Christian Ministers to Use 'Magic Mushrooms' for 'Religious Experience' for A Study


Well-known member
Dr. Albert Schweitzer was a brilliant idiot who missed the whole thing... just as you do.

Enjoy your programming because the data just doesn't square with the facts, Plus I started out just like you believing what I was told by the christian rulers of the past and present, but then I started thinking for myself about the eternal hell nonsense I once believed, then I woke up to the Spiritual intent of the letter you still think is historical, which is hysterical insanity, but when actual Divine Love enters the building all your tradition slinks out the back door when the light is turned on, oh but you want a special status with your own deity that forgot to incude the rest of humanity, your not only insane your brainwashed just like your where before you took the suger pill/placebo.


Well-known member
On a symbolic level, much is mythos anyways, the symbolism of language that carries the mind into that realm of religious meaning, ethic and principle, including all universal truths, conceptual models and figures.

Hence, on that 'meta' level,...whether a 'story' is actually 'historical' or 'myth' (subject to debate),... what is being 'translated' or 'communicated' is what matters. All types, images and shadows mirror some subject, theme, idea, precept, conceptually speaking, so that the 'kingdom' or realm of Spirit is ALWAYS 'within' meaning perceived, known or experienced 'subjectively', and that is the 'object' as it were of 'language' ;) - 'God' is ever beyond words, space, time, but involves and evolves Himself THRU language, space and time ;)

Only One IS.....yet the logos of Spirit has many different dialects thru which it speaks, but it is the same Creative Spirit, Infinite Intelligence thru-out. Spirit is indivisible, only differentiating in form and appearance.

Hence, we mystic mavericks have a wonderful time indulging our 'gnosis', then painting our own stories on canvas which is but Spirit creatively expressing and experiencing thru individual life-streams, since we are all the offspring of the INFINITE. Every soul is an individual expression of Spirit, from which it could never be seperate from or outside of...seeing the reality of OMNIPRESENCE.

Spirit Alone is LIFE.

The thing is that ones eternal destiny is supposed to be riding on one life span, one and done, yet how many die young without ever even meeting the requirements imposed on them by christian version of salvation, don't ponder that one just take the religions word for it never mind the unjustified deity proclaiming such a program for his own off spring. Christians claim they have special info that just came into vogue two thousand years ago, which is a lie, when the inner divinity in man was taught long before the Jesus motif raised its historical head, or the Hebrews plagiarized their OT Characters from prior beliefs, neither want to give up their master who swooped down and saved them from themselves (the original twelve step program) rather than digging for the pearls within their own conscience and overcoming the mental programing that convinced them they were helpless drunks/sinners from birth hypnosis.


Eclectic Theosophist
going 'cosmic' with freelight........

going 'cosmic' with freelight........

"Oh, the Gnostic heresy of it all! (lol), Seeds falling to the ground and dying!"
"Gog, the caterpillar king, dying and turning into a butterfly!" :chuckle:

As you know daqq,

I'm quite fine with 'God' being what 'God' IS, on a totally 'meta' plane of perception, and in the innermost essence of who I AM, as the 'essence' of BEING itself, so that the Mighty I AM Presence is the absolute reality-anchor and center of my own existence, apart from which I could not even 'be'. The essence of YHWH means that essentially...that pure ethereal essence from which all creative expression and psychic intelligence springs. On a more pure non-dual plane of intuitive knowing....I AM THAT :) - there is only a 'difference', 'duality', 'relativity', distinction of anything in this realm of space and time, where this individual soul expression appears to be 'seperate' from its SOURCE. But perhaps I digress.

In St. John's school of Christology, it is essentially 'gnostic' since 'knowledge' is the key into the kingdom, its knowledge given thru the Spirit, so it is inspiring, life-giving, life-sustaining,...being LIFE itself. 'Gnosis' from the Spirit and its generating the knowledge of 'God', 'Life', 'Reality', 'Spirit', etc. In the purity and absolute ultimacy of such gnosis, there is no 'death'. 'Death' only appears as a phenomena or privation in this realm of space-time, where lack is assumed, where 'God' is not realized as the One Omnipresent REALITY :)

One myth may good as any other, as long as the mind is pointed back intowards its Primal Source, which is the Infinite Creator, or CREATION itself. - you dont have to personalize this ENTITY, unless you are relating to IT in a personal way, as a divine Personality, or otherwise. - all relations and definitions are according to their contextual qualifiers, but out beyond any dimensions or definitions...there is only INFINITY ;)


Eclectic Theosophist
I take sugar pills and placebos

Thats wonderful dear, concerning binge diets or mild experiments in the power of 'belief', but when you swallow whole theologies or belief-systems like 'sugar-pills', it wont be long when such sugar-overload has the effect of bloating, ill health and spiritual retardation.

