Can someone answer this?


Well-known member
He has a whole thread by that title which he posted just for me, (in other words a call-out thread). He will probably even thank me for linking to it here because he is so proud of his predictions and prognostications. All you really need to do is look at the thread title but here is a post with an accumulation of his current prophetic statements and claims, #77. :chuckle:

daqq please keep to the OP or I will have to report you as well and also for flaming and for false accusations. I don't want to but you have a propensity for breaking the rules. If you could manage you emotions a little better it would help you.


Well-known member
Jacob denied to me having any form of disability, but you say he admitted it.

You bring up intelligence...the Bible does speak of a wise person figuring something out, but you are so unwise that you don't even recognize the simplest of things from the Bible.

Revelation 13:18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

This is still off of the OP. Why do you try to derail threads?


Well-known member
Again you are trying to dirvert attention away from the fact that you are wrong with all your angry hyperbole. You can not disprove the manna was collected over the 16th to 21st of the second month and that there were Sabbaths on the 22nd of both the 1st and 2nd months. Which leaves only two options, either you know this and are a false witness (a liar) or you do not have the intelligence to see this. Jacob admitted he is autistic as I suggested and I did not call him a robot. The only name calling around here has been done by yourself: i.e. lunatic, weasel, hypocrite, false prophet, spammer and harasser and that's just in the last 24 hours. Please daqq try to calm down, do you suffer from some unresolved anger issues? Serious question.


You are derailing the thread, please stop.

daqq please keep to the OP or I will have to report you as well and also for flaming and for false accusations. I don't want to but you have a propensity for breaking the rules. If you could manage you emotions a little better it would help you.

Not interested in anymore of your childish games.
Have a nice thread.
