you are so serious. I am not using the scripture as a weapon against you. You must be suffering being convicted by the Holy Spirit.

Nope, no suffering or conviction here: but you appear to be suffering partial blindness and hardness of heart for blaspheming the commandments of the Messiah by calling his commandments "works", and for teaching people that doing his commandments constitutes "fleshly works of pride", and telling people that if they do his commandments they have fallen from your version of grace. That is why I said that you are not "Resting in Messiah", as you claim, but rather you appear to be resting in a pseudo-version of Paul which modern preachers and pulpit masters have concocted for your itching ears. The real Paul teaches the commandments of the Messiah, and he says so in multiple places and occasions: you therefore do not know the real Paul, nor the Messiah, for the words and teachings of the Messiah you call "works of the flesh" while you try to use that phony argument against me for speaking and posting the very words of the one you claim to be God Almighty. Again, how can you claim Jesus is God Almighty, and that you worship him, when you say that his commandments are works of the flesh? and while you say that if anyone does his commandments the same has fallen from grace? or has never known grace? The same applies to Evil.Eye who continually makes the same accusations and blasphemes the commandments of the Messiah whom he claims is YHWH Almighty. If "Jesus is YHWH", as both you and Evil.Eye and many others here have claimed; then why do you, Evil.Eye, and the rest of your crew, not believe, walk in, and do his commandments, teachings, parables, allegories, and sayings? And why do you all call his commandments prideful works of the flesh?


Well-known member
Nope, no suffering or conviction here: but you appear to be suffering partial blindness and hardness of heart for blaspheming the commandments of the Messiah by calling his commandments "works", and for teaching people that doing his commandments constitutes "fleshly works of pride", and telling people that if they do his commandments they have fallen from your version of grace. That is why I said that you are not "Resting in Messiah", as you claim, but rather you appear to be resting in a pseudo-version of Paul which modern preachers and pulpit masters have concocted for your itching ears. The real Paul teaches the commandments of the Messiah, and he says so in multiple places and occasions: you therefore do not know the real Paul, nor the Messiah, for the words and teachings of the Messiah you call "works of the flesh" while you try to use that phony argument against me for speaking and posting the very words of the one you claim to be God Almighty. Again, how can you claim Jesus is God Almighty, and that you worship him, when you say that his commandments are works of the flesh? and while you say that if anyone does his commandments the same has fallen from grace? or has never known grace? The same applies to Evil.Eye who continually makes the same accusations and blasphemes the commandments of the Messiah whom he claims is YHWH Almighty. If "Jesus is YHWH", as both you and Evil.Eye and many others here have claimed; then why do you, Evil.Eye, and the rest of your crew, not believe, walk in, and do his commandments, teachings, parables, allegories, and sayings? And why do you all call his commandments prideful works of the flesh?

You seem very confused to me. It's as if you don't know what Christ accomplished on the Cross and that HE IS RISEN. :think:

Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.​


Let Go of THE WHEEL Daqq!!!

Let Go of THE WHEEL Daqq!!!

Nope, no suffering or conviction here: but you appear to be suffering partial blindness and hardness of heart for blaspheming the commandments of the Messiah by calling his commandments "works", and for teaching people that doing his commandments constitutes "fleshly works of pride", and telling people that if they do his commandments they have fallen from your version of grace. That is why I said that you are not "Resting in Messiah", as you claim, but rather you appear to be resting in a pseudo-version of Paul which modern preachers and pulpit masters have concocted for your itching ears. The real Paul teaches the commandments of the Messiah, and he says so in multiple places and occasions: you therefore do not know the real Paul, nor the Messiah, for the words and teachings of the Messiah you call "works of the flesh" while you try to use that phony argument against me for speaking and posting the very words of the one you claim to be God Almighty. Again, how can you claim Jesus is God Almighty, and that you worship him, when you say that his commandments are works of the flesh? and while you say that if anyone does his commandments the same has fallen from grace? or has never known grace? The same applies to Evil.Eye who continually makes the same accusations and blasphemes the commandments of the Messiah whom he claims is YHWH Almighty. If "Jesus is YHWH", as both you and Evil.Eye and many others here have claimed; then why do you, Evil.Eye, and the rest of your crew, not believe, walk in, and do his commandments, teachings, parables, allegories, and sayings?
And why do you all call his commandments prideful works of the flesh?