I recommend a total liberation, by dropping all images, opinions, assumptions, beliefs...., and just surrending to Reality itself. That which IS, alone Absolute, unqualified LIFE. - all else is qualified by our own terms, definitions and contexts,...imperfect, limited and partial. The One LIFE that IS however, ever-radiant, ever-present, wholly NOW. It doesnt need our theological help TO BE.


Eclectic Theosophist
The thing is that ones eternal destiny is supposed to be riding on one life span, one and done, yet how many die young without ever even meeting the requirements imposed on them by christian version of salvation, don't ponder that one just take the religions word for it never mind the unjustified deity proclaiming such a program for his own off spring. Christians claim they have special info that just came into vogue two thousand years ago, which is a lie, when the inner divinity in man was taught long before the Jesus motif raised its historical head, or the Hebrews plagiarized their OT Characters from prior beliefs, neither want to give up their master who swooped down and saved them from themselves (the original twelve step program) rather than digging for the pearls within their own conscience and overcoming the mental programing that convinced them they were helpless drunks/sinners from birth hypnosis.


'God' is Light and in him there is darkness. - we come back to John's writings which still maintain their gnostic element,....'God' as life, light, spirit, truth. It is this primordial light of unstained Consciousness, pure energy from which all derives its existence, that which KNOWS...and in which everything is KNOWN. - hence our true souls know and are known in its LIGHT.


Eclectic Theosophist
Ethereal Realms......

Ethereal Realms......

Just a little nibbler, for those who dont have any magic mushrooms at hand,...enjoy some psy-trance music, a space trip for your mind ;)



Well-known member
As you know daqq,

I'm quite fine with 'God' being what 'God' IS, on a totally 'meta' plane of perception, and in the innermost essence of who I AM, as the 'essence' of BEING itself, so that the Mighty I AM Presence is the absolute reality-anchor and center of my own existence, apart from which I could not even 'be'. The essence of YHWH means that essentially...that pure ethereal essence from which all creative expression and psychic intelligence springs. On a more pure non-dual plane of intuitive knowing....I AM THAT :) - there is only a 'difference', 'duality', 'relativity', distinction of anything in this realm of space and time, where this individual soul expression appears to be 'seperate' from its SOURCE. But perhaps I digress.

But first king Gog has to die, ("O Egypt, great of flesh"), and I suppose in the allegory he is "buried in Hammon-Gog", but that metamorphosis of death also brings forth new birth and new life, (for He says, "I kill and I make alive", and He does them both at the same time for our own good and expected end). And then the saying comes to pass, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit: marvel not that I said to you that you must be born from above; the Spirit blows where He wills, and you hear the sound of His voice, but cannot tell from where He comes, or to where He goes: so is every one who is born of the Spirit."

Amos 7:1 LXX-Septuagint (Brenton English Translation)
1 Thus has the Lord God shewed me; and, behold, a swarm of locusts coming from the east; and, behold, one caterpillar, king Gog.

O how the ancient ways have been lost . . .
Who would tell you that Gog becomes a butterfly?
Oh, but he is no more Gog, Gog is dead, and a new name is given . . .

In St. John's school of Christology, it is essentially 'gnostic' since 'knowledge' is the key into the kingdom, its knowledge given thru the Spirit, so it is inspiring, life-giving, life-sustaining,...being LIFE itself. 'Gnosis' from the Spirit and its generating the knowledge of 'God', 'Life', 'Reality', 'Spirit', etc. In the purity and absolute ultimacy of such gnosis, there is no 'death'. 'Death' only appears as a phenomena or privation in this realm of space-time, where lack is assumed, where 'God' is not realized as the One Omnipresent REALITY :)

Well said, in fact, it is in the form of a quasi-commandment:

John 8:51-52 ASV
51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my word, he shall never see death.
52 The Jews said unto him, Now we know that thou hast a demon. Abraham died, and the prophets; and thou sayest, If a man keep my word, he shall never taste of death.

