Can someone answer this?



Let me give you more detail and hopefully you will see what I am saying:

The current week on our Gregorian calendar continued without break from the previous Julian calendar; from THURSDAY 4th October 1582 to FRIDAY 15th October 1582 on to the Gregorian calendar:

However this calendar took hundreds of years to be accepted by other countries, England didn't accept the new Gregorian calendar till the 2nd September 1752):

The Julian calendar began on the 1st January 45BC:

However this calendar also took hundreds of years to be accepted by other countries and over the 1st to 3rd centuries AD, the Roman Empire gradually replaced it's old 8 day Roman week calendar with this new 7 day week Julian calendar:

Now the 1st of January 1 AD was a SATURDAY:

This matches

Which would make the 1st of January 45 BC a FRIDAY:

But what was the day before? Because the Romans were previously using an 8 day week calendar before this date and the days were not called Monday, Tuesday etc (which are names based on Roman gods), but instead the days were simply listed as; A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H (8 Days):

Therefore how can the Roman Julian 7 day week calendar invented by the Greek Mathematician Sosigenes in 45 BC have anything to do with the 7 day week the Jews and Israelites had been using for hundreds of years before this new 7 day week was invented?

If you want to keep thinking Saturday or Sunday is your special day then carry on ignoring all this but if you want to know when the real Sabbath is then you can find out by studying any of these links:



The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:
You've said an awful lot ITT without actually saying what you're saying, which seems like trolling. Why don't you just come out with it, so that we can proceed?


Well-known member
Take a look at this time line diagram below:

God's week (year 1)------------------------------------(today)

.............................Roman week (46BC)---------(today)

The Romans implemented the current calendar's 7 day week we use today in 46BC before this date they used a very strange calendar that had 8 day weeks plus an extra day for market (making 9 day weeks) and it only had 10 months!. Now the important bit is the Romans did NOT make sure that the new 7 day week of the new Julian calendar that we use today was matched to the Jewish 7 day week used by the Jews in Israel. Does that make sense to someone here (anyone)? Here is some info on the old Roman 8/9 day week calendar and the Julian calendar that we use today:

The chances of the current 7 day week matching the Jewish week is only a 1 in 7 chance. Are you able to find the evidence that shows the Greek Mathematician Sosigenes (who Julius Caesar employed to create the Julian Calendar) got these two different calendar weeks to match up? Because no one else can!

To me this is very simple to understand but getting others to is nigh on impossible but then again my IQ is about 140 so forgive me if I sound exasperated.

If your IQ is 140 then you should be able to understand what I say here, (especially if your high IQ translates into high scripture comprehension, :)). In six yamim Elohim made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is within them, (Exo 20:11). In a single yom-day of prayer, counting by the yamim-hours of the prayer times as revealed in the book of Daniel and other scripture passages, there are six yamim plus the daily Shabbat hour of rest, (the hours of prayer are the third hour, (Mk 15:25, Acts 2:15), the sixth hour, (Mt 27:45, Mk 15:33, Lk 23:44, Acts 10:9), and the ninth hour, (Dn 9:21, Mt 27:45, Mk 15:33, Lk 23:44, Acts 3:1, 10:3, 10:30). This means that just as the book of Daniel teaches there is a shabuim-week of yamim-hours in each and every yom-day of prayer. That is not to say that there are not twelve yamim-hours in a full yom-day, as the Master says, (and Moses in Numbers 7), but that the daily prayer times and the daily Shabbat hour constitute the shabuim-weeks of yamim-hours in each and every yom-day.

Moreover from the midst of the week of Sukkot, (John 7:14), to the midst of Matzot are one hundred and eighty full yom-days, (at least in my understanding of the calendar), and with a shabuim-week of yamim-hours in each of those one hundred and eighty yom-days that makes twelve hundred and sixty yamim, (7x180=1260, Rev 11:3, 12:6), wherein the Most High through His Son showed forth the riches of his glorious kingdom and the honor of his excellent majesty manifold-multiplied yamim, even eighty and a hundred yom, (Est 1:4). :)

So you see all this hoopla about the weekly Shabbat is just about worthless if you do not recognize the daily Shabbat hour within each and every yom-day, and neither will you understand Moses, nor the Torah, nor the book of Daniel, nor the Prophets, (and the seventh yamim-hour of the seventh yom-day is "a Shabbat in its Shabbat", for example this phrase is found in Numbers 28:10, see Num 28:10 YLT), and if you do not "Shabbatize" the entire week, (meaning every yom-day of what you currently consider to be a week), you will not "see" the Father, (Thomas #27).


