Baptiized in the Name or the Titles, Does it Matter?


New member
Sir so when Jesus speak to the Latino Prohets, and he don't speak Hebrew nor English or Greek. Trust me the Lord will speak Spanish to him and he will know that is Jesús. The point you are making is just a circle going right back to commonsense things they spoke Hebrew which was old time Aramaic. So of course the didn't say Jesus in English tongues. You speak English so just say Jesus.

We can do so, no problem.
But I'm trying to think logically. In the military I went to Germany and the Germans called me by my English name and I called them by their German name. We did not have to change our name and I can't see why one would even consider changing the name that is above all names, Jehoshua.


New member
We can do so, no problem.
But I'm trying to think logically. In the military I went to Germany and the Germans called me by my English name and I called them by their German name. We did not have to change our name and I can't see why one would even consider changing the name that is above all names, Jehoshua.

Jehoshua is a person in the Scripture, Jesus is His name. We're people killed by the name Jehoshua or Jesus.? And one more question, if God said He will reveal His name to the people why would He use a name that was already use before.?


New member
We can do so, no problem.
But I'm trying to think logically. In the military I went to Germany and the Germans called me by my English name and I called them by their German name. We did not have to change our name and I can't see why one would even consider changing the name that is above all names, Jehoshua.

You are try to be logical with the Spirt won't work that's why you are in a uproar about His name, logic don't work with God.
Isaiah 55:8 'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.'

9 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.'
Can't use logic with Spirit. It will confuse you.


New member
of course it was there in the Hebrew that is not the issue the issue is that is was replaced by GOD or LORD or YHWH or Jehovah or a bunch of nick names and's new as YAH in English because well translators and publishers realize it is important...

No, the YHWH was not replaced by anyone. God and Lord are acceptable words to use referring to the Almighty, as He has used those terms Himself as recorded in the OT [Elohiym and Ba'al/Adon]. There is a translation Code that is used in the English from the Hebrew in reference to YHWH, Elohiym,and Lord found in the preface of some Bibles, which has been commonly used. "Yah" is not a new term. It's been in the English text all along.

1611 King James
Psalm 68:4 Sing vnto God, sing praises to his Name: extoll him that rideth vpon the heauens, by his Name Iah, and reioyce before him.

Authorized King James
Psalm 68:4
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.

so before 1600 Jesus in English was something else...

IESUS until the hardened French J evolved into English. IESUS is actually the Latin form of the Greek IESOUS.

and has asked us to obey the third commandment and we'll remember His name too...

What does the third commandment have to with the pronunciation of the YHWH?

Try and cash a check at your bank addressed to Honeybunz...or sign your mortgage "twittybird"

Imagine you name in the book of life as well someone else'

There are several people with my exact same name. So how do you think the Lord tells us apart? With little notes in the margins?

I fail to see what this has to do with the pronunciation of the YHWH - which NO ONE knows. The names you picked are not even Hebrew and do not accurately reveal the pronunciation of the YHWH. Seems over the top hypocritical to me.


New member
His culture custom and tradition were beyond that of the cross...

The purpose of His coming was to preach the Kingdom of God and to be crucified for the sins of mankind. That is not Jewish culture or tradition.

now what are you going on about? denying His Jewishness and Hebrew name might be rooted in the desperate attempt of those to "sell the gospel" to pagan Europeans by making it all easier and attractive And not of the suspicious of the Jews...

I am not denying Jesus was born a Jew as prophesied. But the point of His coming was not be Jewish. He was and is the Son of God. Jesus is not a pagan name. It is Yeshua transliterated into the Greek because the Greeks cannot pronounce Yeshua. They do not have the "yeh" sound or the "sh" sound, so they picked letters from their alphabet that most closely replicated the name.

It's like when you hear people from China who speak English and use the "w" sound in place of the "r". It's also common in the USA, depending on where you are raised to insert "r" into the English. For instance, peeps from NY and NJ may say rorsh for wash, etc.

He would disagree and said as much

so He doesn't keep His own law? Interesting...the very thing that describes Him...His Character...