Anyone who walks in the commandments of the Master and keeps his sayings and words will not "see" physical death in any of their doctrine; and therefore none of the Apostolic authors pay any attention to physical death in their writings, for the flesh profits nothing, and physical death does not glorify the Father. It is the death of the old man nature, (like king Gog, "great of flesh", like Egypt which represents "the flesh"), so it is the old man nature which needs to be mortified, put to sleep, die off, and eventually be killed.

If you look closely at the passage above they also did not hear what he said and so utterly misunderstood because of one simple little highly critical word; for they repeat his words but they say "taste" instead of "see". He said nothing about "tasting death" because that was not what he spoke about, ("seeing" and "tasting" death are two entirely different things, even Enoch did not "see" death though he died, Heb 11:5, 13). And because they did not hear what he said they falsely accused him of having a demon and again blasphemed themselves and the Holy Spirit. We all will taste of death but physical death is nothing more than a passage, a door, and the physical death of the carcass is nothing in the scheme of things because a man is not his carcass. The transformation therefore must occur before the death of the carcass. :)


Wow. So both [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] reject that HE IS RISEN. They both believe the RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus is fiction, and not nonfiction, unlike real Christians, who believe that HE IS RISEN is nonfiction, and not fiction, unlike Daqq and Freelight, who believe not, that HE IS RISEN.

My evidence is all right in this thread. :readthis:


Well-known member
Wow. So both @daqq and @freelight reject that HE IS RISEN. They both believe the RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus is fiction, and not nonfiction, unlike real Christians, who believe that HE IS RISEN is nonfiction, and not fiction, unlike Daqq and Freelight, who believe not, that HE IS RISEN.

My evidence is all right in this thread. :readthis:

Please show me your evidence.
If you need to start a new thread that also will be fine with me. :)

Or I suppose we could just start with the following and you tell me what it means and why I would even quote these passages if I do not believe them:

Well, perhaps you may be right about at least one thing:

Matthew 28:2-7
2 And behold, there was a great earthquake: for Malak YHWH descended from the heavens, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat thereon.
3 His countenance was like lightning and His raiment white as snow:
4 And for fear of Him the watchers did shake, and became as dead men.
5 And the Malak answered and said to the women, Fear not, for I know that you seek Ι̅H who was crucified.
6 He is not here: for he is risen, as he said; come, see the place where he laid.
7 And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and behold, he goes before you into the Galilees; there shall you see him: behold, I have told you.

Mark 16:5-7
5 And entering into the tomb, they saw a νεανισκον-young man seated on the right side, invested all about in a long white stole; and they were utterly astonished.
6 And he said to them, Be not astonished; you seek Ι̅H the Nazarene who was crucified: He is risen; He is not here: behold the place where they laid him.
7 But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that He goes before you into the Galilees: there shall you see Him, just as He told you.

Do you have any idea what the above two passages mean when read together? especially concerning the portions which I have highlighted? or what I believe they mean? or why I even believe what I do? or why I have now told you three times that I believe in the resurrection of the Master?

It is you who does not truly believe it, as I said to you last time we had this argument, because if indeed you did believe he was resurrected you would no doubt believe and carry out his Testimony in your own life and walk. But you have already shown time and time again that you do not, not even the words that come forth out of your mouth, and even in this thread you have shown the same all over again but worse.
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Please show me your evidence.
If you need to start a new thread that also will be fine with me. :)

Or I suppose we could just start with the following and you tell me what it means and why I would even quote these passages if I do not believe them:

Do you have any idea what the above two passages mean when read together? especially concerning the portions which I have highlighted? or what I believe they mean? or why I even believe what I do? or why I have now told you three times that I believe in the resurrection of the Master?

It is you who does not truly believe it, as I said to you last time we had this argument, because if indeed you did believe he was resurrected you would no doubt believe and carry out his Testimony in your own life and walk. But you have already shown time and time again that you do not, not even the words that come forth out of your mouth, and even in this thread you have shown the same all over again but worse.
1st Corinthians 15:3 (KJV) said:
Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. 7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. 8 And last of all he was seen of me also,
You believe all this, Daqq? You believe that the Lord Jesus died, nonfictional, and then that He rose again, again nonfictional? And that all these nonfictional people nonfictional saw Him, with their nonfictional eyes?

And yes, please do explain "what the above two passages mean when read together[,] especially concerning the portions [that you] have highlighted," as I am genuinely curious.