Well-known member
If your IQ is 140 then you should be able to understand what I say here, (especially if your high IQ translates into high scripture comprehension, :)). In six yamim Elohim made the heavens and the earth and the sea and all that is within them, (Exo 20:11). In a single yom-day of prayer, counting by the yamim-hours of the prayer times as revealed in the book of Daniel and other scripture passages, there are six yamim plus the daily Shabbat hour of rest, (the hours of prayer are the third hour, (Mk 15:25, Acts 2:15), the sixth hour, (Mt 27:45, Mk 15:33, Lk 23:44, Acts 10:9), and the ninth hour, (Dn 9:21, Mt 27:45, Mk 15:33, Lk 23:44, Acts 3:1, 10:3, 10:30). This means that just as the book of Daniel teaches there is a shabuim-week of yamim-hours in each and every yom-day of prayer. That is not to say that there are not twelve yamim-hours in a full yom-day, as the Master says, (and Moses in Numbers 7), but that the daily prayer times and the daily Shabbat hour constitute the shabuim-weeks of yamim-hours in each and every yom-day.

Moreover from the midst of the week of Sukkot, (John 7:14), to the midst of Matzot are one hundred and eighty full yom-days, (at least in my understanding of the calendar), and with a shabuim-week of yamim-hours in each of those one hundred and eighty yom-days that makes twelve hundred and sixty yamim, (7x180=1260, Rev 11:3, 12:6), wherein the Most High through His Son showed forth the riches of his glorious kingdom and the honor of his excellent majesty manifold-multiplied yamim, even eighty and a hundred yom, (Est 1:4). :)

So you see all this hoopla about the weekly Shabbat is just about worthless if you do not recognize the daily Shabbat hour within each and every yom-day, and neither will you understand Moses, nor the Torah, nor the book of Daniel, nor the Prophets, (and the seventh yamim-hour of the seventh yom-day is "a Shabbat in its Shabbat", for example this phrase is found in Numbers 28:10, see Num 28:10 YLT), and if you do not "Shabbatize" the entire week, (meaning every yom-day of what you currently consider to be a week), you will not "see" the Father, (Thomas #27).

I'm sorry I again think you are confused and may be insane. (You certainly didn't understand the original post). I don't think I will be able to communicate with you. It's not that i dislike you in any way, I'm sure your a nice person, it's just that your understanding of the Bible is like babble.


Well-known member
I'm sorry I again think you are confused and may be insane. (You certainly didn't understand the original post). I don't think I will be able to communicate with you. It's not that i dislike you in any way, I'm sure your a nice person, it's just that your understanding of the Bible is like babble.

The same copout you fronted in the other thread? Just because you do not understand the scripture does not make other people insane. Moses tells you that the whole creation was spoken in a yom-day but apparently you, like most, simply choose not to hear him.

Genesis 2:4
4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created: in a yom-day YHWH Elohim made earth and heavens,

And as already hinted at Moses also tells you within the context of Numbers 7 that a yom can mean an hour, (if you look deep enough into what is written there in the Hebrew text and indeed truly understand and comprehend what you are reading therein). If you do not want to converse with me, and yet have the audacity to boast about your IQ of 140, I suppose I will just take it as you being afraid of the truth and not being able to handle it because, again, your paradigm is your king and you have way too much time already invested in "God's Calendar". And since you claim that your calendar is "God's Calendar" you apparently now cannot afford to be incorrect about your paradigm. :)


Well-known member
The same copout you fronted in the other thread? Just because you do not understand the scripture does not make other people insane. Moses tells you that the whole creation was spoken in a yom-day but apparently you, like most, simply choose not to hear him.

Genesis 2:4
4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created: in a yom-day YHWH Elohim made earth and heavens,

And as already hinted at Moses also tells you within the context of Numbers 7 that a yom can mean an hour, (if you look deep enough into what is written there in the Hebrew text and indeed truly understand and comprehend what you are reading therein). If you do not want to converse with me, and yet have the audacity to boast about your IQ of 140, I suppose I will just take it as you being afraid of the truth and not being able to handle it because, again, your paradigm is your king and you have way too much time already invested in "God's Calendar". And since you claim that your calendar is "God's Calendar" you apparently now cannot afford to be incorrect about your paradigm. :)

You made more sense in this post but you still did not understand the OP.

