Believing in vain- 1Co 15:2


Well-known member
Vs. this "face"(loosely employed here), old "lady"?:

You have more lines, than the unemploymentr line in which you stand every week.

What are you-in your late 70's, granny?

Nice loser specs.

Start working out, and ditch that mop of yours, you grey haired spinster. And wear at least a little war paint, to cover those craters/valleys, on that ugly face.

So there, dike-ette.


Your Christ-likeness overwhelms me.

You learn all that in Sunday School?

Or did you learn that from your husband?

You need a new Master.

FWIW - I'm praying for you.

I pray God will grant you the sorrow that leads to repentance, not the worldly sorrow that leads to death.

I pray that His love will be shed abroad in your heart and that you may learn to grace others with that love.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks; may He cleanse and disturb your heart even as He works the same grace in mine.

Light will shine into darkness...Hallelujah!

I am claiming you for God our Father and for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace and Peace be upon you.

In him,



[As a reminder john w is number 58 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib: [2 Thess 1:7-9]

"II. PAUL’S PROMISE TO THE CHURCH AT THESSALONICA (1:5–10): The apostle says their trials will be used to accomplish a twofold purpose.
A. What (1:5–6)
1. Concerning the persecuted (1:5): Their hardships will be used to prepare believers for the Kingdom of God.
2. Concerning the persecutors (1:6): God is already preparing judgment and punishment for those who harm believers.
B. When (1:7–10): Both purposes will be accomplished at Christ’s second coming." Willmington, H. L. (1999). The Outline Bible (2 Th 1:4–10). Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.




New member
Grace and Love.

You commented, "I am claiming you for God our Father and for our Lord Jesus Christ."

If the Holy Spirit were to grant your petition John would be judged on what he says and does. I don't wish that on John at all, instead I wish him peace and well-being.


Well-known member
You commented, "I am claiming you for God our Father and for our Lord Jesus Christ."

If the Holy Spirit were to grant your petition John would be judged on what he says and does. I don't wish that on John at all, instead I wish him peace and well-being.

We're all judged for what we say and do.

I'm claiming John for the Kingdom...the same way I claim my family, friends and colleagues.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Your Christ-likeness overwhelms me.

You learn all that in Sunday School?

Or did you learn that from your husband?

You need a new Master.

FWIW - I'm praying for you.

I pray God will grant you the sorrow that leads to repentance, not the worldly sorrow that leads to death.

I pray that His love will be shed abroad in your heart and that you may learn to grace others with that love.

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks; may He cleanse and disturb your heart even as He works the same grace in mine.

Light will shine into darkness...Hallelujah!

I am claiming you for God our Father and for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace and Peace be upon you.

In him,


Why you deceiving little hypocrite.Here are your " Christ-likeness" "posts," about me, from the pits of hell:

Post #44

Dear Vanity Fair,

Your braggadocio always make me laugh so hard I have to pee. I really don't know how you get all of that out of your mouth without vomiting.

Maybe that is another of your talents (you have so many).

Go tell you husband you need spanked.

Post #47

All those's why:

Click image for larger version.

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...your lovely face.

Post #49

Your profile pic doesn't do you justice.

You should've hired a professional.

Now, which side of your face would you like slapped, actress?

I know, I know....I will pray for you, John W....

Save it-I need no devil prayers from you.

Can you dig it?

"Or did you learn that from your husband?"-you

Stuff your satanic charge-I'm a man, who digs women.

Understand, dyke? Perhaps your short haired "domestic partner" can explain it to you. She will...

See how that works, devil child?

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
I respectfully disagree.

His Gospel is still Peace to the whole world; to the saved and to the reprobate. It never changes.
Jesus died to make salvation possible to all, and specifically to those whom God will call according to His providence.

I think what you mean is that the reprobate has not yet appropriated the free gift of peace with God by His grace through faith.
Perhaps he never will.
But it is still there.


Well-known member
I respectfully disagree.

His Gospel is still Peace to the whole world; to the saved and to the reprobate. It never changes.
Jesus died to make salvation possible to all, and specifically to those whom God will call according to His providence.

I think what you mean is that the reprobate has not yet appropriated the free gift of peace with God by His grace through faith.
Perhaps he never will.
But it is still there.

Reprobate = non-elect.

Apart from Total Depravity, does any part of TULIP apply for the non-elect, George?

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
Hi M.!! Nice to talk to you.
I hope your Christmas is wonderful in your worship of Him.

I am a 5-point Calvinist with respect to doctrine so I hear what you are saying.
The over-arching principle of all doctrinal understanding must be God's sovereignty.
Correct theology, and the understanding of redemptive principles as applied by Him, is profitable and necessary. It is an indication that we have the Spirit of God.
But I do not believe that doctrine is the essence of the gospel (good news).

There were many who came to Jesus to hear this good news who walked away. Nevertheless, Jesus offered them His gift.
He had compassion on many who rejected Him. "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do".

Doctrine is important for our understanding. But Jesus is personal. If I see Him only through the eyes of doctrinal correctness, I have lost contact with the real Jesus who loves me personally and who came to give me good news. There are many who, at the last day, will hear the words "I never knew you". Perhaps they will have had a perfect doctrinal stance and have believed with all their heart in Limited Atonement but it will do them no good. Knowing Him personally is all that will matter.

TULIP is simply head knowledge of the highest order, guided by God, for our understanding of the technical details of redemption. So, you will forgive me, I am sure, if I say that the gospel is based on, but not doctrine and TULIP is not the gospel.


Well-known member
Hi M.!! Nice to talk to you.
I hope your Christmas is wonderful in your worship of Him.

I am a 5-point Calvinist with respect to doctrine so I hear what you are saying.
The over-arching principle of all doctrinal understanding must be God's sovereignty.
Correct theology, and the understanding of redemptive principles as applied by Him, is profitable and necessary. It is an indication that we have the Spirit of God.
But I do not believe that doctrine is the essence of the gospel (good news).

There were many who came to Jesus to hear this good news who walked away. Nevertheless, Jesus offered them His gift.
He had compassion on many who rejected Him. "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do".

Doctrine is important for our understanding. But Jesus is personal. If I see Him only through the eyes of doctrinal correctness, I have lost contact with the real Jesus who loves me personally and who came to give me good news. There are many who, at the last day, will hear the words "I never knew you". Perhaps they will have had a perfect doctrinal stance and have believed with all their heart in Limited Atonement but it will do them no good. Knowing Him personally is all that will matter.

TULIP is simply head knowledge of the highest order, guided by God, for our understanding of the technical details of redemption. So, you will forgive me, I am sure, if I say that the gospel is based on, but not doctrine and TULIP is not the gospel.


The issue is God's revealed character -- AS HE HAS REVEALED IT.

Part of that revealed character is His inability to lie.

But the simple fact is, to damn people for not doing something He intended they be unable to do (per TULIP) is blasphemous.

If you really do comprehend that portion of my argument, then respond to it specifically:

How does a non-lying God blame choiceless people for doing exactly what His sovereignty foreordained they do - reject the Gospel - and not be a liar?