Bible Code to Bring You Cash

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
And again....Pro 1:22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

That's what I just told think you are very deep...but God calls you and your buddy


New member
This is an uninformed opinion. I know it is, because if you had ever read the evidence they've found for and in the codes, you could/would never arrive at this opinion. Peace

I do not know about complex codes being far to simple myself for anything not made clear by a Father for His children

Seems to me Paul was quite clear when he said they spoke of the wisdom of God in a mystery that indicates to me there is much more to learning the truths of God than can be gained by just studying the Bible like some elementry school kid looking to pass basic arithmetic.

God was kind enough to reveal to me what was hidden away in the law and in particular the laws for determining the truth that I have spelled out in rather long fashion at the link below........... but only if one has better things to do than gain the keys for unlocking all of the mysteries of God

Wick Stick

Well-known member
None so blind as My servant who will not see nor so deaf that he will not hear.

God doesn't speak in riddles or codes, He shouts from the rooftops

Give and it shall be given you again good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men put into your bosom.

Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things will be added unto you.

It is not only in holy writ but look around you, SEE which are the wealthy nations and which are the poor.

We are such a foolish people but God has never hidden Himself in riddles.
The thing is, people don't like looking at the bare truth of things. It's sort of like staring at the sun - it hurts.

I think that's why we keep trying to fabricate things to hide God and what He plainly says.



New member
I do not know about complex codes being far to simple myself for anything not made clear by a Father for His children

Seems to me Paul was quite clear when he said they spoke of the wisdom of God in a mystery that indicates to me there is much more to learning the truths of God than can be gained by just studying the Bible like some elementry school kid looking to pass basic arithmetic.

God was kind enough to reveal to me what was hidden away in the law and in particular the laws for determining the truth that I have spelled out in rather long fashion at the link below........... but only if one has better things to do than gain the keys for unlocking all of the mysteries of God

Well, here's the thing in a nutshell.

1) HaShem did it, and anything He does is beautiful in my eyes, period.

2) I can't believe the work of His hands needs to be defended to Christians.

3) It's been used of Him for a powerful witness to people who wouldn't believe any other way.

4) Those of you it bothers, please take it up with Him. Peace


New member
Well, here's the thing in a nutshell.

1) HaShem did it, and anything He does is beautiful in my eyes, period.

2) I can't believe the work of His hands needs to be defended to Christians.

3) It's been used of Him for a powerful witness to people who wouldn't believe any other way.

4) Those of you it bothers, please take it up with Him. Peace

Fair enough :thumb:


New member
At times the ancient scribes did add code to their writings, however, for the most part there is no code in most biblical writings. Always be careful not to imagine vain things.


New member
You should do the same. You clearly have not studied the subject, yet decided you were qualified to make a blanket statement. That's a pretty vain thing. If you HAD, you would know there is NO WAY, the "scribes" could have encoded it the entire thing with the incredible detail that is contained therein. Nor do you understand the way the books were copied by the scribes, because if they were off by more than ONE LETTER, they were taken out and buried. Peace


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
To answer the question, though. There are some small hidden messages in the Bible. Acrostic was a poetic form in the Hebrew language, and finds some use in Scripture.

But, long sequences of codes that only computers can decipher? No such thing was intended by God or man.

If you look hard enough, you can even find things that aren't really there.

I tend to agree with this.

A problem with the sequences is that none of them are consistent through the whole bible.
In other words ...... if you take every 7th letter, it might reveal an actual coherent sentence somewhere in the mix, but the code is not consistent throughout scripture.

Desert Reign

A man called Ivan Panin in the pre-computer era spent his whole life analysing patterns in the scriptures. He learnt Hebrew and Greek and created hundreds of thousands of pages of numerical analysis showing how the scriptures were filled with astronomically improbable patterns and codes in the original languages. I was interested in this for a brief while, but it didn't take long to realise that the whole thing was built on sand. A simple failure to self-criticise. The more he studied, the more he saw - but all he was seeing was the invention of his own imaginations. He wasted his entire life on this project. He was apparently very sincere, but also so sadly misguided.
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New member
You should do the same. You clearly have not studied the subject, yet decided you were qualified to make a blanket statement. That's a pretty vain thing. If you HAD, you would know there is NO WAY, the "scribes" could have encoded it the entire thing with the incredible detail that is contained therein. Nor do you understand the way the books were copied by the scribes, because if they were off by more than ONE LETTER, they were taken out and buried. Peace

You are wrong, I have studied the subject.