As for numbers 7 saying 'a yom can mean an hour' you should give the verse/s when making claims like that and your reason, thing is you are wrong here too:

how long have you been a Christian?


Well-known member
You made more sense in this post but you still did not understand the OP.

As for numbers 7 saying 'a yom can mean an hour' you should give the verse/s when making claims like that and your reason, thing is you are wrong here too:

how long have you been a Christian?

Lol, did you simply not read what I wrote or were you not able to comprehend what I wrote? Your link is incorrect because the authors of the translation which you cite have deleted two instances of the word yom. Perhaps you should ask yourself why the translation which you have cited is deleting words from the Torah? Could it be that they are just as blind as you and therefore the blind are leading the blind?

Numbers 7:72 WLC
ביום עשתי עשר יום נשיא לבני אשר פגעיאל בן־עכרן׃

Numbers 7:78 WLC
ביום שנים עשר יום נשיא לבני נפתלי אחירע בן־עינן׃

Would you say it says "In the eleventh yom-day of the yom-day? No, you and most people would not because of course that makes no sense: so the answer is to simply delete what you do not understand or wish to accept? It does not come through in translation because your favorite translators neither know nor understand the scripture. The NEW TESTAMENT teaches these things in the Gospel accounts and statements of the Master when taken into consideration with what is written in the Torah and Prophets. In other words the Master himself teaches these things, yes, the Word whom you claim to know teaches these things. :chuckle:

Numbers 7:72
ביום עשתי עשר יום נשיא לבני אשר פגעיאל בן־עכרן׃
In the eleventh yom-hour of the yom-day, prince of the sons of Asher, Pagiel son of Ocran:

Numbers 7:78
ביום שנים עשר יום נשיא לבני נפתלי אחירע בן־עינן׃
In the twelfth yom-hour of the yom-day, prince of the sons of Naphtali, Ahira son of Enan:



Well-known member
Lol, did you simply not read what I wrote or were you not able to comprehend what I wrote? Your link is incorrect because the authors of the translation which you cite have deleted two instances of the word yom. Perhaps you should ask yourself why the translation which you have cited is deleting words from the Torah? Could it be that they are just as blind as you and therefore the blind are leading the blind?

Numbers 7:72 WLC
ביום עשתי עשר יום נשיא לבני אשר פגעיאל בן־עכרן׃

Numbers 7:78 WLC
ביום שנים עשר יום נשיא לבני נפתלי אחירע בן־עינן׃

Would you say it says "In the eleventh yom-day of the yom-day? No, you and most people would not because of course that makes no sense: so the answer is to simply delete what you do not understand or wish to accept? It does not come through in translation because your favorite translators neither know nor understand the scripture. The NEW TESTAMENT teaches these things in the Gospel accounts and statements of the Master when taken into consideration with what is written in the Torah and Prophets. In other words the Master himself teaches these things, yes, the Word whom you claim to know teaches these things. :chuckle:

Numbers 7:72
ביום עשתי עשר יום נשיא לבני אשר פגעיאל בן־עכרן׃
In the eleventh yom-hour of the yom-day, prince of the sons of Asher, Pagiel son of Ocran:

Numbers 7:78
ביום שנים עשר יום נשיא לבני נפתלי אחירע בן־עינן׃
In the twelfth yom-hour of the yom-day, prince of the sons of Naphtali, Ahira son of Enan:

I see your error, the first yom is 'bə-yō-wm' [3117] which means 'on (or in) the day', the second yom is just yō-wm which just means 'day.'

Nothing about 'hour' which is hóra [5610] in Hebrew.

I use all the translations BTW I just gave that version as it was the first that 'pops' up on Biblehub (you should know that but obviously not).

Listen I really do think you are very mixed up and wish you better mental heath in Jesus' name. Forgive me if I don't respond to you in future. God bless.


Well-known member
I see your error, the first yom is 'bə-yō-wm' [3117] which means 'on (or in) the day', the second yom is just yō-wm which just means 'day.'

Nothing about 'hour' which is hóra [5610] in Hebrew.

I use all the translations BTW I just gave that version as it was the first that 'pops' up on Biblehub (you should know that but obviously not).

Listen I really do think you are very mixed up and wish you better mental heath in Jesus' name. Forgive me if I don't respond to you in future. God bless.

"Nothing about 'hour' which is hóra [5610] in Hebrew."


Okay, have a nice life, (but you may want to retake that IQ test) . . . :chuckle:


Well-known member
You've said an awful lot ITT without actually saying what you're saying, which seems like trolling. Why don't you just come out with it, so that we can proceed?