Eclectic Theosophist
Wow. So both [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] reject that HE IS RISEN. They both believe the RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus is fiction, and not nonfiction, unlike real Christians, who believe that HE IS RISEN is nonfiction, and not fiction, unlike Daqq and Freelight, who believe not, that HE IS RISEN.

My evidence is all right in this thread. :readthis:

Already addressed in former dialogues :)

Do note that 'Christ in you' is the important 'mystery' revealed to Paul, and how our participation 'in Christ' includes the whole transformational process, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and ascension. Using the historical event and context is our 'frame' in which we fit and inter-pret our own soul's transformational journey, hence....its all "in Christ" on a meta level, for such is subjectively being 'processed' within the psyche, further translated in spiritual terms, on a spiritual level. All aspects of being are involved, but after this mortal shell is shed, there is only the 'psychic' and 'spiritual' left, which carries on in its own 'form' appropriate to those realms to be inhabited.

Do I deny the resurrection? of course not,...I understand, interpret and contextualize it perhaps in a more liberal scope, literally and figurative, but applying such in their appropriate framework. The resurrection even of Jesus is to demonstrate the reality of resurrection for the soul, hence the universal revelation of it applies in every particular soul's case, as each soul qualifies for his own resurrection experience, hence the 'Lord Christ' is the proto/archetype of the 'new man' or 'new creation', the perfected ADAM :)


Well-known member
Wow. So both [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] and [MENTION=1746]freelight[/MENTION] reject that HE IS RISEN. They both believe the RESURRECTION of the Lord Jesus is fiction, and not nonfiction, unlike real Christians, who believe that HE IS RISEN is nonfiction, and not fiction, unlike Daqq and Freelight, who believe not, that HE IS RISEN.

My evidence is all right in this thread. :readthis:

The meaning of death as well as the term risen being the problematic terms wrongly literalized as physical death then rising from the grave Galatians 4:23-24, with that in mind all the genealogies starting with Abraham are also symbolic/allegorical not literal historic people unless you think a symbol can give birth which you apparently do.

We are reliably informed that the sages of old employed mythical and cabalistic devices at once to reveal and conceal a profounder meaning in their sacred writings, using at times "blinds" to suggest to the untutored a shallow rendering, while conveying to those versed in symbolical methodology a far profounder message. The most startling of these ruses was their use of "death". Teaching for the living was put out under the guise of instruction for "the dead". Great moral and spiritual systems were cloaked under the mask of "Books of the Dead," as in Egypt and Tibet. This being so, the sequel will show why a revision of our understanding of what was implied by the archaic use of the terms will so radically transform the meaning of every single doctrine of the Christian faith. For the key to the correct interpretation of all Scripture is just this ancient theological connotation of the word "death".


Well-known member
You believe all this, Daqq? You believe that the Lord Jesus died, nonfictional, and then that He rose again, again nonfictional? And that all these nonfictional people nonfictional saw Him, with their nonfictional eyes?

And yes, please do explain "what the above two passages mean when read together[,] especially concerning the portions [that you] have highlighted," as I am genuinely curious.

Why did you answer none of my questions to you? I first asked for you to prove your allegations, and yet, your response reveals that you actually have no evidence for your allegations but are rather making things up to save your own skin at my expense. Skin for skin; the carnal man will sell his soul to save his skin, (UNLIKE JOB, just so you might know where that comes from, lol). In addition you are now asking me to deny the words of Paul so as to come into agreement with your mother church carnal dogma. This is yet another "quasi"-commandment coming straight from Paul:

2 Corinthians 5:14-17 HNV
14 For the love of Messiah constrains us; because we judge thus, that one died for all, therefore all died.
15 He died for all, that those who live should no longer live to themselves, but to him who for their sakes died and rose again.
16 Therefore we know no one after the flesh from now on. Even though we have known Messiah after the flesh, yet now we know him so no more.
17 Therefore if anyone is in Messiah, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new.

You still know Messiah according to the flesh, and that makes you a theoretical cannibal when all of the Testimony and doctrine of the Messiah written in the Gospels is taken into account: and the only way for you to get around the fact that you do not keep or follow his commandments to eat his flesh and drink his blood is by your mother church false doctrine of transubstantiation when you take communion. However I remember you also saying somewhere that you do not even take communion. Either way you still "know" Messiah according to the flesh, and I do not, and I have Paul supporting what I say in the passage quoted above, while all you have is your carnal minded mother church theoretical cannibalism dogma. No wonder you are dead. Again, you do not truly believe that he rose from the dead because, if you truly did believe that he rose from the dead, you would know that you will answer for your deeds one day, because HE LIVES, and you would therefore believe and do his words.

