Bernie Sanders, Anti-American!


Well-known member
To sum it up, Bernie Sanders "Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers"

Yep, in which 95% or more of the American people don't really care. As long as thier pan is greased, they have no issues with it.

Case in point..

Bernie Sanders is the only one running that cares for the average American. There are no Republicans worth considering and I do not like Hillary.


"The Scandinavian Dream", being overrun with Christian and secular hating Muslims. In 20 years Sweden will be ruined by their own foolishness.
A strange comment given that most Americans are descended from foreign immigrants.

Given that a US citizen has almost twice the chance of being elected president as compared to being killed by a terrorist attack, this ongoing demonizing of Moslem refugees is an appalling reflection on American Christians and their values.
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New member
Have some more kool-aid...:chuckle: The man is an old hippie commie nut job, a leftover from the sixties.

He's definitely a throw-back. One whose time has come again, I would say.

I can say as someone on the Right that I hope he gets the nomination, and it is not confusing why support for him has risen, Hillary is a naked felon just awaiting an indictment, her exploits as SOS are trashing what little bit of credibility she has, which aint much. Bernie is the best thing that could happen for the republicans in this cycle, the lunacy on the left assures that the only people voting for a Bernie or Hillary are hardcore leftists but, the independents (a 45% voting block) will leave the left hanging this go around, they can't sell it to them again. :thumb:

I don't think Clinton's emails are really driving a lot of the support. And I think you're underestimating Sanders's mainstream appeal. But we will see.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
While attending the University of Chicago, Sanders joined the Young People’s Socialist League, the youth wing of the Socialist Party USA. He also organized for a communist front, the United Packinghouse Workers Union, which at the time was under investigation by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

After graduating with a political science degree, Sanders moved to Vermont, where he headed the American People’s History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda. There, he produced a glowing documentary on the life of socialist revolutionary Eugene Debs, who was jailed for espionage during the Red Scare and hailed by the Bolsheviks as “America’s greatest Marxist.”

He is steeped in this stuff, having begun his political career with the radical Liberty Union party in the 1970s. Liberty Union sometimes ran its own candidates but generally endorsed candidates from other parties, most often the Socialist Party USA, making a few exceptions: twice for Lenora Fulani’s New Alliance party and once for the Workers World party, a Communist party that split with Henry Wallace’s Progressives over its view of Mao Zedong’s murderous rule and the Soviet Union’s invasion of Hungary — both of which it supported. The radical political language of the 1970s and 1980s spoke of a capitalist conspiracy or a conspiracy of bankers (a conspiracy of Jewish bankers, in the ugliest versions), a notion to which Sanders pays ongoing tribute with the phrase “rigged economy.”

Read more at: is steeped in this stuff, having begun his political career with the radical Liberty Union party in the 1970s. Liberty Union sometimes ran its own candidates but generally endorsed candidates from other parties, most often the Socialist Party USA, making a few exceptions: twice for Lenora Fulani’s New Alliance party and once for the Workers World party, a Communist party that split with Henry Wallace’s Progressives over its view of Mao Zedong’s murderous rule and the Soviet Union’s invasion of Hungary — both of which it supported. The radical political language of the 1970s and 1980s spoke of a capitalist conspiracy or a conspiracy of bankers (a conspiracy of Jewish bankers, in the ugliest versions), a notion to which Sanders pays ongoing tribute with the phrase “rigged economy.” Criminalizing things is very much on Bernie’s agenda, beginning with the criminalization of political dissent.

“He’s a socialist,” Mr. Brock said. “He’s got a 30-year history of affiliation with a lot of whack-doodle ideas and parties. Think about what the Republicans will do with the fact that he’s a socialist in the fall.”

Sanders’s decision to jump into Democratic Party presidential politics represents a decisive break from the man he calls his hero: Eugene V. Debs. Debs spent his whole life building the Socialist Party as an alternative to the two capitalist parties. Year in and year out, he insisted that “the differences between the Republican and Democratic Parties involve no issue, no principle in which the working class have any interest.”

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
I'm broadly with you on the point, but do the math on you analogy.

If Presidents change every 4 years, it would take 10,000 years on no terrorists attacks for that to be true taking 911 into consideration.



Well-known member
I would add Republicans too. In the In case you didn't know file...

Yet, even though most people think there are many differences between Sanders and the typical Republican member of Congress and between Sanders and the current crop of Republican presidential candidates, there are not as many differences as most people think.

It is because Sanders and Republicans support so many of the same things that I have prepared this Sanders-Republican checklist.

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on Head Start:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on farm subsidies:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on Medicare:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on Medicaid:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on Social Security:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on food stamps:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to provide the refundable Additional Child Tax Credit:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to give students Pell Grants:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG):

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on the National School Lunch Program (NSLP):

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF):

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on Supplemental Security Income (SSI):

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP):

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers to provide the refundable Earned Income Tax Credit (ETIC):

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to pay unemployment benefits:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to fund Section 8 rent subsidies:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to fund community health centers:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP):

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and funding federal job training programs:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on Women, Infants, and Children (WIC):

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Clearly, Republicans are incorrigible welfare statists just like Democrats, and just like the “socialist” Bernie Sanders.

As if being such supporters of the welfare state that FDR and LBJ would be proud was not horrible enough, Republicans are just like Sanders when it comes to many other issues as well. Enough to continue the Sanders-Republican checklist.