1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:


Well-known member
You are like the shady Tsunami Insurance Agent going door to door in Utah.

1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:


Well-known member
Clean and unclean food is not really about what we eat.

Some people are willing to obey God, some are not.

Suit yourself.

1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:


Well-known member
Moses taught the people the right day to worship.

Anyone studying and making an issue out of a mere day is missing the point about Jesus being the Sabbath Rest.

You are putting down Moses as one who taught some kind of falseness, and you are putting down the people who obeyed, and, you are going against the fact that special days are about Jesus and not about a Saturday or a Sunday.


Well-known member
Moses taught the people the right day to worship.

Anyone studying and making an issue out of a mere day is missing the point about Jesus being the Sabbath Rest.

You are putting down Moses as one who taught some kind of falseness, and you are putting down the people who obeyed, and, you are going against the fact that special days are about Jesus and not about a Saturday or a Sunday.

1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:


Well-known member
I understand what you are saying. But I also understand that there is no proof that the Jews took it from the Romans. You are trying to shift the burden of proof off of your own shoulders.

It is possible, given that Jews and Christians lived in the Roman Empire . I personally do not know of proof of this , though the reference in the Wikipedia article (a text in French) may offer proof. There are those who are researching this.

But they do match. So there are three possibilities:
1. They match by chance
2. They match because the Romans were influenced by other groups, as the Wikipedia article suggests
3. That the Jews and Christians abandoned their ancient traditions, and left absolutely no record of a major calendar change.

Know what? That you and a handful of others have an odd unproven theory?

Again- you are presuming that your theory is correct. It isn't, so this is not a real point.

I have always understood you. And you are promoting an extremely odd theory that has no basis in facts or evidence.

1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:


Well-known member
Why is this important to you?

Evidently some scholars have been able to sort out that stuff.

1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:


Well-known member
I said
But when you ask foolish questions a Christian is suppose to avoid them.

2 Tim 2:23-24
23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.
24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient,

1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:


Well-known member
No. But creating 9 identical threads does make it rather difficult to have that discussion. Which thread does one respond too?

1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:


1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:
That's interesting.

God's Truth

New member
1. It is reasonable to assume that Jesus kept the Sabbath and therefore the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts must have been common knowledge at this time.

2. After the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD the Jews no longer had a temple to sacrifice in nor a priesthood to do it as they had all been killed. The Romans virtually killed everyone in Jerusalem and Massada where the rest of the rebels ran to. This left the Jewish population decimated and of the Jews living else where in Israel who had survived, by cow-towing to the Romans, very few return or decided to live in Jerusalem after 70 AD. The Sanhedrin however did mange to largely survive and formed a seat of rabbinic learning in the south of Galilee, where they maintained the practice of keeping the ancient Hebrew calendar and it's Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts by travelling to Jerusalem each month to sight the new moon.

3. Over the successive generations from 70 AD onwards these traumatic events had forced the Jews to look for sanctuary within the rest of the Roman Empire and beyond in what was called the Diaspora. They were refugees scattered in small groups and families, struggling to survive in foreign countries where they were more often than not treated as the lowest of the low.

4. Then after the Simon Bar Kokbha revolt between 132 - 135 AD and Emperor Hadrian's violent response which was one of Rome's largest ever military responses to rebellion in the empire with some 13 legions being sent, (only 4 were sent in 70 AD for example); Hadrian then banned all Jews from even being with in eye sight of Jerusalem by pain of death and after this there were even fewer Jews living in Israel. This also meant the Sanhedrin could no longer visually sight the new moon from Jerusalem in order to know when their Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were. Even though the new moon could be sighted from Jerusalem up to 135 AD this meant nothing to the poor survivors living abroad as there was no way that the monthly sightings could be sent to them quickly enough for them to calculate when the Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts were meant to be. They could try to sight the new moon from wherever they were but then this would be on different days compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west.

5. Instead the Jews found themselves living in an empire which was being taken over by the new Roman Julian calendar, named after Julius Caesar. This new calendar that first took effect in the province of Rome had started on 1st January 45 BC and this day was named 'Friday' (each the 7 days of this new calendar was given a new name, named after a Roman god). However the day before 1st January 45 BC the Romans calculated dates using a completely different ancient Roman calendar that had an 8 day week, where the days were simply named A,B,C,D,E,F,G & H (8 days) and which had been used for hundreds years by the Romans in the province of Rome. The new Julian calendar 7 day week was created by Sosigenes the Greek Mathematician and it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar week, as they were totally separate from each other. It then took about 400 years before all the other countries within the Roman Empire were eventually forced to use the new Julian calendar as recorded in history.

