Catholicism: The Mother of All Religions


New member
Catholicism is the modern version of the Egyptian religion with its worship on the sun day of Ra. The trinity, the immortal soul, and the mother of god beliefs have all been carried over into Catholicism.

There is even an authentic Egyptian marker in St. Peter's square.

Complete with a Babylonian sun wheel leading up to her front porch..




New member
i think Cotton Mather said it best..

Cotton Mather
(1663-1728) (Congregational Theologian)

"The oracles of God foretold the rising of an Antichrist in the Christian Church; and in the Pope of Rome, all the characteristics of that Antichrist are so marvelously answered that if any who read the Scriptures do not see it, there is a marvelous blindness upon them." Taken from "The Fall of Babylon" by Cotton Mather in Froom's book "The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers," Vol. 3, pg. 113.



New member
i think Cotton Mather said it best..

But Jesus said it first, "Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, ‘I am the Christ’ and will deceive many." (Matthew 24:4-5)

The popes don't claim to be the person of Christ, they claim to be the authority of Christ. They claim to be his name (his authority).


New member
But Jesus said it first, "Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name saying, ‘I am the Christ’ and will deceive many." (Matthew 24:4-5)

The popes don't claim to be the person of Christ, they claim to be the authority of Christ. They claim to be his name (his authority).

i must be mistaken, because i was told that the papacy held the keys to death and hell?



New member
i must be mistaken, because i was told that the papacy held the keys to death and hell?

That's a good case in point because Jesus said, "I am He who lives and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death." (Revelation 1:18)


New member
There is no room in the Gospel for religion.

Bad show, Robert.

I asked you to prove this statement of yours:

They believe that good works causes one to be born again, kind of like Calvinism.

And you respond with "There is no room in the Gospel for religion."

That is your statement. It is not found in the Bible.

And you are changing the subject and avoiding the question at hand again.

You do that a lot. And I think that you do that because you can't answer the questions asked.

It is not the Gospel plus your religion.

Your statement. Not found in the bible.

It is the Gospel plus NOTHING.

Your statement. Not found in the Bible.

If it is the Gospel plus something, then it is no longer the Gospel.

Your statement. Not found in the Bible.

You make a lot of statements that are your opinion and are not found in the Bible.

Your belief system is basically you making up your own version of Christianity.

That is not very historical, believable, trustworthy, or true.



New member
I think Judaism evolved into the RCC.
The white sepulcher version of Judaism. Not the one that engages the weightier matters of the law.

Hey Nick.

Sortof. I think it is more accurate to say that Catholicism is the completion or fulfillment of Judaism.

Jews who recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah became part of the first century Church (like Peter, the other Apostles, Paul, etc.)

The reason Judaism continues today is because some of them failed to recognize Jesus as the promised Messiah.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
Bad show, Robert.

I asked you to prove this statement of yours:

And you respond with "There is no room in the Gospel for religion."

That is your statement. It is not found in the Bible.

And you are changing the subject and avoiding the question at hand again.

You do that a lot. And I think that you do that because you can't answer the questions asked.

Your statement. Not found in the bible.

Your statement. Not found in the Bible.

Your statement. Not found in the Bible.

You make a lot of statements that are your opinion and are not found in the Bible.

Your belief system is basically you making up your own version of Christianity.

That is not very historical, believable, trustworthy, or true.


Faith comes by hearing and believing the Gospel, Romans 10:17. It does not come by the way of religion.

"In whom you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, THE GOSPEL OF YOUR SALVATION: in whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise" Ephesians 1:13.

Religion is a work of the law. It is all about you trying to be good enough to be saved.


Well-known member
Faith comes by hearing and believing the Gospel, Romans 10:17. It does not come by the way of religion.

The Faith that comes by Hearing is only possible by one who has been Born of God!

John 8:43, 47
Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.
47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Faith comes by the God-Given ability in New Birth Gal. 5:22 to Hear God's Words!


New member
The church at Rome teaches that there is another name besides that of the Lord Jesus whereby men are saved:

"Since faith is the foundation, the source, of the gifts of God by which man is raised above the order of nature and is endowed with the dispositions requisite for life eternal, we are in justice bound to recognize the hidden influence of Mary in obtaining the gift of faith and its salutary cultivation - of Mary who brought the "author of faith" into this world and who, because of her own great faith, was called "blessed." "O Virgin most holy, none abounds in the knowledge of God except through thee; none, O Mother of God, attains salvation except through thee; none receives a gift from the throne of mercy except through thee" (ADIUTRICEM [On the Rosary], Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII, promulgated on September 5, 1895).​

This is blasphemy of the worse kind!

Hey Jerry.

I disagree.

First, notice that the passage you cited doesn't say what you said it does. It doesn't say that anyone is saved by the name of Mary instead of by Jesus. Read that more carefully.

Second, if we read the encyclical in its entirety we can see that Leo isn't saying that Mary is another savior. He is saying that salvation comes through her because Jesus Christ the Savior came to the world through her. We can know this because in the very sentence prior to the one you quoted he says that it is due to her faith and her "Yes" to God that she "brought 'the author of faith' into this world...". In other words, we obtain salvation through her because Jesus, the Savior came to us through her.

That should be no problem for Paul says the same thing in 1 Cor. 9:22: "I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some."

