Literal lunatic
I said
Are you talking about our resurrection or Jesus' resurrection?
We are still being raised, from faith to faith.
Milk to meat as you like to say.
I said
Are you talking about our resurrection or Jesus' resurrection?
We are still being raised, from faith to faith.
Milk to meat as you like to say.![]()
I said
Matt 27:46
46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
This is from Psalm 22:1-31
This is from Psalm 22:1-31
I said
That's not as bad as you. You don't even know what love is. You think coveting and lust is love.
That is what YOU think it is! You evil twisted snake.
We can FEEL love and it is not LUST.
I said
It is coveting. Or lust. Covet is singular, and lust is plural. One covets a two story house. One lusts after many homes. One covets a dollar, one lusts after money. One covets their neighbors wife, one lusts after women. One covets their own family.
What you are saying has nothing to do with the Truth.
Love is a feeling, and it overcomes demons and the darkness.
What you are saying has nothing to do with the Truth.
Love is a feeling, and it overcomes demons and the darkness.
What you are saying has nothing to do with the Truth.
Love is a feeling, and it overcomes demons and the darkness.
I said
Do you think Jesus had the warm fuzzy feeling when they were nailing His hands to the cross?
If you are not feeling love in your heart, then you are feeling fear, despair, and loneliness, etc.
I don't believe that having a feeling is knowing god is inside of you. Jesus did liken the holy spirit to a fountain of water though. I don't see it being described anywhere else as a feeling apart from that.
Love is a feeling though, I already know your stance on thinking people shouldn't have emotions like passion etc. I think we should keep our carnal selves in check and maybe it is possible for some to become cold emotionally due to some trama. But it is not natural.
When I read the passage you wrote I take from it that we are to refrain from sinful and demonic thoughts in our hearts. Not that we sometimes won't sin in our flesh as said in 1 John 2, it does say that we should not sin but if we do sin we have Jesus as an advocate.
Another thing is that if someone can't refrain from being filled with 'passion' or worldly 'lust' (not that lust itself is bad, we all should be lusting after Gods spirit). We should find an out. Paul said to some disciples that we should drink some alcohol for our stomachs sake. Another example is to say we should get married if we are unable to control ourselves 1 Cor 7:9.
Take from this what you will
What keeps me from being drawn into your carnal logic. Is the Holy Spirit. By the verses He gives me. Cant you see why you must agree with your carnal logic and reasoning. It is a strong feeling that gets aroused in you pushing you to accept it. That feeling is an emotion or unclean spirit. And until you resist that devil you will always walk in deception.
James 4:6-10
6 But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
9 Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.
10 Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.
You will end up like Letsargue, I remember that once upon a time his posts did make some sense.