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to fight the war on drugs:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers to operate the National Instant Criminal Background Check System:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to enforce federal anti-discrimination laws:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and spending it on foreign military interventions:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and giving it to NASA for space exploration:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and giving it to foreigners and their governments:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to enforce federal gambling laws:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to fund the Elementary and Secondary Education Act:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to fund the departments of Health and Human Services, Education, Housing and Urban Development, and Energy:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Supports taking money from U.S. taxpayers and using it to fund the FTC, EEOC, FCC, SEC, NEA, NEH, EPA, FHA, ATF, and TSA:

[√] Bernie Sanders [√] The majority of Republicans

Just like welfare spending, all of this spending is unconstitutional.

IOW, we are already a social democracy, just like the Scandinavian countries he admires, and Republicans are already good with it, in fact, are probably glad we don't live in 1900 when we didn't have most of these things. Yesterday's "socialism" is today's necessity.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
A strangle comment given that most Americans are descended from foreign immigrants.

Given that a US citizen has almost twice the chance of being elected president as compared to being killed by a terrorist attack, this ongoing demonizing of Moslem refugees is an appalling reflection on American Christians and their values.

Moslem refugees?
OK, I make these errors myself.

There is no way I can imagine Muslims, as the same as Irish Catholic immigrants, or the polish Catholics. they do have a different religion, a variation of Christianity, but , and this is the most important part, the Irish and Polish never threatened anyone with their beliefs, they never beat and murdered innocent people, or harmed women. Muslims are like street gangsters, yet are ten times more prone to violence against innocents!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
IOW, we are already a social democracy, just like the Scandinavian countries he admires, and Republicans are already good with it, in fact, are probably glad we don't live in 1900 when we didn't have most of these things. Yesterday's "socialism" is today's necessity.

The world market depends in the American economy. We have the best and strongest economy, and the global market depends on us. China and Japan have come to develop a market economy based on ours, and as consequence, are doing much better than in past times. Russia wants to make similar changes, as they are the most undeveloped of all European power nations the problem is change has its impasses. Germany is also doing well, the UK may follow, while Sweden and Norway are helpless welfare states; their economy is nearly irrelevant.


Well-known member
The world market depends in the American economy. We have the best and strongest economy, and the global market depends on us. China and Japan have come to develop a market economy based on ours, and as consequence, are doing much better than in past times. Russia wants to make similar changes, as they are the most undeveloped of all European power nations the problem is change has its impasses. Germany is also doing well, the UK may follow, while Sweden and Norway are helpless welfare states; their economy is nearly irrelevant.

Norway is a helpless state with a top 7 GDP per capita? Sweden and Denmark have quite good GDP per capita as well (on par with Germany and higher than the UK). With vastly superior social security compared to the US, and of course much lower crime rates, especially violent crimes which is obviously related to social welfare.

The US is sadly in the stone age when it comes to social security relative to western standards.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Norway is a helpless state with a top 7 GDP per capita? Sweden and Denmark have quite good GDP per capita as well (on par with Germany and higher than the UK). With vastly superior social security compared to the US, and of course much lower crime rates, especially violent crimes which is obviously related to social welfare.

The US is sadly in the stone age when it comes to social security relative to western standards.
You are a moron!
It is GNP that measures world market performance. Sweden is down with Turkey and Norway is with Indonesia.

Another difference is Turkey will rise, as well Indonesia, and where Indonesia, a so-called 'third-word' country, is going to pass both these lame ducks in the next ten years.

Read the chart, think before you make senseless statements. The USA is way ahead, and Japan follows. Why not Sweden and Norway, because they have policies which will drain their wealth until they are like 'third-world' countries, then see where the GDP will be. Cannot live off your own fat forever!

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
sorry you need to be looking at GDP per head that gives an idea of standard of living.

Raw GDP juts tells you who is doing well and has a big country.

You are a moron!
It is GNP that measures world market performance. Sweden is down with Turkey and Norway is with Indonesia.

Another difference is Turkey will rise, as well Indonesia, and where Indonesia, a so-called 'third-word' country, is going to pass both these lame ducks in the next ten years.

Read the chart, think before you make senseless statements. The USA is way ahead, and Japan follows. Why not Sweden and Norway, because they have policies which will drain their wealth until they are like 'third-world' countries, then see where the GDP will be. Cannot live off your own fat forever!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
sorry you need to be looking at GDP per head that gives an idea of standard of living.

Raw GDP juts tells you who is doing well and has a big country.

Yes, if I was looking at individual standard of living, then GDP, but I am not looking at that as much as how well their market is doing. What has been happening is China has not been importing as much, die to economic issue, and this effect the US economy, as well, all markets.

Norway and Sweden have little market effect; what they import and export is hardly a global concern. They are living on past gains, and will not maintain the standard of living in the future.

If I were half my age and had to live outside the US, China would be much better, for me personally, than neither of those lame countries. Besides, they are way too cold.

The Berean

Well-known member
Yes, if I was looking at individual standard of living, then GDP, but I am not looking at that as much as how well their market is doing. What has been happening is China has not been importing as much, die to economic issue, and this effect the US economy, as well, all markets.

Norway and Sweden have little market effect; what they import and export is hardly a global concern. They are living on past gains, and will not maintain the standard of living in the future.

If I were half my age and had to live outside the US, China would be much better, for me personally, than neither of those lame countries. Besides, they are way too cold.
Sweden especially is having some serious issues with the large immigration recently. They are importing large numbers of refugees even though Sweden has a job and housing shortage. Most of the refugees are being herded into "ghettos" and live apart from native Swedes. In essence Sweden is creating a new poor underclass with slim hopes for finding quality housing or jobs. This guy living in Sweden makes lots of good points about this.

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