Luke 6:46-49 HNV
46 "Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and don't do the things which I say?
47 Everyone who comes to me, and hears my words, and does them, I will show you who he is like.
48 He is like a man building a house, who dug and went deep, and laid a foundation on the rock. When a flood arose, the stream broke against that house, and could not shake it, because it was founded on the rock.
49 But he who hears, and doesn't do, is like a man who built a house on the earth without a foundation, against which the stream broke, and immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great."


Well-known member
[MENTION=7266]Zeke[/MENTION], I very, very much tried, but I couldn't finish reading it. TL ; DR

But I do want to ask, What's the "sugar pill?"

And, it's not like every last detail of the Gospels even matters. There's HE IS RISEN, and then there's the supporting cast, and then there's the extras, and then there's the set, and then there's the dressing rooms, and then there's the parking lot outside the studio, and then there's the bus stop up the block, and then there's the coffee shop up the next block, and then there's a guy sitting in the booth in that coffee shop, munching on a hermit cookie and holding a steaming cup of black coffee, and he's reading the newspaper, and on the newspaper, the word clandestine is misspelt.

The spelling of words have morphed over the decades yet you still understood its meaning, so that is a well used rational to disregard a point you may not like.


No... Daqq... I won't be replying to whatever you write. You and Zeke made it clear.

No... Daqq... I won't be replying to whatever you write. You and Zeke made it clear.

Basically... Zeke has stated in this very thread that Jesus is an Idea... but not a genuine person. He bound his view to the sort of illogical hobeldy-gob like "zeitgeist". He didn't outright identify it... but I know the wording well!

So... I guess Zeke is on time out... but... Zeke and [MENTION=17195]daqq[/MENTION] were supporting one another in a brutal form of what is now known as "Christian Atheism". It offloads focus on the actual existence of Jesus Christ and changes the accomplishment of God into a set of teachings that symbolize a personal... spiritual walk that attempts to be like Jesus.

That sounds half dandy and half wicked... but it's all kinds of denying that God is our SAVIOR that REVEALED HIMSELF in the INCARNATION we now know as the very Physical Presence of GOD.

Allow me to grab a link and post it... BRB... I'll spin that google search wheel and see what comes out...

So... CHA CHING... Huffy Post (aka..idiot consortium) has a nice article on Christian Atheism and to be direct... the works based side of matters fit into this category... whether they know it or not...

Right Hook Thrown... This is an article written by a self professed "Christian Athiest" and to be direct... the verbiage is spoken by certain people here on a regular basis... I know labels suck... and I had a friend that fell into this category and started an interesting movement centered on Christian Athiesim... but... in the totality of the Gospel... CA is nasty.. off point and damn near ... as in it is!... Christ denying with a guise of pretty trimmings that hold a form of righteousness while denying the POWER...
Christian Athiest Perspective... via Article... Reference linked at the bottom of spoiler article...Since I came into my spiritual identity, I have identified as a progressive Christian. I have always been fascinated by Jesus, by his message, by his mission, and I have dedicated my life to it, whatever form that may take.

But I have never been completely comfortable as a progressive Christian. Yes, the term helps somewhat to alleviate the sense people sometimes get that I’m some kind of crazy, bible-thumping evangelical trying to convert them. “A progressive Christian?” most of them ask. They’ve never heard of it.

But even among the online communities of progressive Christians I belong to, people who are converted, people who know the struggle between the living word of Christ and the twisted abomination that is conservative Christianity, something feels off. While we usually agree on politics, even us open-minded and supposedly intellectually mature progressives disagree on who, or what, God is.

This question is the source of my discomfort, the catalyst for the battle raging inside me. What is God?

I have decided it is finally time to stop fighting this battle and accept myself for what I am:

I am an atheist.

A Christian atheist.

This guy gets it.
One of the reasons it’s been so hard for me to come to terms with this is that I often find myself at loggerheads with members of the commonly named “New Atheism” movement. I detest their snide superiority, their lame attempts at humor (“imaginary friend” jokes especially), their outrageous claims that religion is the source of all evil in the world, and the surprising levels of misogyny among New Atheism’s adherents.

But this is not what atheism means. Atheism is a lack of belief in a God or gods, but this is inadequate.

I still believe in “God.”