Nothing but false accusations, my atonement understanding has been explained many times over to both you and several others. Making false accusations does not change the fact that your belief system is utterly powerless to change lives.
Christian Azazel Atonement Theory

Your own atonement theory is blasphemy, saying the "Jesus is YHWH" while at the same time saying the "Jesus became Azazel" for you, and therefore blasphemously claiming that "YHWH is Azazel", who is a demon in the book of Enoch, and while knowing that the book of Enoch is quoted in the New Testament. This is hard, painful, Biblical truth, which you deny and subvert in your false doctrines.

As for the flesh dying, that is your job, not the job of the Messiah, for nowhere does he tell anyone that he is going to pluck out their evil eye for them, or cut off their right hand or foot for them; it is your duty to cut off your own sin from yourself. And this is the will of Elohim, (1Thes 4:1-8, Heb 10:35-39), and if you do not do the will of Elohim you cannot receive the promise, (Heb 10:36 KJV).

You misapply the meaning of "Resting in Messiah" because you do not understand or truly believe his own Testimony; and therefore neither can you understand the words of Paul, which are based in the foundation of that Testimony of Messiah found in the Gospel accounts. Spiritual warfare is not against others outside yourself but rather with those of your own household, that is, the "members" of your own house-body-temple, and we wrestle not against flesh and blood. No warrior goes to sleep or takes his rest in the middle of the battlefield in the heat of battle; but that is essentially what you have confessed because you do not understand the parables of the Messiah you claim to know and worship. You are not resting but rather more like asleep at the wheel: and while you are sleeping your members rule your house, and by your own words here in this thread, and many times over in other places, your own little horn member of your household, your tongue, (James 3:5-9), has set your house ablaze while you sleep. You are not resting in Messiah but asleep at the wheel while your members rule your house. You have not won the war at all but rather you have surrendered in the midst of the battlefield, and that is because you do not understand that the war is within you and not with me or others outside yourself.

You are your own savior... by your very own words and admission...

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Galatians 5:4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace

Romans 4:1 What then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the flesh? 2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” 4 Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.

Let go of the WHEEL Daqq!!!

Full scene... for video clip... ***Language Warning*** ... but it's so true... You don't know how to Surrender Daqq... You're afraid of losing your work put into your Castle built on sand

Your Castle of glass won't stand what's coming!!!... Rest In Peace Mr. Chester Bennington ... 1999-2017
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Well-known member
You are your own savior... by your very own words and admission...

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Galatians 5:4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace

Romans 4:1 What then shall we say that Abraham our father has found according to the flesh? 2 For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. 3 For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” 4 Now to him who works, the wages are not counted as grace but as debt.

Let go of the WHEEL Daqq!!!

Full scene... for video clip... ***Language Warning*** ... but it's so true... You don't know how to Surrender Daqq... You're afraid of losing your work put into your Castle built on sand

Your Castle of glass won't stand what's coming!!!... Rest In Peace Mr. Chester Bennington ... 1999-2017

You have twisted everything that has been said, even the analogy which I used, which was "asleep at the wheel", and yet you say, "just let go of the wheel". That is ridiculous, no one going down the highway at sixty miles an hour in a vehicle lets go of the wheel unless they have a death wish. Are you not even capable of understanding symbolism? For the same reason you cannot understand the parables and allegories of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts, for you twist them to conform with your own kingpin paradigm dogma, which is "grace only", and if there is anything you cannot force into your paradigm-mindset you then jettison the whole passage from your heart and mind.

You misapply the meaning of "Resting in Messiah" because you do not understand or truly believe his own Testimony; and therefore neither can you understand the words of Paul, which are based in the foundation of that Testimony of Messiah found in the Gospel accounts. Spiritual warfare is not against others outside yourself but rather with those of your own household, that is, the "members" of your own house-body-temple, and we wrestle not against flesh and blood. No warrior goes to sleep or takes his rest in the middle of the battlefield in the heat of battle; but that is essentially what you have confessed because you do not understand the parables of the Messiah you claim to know and worship. You are not resting but rather more like asleep at the wheel: and while you are sleeping your members rule your house, and by your own words here in this thread, and many times over in other places, your own little horn member of your household, your tongue, (James 3:5-9), has set your house ablaze while you sleep. You are not resting in Messiah but asleep at the wheel while your members rule your house. You have not won the war at all but rather you have surrendered in the midst of the battlefield, and that is because you do not understand that the war is within you and not with me or others outside yourself.