6. As the new Roman Julian 7 day week that began separately from the ancient Hebrew week began to take over the Roman Empire, the early church, which was mainly made up of non-Jews (after Peter the first Pope), simply used the new Julian calendar's 7th day (Saturday) as the Sabbath, even though it had nothing to do with the ancient Hebrew calendar and its reckoning of when the Sabbath was. The Roman Catholic church carried on with this regardless of the fact that the Julian calendar was totally different from the ancient Hebrew calendar.

7. From 135 AD to 321 AD over half a dozen generations came and went, with each generation of impoverished Jews continuing the struggle to survive within the Roman Empire. As each generation lived and worked in these countries that were using the new 7 day Julian week, it meant that more and more Jews were forced to work on their Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar or face becoming even more impoverished. While they tried to maintain as much of their traditions as possible most could not keep their Sabbaths, new moons or annual feasts on the correct day as calculated by their ancient Hebrew calendar. As said even if they tried to sight the new moon from wherever they were living this would not be on the same day compared to Jews who were living further to the east or west, and more importantly on the day the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. As each generation gradually came and went it became harder and harder to NOT fit in with the new Roman Julian 7 day working week and its Saturday Sabbath. Eventually over these generations the ancient reckoning of the Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar was practically lost to history and the Jews living in the Empire gradually accepted Saturday as the Sabbath more and more.

8. Then in 321 AD the Roman Emperor Constantine who hated the Jews (along with most of the rest of the Roman world) changed the day of rest on the new Julian calendar from Saturday to Sunday, this forced the impoverished Jews to either work on what many thought by now was the Sabbath (Saturday) or become even more impoverished. This caused and has since caused even more confusion amongst Christians and Jews as to when the real Sabbath is, as really it has never been on Saturday or Sunday on the Roman Julian calendar but has always been calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar.

9. In response to all this in 359 AD Sanhedrin Rabbi Hillel II in Israel created the new modern Jewish calendar which uses the mathematically calculated Metonic 19 year lunar cycle, that allowed Jews to celebrate all of their new moon days and annual feast days on the same day no matter where in the world they lived (even though half of the time it is a day out compared to the visually sighted new moon from Jerusalem). However, although this gives a good approximation of when the Jewish new moon days and annual feast are, Hillel appears to have not attempted to try and get the Jews to also follow the original Sabbath as calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar. The reason for this was because the Jews who were scattered across the Roman Empire and beyond were still simply struggling to survive and had become so used to the new Julian calendar and it's Saturday Sabbath, that if they would have tried to go back to worshipping on the correct day as reckoned by their ancient Hebrew calendar it would have placed a further burden on them and put them at risk of being even more persecuted, because taking days off work that were calculated by the ancient Hebrew calendar rather than fitting in with the Julian Saturday Sabbath would have caused confusion and more resentment towards them.

10. The Hebrew calendar and it reckoning of when the Sabbath really was drifted from human history to be almost forgotten. This calendar that was once common knowledge to the ancient Hebrews and the authors of the Bible never thought it necessary to explain this calendar in one convenient place as they never envisaged a time when it would not be used. However, hidden amongst the scriptures of the Bible are many references to the ancient Hebrew calendar and its Sabbaths, new moons and annual feasts, which can be sifted out and reconstructed. This is not an easy thing to do however, if it was then more people would know about it but then most people don't even know about all the above information either, so it is understandable if you have never heard about where and how these snippets of scripture explain the ancient Hebrew calendar. Their are various studies on the ancient Hebrew calendar as describes in the Bible and here are a few that are helpful:

Lunar Sabbaths: Three Months in a Row | Part 1 - The Lunar Sabbath Restored!

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

The Creator's Calendar

9 min long (or faster with the high speed setting):

15 mins (or faster with the high speed setting):

International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged by Worlds Last Chance Ministries?

79 min (or faster with the high speed setting):

Robert-Aaron Richmond explains from scripture how God’s Calendar works:

Jesus fulfilled the law. He also spoke of how the temple was still standing and to do what the Pharisees and teacher's of the law said because they sat in Moses' seat. Jesus also spoke of how the temple would be destroyed.

A day is not put up there with the Father and Jesus. Jesus is the Sabbath Rest.