Can someone answer this?


Well-known member
Short attention span is another sign of immaturity, if you had of watched for even another 3.5 minutes you would see the manna was collected on days 16 to 21 on the second month which proves the Sabbath is on day 22 of both the first and second months and is undeniable. All your semantic antics and name calling (lunatic) have nothing to do with what he (and I/others) are trying to show you. Please try to over come your emotions and use your logic to assess what is being explained. You have totally missed the point but well done for watching 18 minutes that is a good start even though it has taken months for me to get you to this point. I feel like like a father teaching his son to walk. You can do it boy. :)

Lol, do you actually think I have never read or studied Exodus 16 before? Just because you need a video guy to explain it all to you with a double heaping of his own opinion does not mean it is the same way for everyone else.

To me this is very simple to understand but getting others to is nigh on impossible but then again my IQ is about 140 so forgive me if I sound exasperated.

My advice to you would be that you might want to seek out a second opinion on that supposedly high IQ of 140 which you keep boasting about: it actually appears more like it may be hovering somewhere in the low seventies, (give or take a couple of points, I wouldn't want to be dogmatic about something so tragic). :chuckle:


Well-known member
Lol, do you actually think I have never read or studied Exodus 16 before? Just because you need a video guy to explain it all to you with a double heaping of his own opinion does not mean it is the same way for everyone else.

My advice to you would be that you might want to seek out a second opinion on that supposedly high IQ of 140 which you keep boasting about: it actually appears more like it may be hovering somewhere in the low seventies, (give or take a couple of points, I wouldn't want to be dogmatic about something so tragic). :chuckle:

If you had of studied it then you would notice that the Sabbath fell on day 22 or can you prove otherwise? Also please try to control your emotions, you keep giving way to insults which is not what Christ wants from you.


Well-known member
If you had of studied it then you would notice that the Sabbath fell on day 22 or can you prove otherwise? Also please try to control your emotions, you keep giving way to insults which is not what Christ wants from you.

I feel like like a father teaching his son to walk. You can do it boy. :)

Matthew 7:12
12 Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for this is the Torah and the Prophets.

You have shown me many times over just exactly how you wish to be treated by how you have been treating me for a long time now: if you do not wish to be treated like a child then stop treating me like a child. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. It isn't rocket science if you have half a brain, O genius with a 140 IQ.


Well-known member
Short attention span is another sign of immaturity, if you had of watched for even another 3.5 minutes you would see the manna was collected on days 16 to 21 on the second month which proves the Sabbath is on day 22 of both the first and second months and is undeniable. All your semantic antics and name calling (lunatic) have nothing to do with what he (and I/others) are trying to show you. Please try to over come your emotions and use your logic to assess what is being explained. You have totally missed the point but well done for watching 18 minutes that is a good start even though it has taken months for me to get you to this point. I feel like like a father teaching his son to walk. You can do it boy. :)

Also please try to control your emotions, you keep giving way to insults which is not what Christ wants from you.

Moreover, since we both know it is you that is the immature one who cannot control his emotions, and since I have gotten to know you well enough to know that you are about to report me, (if you haven't already, lol), I suppose I will leave you be and let you cool off for a while. Try not to let the fact that your beloved calendar is bogus eat away at you for too long. :)


Well-known member
Moreover, since we both know it is you that is the immature one who cannot control his emotions, and since I have gotten to know you well enough to know that you are about to report me, (if you haven't already, lol), I suppose I will leave you be and let you cool off for a while. Try not to let the fact that your beloved calendar is bogus eat away at you for too long. :)

All this buster does not distract from the fact that you can not disprove the manna was collected over the 16th to 21st of the second month and that there were Sabbaths on the 22nd of both the 1st and 2nd months. Which leaves only two options, either you know this and are a false witness (a liar) or you do not have the intelligence to see this. Please try to control your emotions which seem to be off the scale at the moment.


Well-known member
You are right about watchman being the one who is immature and cannot control his emotions; and, you were right about Meshak. I accepted her friend request then got messages from her about my being too rude sounding to certain people and how I am too sensitive. Ironic isn't it? I get pm's from Meshak saying I am too sensitive and to not speak so tough to this person and that person.

Please keep to the OP. Personal comments can be addressed directly to individuals. Thank you.


Well-known member
All this buster does not distract from the fact that you can not disprove the manna was collected over the 16th to 21st of the second month and that there were Sabbaths on the 22nd of both the 1st and 2nd months. Which leaves only two options, either you know this and are a false witness (a liar) or you do not have the intelligence to see this. Please try to control your emotions which seem to be off the scale at the moment.

Please keep to the OP. Personal comments can be addressed directly to individuals. Thank you.

You are right about watchman being the one who is immature and cannot control his emotions; and, you were right about Meshak. I accepted her friend request then got messages from her about my being too rude sounding to certain people and how I am too sensitive. Ironic isn't it? I get pm's from Meshak saying I am too sensitive and to not speak so tough to this person and that person.

Meanwhile he is in one of his other threads currently calling someone else autistic and a robot, (which is certainly not the topic of that thread, which is his own thread). This weasel is nothing more than a hypocrite, a false prophet, a spammer, and a constant flamer and harasser. I'm about done trying to discuss anything more with him.


You are right about watchman being the one who is immature and cannot control his emotions; and, you were right about Meshak. I accepted her friend request then got messages from her about my being too rude sounding to certain people and how I am too sensitive. Ironic isn't it? I get pm's from Meshak saying I am too sensitive and to not speak so tough to this person and that person.

I gave you thanks to make you feel better:)



Meanwhile he is in one of his other threads currently calling someone else autistic and a robot, (which is certainly not the topic of that thread, which is his own thread). This weasel is nothing more than a hypocrite, a false prophet, a spammer, and a constant flamer and harasser. I'm about done trying to discuss anything more with him.

easy brother.



Well-known member
easy brother.


What else do you call someone who refuses to hear the truth every time it is posted to him and finds some way to weasel out of what the scripture says? He is only here to promote himself, his god's calendar, and his false prophecies about "the appearance of the Anti-Christ in Damascus on the 11th of October 2022" and "the return of Jesus on the 24th of September 2029". Those are the reasons why he refuses to hear anything other than what he desires to hear: even if it be from the scripture. He has the same infectious disease that Harold Camping had.


What else do you call someone who refuses to hear the truth every time it is posted to him and finds some way to weasel out of what the scripture says? He is only here to promote himself, his god's calendar, and his false prophecies about "the appearance of the Anti-Christ in Damascus on the 11th of October 2022" and "the return of Jesus on the 24th of September 2029". Those are the reasons why he refuses to hear anything other than what he desires to hear: even if it be from the scripture. He has the same infectious disease that Harold Camping had.

I know you can find gentle approach.:)

I am trying to approach gently too to everyone even those posters who do not like me much.

blessings brother:)

God's Truth

New member
What else do you call someone who refuses to hear the truth every time it is posted to him and finds some way to weasel out of what the scripture says? He is only here to promote himself, his god's calendar, and his false prophecies about "the appearance of the Anti-Christ in Damascus on the 11th of October 2022" and "the return of Jesus on the 24th of September 2029". Those are the reasons why he refuses to hear anything other than what he desires to hear: even if it be from the scripture. He has the same infectious disease that Harold Camping had.

I didn't know he was doing that. Good to know.


Well-known member
I didn't know he was doing that. Good to know.

He has a whole thread by that title which he posted just for me, (in other words a call-out thread). He will probably even thank me for linking to it here because he is so proud of his predictions and prognostications. All you really need to do is look at the thread title but here is a post with an accumulation of his current prophetic statements and claims, #77. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Meanwhile he is in one of his other threads currently calling someone else autistic and a robot, (which is certainly not the topic of that thread, which is his own thread). This weasel is nothing more than a hypocrite, a false prophet, a spammer, and a constant flamer and harasser. I'm about done trying to discuss anything more with him.

Again you are trying to dirvert attention away from the fact that you are wrong with all your angry hyperbole. You can not disprove the manna was collected over the 16th to 21st of the second month and that there were Sabbaths on the 22nd of both the 1st and 2nd months. Which leaves only two options, either you know this and are a false witness (a liar) or you do not have the intelligence to see this. Jacob admitted he is autistic as I suggested and I did not call him a robot. The only name calling around here has been done by yourself: i.e. lunatic, weasel, hypocrite, false prophet, spammer and harasser and that's just in the last 24 hours. Please daqq try to calm down, do you suffer from some unresolved anger issues? Serious question.



Well-known member
What else do you call someone who refuses to hear the truth every time it is posted to him and finds some way to weasel out of what the scripture says? He is only here to promote himself, his god's calendar, and his false prophecies about "the appearance of the Anti-Christ in Damascus on the 11th of October 2022" and "the return of Jesus on the 24th of September 2029". Those are the reasons why he refuses to hear anything other than what he desires to hear: even if it be from the scripture. He has the same infectious disease that Harold Camping had.

You are derailing the thread, please stop.

God's Truth

New member
He has a whole thread by that title which he posted just for me, (in other words a call-out thread). He will probably even thank me for linking to it here because he is so proud of his predictions and prognostications. All you really need to do is look at the thread title but here is a post with an accumulation of his current prophetic statements and claims, #77. :chuckle:

It's astounding to me how people can call themselves prophets and predict all kinds of things, but don't even know some of the most common sense things.


Well-known member
Wow, unbelievable. That is pathetic.

I have already asked you to stop derailing my thread and now I have had to report you because not only have you totally ignored my rest but now you are believing anything anyone says about me even though it is not true. I recommend you start to research things before believing everything you hear and jumping to conclusions, this would vastly help your understanding of scripture too, which would help you more than it would help anyone else.

Please keep to the OP.