Moreover I already said that I have surrendered but it was in a different context, that is, the same context in which Paul uses it:

Do you know how I was delivered from alcoholism? I finally surrendered and began to immerse myself in the Torah and the Prophets, (after assuming myself to have been a "Christian" and "saved" for a very long time, believing in much the same way that many do here). One day I was reading in Daniel 8 and came across the "king of fierce countenance", (and I recognized and knew him well as my old man twin), and I also remembered that I had read the same phrase in Deuteronomy 28:50, and that is when I realized that the curses in the Torah had somehow come upon me; and I also came to realize that the Prophets are always expounding the Torah, just as the Master does throughout the Gospel accounts in his holy Testimony. I can honestly say that the Word of Elohim, the Torah, the Living Oracles of the Father, delivered me from my alcoholism: for I have not had a sip, or a drink, or anything, not even any kind of pharmakea, in nine years now. Some of you here in this very thread might actually be able to help some of your own friends who are struggling with such things if only you would believe the truth. But of course that might mean that you yourselves would be required to change also, and "God forbid" you "fall" from your grace only doctrines by doing what is right not only for yourselves but for those you love and care about. It is not a bad thing to hear about the judgment of Elohim such as even what the OP quoted to Evil.Eye.

Galatians 2:19 W/H
19 εγω γαρ δια νομου νομω απεθανον ινα θεω ζησω
19 For I, through the Torah, died by the Torah, that I might live unto Elohim.

But your kind are fearful of the Torah, and even despise the Torah, and you refuse to die by it and through it so that you might live unto Elohim. It is necessary to die, but you refuse to die the way in which the Master teaches you to do because of the natural man's will to live and his refusal to "go away quietly into the night", (and when you fancy yourself "letting go of the wheel" it is the natural man who takes control in your place because you have not put him to death). Moreover you are fearful because you do not understand the "Law of Liberty" which the Master expounds in the Lord's Prayer, (Mat 6:12-15), and the parable of Mat 18:23-35, and which Yaakob also explains in the epistle of James. No doubt you take "the Law of Liberty" and twist it into something else so as to force it into your mindset dogma. Paul died through the Torah, by way of the Torah, and I can say the same, but you cannot because you despise any form of law and are become a man of utter lawlessness in what you imagine is your own temple, (those who are indeed purchased with the price are no more their own), and by the words that come from your mouth you defile yourself and the temple of Elohim just as the Master says in Mat 15:18-20.

Moreover your response only serves to prove my point, once again, and reveals the very reason why your dogma has no power to change lives: what do you expect should happen when you tell a drug addict or an alcoholic to "Just let go"? LOL, they do exactly what you say to do, they let go, and continue doing what they were already doing because the natural and carnal man takes over in their place while they are "asleep at the wheel". But you are not going to get off so easily as you imagine, for you see the sword approaching in their lives for what they are doing to the temple of Elohim, and yet because of your grace-only dogma you do not blow the trumpet because you are afraid you might offend them; and instead you make them two-fold worse off by telling them to "just let go" and not try to stop what they are doing or try to change because you consider that to be "works of the flesh" and as you said to me, "a carnal victory", so you make them feel secure as if they are "saved" by some magic prayer words while continuing to do what they were already doing, which is killing them. And because you are here, and because you have had the opportunity to know the truth and have rejected it: their blood will be on your hands, O watchman, (Eze 3:17-21, Eze 33:1-9).

1 Corinthians 16:13 W/H
13 γρηγορειτε στηκετε εν τη πιστει ανδριζεσθε κραταιουσθε
13 Be watching! Stand fast in the faith! Be strong! Acquit yourselves like men!


You have twisted everything that has been said, even the analogy which I used, which was "asleep at the wheel", and yet you say, "just let go of the wheel". That is ridiculous, no one going down the highway at sixty miles an hour in a vehicle lets go of the wheel unless they have a death wish. Are you not even capable of understanding symbolism? For the same reason you cannot understand the parables and allegories of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts, for you twist them to conform with your own kingpin paradigm dogma, which is "grace only", and if there is anything you cannot force into your paradigm-mindset you then jettison the whole passage from your heart and mind.

Moreover I already said that I have surrendered but it was in a different context, that is, the same context in which Paul uses it:

Galatians 2:19 W/H
19 εγω γαρ δια νομου νομω απεθανον ινα θεω ζησω
19 For I, through the Torah, died by the Torah, that I might live unto Elohim.