Why would God keep His own Law? He is perfect and sinless, as is Christ. There is no purpose for the Lord to keep the Law. He is Righteous and Holy. The Law was given to point out sin and to give righteousness to Israel for obedience. God/Jesus knows what sin is!! In fact, God changed the Law and did what He pleased in regard to it. It is His to do with as He pleased. That is why He broke that covenant and gave a new covenant. That is why Jesus died for sin, which is prohibited in the Law. If Jesus kept the Law of Moses, then He would not have been crucified. There is absolutely zero evidence in the Bible that Jesus kept or had to keep the Law of Moses in order to die for sin. Jesus was born the Savior, the sinless Lamb of God. He was approved by God before His death and chosen to be the Sacrifice for sin before the world was created.

Love huh? Love mercy compassion etc NOT in the OT? Wow...

I never stated such a thing. It is simply your knee jerk reaction.

Just a branch there..not grafted into anything...just lying on the ground there...

No root...


Grafted into Christ Jesus. He is the Tree, the Trunk, the Root, the Branch, the Vine. All those little branches coming out of Him are those who belong to Him, and if they don't bear good fruit, will be cut off and burned.


New member
It's funny how defensive and bothered people get when reminded how Jewish Jesus is...

And especially when reminded how the first century church was all festival and Sabbath keeping...even kosher...

That is way too

They were not Sabbath keepers. You have vivid imagination. They went to the synagogues on the Sabbath to preach Christ. The Gentiles gathered outside to hear about Jesus. The Jews were not happy with that arrangement and kicked the apostles out.

I have seen the many paintings of baby Jesus all blond and blue eyed...

Why are you bringing this up? Jesus is faceless to us. The description of John in Rev 1 is not very Jewish either. What difference does it make if He is painted as being blonde or brown haired/olive skin or African American or Chinese? Jesus is the same to all people, regardless of the color of His skin and how they perceive Him. We do not worship a man, but the Lord in Heaven, surrounded by a unimaginable hued rainbow surrounding Him. Do you think He cares that there are paintings depicting Him in a human form? Seriously?

We really try to respect other peoples names of renown...artists writers scientists etc

Monét, Van Gogh, Don know, it's kinda a snob thing to do...but it's just to respect one's culture and ethnic heritage and origin...oh and to prove how aware and learned we are...even bi-lingual

I fail to see what any of this has to do with the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But hey, why don't we just forget all that when it comes to our Creator and Author of our salvation Who specifically asked we remember His name...that's way too

We do not know the Creator's Name. For good reason. God does not want us to know it. In fact, He states in His Word that we will not know it until the age to come. Even Jesus will be given a new name. You are making an argument based totally on conjecture and supposition.

You don't have to keep the other 9 either...

There are "613" commandments in the Mosaic Law Covenant. Are you keeping them all? Why not? It's what God commanded. What is your excuse?

just some of us want know, because of what was done for us by Him...and for His Father's Name...[/qutoe]

Jesus called Him, FATHER and commanded us to do likewise. Why are worried about a name? Name in Hebrew is character, reputation, and authority. It's not a spelling or pronunciation.

I want Him to get my name right...might as well return da props...ya dig?

I do respect the name of Jesus. Jesus is the Sweetest Name I know.

I do not care what God calls me. He knows me. My name is the same as many thousands of others. He knows how much I hate my name, so why would He call me by it?


New member
The bible when translated from Aramaic, most likely the language of Jews in first century, to English;

Matthew 1 The book of the genealogy of Yeshua The Messiah, The Son of David, The Son of Abraham.

Acts 2:38 And Shimeon said to them, "Return to God and be immersed everyone of you, in the name of THE LORD JEHOVAH Yeshua, for release from sin, so that you may receive the gift of The Spirit of Holiness."

There it is for all to see. Doesn't that relate more directly to the name of God's son?

On-Line New Testament:

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Jesus was born to Mary and most assuredly was Hebrew. As such she would have named her son in the Hebrew language. 'Jehoshua'. just as the angel instructed.

Act 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

If my name was Harold in the USA it would still be that in any other country, because I am of an English speaking family. Why wouldn't the translators stick to the Hebrew word since there is no other name under heaven whereby we must be saved?