What I do not accept is belief in a theistic deity, a “being” that created the universe, holds the universe together, or exists in or apart from the universe.

Many progressive Christians believe in what they call “panentheism,” the belief that A.) the universe is within God, and B.) God is still greater than the universe. I at one point accepted this view, but I am afraid even it no longer holds sway for me.

Bishop John Shelby Spong long ago welcomed “the death of theism” and what it meant for Christianity (see his A New Christianity For A New World), and in that most literal sense, I can finally accept and embrace that I am a Christian atheist.

Yes, I believe in the Divine. I believe in the Sacred, in what Spong calls the Ground of All Being, in that in which we live and move and have our being. If that is what you mean by God, then yes, I believe in God.

But in a theistic deity, even a mind-bogglingly transcendent being that encapsulates the entire universe and more? I cannot, with all my reason and spiritual acumen, conceive of such a being. God is not a being, but Being itself.

The world, this universe, is all that there is for us. Through Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, we experience transcendental Being, spiritual alertness, and the power of ultimate love.

This is why Jesus’s worldly message of distributive economic and social justice is so important. The living God, not the theistic God of the past, connects and surrounds us all, and as long as some among us live in poverty, in destitution, in oppression, we fall short of the glory of God, of our ultimate potential. To put it shortly: the Social Gospel is spiritual.

I’m sure I will still traffic with the progressive Christian movement (they’re a welcoming lot, for the most part) and support its emergence in the world of American Christianity. It is the next step towards a new theology, a new approach to the spiritual, and hopefully, a truly just and egalitarian world. A world where everybody has enough, a world free from the white supremacist capitalist hetero-patriarchy, a world where reason, science, and progress lead to the betterment of all humankind.

The kind of world Jesus wanted.

Link to source of Spoiler Material

Lots of fancy verbiage footwork... but if the physical revelation God as Jesus is undermined in the least... it's all just whiting of the old sepulchre.

I purposely left a person out of this write up to give them an opportunity to process this and think about it... but you know who you are and the trio is a Trinity of B.s. Etched into this thread for the last several pages back.

He is legitimately He. It all starts or ENDs... with HIM!
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Well-known member
Basically... Zeke has stated in this very thread that Jesus is an Idea... but not a genuine person. He bound his view to the sort of illogical hobeldy-gob like "zeitgeist". He didn't outright identify it... but I know the wording well!

So... I guess Zeke is on time out... but... Zeke and @daqq were supporting one another in a brutal form of what is now known as "Christian Atheism". It offloads focus on the actual existence of Jesus Christ and changes the accomplishment of God into a set of teachings that symbolize a personal... spiritual walk that attempts to be like Jesus.

That sounds half dandy and half wicked... but it's all kinds of denying that God is our SAVIOR that REVEALED HIMSELF in the INCARNATION we now know as the very Physical Presence of GOD.

Allow me to grab a link and post it... BRB... I'll spin that google search wheel and see what comes out...

So... CHA CHING... Huffy Post (aka..idiot consortium) has a nice article on Christian Atheism and to be direct... the works based side of matters fit into this category... whether they know it or not...

Right Hook Thrown... This is an article written by a self professed "Christian Athiest" and to be direct... the verbiage is spoken by certain people here on a regular basis... I know labels suck... and I had a friend that fell into this category and started an interesting movement centered on Christian Athiesim... but... in the totality of the Gospel... CA is nasty.. off point and damn near Christ denying with a guise of pretty trimmings that hold a form of righteousness but deny the POWER...
Christian Athiest Perspective... via Article... Reference linked at the bottom of spoiler article...Since I came into my spiritual identity, I have identified as a progressive Christian. I have always been fascinated by Jesus, by his message, by his mission, and I have dedicated my life to it, whatever form that may take.

But I have never been completely comfortable as a progressive Christian. Yes, the term helps somewhat to alleviate the sense people sometimes get that I’m some kind of crazy, bible-thumping evangelical trying to convert them. “A progressive Christian?” most of them ask. They’ve never heard of it.

But even among the online communities of progressive Christians I belong to, people who are converted, people who know the struggle between the living word of Christ and the twisted abomination that is conservative Christianity, something feels off. While we usually agree on politics, even us open-minded and supposedly intellectually mature progressives disagree on who, or what, God is.

This question is the source of my discomfort, the catalyst for the battle raging inside me. What is God?

I have decided it is finally time to stop fighting this battle and accept myself for what I am:

I am an atheist.

A Christian atheist.

