Can a Roman Catholic be a Christian?


Can a Roman Catholic be a Christian?

The final arbitrator as to who is/is not a true Christian lies with God - and to my knowledge, He has not delegated that authority to any else, including members of this forum!

One thing is for sure, the "Thief on the Cross," not the devout religious leaders and Pharisees of Jesus' day, will have a place in Heaven, which should send a chilling message to the pious members in this forum who are so quick to judge the Christian "credentials" of others!


Well-known member
Walking with Christ in reality, with a whole heart,not pretending or guessing.

It can be very difficult but achievable.

Deu 30:2 And shalt return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul;


You do realize that Deuteronomy is part of the Old Covenant, for the nation of Israel, right?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You do realize that Deuteronomy is part of the Old Covenant, for the nation of Israel, right?

It is still the Word of God, and wisdom and truth can be derived from it.
Have you ever considered that all the times in the NT when people are told to search the scriptures, the only scriptures that existed WERE the Old Testament? There WAS no New Testament util 300 years later!! Sure, a letter or two were floating around here and there, but not an NT.


Well-known member
It is still the Word of God, and wisdom and truth can be derived from it.

So, I take it you wash in the ashes of a red heifer after going to a funeral, and your women declare "unclean, unclean" whenever near people for one week a month,then?

Have you ever considered that all the times in the NT when people are told to search the scriptures, the only scriptures that existed WERE the Old Testament? There WAS no New Testament util 300 years later!! Sure, a letter or two were floating around here and there, but not an NT.

Yes, well, there is more to the Old Testament than the Old Covenant law. If you read Paul's writings and the book of Acts, Paul uses the Old Testament very effectively to prove that Jesus is the Christ, and to show how the Jews relate to the New Covenant.

And to show that those in the New Covenant aren't under the Old Covenant law (see Galatians.)

Ben Masada

New member
Can a Roman Catholic be a Christian?

The final arbitrator as to who is/is not a true Christian lies with God - and to my knowledge, He has not delegated that authority to any else, including members of this forum!

One thing is for sure, the "Thief on the Cross," not the devout religious leaders and Pharisees of Jesus' day, will have a place in Heaven, which should send a chilling message to the pious members in this forum who are so quick to judge the Christian "credentials" of others!

Not only the devout religious leaders and Pharisees of Jesus' day but also Jesus himself and the thief on the cross did not have a place in Heaven. They all ended up in the grave wherefrom none has ever return to this day. Read II Samuel 12:23; Isaiah 26:14; Job 7:9; etc.
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
So, I take it you wash in the ashes of a red heifer after going to a funeral, and your women declare "unclean, unclean" whenever near people for one week a month, then?........
What is it with you people in this forum. I say that the Old Testament "is still the Word of God, and wisdom and truth can be derived from it", and you have to pop off with something snotty like that. I swear TOL is like a magnet for jerks.

Ben Masada

New member
What is it with you people in this forum. I say that the Old Testament "is still the Word of God, and wisdom and truth can be derived from it", and you have to pop off with something snotty like that. I swear TOL is like a magnet for jerks.

Yes, I understand you but, the NT cannot walk the same path with the Tanach. At about 80% the NT contradicts the Tanach. Every time Jesus referred to the Scriptures as the Word of God, he had the Tanach in his mind. The NT he never even dreamed that it would ever rise.


Well-known member
...or decapitation. :up:

Hm... maybe all decapitations could more accurately be called decorpulations.

For those few brief seconds of life after undergoing the guillotine, which part do I inhabit, and which part has been removed from the "me" part?


New member
I'm just saying that the RCC doesn't have an exclusive claim to being "the body."
...according to the entirely-non-authoritative opinion of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect, anyway. Your particular sectarian tradition's opinion is noted.

The apostles and bishops, however, teach something else:

"...and he has put all things under his feet and has made him the head over all things for the Church, which is his body, the fulness of him who fills all in all" (Eph. 1:22-23).​