Pastors, theologians and UPC members , what is your response?
Our languages don't have the same letters as Hebrew, so we approximate using our own letters. Your attempt at doing so is Jehoshua. That's still wrong.

It's יְהוֹשׁוּעַ


New member
The bible when translated from Aramaic, most likely the language of Jews in first century, to English;

Matthew 1 The book of the genealogy of Yeshua The Messiah, The Son of David, The Son of Abraham.

Acts 2:38 And Shimeon said to them, "Return to God and be immersed everyone of you, in the name of THE LORD JEHOVAH Yeshua, for release from sin, so that you may receive the gift of The Spirit of Holiness."

There it is for all to see. Doesn't that relate more directly to the name of God's son?

On-Line New Testament:

The New Testament was not written in Aramaic. The Aramaic Name for Jesus is not Yeshua - that is Hebrew.


New member
No, the YHWH was not replaced by anyone. God and Lord are acceptable words to use referring to the Almighty, as He has used those terms Himself as recorded in the OT [Elohiym and Ba'al/Adon]. There is a translation Code that is used in the English from the Hebrew in reference to YHWH, Elohiym,and Lord found in the preface of some Bibles, which has been commonly used. "Yah" is not a new term. It's been in the English text all along.

1611 King James
Psalm 68:4 Sing vnto God, sing praises to his Name: extoll him that rideth vpon the heauens, by his Name Iah, and reioyce before him.

Authorized King James
Psalm 68:4
Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH, and rejoice before him.

Yup so I will use Yah...Iah is nice too...

IESUS until the hardened French J evolved into English. IESUS is actually the Latin form of the Greek IESOUS.

What does the third commandment have to with the pronunciation of the YHWH?
not to carry it in vain...

There are several people with my exact same name. So how do you think the Lord tells us apart? With little notes in the margins?

I fail to see what this has to do with the pronunciation of the YHWH - which NO ONE knows. The names you picked are not even Hebrew and do not accurately reveal the pronunciation of the YHWH. Seems over the top hypocritical to me.

notes in the margins? Lol no no St. Peter will ask for your thumbprint of course...or photo ID

your name your signature is only a little something of who you are but on legal documents we don't go with nick names as the formality is more serious...

No need to get your feathers all in a bunch...if it ain't interesting or proving a blessing to you well whatever...but to some if us it is...both interesting and a blessing
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New member
The purpose of His coming was to preach the Kingdom of God and to be crucified for the sins of mankind. That is not Jewish culture or tradition.
Israel? Jew is but one tribe and I know we look back to the OT through what we know about is more than just them

He did say He came for the lost sheep of Israel...

I am not denying Jesus was born a Jew as prophesied.
oh good...phew...thanks for remembering that...and Jews were named Greek names yes?

But the point of His coming was not be Jewish.
there is a joke in there somewhere...

He was and is the Son of God. let's give Him proper respect

Jesus is not a pagan name. It is Yeshua transliterated into the Greek because the Greeks cannot pronounce Yeshua. They do not have the "yeh" sound or the "sh" sound, so they picked letters from their alphabet that most closely replicated the name.
luckily we can learn and those original Greek Jews those letters were written to knew the sounds...

It's like when you hear people from China who speak English and use the "w" sound in place of the "r". It's also common in the USA, depending on where you are raised to insert "r" into the English. For instance, peeps from NY and NJ may say rorsh for wash, etc.
exactly!...we are talking about how people are raised...their traditions...what they learn and make habit refusing to change...

Peeps? what a hoot!

Why would God keep His own Law?
why would His Law not reflect Him?

He is perfect and sinless, as is Christ. There is no purpose for the Lord to keep the Law. He is Righteous and Holy. The Law was given to point out sin and to give righteousness to Israel for obedience. God/Jesus knows what sin is!! In fact, God changed the Law and did what He pleased in regard to it. It is His to do with as He pleased. That is why He broke that covenant and gave a new covenant. That is why Jesus died for sin, which is prohibited in the Law. If Jesus kept the Law of Moses, then He would not have been crucified. There is absolutely zero evidence in the Bible that Jesus kept or had to keep the Law of Moses in order to die for sin. Jesus was born the Savior, the sinless Lamb of God. He was approved by God before His death and chosen to be the Sacrifice for sin before the world was created.

