Well-known member
No system ever invented has proven as confiscatory as capitalism.
That's what Marx and Lenin used to say. Of course that's why you say it too.
No system ever invented has proven as confiscatory as capitalism.
Sanders is more a threat to anyone who leans a little to the right. He also is a threat to middle-age persons seeking retirement stability, as well Middle-Class persons who do not want income tax increases. Many moderates, who will accept Clinton, will not go for Sanders; he is to anti-capitalist.
It stole people and land, and it mortgages the natural environment against the future. It commodities lives and exploits workers for profits for owners, transferring wealth to owners. It is far more confiscatory than any other system invented to date.
Well, except for Chinese communism. Which is to say, some compromise between capitalism and socialism.
Sanders is more a threat to anyone who leans a little to the right. He also is a threat to middle-age persons seeking retirement stability, as well Middle-Class persons who do not want income tax increases. Many moderates, who will accept Clinton, will not go for Sanders; he is to anti-capitalist.
It gives people opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty. It also profits the owners. Everyone wins. The ones who don't win are those who hate profit and anyone who has more wealth than they do.
The first time I hear someone utter the word " exploit ", I know I'm dealing with someone who despises profit. I also know I'm dealing with someone who thinks living anything but a spartan lifestyle is evil and that we should lower our population to before the bronze age.
How has that been working out? The taxes are already too high, so many business folks are moving their operations out of this country. This country isn't far from being another Greece. I think that we're looking at big problems soon, and that's without offering any more free stuff that we can't pay for.
It stole people and land, and it mortgages the natural environment against the future. It commodities lives and exploits workers for profits for owners, transferring wealth to owners. It is far more confiscatory than any other system invented to date.
Well, except for Chinese communism. Which is to say, some compromise between capitalism and socialism.
Strongly advise any thinking person to carefully and thoughtfully read that link, btw.
TB, you can go watch Teletubbies.
what they have in common is some of the worlds highest infant and child mortality rates."Replacement" fertility rate--i.e., the number you need for merely a stable population, not getting any bigger, not getting any smaller--is 2.1 babies per woman. Some countries are well above that: the global fertility leader, Somalia, is 6.91, Niger 6.83, Afghanistan 6.78, Yemen 6.75. Notice what those nations have in common?
That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Capitalism may not be perfect, but it has brought more people out of poverty than anything else in the world by far, and continues to do so.
Sanders is more a threat to anyone who leans a little to the right. He also is a threat to middle-age persons seeking retirement stability, as well Middle-Class persons who do not want income tax increases. Many moderates, who will accept Clinton, will not go for Sanders; he is to anti-capitalist.
You only know how to spout marxist false diatribes, I guess that's all they teach nowadays.
pre-industrial life and that of today’s ordinary Americans.
Throughout most of human history, nearly everyone was poor. Even our wealthiest ancestors enjoyed lower standards of living than ordinary people in America today. It was not until the beginning of the 19th century that the masses started to enjoy real and growing prosperity.
so why does the United States have staggeringly high poverty rates while Democratic Socialist states have almost no one living in poverty?
People living in poverty in America are mostly there due to bad choices and lifestyle. The Scandinavian states are mostly homogeneous and with very little military. That helps keep.poverty low.
Also, the poor in America often have things Scandinavians can only dream of.
There isn't much room for growth in those countries either. You are pretty much set for life.
In America, people who make good choices often move up very fast in life.
Perhaps "journey" should consider moving to Flint Michigan to see how far the state, under the conservative leadership of Republican Governor Rick Snyder, is willing to put people's health at risk to save a few dollars!I can't believe that many people would vote for a socialist. Most people are smart enough to know that somebody always has to pay for all of the free stuff. That's why the free stuff societies are doomed to eventual failure.
People living in poverty in America are mostly there due to bad choices and lifestyle. The Scandinavian states are mostly homogeneous and with very little military. That helps keep.poverty low. Also, the poor in America often have things Scandinavians can only dream of. There isn't much room for growth in those countries either. You are pretty much set for life. In America, people who make good choices often move up very fast in life.
The ""bad choice" is being born in the US and not Scandinavia!Intergenerational Mobility
It turns out that compared to the equivalent set of parent-offspring pairs in Scandinavian countries, sons whose Fathers are in the bottom 20% are much less upwardly mobile in the US. Throw in the fact that compared to the US, there is much less concentration of wealth and income in Sweden, Finland, and Denmark, you begin to wonder why other countries aren't emulating at least some features of these economies. (A good place to start is for countries to consider Sweden's approach to financial sector regulation!)
Here are the results of the multi-nation study on Intergenerational Upward Mobility:
Estimated quintile group mobility: Assuming a Father is in the bottom 20% of all earners, what is the probability that his offspring will be in the same income group? Perfect Mobility implies that offsprings of a parent in the bottom (or top) 20% income group, are equally distributed across each of the five income quintiles.
Father is in the BOTTOM 20%: The upward mobility of sons is much less likely in the US. In the US, 42% of sons stay in the bottom 20%. Moreover 66% (or two-thirds) of all sons remain within the bottom 40% of all earners. Outside the US the comparable proportion who remain in the bottom 40% of all earners are: UK (53%), Sweden (50%), Norway (51%), Finland (51%), and Denmark (47%). Put another way, in the US a son whose father was in the bottom 20% of all earners has only a 1 in 3 chance of ending up in the top 60%. His odds of ending up in the top 60% would be much higher in Sweden (1 in 2).
which is why Sanders is proposing getting rid of entitlements that we can neither afford or provide us with any identifiable benefit. Corporate welfare for example.
It gives people opportunity to lift themselves out of poverty.
It also profits the owners.
Everyone wins.
The ones who don't win are those who hate profit and anyone who has more wealth than they do.
The first time I hear someone utter the word " exploit ", I know I'm dealing with someone who despises profit. I also know I'm dealing with someone who thinks living anything but a spartan lifestyle is evil and that we should lower our population to before the bronze age.
Sanders is a communist idiot who would run what's left of this country into the ground in record time. By the way, Social Security is not part of the free stuff I was talking about. Social Security was paid for and earned over a lifetime. Social Security is a legal debt - completely UNLIKE a free college education poor old Bernie is pushing. Poor old Bernie has no common sense and just wants to spend more money that we don't have. Rich folks could pay 100% of what they make and not solve the problem. We need to get some common sense before it's too late.
While the cost of tuition remains a major barrier for many students in the US, a number of countries have adopted a tuition-free policy - some have even extended that privilege to their subsidize their "poor" American cousins.Sanders is a communist idiot who would run what's left of this country into the ground in record time. By the way, Social Security is not part of the free stuff I was talking about. Social Security was paid for and earned over a lifetime. Social Security is a legal debt - completely UNLIKE a free college education poor old Bernie is pushing. Poor old Bernie has no common sense and just wants to spend more money that we don't have. Rich folks could pay 100% of what they make and not solve the problem. We need to get some common sense before it's too late.