But your kind are fearful of the Torah, and even despise the Torah, and you refuse to die by it and through it so that you might live unto Elohim. It is necessary to die, but you refuse to die the way in which the Master teaches you to do because of the natural man's will to live and his refusal to "go away quietly into the night", (and when you fancy yourself "letting go of the wheel" it is the natural man who takes control in your place because you have not put him to death). Moreover you are fearful because you do not understand the "Law of Liberty" which the Master expounds in the Lord's Prayer, (Mat 6:12-15), and the parable of Mat 18:23-35, and which Yaakob also explains in the epistle of James. No doubt you take "the Law of Liberty" and twist it into something else so as to force it into your mindset dogma. Paul died through the Torah, by way of the Torah, and I can say the same, but you cannot because you despise any form of law and are become a man of utter lawlessness in what you imagine is your own temple, (those who are indeed purchased with the price are no more their own), and by the words that come from your mouth you defile yourself and the temple of Elohim just as the Master says in Mat 15:18-20.

Moreover your response only serves to prove my point, once again, and reveals the very reason why your dogma has no power to change lives: what do you expect should happen when you tell a drug addict or an alcoholic to "Just let go"? LOL, they do exactly what you say to do, they let go, and continue doing what they were already doing because the natural and carnal man takes over in their place while they are "asleep at the wheel". But you are not going to get off so easily as you imagine, for you see the sword approaching in their lives for what they are doing to the temple of Elohim, and yet because of your grace-only dogma you do not blow the trumpet because you are afraid you might offend them; and instead you make them two-fold worse off by telling them to "just let go" and not try to stop what they are doing or try to change because you consider that to be "works of the flesh" and as you said to me, "a carnal victory", so you make them feel secure as if they are "saved" by some magic prayer words while continuing to do what they were already doing, which is killing them. And because you are here, and because you have had the opportunity to know the truth and have rejected it: their blood will be on your hands, O watchman, (Eze 3:17-21, Eze 33:1-9).

1 Corinthians 16:13 W/H
13 γρηγορειτε στηκετε εν τη πιστει ανδριζεσθε κραταιουσθε
13 Be watching! Stand fast in the faith! Be strong! Acquit yourselves like men!

You weave this tapestry of lies that redefine faith as "Faith in Self Works"... and you end with a verse that betrays you.

Funny... your very quoted chapter... grand finale... ends with these words...

1 Corinthians 16:22 If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. O Lord, come!
23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 24 My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Good luck making Ishmael... that turned out Greaaaaaaaat...


Well-known member
You weave this tapestry of lies that redefine faith as "Faith in Self Works"... and you end with a verse that betrays you.

Funny... your very quoted chapter... grand finale... ends with these words...

1 Corinthians 16:22 If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. O Lord, come!
23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. 24 My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Good luck making Ishmael... that turned out Greaaaaaaaat...

You do not recognize the passages Paul is referencing to the Corinthians? He is essentially telling them that they are under "tutors and governors until the time appointed of the Father", (Gal 4:1-2), when they will receive a white stone of acquittal-approval from the Master, (Rev 2:17).

Joshua 1:6-7 LXX-Septuagint Brenton English Translation
6 Be strong, and quit thyself like a man,
(ανδριζομαι (ανδριζου)), for thou shalt divide the land to this people, which I sware to give to your fathers.
7 Be strong, therefore, and quit thyself like a man,
(ανδριζομαι (ανδριζου)), to observe and do as Moses my servant commanded thee; and thou shalt not turn therefrom to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest be wise in whatsoever thou mayest do.

Daniel 10:19 LXX-Septuagint Brenton English Translation
19 and said to me, Fear not, man greatly beloved: peace be to thee, quit thyself like a man,
(ανδριζομαι (ανδριζου)), and be strong. And when he had spoken with me, I received strength, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.

Galatians 4:1-2 KJV
1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child,
[νηπιος - nepios - "a babe"] differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all;
2 But is under tutors
[Torah and Psalms (Kings and Priests)] and governors [House-Stewards - Prophets] until the time appointed of the father [the Heavenly Father].