Oh my...

I never stated such a thing. It is simply your knee jerk reaction.

You said it was a new religion based on love compassion etc as if that wasn't in the OT

Love God certainly was as was love your neighbor as your self...not new and was designed into the calendar and culture of isreal to teach them of Him His character...

Grafted into Christ Jesus. He is the Tree, the Trunk, the Root, the Branch, the Vine. All those little branches coming out of Him are those who belong to Him, and if they don't bear good fruit, will be cut off and burned.

It was an olive tree...the temple doors were of olive wood...He cursed an olive tree...olive oil is used for anointing

He said He was a grape vine...

Lots of stuff from culture and tradition...and names

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New member
They were not Sabbath keepers. You have vivid imagination. They went to the synagogues on the Sabbath to preach Christ. The Gentiles gathered outside to hear about Jesus. The Jews were not happy with that arrangement and kicked the apostles out.
poor Gentiles had to wait a whole week to hear more...on the next Sabbath...

Why are you bringing this up? Jesus is faceless to us. The description of John in Rev 1 is not very Jewish either. What difference does it make if He is painted as being blonde or brown haired/olive skin or African American or Chinese? Jesus is the same to all people, regardless of the color of His skin and how they perceive Him. We do not worship a man, but the Lord in Heaven, surrounded by a unimaginable hued rainbow surrounding Him. Do you think He cares that there are paintings depicting Him in a human form? Seriously?

Funny He didn't sit for a portrait since He knew how important it would be to comfort and give evidence...oh wait that would be idolatry...

I fail to see what any of this has to do with the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
respect people give to others by learning ther proper names? Lol...wouldnt it be funny if everyone in your life started calling you by a wrong name...that might help this..imagine all your paperwork magically changing your name and

We do not know the Creator's Name. For good reason. God does not want us to know it. In fact, He states in His Word that we will not know it until the age to come. Even Jesus will be given a new name. You are making an argument based totally on conjecture and supposition.
we will get a new name too...

There are "613" commandments in the Mosaic Law Covenant. Are you keeping them all? Why not? It's what God commanded. What is your excuse?
some don't apply to me...some I keep without realizing it...

But hey don't keep the third if you don't want...

I do respect the name of Jesus. Jesus is the Sweetest Name I know.

I do not care what God calls me. He knows me. My name is the same as many thousands of others. He knows how much I hate my name, so why would He call me by it?

Well... Ok then... Sorry about all that...
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Most names have religious meaning.
For example, 'Christina' means 'woman of Christ'. The further one goes back in history, the more important the meaning of names were. In modern society, people are largely named according to what sounds nice or what fits a projected personality.

Yeshua was a common name in Jewish society, meaning 'God saves'- although Jesus is our Savior, the name is presumed to be inspired from the miraculous victory of the Maccabees.

The corresponding Latin word is 'Jesus'- it's simply literary appropriation. If this is a sin, than it was wrong to translate Hebrew to English because that changes direct prophesy into other words. In fact, one should wonder why Catholic rites are required to be in certain language.


New member
Most names have religious meaning.
For example, 'Christina' means 'woman of Christ'. The further one goes back in history, the more important the meaning of names were. In modern society, people are largely named according to what sounds nice or what fits a projected personality.

Yeshua was a common name in Jewish society, meaning 'God saves'- although Jesus is our Savior, the name is presumed to be inspired from the miraculous victory of the Maccabees.

The corresponding Latin word is 'Jesus'- it's simply literary appropriation. If this is a sin, than it was wrong to translate Hebrew to English because that changes direct prophesy into other words. In fact, one should wonder why Catholic rites are required to be in certain language.

Much is lost in translation

and found in searching for a better understanding...

The study of names and their meanings in the OT is interesting...note the ones ending in -iah...Isaiah Jeremiah

We are blessed to read at all...