Is Paul another Savior? Are we saved by the name of Paul? He said that he saves some, after all. Is Paul a heretic? Is Paul blaspheming?

No. He means the same thing Leo did. Paul can save some because it is through him that some can come to know Jesus. In that same sense we can say that our salvation comes through Mary because it was through her that the Savior came into the world.

So no. Leo wasn't committing blasphemy any more than Paul was.

Third, not everything a Pope thinks, says, or does is infallible. There are indications in this encyclical that, even though it carries the Pope's authority, it is up to each believer to decide if they want to have devotion to Mary. Elsewhere in this writing he states: "Let each one weigh for himself, moreover, how fitting is this practice and how fruitful to himself;..."

Fourth, the Catechism of the Catholic Church makes its teaching pretty clear in paragraph 432:

"The name 'Jesus' signifies that the very name of God is present in the person of his Son...It is the divine name that alone brings that 'there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

The Church does not teach what you say it does.

And you are misreading Leo's letter from 1895.



New member
Catholicism is the modern version of the Egyptian religion with its worship on the sun day of Ra.

Hey Jamie,

The practice of Christians worshipping on the first day of the week and not on the last day of the week (the Sabbath) can be found quite a bit in the New Testament, especially in Paul's writings. It was changed to distinguish Christianity from Judaism and also because it was the first day of the week that Jesus rose from the dead.

The trinity,

If you do not believe that God is a Trinity, you not only are in the minority of Christians today, you are also in the minority of Christians who have lived on earth for the past 2,000 years. (I'm not saying a minority cannot be correct. Talking about God as a Trinity would be a whole discussion of it's own. I'm just pointing out that the majority of Christians that have ever lived on the planet have believed in the Trinity).

the immortal soul,

This is a Christian belief....

and the mother of god beliefs

1. Mary is Jesus' mother
2. Jesus is God,
3. Mary is the Mother of God

have all been carried over into Catholicism.

...and most forms of Protestant Christianity, as well. Those beliefs aren't unique to Catholicism.

But I think many ideas about the "Pagan Influence" into Christianity are fallacious.

There is even an authentic Egyptian marker in St. Peter's square.

And this means?......what?.......

Here's what I think it means:

First of all, Rome had about a dozen or so obelisks that were brought over from Egypt. The one in St. Peter's square was apparently put there in about 37 A.D. It's original location was only a couple hundred yards from where it now stands.

It was moved and on top of it was placed a cross. The symbolism of that is to show that Christianity (the cross of Jesus) conquers paganism. Not a bad message to convey.

An inscription at the base reads: "Christ conquers. Christ reigns. Christ commands."

Again. Not a bad message to convey to the world.

And a bold and strong way to do so, at that.

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New member
Complete with a Babylonian sun wheel leading up to her front porch..



That there are similarities between Catholicism and paganism proves nothing if there is no actual connection.

Using similar logic, Christianity in its entirety and the Lord Jesus Christ would have to be rejected because of its and His similarities with paganism.



New member
i think Cotton Mather said it best..

Cotton Mather
(1663-1728) (Congregational Theologian)

"The oracles of God foretold the rising of an Antichrist in the Christian Church; and in the Pope of Rome, all the characteristics of that Antichrist are so marvelously answered that if any who read the Scriptures do not see it, there is a marvelous blindness upon them." Taken from "The Fall of Babylon" by Cotton Mather in Froom's book "The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers," Vol. 3, pg. 113.


Or, not being infallible....he could be wrong.


New member
The practice of Christians worshipping on the first day of the week and not on the last day of the week (the Sabbath) can be found quite a bit in the New Testament, especially in Paul's writings. It was changed to distinguish Christianity from Judaism and also because it was the first day of the week that Jesus rose from the dead.

Jesus was raised on the day after the Sabbath in accordance with the Torah which came long before his resurrection. Yeah, long before.


New member
The practice of Christians worshipping on the first day of the week and not on the last day of the week (the Sabbath) can be found quite a bit in the New Testament, especially in Paul's writings.

Is this an example?

Acts 17:2 Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures...


New member
It was changed to distinguish Christianity from Judaism and also because it was the first day of the week that Jesus rose from the dead.

Christianity began with Moses, but Judaism began many years later with the destruction of the first temple. Judaism doesn't need a temple nor any kind of blood sacrifice.


New member
Hey Jamie,
If you do not believe that God is a Trinity, you not only are in the minority of Christians today, you are also in the minority of Christians who have lived on earth for the past 2,000 years. (I'm not saying a minority cannot be correct. Talking about God as a Trinity would be a whole discussion of it's own. I'm just pointing out that the majority of Christians that have ever lived on the planet have believed in the Trinity).

Christians? Did you say Christians? How long has the trinity belief been around?

In Sumerian mythology and later in the religions of Assyria and Babylonia, Anu (also An—from Sumerian An = sky, heaven) was a sky-god and the chief deity, who ruled over the highest spiritual realm. He was the son of the first pair of gods, Ansar and Kisar, and the descendant of the primordial beings Apsu and Tiamat. Anu was described as the father of the 50 "great gods," as the god of heaven, lord of constellations, king of gods, and the father of spirits and demons. He was part of the most important trinity of deities, together with Enlil and Ea (Enki), who governed the spiritual heaven, the sky and earth, and the waters, respectively.

OK, so the Catholics changed the names, big deal.