Essentially you are a nepios, "a babe", who is claiming to be "a son" while your own appointed times have not come to pass in your own walk, (which is painfully obvious by your own deeds, words, doctrines, and teachings). You appear not to even care what you read when you open up the scriptures because you only use the scripture for your own purposes by subverting the Word and forcing the scripture to comply with your blind dogma. Just because Paul tells you that he and his fellow traveling companions and bond-servants of the Word are no more under the Torah, ("we"), does not mean that the same automatically applies to you yourself without you yourself having done "the will of Elohim", (which is to cut off sin from yourself and the "members of your household", which household is no more your own but rather now the temple of Elohim if indeed you are "in Messiah", again, see Heb 10:35-39 KJV and 1Thes 4:1-8 KJV).

The Torah is your "schoolmaster" to bring you to Messiah, just as Paul says in the previous chapter which is still the same passage and context with Gal 4:1-2, (and "schoolmaster", paidagogos, is used as like a crossing guard to safely bring you to your destination, which is Messiah, the telos-goal or "point aimed at" of and through the Torah, Rom 10:4). If you refuse to go "under the knife" then your spiritual diseases and spiritual malignant tumors will not be removed by the ministers of circumcision; and Messiah is the New Minister of the Circumcision, as Paul likewise says, (Rom 15:8 ASV), but that does not mean that Moses, and the Prophets, and the Priests and Kings who penned the Psalms and Writings, are not still "ministers" in the kingdom of Elohim: for they are, because their words, teachings, and Logos-Reasonings are the very scripture which you yourself claim to hold dear. As has been said many times, you are engaged in cherry picking for the sole purposes of fabricating your own false easy believism "grace-only" gospel.

And as for my rendering of 1Cor 16:13, the word used there, (ανδριζομαι, (ανδριζεσθε)), can and does mean "acquit", as in acquitting one's self like a man, (ανδρι), even though most translations prefer to use "quit", (which somewhat confuses the meaning and sense in modern English).

1 Corinthians 16:13 WEB (Webster's Bible Translation)
13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, acquit yourselves like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 WEY (Weymouth New Testament)
13 Be on the alert; stand firm in the faith; acquit yourselves like men; be strong.

You are denying the scripture and the teachings of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts while accusing me of doing "fleshly works" and "saving myself" because I actually do believe and carry out to the best of my ability those very same things which the Messiah teaches and you deny. You deny the Messiah whom you claim is YHWH Almighty and whom you claim to worship as God Almighty. You deny him by your doctrine: and your doctrine-gospel is powerless to effect change in anyone because it is false.


Well-known member
He's pushing Torah for Gentiles! He says it over and over and over. I can't be the only one who sees it.

Don't kid yourself: they see it and they know it, and they know that I have shown that I believe Paul while you and they do not actually believe Paul, and therefore you and they do hate, and that is why your only recourse is to cast sharp jagged words like sharp stones through the vengeful and hateful things you have been posting toward me in your own thread and elsewhere.

Galatians 2:19 W/H
19 εγω γαρ δια νομου νομω απεθανον ινα θεω ζησω
19 For I, through the Torah, died by the Torah, that I might live unto Elohim.

Romans 7:24-25
24 Wretched man that I am: who shall deliver me out of the body of this death?
25 By the grace of Elohim, through Meshiah Yeshua our Master: so then with the mind I myself serve the Torah of Elohim,
[Horeb, and of above] but concerning the flesh, the Torah of sin, [Sinai, and of below].

And this is an allegory of the two Covenants, just as Paul teaches: therefore put the flesh under subjection and bondage, bring it into submission, put it to death, mortify the deeds of the body and mortify your members which are upon the land, as both the Master and Paul teach you.

1 Corinthians 9:19-27 ASV
19 For though I was free from all men, I brought myself under bondage to all, that I might gain the more.
20 And to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, not being myself under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;
21 to them that are without law, as without law, not being without law to God, but under law to Christ, that I might gain them that are without law.
22 To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak: I am become all things to all men, that I may by all means save some.
23 And I do all things for the gospel's sake, that I may be a joint partaker thereof.
24 Know ye not that they that run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? Even so run; that ye may attain.
25 And every man that striveth in the games exerciseth self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.
26 I therefore so run, as not uncertainly; so fight I, as not beating the air:
27 but I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.

All these things have already been posted herein, "Acquit yourself like a man", for you have all the tools you need in the Torah which is the Living Word of Elohim and the Son of Elohim whom you deny, (because it has already been shown to you from the testimony of Stephen, Peter, and Paul, in other threads). If only you would surrender to the Word, and see and understand how to rightly divide, even between Horeb, which is of above, and "Torah of the mind", and the Torah of Elohim, and between Sinai, which is of below, and to be employed and "used lawfully" against the flesh and the "unruly members" of your own household. Have you not heard one thing that has been said herein or anywhere else to you? Why can you not hear what the scripture plainly teaches by the Logos-Reasoning of Elohim? You deny both the Messiah and Paul by your false grace-only doctrine.


