All kids are different (something allsmiles has no clue about). I have raised 6 awesome kids and each one has been different from the other.
Some of them required frequent spankings to keep them pointed in the right direction, while others required almost no spankings their entire life.
Not all of them are grown-up yet, but so far they are 6 of the neatest kids you will ever meet and not one of them would trade the discipline they have received in their lives for anything else.
I didn't need that many spankings myself. I was very well behaved. And the only person to ever disagree was my dad's second wife whose daughter shoplifted, smoked and had sex all before high school. And then proceeded to lie about all of them, of course.
But she could do no wrong, apparently. My favorite is how my step mom loved to "insult" my music by claiming it sounded like secular music, all the while her daughter listened to Usher, The Cranberries, Matchbox Twenty, etc.:kookoo:
I already agreed with Knight that I have no children. I have been a child who was subjected to physically violent discipline and I have had five younger brothers and sisters.
Violence is not the answer. And if you assume that all spanking is violent just because your parents were violent about it, you're an idiot.
It's not about the pain but without it the discipline is pointless. Vacuous, out-dated ideas. You're stuck in the bronze-age.
You did answer the question and that was my bad.
Thank you.
And I don't have to prove anything. I'm not an attorney but there are plenty who wouldn't blink an eye before throwing the book at you.
Based on what?
Isn't advocating criminal behavior illegal?
It's not criminal behavior here, dimwit.
We were arguing?
Seemed to me like you were sayin' stupid stuff that you are ignorant about and I was correcting you.
I'm glad that my website is enjoyable for you.
Really? Not that it really matters, but how old was the child?
I believe he had just turned three.
Does anyone here with kids want their babysitter to spank their kids? I know I don't. You'll only confuse their conception of authority.
Irony of ironies. I used to babysit for my uncles, and never felt right disciplining beyond sending them to their rooms. Because I wasn't the parent. But I eventually realized how stupid that was. So by the time I was babysitting this child I had no problem spanking him. But his mother initially did have a problem with me doing so. She eventually told me I could. But she is against me using anything other than my hand. Which annoys me.
We have raised 4 kids. They are all fine, thank you. We rarely spanked them, and never, but never with a belt or anything like that. Spanking is a way of showing extreme displeasure. You don't need to inflict a lot of pain to do that.
You can discipline kids without beating them. I was raised that way, I raised my kids that way, and I see my grandchildren being raised that way. Yes, that includes not touching the hot stove. You don't need to hit them with a belt, and you don't need to let them get burned. You really don't.
Those who think that you need to take a belt to your kid in order to disciple them probably were raised that way themselves, and can't see any other way of getting their kids to behave. It's common and unfortunate.
While I do not see a belt as a problem, I used to though, I do prefer "rods." Or wooden instruments. And some of that comes from the fact that my dad was abused by his father, so he never used a belt on me. However, he was smart enough to know that spanking wasn't wrong just because some people took it to extremes.
I should probably clarify my position: I don't believe in spanking using a paddle, belt, or any other object. That is far more pain than should be needed (or used) to get a point across. Also spanking should be a last resort.
I disagree, but not for the same reasons as Knight. Well, I do about the paddle issue, as I stated above. But I disagree with the last resort method. Because that is usually where the problem lies when people cross the line. They get angry because nothing is working, and they finally reach for the paddle and go too far. If you spank before you are angry then you will not go too far. And it is much easier to comfort the child and explain the issue to them, and ask them if they understand, if you are calm and rational.
I agree with God that a spanking should be done with some type of instrument (we like to use a wooden spoon) and it should be painful (that is the mechanism that trains).
If the spankings are not painful you will end up spanking your kids (or disciplining them) way more than you should.
Spank correctly and you wont need to spank much at all!
Do you know what selective literalism means? Do you know who Desmond Tutu is? Do you have more insight into the mind of God than he or any other of the Christian and other organizations I have listed? More than Abraham Lincoln (a non-"spanker") More insights into parenting? Into extremely difficult-to-manage behavior?
Desmond Tutu is a Catholic. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I do know and understand the will of God, laid out in the Bible, more than Desi does.
"A person who does odious acts in God's Name alienates people from God...God suffers from the acts of those who do evil in his name"
Rabbi Telushkin on the Third Commandment "Do not [misuse] my Name for evil purposes.
Actually you shouldn't misuse His name period. And using it for evil purposes is a misuse, so that phrase is redundant. Or could be turned around to say that His name should be used correctly for evil purposes. Which I'm sure the the good sir did not mean.
But spanking is not evil. If you read your Bible you will find plenty of advice from the revered Jewish forefathers that we should spank our children.
is bound up in the heart of a child;
The rod of correction will drive it far from him.
-Proverbs 22:15
Do not withhold correction from a child,
if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.
You shall beat him with a rod,
And deliver his soul from hell.
-Proverbs 23:13-14
The rod and rebuke give wisdom,
But a child left
to himself brings shame to his mother.
-Proverbs 29:15
He who spares his rod hates his son,
But he who loves him disciplines him promptly.
-Proverbs 13:24
I invite you to search how people used the bible for slavery, oppression of women and spousal abuse, racial segregation and discrimination, and infidelity to one's spouse.
we know all about it.
"When I do good I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion."
Abraham Lincoln
That's odd. When I do bad I feel good. And when I do good I can often feel bad. But God is with me, and I will follow His commands and risk the consequences.
Then again, its your free-will, and a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.
And a man convinced that right is wrong and wrong is right is a fool.
Wisdom is found on the lips of him who has understanding,
But a rod
is for the back of him who is devoid of understanding.
-Proverbs 10:13
A whip for the horse,
A bridle for the donkey,
And a rod for the fool’s back.
-Proverbs 26:3