Bible Code to Bring You Cash


Well-known member
And a comparison of specific ELS codes in War & Peace with their biblical counterparts :

Equidistant Letter Sequences in Tolstoy's "War and Peace"


I show how with a skip of 49 the words "Torah" and Y-H-W-H are coded in the beginning of the first five books of Moses.

Anything like that in "War and Peace" or "Moby Dick"?

Those "codes" on those pages just don't come close.

"For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of Y-H-W-H our God for ever and ever."
Micah 4:5


New member

After opening one topic over the Bible codes, and posting there 2 posts.

They're not serious over there.

Is the material copyrighted? They are sensitive about that. I just noticed the thread is gone and I have a question in to the mods about it.


Well-known member

I show how with a skip of 49 the words "Torah" and Y-H-W-H are coded in the beginning of the first five books of Moses.

Anything like that in "War and Peace" or "Moby Dick"?

Those "codes" on those pages just don't come close.

"For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of Y-H-W-H our God for ever and ever."
Micah 4:5

Okay...but what does that prove? There is clearly design here - but the codes in Moby Dick could be argued to show design as well. Beyond that, it's like saying Bach intended to communicate - through his music - in code, and placing meaningful emphasis upon that code. Not that there isn't justification for believing in the existence of some RICERCAR codes, but what does one do with those codes and why? What are the correct sequences to look at and how do you come to that conclusion? How does one determine if a certain ELS combination should be ignored? The subjectivity leaves one to one's own devices to determine what to look for. How, then, is this significantly different from divination? The meaning of the word "occult" is "hidden". Isn't that essentially what is in view here? Looking for answers in something hidden when God has given answers clearly?

Even if it is just used to "prove" Divine authorship of scripture, one still needs to differentiate between the codes found using the text of scripture and those found using Moby Dick, War and Peace etc... Those books may not have the words "Torah" or Y-H-W-H coded in them, but so what? Should we be surprised to find them coded in a book that explicitly uses those words in straightforward writing? The point there is that one proves the validity of any of these codes by outside confirmation. So, too, with scripture, would one need to found the codes themselves on something perspicuous. And since there is no clear guidance on what codes are good, it is the perspicuous that is what is confirmed - not the hidden.

So of what instructive benefit are the ELS codes?


Well-known member
Okay...but what does that prove? There is clearly design here


Right, THERE IS CLEARLY DESIGN THERE. Nobody will say that happened by accident.

So the text of the Torah is not just another text like Moby Dick or War and Peace.

- but the codes in Moby Dick could be argued to show design as well.

Except that nobody can show me a comparable code in Moby Dick.

Beyond that, it's like saying Bach intended to communicate - through his music - in code, and placing meaningful emphasis upon that code. Not that there isn't justification for believing in the existence of some RICERCAR codes, but what does one do with those codes and why? What are the correct sequences to look at and how do you come to that conclusion? How does one determine if a certain ELS combination should be ignored?

To be able to say whether or not an ELS in Moby Dick is meaningful or not, you need to be a mathematician. Fact is, you can find an ELS anywhere. But to decide if they are meaningful or not, that is above my pay grade.
Except for some that scream out that they are not random occurrences. Like the coding of the word "Torah" in the beginning of the books of the Torah, with an interval of 50. When you see that, then you KNOW that that is meaningful, and not an accident.

Same goes for the Esther code. When you know that the book of Esther is the story of the battle of Israel with its arch-enemy Amalek, and you see that from the first time in Genesis that the name "Amalek" appears, there is with a skip of 12,111, that is the amount of letters in the book of Esther, the name of Amalek encoded, starting with the first "A" of the first "Amalek", and ending with the "K" of another Amalek in the book of Genesis, then you KNOW that is not a coincidence.
And when you then find with a skip of 12,111 from the first letter of "chief of Amalek" encoded the name of the king of Amalek, then the codes are firmly established. You don't have to be a mathematician to understand that.

Putting these codes in by hand is extremely difficult, because there are all kind of codes running through each other. Try to doctor the text to fit one code, and you'll mess up another code.
So the chance that these codes are made by human hands, is very small.

The subjectivity leaves one to one's own devices to determine what to look for. How, then, is this significantly different from divination? The meaning of the word "occult" is "hidden". Isn't that essentially what is in view here? Looking for answers in something hidden when God has given answers clearly?

Even if it is just used to "prove" Divine authorship of scripture, one still needs to differentiate between the codes found using the text of scripture and those found using Moby Dick, War and Peace etc... Those books may not have the words "Torah" or Y-H-W-H coded in them, but so what? Should we be surprised to find them coded in a book that explicitly uses those words in straightforward writing? The point there is that one proves the validity of any of these codes by outside confirmation. So, too, with scripture, would one need to found the codes themselves on something perspicuous. And since there is no clear guidance on what codes are good, it is the perspicuous that is what is confirmed - not the hidden.

So of what instructive benefit are the ELS codes?

Nobody ever claimed that the ELS codes, found in Moby Dick are statistically significant.

The codes in the Torah, are highly statistically significant. So significant that a paper about them was published in the peer reviewed paper "Statistical Science". And they only published that after brooding on it for 6 years, and calling in the two greatest names in the world in statistics to look it over, and after not having been able to find any mistake in it, it was published.

After that more peer reviewed articles have published on it, and like the mathematician and professional code breaker Harold Gans says: "In 2006, at the 18th International Pattern Recognition Conference, which took place in Hong Kong, there were six papers published in support of the Torah codes. All of these papers were subject to peer review, which means that fellow scientists reviewed the papers and could note any flaw in the research or logic that they might find. Were they to find an uncorrectable flaw, the paper would be rejected.

One of the papers that I co-authored proved that the original paper describing the “Great Rabbis Experiment” was not a hoax, and that the experiment with the rabbis and the cities of their birth and death was valid. That paper referenced the critic's 1999 Statistical Science paper, so that the reviewers could easily refer to it. According to scientific rules, in order for critics to disprove the Torah codes, they would have to find fatal flaws in each of the six papers presenting a different approach and a different code. This happened five years ago, and to date not a single flaw was found in any of these papers. Therefore, for all intent and purposes, the Torah codes have been scientifically proven, and the debate is over.

Unfortunately, most people don't know the critics have been disproven. When scientists come up to me and try to dispute the validity of the codes, I ask: “Can you find a fatal flaw?” They pause, and say: “No.”"

So the codes are a fact. That is the Bible codes, not the Moby Dick codes.

And that is God's signature in the Torah.

A proof of authenticity.

"You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples."

Psalm 77:14


The Bible is the best education a person will ever receive- you can have all the knowledge in the world, but you really have no knowledge at all without God.