BATTLE TALK ~ Battle Royale IV - JALTUS vs. s9s27s54

BATTLE TALK ~ Battle Royale IV - JALTUS vs. s9s27s54


    Votes: 29 87.9%
  • s9s27s54

    Votes: 4 12.1%

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Jaltus, your point?
My point is that I Thess 1:3 has two words governed by the same article, making them the same, whereas I Tim. 6:3 does not, making them different.

It is called grammar. Grammatically, "words" and "doctrine" are two different things.


New member
John14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Jesus says that he is the truth. Doctrine is truth.
Assumption, you have no evidence to back this up. Again, please show where Jesus is equated with doctrine in scripture. You see, Jesus IS the truth, doctrine is ABOUT the truth. Doctrine is one step removed.


New member
II Timothy 3;16 is perfect, keeping doctrine and inspiration separated.

Scripture is "profitable for doctrine," it is not doctrine.

Is scripture the word of God or not?

You see, I believe that scripture is the words of God (the Word is Jesus Himself, John 1). Scrupture comes before doctrine, doctrine is derived from scripture. Doctrine is based on interpretation, scripture is based on inspiration.

Doctrine can be flawed, for it is a prduct of human minds with the help of the Spirit, but scripture is flawless, for it is the product of the Holy Spirit with the help of human minds.

bill betzler

New member
John14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

This is my doctrine. It is equivalent to the scriptures. It is not one step removed.

The bible says that the HS will lead us into all truth. You can't blame bad doctrine on the HS.


New member
Originally posted by Pilgrimagain

Bill I'm nor sure what you want me to say. I agree with Jaltus on this one. HUman doctrine is not equatable to Jesus Christ. If Rapt is correct in saying the Jesus condemened human tradition then the KJVO's need to look out because they base their faith soley on a certain tradition of translation and interpretation and not on the final authority of God.

Christ and God are much bigger than our flawed human doctrine.

Doctrine MEANS teaching, that's all! It does NOT necessarily imply the teaching of men!

Jaltus: (quoting bill betzler)

>John14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Jesus says that he is the truth. Doctrine is truth.<

Assumption, you have no evidence to back this up. Again, please show where Jesus is equated with doctrine in scripture. You see, Jesus IS the truth, doctrine is ABOUT the truth. Doctrine is one step removed.

Man, if all the scripture that has been quoted can't persuade you that Jesus IS the Doctrine of God, then neither will you be persuaded though one rises from the dead!

Jesus IS the Word of God. Scripture verifies this. It doesn't say that He merely spake the Word of God (doctrine), it actually says that He IS God's Word made flesh.

Don't you get that yet?

bill betzler

New member
You see, I believe that scripture is the words of God (the Word is Jesus Himself, John 1). Scrupture comes before doctrine, doctrine is derived from scripture. Doctrine is based on interpretation, scripture is based on inspiration.

I understand what you are saying. Very logical. But I disagree, in that I do not think that doctrine is interpretation but rather understanding. Hence, the HS guides us into all truth.

Jaltus, I appreciate the conversation. No hard feelings.


New member
none in the least, Bill.

I think our disagreement is more terminology than anything else. I call doctrine that which is second order only. What you call doctrine I would call "the teaching of scripture" or some such, things that are outright spelled out in scripture. However, things such as the Trinity, which has solid backing in scripture but not a clear, logical formulation, that would be what I call a doctrine.


You said doctrine is teaching. Yes and no. I would call doctrine the teaching of the church. The teaching of Christ I would call scripture. Read my above section to Bill, and you will see it is more a difference of terminology.

I do not want constructs of man confused with constructs of God. God is obviously much better at this than we are. The fall tends to mar even how we think of God, or especially how we think about God.


New member


Originally posted by Explosived

Yes Luther did. I can find you some more info if you like on the Waldensians.

By all means, do. Feel free to either post it or send it to me via email. I've found quite a bit on them already.

What I would love to get hold of is a copy of their Bible translated into German (electronic or even a hardcopy facsimile), and compare it with Luther (or Zwingli).



New member
Re: Luther: honest or deranged?

Re: Luther: honest or deranged?

Originally posted by rapt
Luther hated God's Word.

Riiiight. That explains why he worked so hard on translating the Scriptures into German. Not to mention why he used Scripture to denounce abuses within the Catholic Church. :rolleyes:

He called James "the epistle of straw" because, at first glance, it seemed to completely contradict the idea of justification by faith which changed his life so much. But note that he included it in the canon of Scripture nonetheless. Every version of the Luther Bible I have (including his own 1545 version) has James in it.

He hated the Jews,

He was extremely impatient with them. He expected them to run to Christ according to his (Luther's) own timetable. When they wouldn't, he decided to pout and and throw temper tantrums over them.

To me Luther was no more a man of God than Benny Hinn or A. A. Allen

Well, you are entitled to your opinions. But the German Reformation for which he was a major player influenced reforms in the church in England, including the creation of the Authorized Version of the English Bible.



New member
Luther rejected certain books of the bible, yet included them in the canon because a bible without them would never have been accepted by the people.

He was extremely impatient with (the Jews). He expected them to run to Christ according to his (Luther's) own timetable. When they wouldn't, he decided to pout and and throw temper tantrums over them.
He WISHED THEY WERE ALL DEAD, and gave such "advice" to his followers. That's quite a bit worse than deciding to merely "pout and and throw temper tantrums over them". I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be a Jew and live in Luther's jurisdiction! Talk about authoritarian cults! Both Luther and Calvin acted out the practices of many popes...murder in Christ's name.

God used a mule to rebuke Balaam. He used Assyria, Babylon, and Rome to chastize His people. God can use the basest of men to reform a cult as dark as the Catholic church. See, God can even use me to manifest Luther's lies! :p
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bill betzler

New member

Thank you for your last post. I too thought terminology was part of our disagreement.

Just fine tuning my explanation a little.

2 Timothy 3:16
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

I look at this verse and and read thus: Scripture is profitable for doctrine. So if you quote a scripture and say it is your doctrine you fulfill this verse. If you modify the scriptures in the least, it is no longer scripture and no longer profitable. So necessarily , according to scripture, real doctrine is scripture. This is then the litmus test to judge doctrine by.

Reading the verse this way does not violate your grammatical understanding, which I don't understand. We do not use all of the scripture for our doctrine, therefore , doctrine is a part of scripture. But, we can use any part of it that we wish.


Originally posted by rapt
Luther rejected certain books of the bible, yet included them in the canon because a bible without them would never have been accepted by the people.

That is just silly. Luther stood up to the entire Catholic tradition facing excommunication and death. Do you really think a little thing like the book of James would have worried him that much?

See, God can even use me to manifest Luther's lies! :p

Trust me, God is not using in this.


New member
What's wrong with John 3:16????

What's wrong with John 3:16????

JOHN 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son that who so ever believed in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.

The life is in the Son.


New member
That explains why he worked so hard on translating the Scriptures into German.

Not too mention creating a new German language that everyone could understand, so that everyone could read his Bible. Yep, he must've really hated God's word, rapt.

God bless,
Dr. Deutsch


New member
Luther stood up to the entire Catholic tradition facing excommunication and death.

Yet Luther took with him a number of Catholic heresies and traditions and was NOT killed. HMMMM.

Any conspiracy theorists around here?


New member
Anyone ever read The Trail of Blood by J.M. Carroll?

Those whom broke away from the Catholic Church continued in heresie and murder just as their mother taught them to do.

There has always been the believer who was niether Catholic or Protestant. And they have always been persecuted and even now they are persecuted.


no I have never read it. Never even heard of it actually.
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