Flattering oneself indicates pride.

Pride has been considered by many to be the foundational sin, and that therefore all sin exists because of pride.

Pride means to overestimate oneself, or to think too highly of oneself.

Insubordination, 'sound like to me; but that's just me.


Well-known member
Flattering oneself indicates pride.

Pride has been considered by many to be the foundational sin, and that therefore all sin exists because of pride.

Pride means to overestimate oneself, or to think too highly of oneself.

Insubordination, 'sound like to me; but that's just me.

And one of the worst forms is prominently displayed continually by those who exalt themselves and their own ideas against the scripture.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
What's the saying? You can beat a dead horse to water, but you can't keep him from sinking. Something like that.



Well-known member
One of the types of yoga popular in Israel and in many other parts of the world is kundalini. "Kundalini" is a Hindu concept that there is a powerful form of psychic energy at the base of the spine that can be "awakened." It is called the serpent, is purely occultic, and has resulted in many demonic manifestations. It is supposed to be located in the first of the seven "chakras" or power centers in the body. If the kundalini is awakened through such things as yogic meditation, chanting and dancing, and the laying on of hands, it can be encouraged to move up the spinal column, piercing the other chakras, eventually reaching the seventh chakra at the top of the head, resulting in spiritual insight and power through "union with the Divine."

Kundalini is purely occultic and has resulted in many demonic manifestations. It is said to create sensations of heat and cold, tingling, electric current, internal pressures, inner sounds and lights, buzzing in the ear, compulsive bodily movements and expressions (such as grimacing), uncontrollable emotional outbursts, loss of memory, a sense of an inner eye, drowsiness, and pain. Its own practitioners warn repeatedly about its dangers.

The Inner Explorations web site tells of a man who, while dabbling in the activation of kundalini, experienced touches by invisible hands and animals that would attach themselves to him or bite him or lick his face.The Ayurveda Encyclopedia says, "Those who awaken their kundalini without a guru can lose their direction in life ... they can become confused or mentally imbalanced ... more harm than good can arise" (p. 336). The book Aghora II: Kundalini warns many times that "indiscriminate awakening of the Kundalini is very dangerous" (p. 61). It says: "Once aroused and unboxed Kundalini is not 'derousable'; the genie will not fit back into the bottle. ... Those who ride Kundalini without knowing their destination risk losing their way" (p. 20). In fact, the book says "some die of shock when Kundalini is awakened, and others become severely ill" (p. 61). It is likened to a toddler grasping a live wire (p. 58). Every form of yoga is a potential path to communion with demons.
(David Cloud)

Same with risk opening doors of two-way access that you don't know are there and won't be able to shut.
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And one of the worst forms is prominently displayed continually by those who exalt themselves and their own ideas against the scripture.
You align yourself with Sacred Scripture's own authority, mentally. When other challenge your explanation of Sacred Scripture, you react as if we are against Sacred Scripture. When we call you names, you take it as we are calling Sacred Scripture names. We accept the authority of Sacred Scripture, we reject your authority to explain it. We believe Sacred Scripture, we don't believe you.

There have been many, many people who have been delivered from addiction throughout the many years we've all been alive, and not all of them studied the law, so we know that there is more than one door to the freedom from liquor that you now currently enjoy.
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The true Good News is that he is risen because his holy Testimony was not only sealed from above, by the Father, but it was received into evidence by the Father when the Father received his Spirit-Testimony; and therefore that Testimony is the only way that anyone can be delivered, atoned, set right, and become pleasing to the Father, and that is by believing and doing his Testimony written in the Gospel accounts. Hearing that Testimony and not doing it, or ignoring it, or rejecting it for ones own doctrine, only condemns the person even worse because the same has not believed the Word, who is the Son of Elohim, whom Elohim sent into the world that the world might be delivered. The Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts is everything: without it, and without holding it in uprightness and truth, you have absolutely nothing.

Matthew 28:6 (KJV) Mark 16:6 (KJV) Luke 24:6 (KJV)

"Believe in thine heart that [HE IS RISEN]." Romans 10:9 (KJV)