This guy gets it.
One of the reasons it’s been so hard for me to come to terms with this is that I often find myself at loggerheads with members of the commonly named “New Atheism” movement. I detest their snide superiority, their lame attempts at humor (“imaginary friend” jokes especially), their outrageous claims that religion is the source of all evil in the world, and the surprising levels of misogyny among New Atheism’s adherents.

But this is not what atheism means. Atheism is a lack of belief in a God or gods, but this is inadequate.

I still believe in “God.”

What I do not accept is belief in a theistic deity, a “being” that created the universe, holds the universe together, or exists in or apart from the universe.

Many progressive Christians believe in what they call “panentheism,” the belief that A.) the universe is within God, and B.) God is still greater than the universe. I at one point accepted this view, but I am afraid even it no longer holds sway for me.

Bishop John Shelby Spong long ago welcomed “the death of theism” and what it meant for Christianity (see his A New Christianity For A New World), and in that most literal sense, I can finally accept and embrace that I am a Christian atheist.

Yes, I believe in the Divine. I believe in the Sacred, in what Spong calls the Ground of All Being, in that in which we live and move and have our being. If that is what you mean by God, then yes, I believe in God.

But in a theistic deity, even a mind-bogglingly transcendent being that encapsulates the entire universe and more? I cannot, with all my reason and spiritual acumen, conceive of such a being. God is not a being, but Being itself.

The world, this universe, is all that there is for us. Through Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, we experience transcendental Being, spiritual alertness, and the power of ultimate love.

This is why Jesus’s worldly message of distributive economic and social justice is so important. The living God, not the theistic God of the past, connects and surrounds us all, and as long as some among us live in poverty, in destitution, in oppression, we fall short of the glory of God, of our ultimate potential. To put it shortly: the Social Gospel is spiritual.

I’m sure I will still traffic with the progressive Christian movement (they’re a welcoming lot, for the most part) and support its emergence in the world of American Christianity. It is the next step towards a new theology, a new approach to the spiritual, and hopefully, a truly just and egalitarian world. A world where everybody has enough, a world free from the white supremacist capitalist hetero-patriarchy, a world where reason, science, and progress lead to the betterment of all humankind.

The kind of world Jesus wanted.

Link to source of Spoiler Material

Lots of fancy verbiage footwork... but if the physical revelation God as Jesus is undermined in the least... it's all just whiting of the old sepulchre.

I purposely left a person out of this write up to give them an opportunity to process this and think about it... but you know who you are and the trio is a Trinity of B.s. Etched into this thread for the last several pages back.

He is legitimately He. It all starts or ENDs... with HIM!

Blah, blah, blah, just a bunch of your own brand of "Christian Atheism" because you openly deny the Testimony of the Messiah and have done so on many, many occasions. I could not care less about all of your rantings and ravings. Give me scripture, not you and your carnal mind, I already got rid of one carnal mind of my own, I do not need yours.


And Daqq.. I know you're about to get nasty... but you call The Master... the master... and you prattle on and on about the TESTIMONY... of the master... but you REMOVE the VIRGIN BORN SON from the Equation and insert a hyper Christian Atheism into the margins.

You will call me a liar for this... but it's all works to you and Not the Work of our RISEN LORD GOD Yeshua Bar Joseph... Bar Elohim... WHO is The Elohim of Elohim's... He is King of Kings... Lord of Lords and The only TRUE God...

You can call HIM J-E-S-U-S ... He is G-O-D... as in the Upper G... Only G... Never little g... G-O-D!


Well-known member
And Daqq.. I know you're about to get nasty... but you call The Master... the master... and you prattle in and on about the TESTIMONY... of the master... but you REMOVE the VIRGIN BORN SON from the Equation and insert a hyper Christian Atheism into the margins.

You will call me a liar for this... but it's all works to you and Not the Work of our RISEN LORD GOD Yeshua Bar Joseph... Bar Elohim... WHO is Elohim of Elihim's... He is King of Kings... Lord of Lords and The only YRUE God...

You can call HIM J-E-S-U-S ... He is G-O-D... as in the Upper G... Only G... Never little g... G-O-D!

Please prove all of your accusations: show me the quotes where I call the Master, "the master", or any of the other bunk you are spewing. If I have ever written "the master" when speaking of the Master, it was a typo, and though sometimes I make such mistakes, I do not often do so when it comes to the Master whom you apparently now call "J-E-S-U-S". :nono:




