Short attention span is another sign of immaturity, if you had of watched for even another 3.5 minutes you would see the manna was collected on days 16 to 21 on the second month which proves the Sabbath is on day 22 of both the first and second months and is undeniable. All your semantic antics and name calling (lunatic) have nothing to do with what he (and I/others) are trying to show you. Please try to over come your emotions and use your logic to assess what is being explained. You have totally missed the point but well done for watching 18 minutes that is a good start even though it has taken months for me to get you to this point. I feel like like a father teaching his son to walk. You can do it boy.
Lol, do you actually think I have never read or studied Exodus 16 before? Just because you need a video guy to explain it all to you with a double heaping of his own opinion does not mean it is the same way for everyone else.
To me this is very simple to understand but getting others to is nigh on impossible but then again my IQ is about 140 so forgive me if I sound exasperated.
My advice to you would be that you might want to seek out a second opinion on that supposedly high IQ of 140 which you keep boasting about: it actually appears more like it may be hovering somewhere in the low seventies, (give or take a couple of points, I wouldn't want to be dogmatic about something so tragic). :chuckle: