ECT Catalog of Pentecostal scandals


TOL Subscriber
The reason they put the Pentecostals in the spotlight is because they do win souls
There's no soul saving today with an Acts 2:38 KJV gospel!

On TOL are more than 2 score of folks saved through Pentecostal or charismatic ministries who now do nothing but throw mud at it.
Pentecostal and charismatic ministries are the MUD.

Half the MADianites are ex-Pentecostals
Thank the LORD they were saved from the system that kept them in bondage, not to mention tongue tied!


Well-known member
There are no instructions in the Bible for the preterist.

The LORD has come, we're in the kingdom. The Bible has very little to so say about what to do now.

If the Kingdom is here, and if flesh cannot inherit the Kingdom, why would Paul tell believers to walk by the Spirit so they won't fulfill the lusts of the flesh? They don't have flesh in the Kingdom.

Perhaps Spanky will instruct us.


New member
I read the article and while what was written APPEARS to be a fair assessment of our brother and sister's stumbles and falls, he's using it to throw out the baby with the bathwater, as usual to promote the erroneous teachings of his own denomination's.

In other words, another Baptist, who doesn't have the baptism in the Holy Ghost and therefore has NO IDEA how it manifests or does the spiritual works, bashing those who do, and using the most prominent ones HaSatan has captured to do it. Now there's a novel idea.....Next.....


Well-known member
I read the article and while what was written APPEARS to be a fair assessment of our brother and sister's stumbles and falls, he's using it to throw out the baby with the bathwater, as usual to promote the erroneous teachings of his own denomination's.

In other words, another Baptist, who doesn't have the baptism in the Holy Ghost and therefore has NO IDEA how it manifests or does the spiritual works, bashing those who do, and using the most prominent ones HaSatan has captured to do it. Now there's a novel idea.....Next.....

Thank you for your input. Feel free to list where the article is in error, particularly where the individual reports are not accurate.


Well-known member
Geez, after reading that makes me wonder what charismatic preacher didn't have a sordid life. Can anyone think of any big time charismatic who didn't?

Paul did excoriate the Corinthians for their carnality and tolerance of open sin. What was one of their major preoccupations? The sign gifts God intended to be signs for unbelievers, not believers.

Some things just don't change.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh boy, first you're a dance instructor and now you're a tennis instructor!

Tet will make a moulage out of this.

Oh, you're a regular Rodney Dangerfield, aren't you Mayor? Why don't you head on down to the local tennis club, act like one of those flamboyant members, with white golf shoes, hitting on the Lydia's of the club, during the week, sipping "Mint Julip's," and put "Super Glue" on the courts end lines? Wouldn't that be a riot?


New member
Are some of us saying that if a person in these modern times only has Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, for whatever the reason, cannot find Salvation?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Geez, after reading that makes me wonder what charismatic preacher didn't have a sordid life. Can anyone think of any big time charismatic who didn't?

The Reverend Hobart M. Tucker.


Don't let Mayor STP try to bamboozle you into thinking it was Dr. H. E. Breen. He is a Breen follower, a Breenite, in denial.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There are no instructions in the Bible for the preterist.

The LORD has come, we're in the kingdom. The Bible has very little to so say about what to do now.

"The kingdom where there is no more death, tears, and sadness exists right now...we now live in the greatest time period since the creation of planet earth...We now live in a new heaven and a new earth. .... ..Yes, we are living in the millennial reign right now."-stupid Tellalie/slander

Preterism/AD 70-ism National Anthem


New member
Thank you for your input. Feel free to list where the article is in error, particularly where the individual reports are not accurate.

As I said, my argument is not about where the brethren fell short.

Not sure now which thread it was, but I discussed the Baptist views on the baptism in the Holy Ghost and all THEIR errors in at least one thread on here.

Their inexperienced and unlearned input, sorta reminds me of the implausible situation of a plumber trying to tell a surgeon how an operation is to be done....and btw, it shouldn't have been done in the first place, and carries just about as much weight. Peace

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
Yeah, but we picked up a Bible and turned to Paul's letters which are always skipped. Really out of curiosity. But then it was obvious.

Therefore, tongues are a sign, not to those that believe, but unbelievers.

Pauls letters encourage everyone to speak in skipped that

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
There's no soul saving today with an Acts 2:38 KJV gospel!

Pentecostal and charismatic ministries are the MUD.

Thank the LORD they were saved from the system that kept them in bondage, not to mention tongue tied!

Tell us that one about the proselytes in the synagogue again, I need a good laff

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Pauls letters encourage everyone to speak in skipped that

No, I showed the fallacy of a "devotional prayer language". It is sign so that those who don't speak your language will understand. If it was in effect today, evangelical preachers would not need interpreters.

Take a seat.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
No, I showed the fallacy of a "devotional prayer language". It is sign so that those who don't speak your language will understand. If it was in effect today, evangelical preachers would not need interpreters.

Take a seat.

I'm sitting on you

Don't you read Paul's letters at all? don't seem to know what he said.

I would that ye all spake with other tongues but rather that ye prophesy EXCEPT

except he interpret that the church may be edified.

So tongues with interpretation is for edifying the body.

You should study the word of God so that you might be a workman not needing to be ashamed