Here's something to make s9 happy
Here's something to make s9 happy
While not a KJO'er myself, I do agree with them on the point that the newer translations try too hard to
interpret what the Bible means (and there is a difference between translation and interpretation).
For illustration, try this out: do a search on the number of occurences of "love" and "judgment" in the KJV, NASB, NIV, and RSV. Note the discrepancies.
Now, this isn't to say that the newer versions corrupt or omit the unnegotiables of our faith (the virgin birth, resurrection, justification by faith, etc.). But it can show where the focus is shifting to. It's kind of interesting to see how, in most cases, the newer versions tend to favor love over judgment by a noticeably larger margin than the KJV. That seems to fall in with the current mainstream trend of presenting the Lord as a sugar-daddy as opposed to one who requires righteousness.
Do I see a grin spreading over s9's face? You're welcome to that one.
I still, however, hold the view that the newer versions are not entirely worthless. And above all, the Holy Spirit is needed for rightly dividing the word in any situation, as well as a heart to know the Lord as He is.
Paging Dr. Deutsch
Did you know there is something of a KJO-movement among German evangelicals as well? It doesn't seem to be very big, from what I gather, but there are a few who are promoting the Luther 1545 in much the same way KJO'ers present the KJV and argue against the newer versions. More info can be found here: (sorry, it's all
auf deutsch, so I'm afraid you monolingual types will miss out on the fun

Don't know if I'm too crazy about that one or not. The 1545 is great (and the facsimile in my library is the prize of my collection), but getting past the antiquated and inconsistent spelling is rather laborious. Of course, I thought the Fraktur print in my 1912 was kind of laborious to get past, too, but after three years of using it, I've adjusted to it.
jt "ich bin überzeugt, daß der HERR deutsch kann" h