A man called Ivan Panin in the pre-computer era spent his whole life analysing patterns in the scriptures. He learnt Hebrew and Greek and created hundreds of thousands of pages of numerical analysis showing how the scriptures were filled with astronomically improbable patterns and codes in the original languages. I was interested in this for a brief while, but it didn't take long to realise that the whole thing was built on sand. A simple failure to self-criticise. The more he studied, the more he saw - but all he was seeing was the invention of his own imaginations. He wasted his entire life on this project. He was apparently very sincere, but also so sadly misguided.

Dear Desert Reign,

Yes, I agree with you and AMR. We know that there are secrets at least in the books of Daniel and Revelation, and the truth of those is given to whom God decides. But note that the mystery of God shall come in the End Times. Let me quote a scripture for you:

"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be fiinished, as He hath declared to His servants, the prophets." {Rev. 10:7KJV}

I'm sure God has shown us some mysteries so far, but the ones that count will come near the end. Hang in there.

With God's Love And My Own,


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The thing is, people don't like looking at the bare truth of things. It's sort of like staring at the sun - it hurts.

I think that's why we keep trying to fabricate things to hide God and what He plainly says.


sums up mysticism quite well really.


Dear 6days,

I don't believe there are secret messages in the books of the Bible by counting every seventh letter, etc. But that doesn't mean I'm right. I need some proof, which I'm not so sure that anyone is offering here. Make this interesting and show yourself. Astound me!

Much Love, Like In Jesus Christ's Commandments,


George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
National Enquirer sometimes will have a headline like 'Hidden Code in Bible to Bring You Wealth'. Most of us pass this off as hucksterism (is that a word?)

But..... do you think there are genuine hidden messages / codes in scripture? Or, are these just attempts to read things into scripture that God didn't intend.

There is one main message to man in the Bible - Redemption by Christ.

It is hidden to those who will not hear.

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Dear 6days,

I don't believe there are secret messages in the books of the Bible by counting every seventh letter, etc. But that doesn't mean I'm right. I need some proof, which I'm not so sure that anyone is offering here. Make this interesting and show yourself. Astound me!

Much Love, Like In Jesus Christ's Commandments,


Hi Michael!

The answer to "secret" messages is in 2Pet 1:20KJV

2Pet 1:20NASB


Well-known member
It has NOTHING to do with Kabbalah OR mysticism. It is a fact, that the Father wove these things into the fabric of the Torah, and it is BEAUTIFUL to behold His workmanship, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to lie against the veracity of it being from Him because no man could do it.

It should be something awesome and amazing and worthy to be praised for the sheer magnificence of it, and instead some of you seem more inclined to spit on it. Shame on you.

If that's all it is - a thing of beauty and wonder to behold (reflective of the mathematical splendor of God), that's great. But that's not what it is used for. It is used to do more questionable things such as :

1. Confirm the inspiration of the scriptures
2. Look for other prophetic direction

The first seems like a reasonable conclusion to make, but even it is shaky. After all, the same process has been used in other works (Tolstoy's War and Peace for example - check out the .pdf on that page...and Predicted Assassinations in Moby Dick?).

The second conclusion is a bigger leap that makes the bible a possible source of divination. We are not given direction in looking for answers in any other way than reading what it plainly says (and seeking the Author for guidance). Beyond that, all we have is an open-ended process that could potentially lead people to any number of conclusions. CRI has a brief article on this.

While God does hide Himself and we are to find Him, He is clear about how we are to do so. And open-ended code hunting is not one of the ways.

The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.
Deuteronomy 29:29


Well-known member
Dear 6days,

I don't believe there are secret messages in the books of the Bible by counting every seventh letter, etc. But that doesn't mean I'm right. I need some proof, which I'm not so sure that anyone is offering here. Make this interesting and show yourself. Astound me!

Much Love, Like In Jesus Christ's Commandments,


Whether there are or not, the question becomes "So what?". What are we to do with those hidden codes when we find them? How do we apply them properly? Improperly?