""Yeshua" is actually an Aramaic form of the Hebrew name "Yahushua". In the Hebrew script, Yeshua ישוע is not spelled the same as Yahushua יהושע. The "Yeshua" name, spelled ישוע (Yod Shin Waw Ayin), is found in the books of Nehemiah and Ezra where it lists the names of those who returned from the Babylonian exile. One of them is called "Jeshua, the son of Jozadak":"

(John 17:11 NIV) I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one.

There is not even a hint of Yah in Jezeus...I mean Jesus...


New member
Yup so I will use Yah...Iah is nice too...

But you are not just using Yah. You are making up a name for Jesus by using the theophoric element [the "YH"] by using "Yah" at the beginning of His Name, which does not occur in the Hebrew.

not to carry it in vain...

Saying Jesus, Lord, Christ and God is not taking the Lord's Name in vain.

your name your signature is only a little something of who you are but on legal documents we don't go with nick names as the formality is more serious...

My signature on legal documents says nothing about who I am as a person. When people know me, it's because they know what kind of person I am, not because of my name. I only use my given name when absolutely necessary. It does make or break me in any way.

No need to get your feathers all in a bunch...if it ain't interesting or proving a blessing to you well whatever...but to some if us it is...both interesting and a blessing

Then why are you using the wrong name for the Messiah?


New member
The study of names and their meanings in the OT is interesting...note the ones ending in -iah...Isaiah Jeremiah

Do you think you are privy to that or what? That is where the "yah" is correctly applied, by-the-way - at the end of a name or stand alone, just not at the beginning. There, you just a lesson in Hebrew :)

""Yeshua" is actually an Aramaic form of the Hebrew name "Yahushua". In the Hebrew script, Yeshua ישוע is not spelled the same as Yahushua יהושע. The "Yeshua" name, spelled ישוע (Yod Shin Waw Ayin), is found in the books of Nehemiah and Ezra where it lists the names of those who returned from the Babylonian exile. One of them is called "Jeshua, the son of Jozadak":"

There is no Hebrew name of "yahushua". It does not exist. Yeshua [Hebrew] is the shortened form of Yehoshua [Hebrew]. Jeshua is Yeshua - same name. There is no meaning and no Hebrew spelling for "yahushua" and it did not come from the Aramaic either. Who it telling you these myths?

(John 17:11 NIV) I will remain in the world no longer, but they are still in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name--the name you gave me--so that they may be one as we are one.

There is not even a hint of Yah in Jezeus...I mean Jesus...

Jesus is not Zeus. It would be like calling Dr Seus, Dr Zeus. It ain't happenin'. Jesus is the English form of Yeshua - a transliteration.

Secondly, the power of God's Name is not a pronunciation, especially because it is unknown. The Power of God's Name is His character, reputation, authority. That is why the Jewish peoples call Him Ha Shem [The Name] out of reverence.

A primitive word (perhaps rather from H7760 through the idea of definite and conspicuous position; compare H8064); an appellation, as a mark or memorial of individuality; by implication honor, authority, character: - + base, [in-] fame [-ous], name (-d), renown, report.


Well-known member
No it's only one Spirit Sir. God is a Spirit the Spirit that was in Jesus was God. One Spirit. One name Jesus said He came in the Fathers' name.
John 5:43 'I am come in my Father's name,...'
If God is the Father and there is only One Spirit then that Spirit name is Jesus.
Hebrews 1:3 disagrees with you friend. The Father is not the Son. The son is the exact image of his creator.

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Well-known member
Jesus Christ is the name. The book says to be baptized in the name of Jesus not Yah. But Yeshua if Hebrew. You speak English so just say Jesus. What is so wrong or what is the problem.?? I don't understand.??
His true name is Y'eshua. He spoke Aramaic.

What matters is what he is, not what we call him. Folks from many cultures give their hearts to the true son of the most high. That is what really counts.

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Well-known member
They were not Sabbath keepers. You have vivid imagination. They went to the synagogues on the Sabbath to preach Christ. The Gentiles gathered outside to hear about Jesus. The Jews were not happy with that arrangement and kicked the apostles out.

Why are you bringing this up? Jesus is faceless to us. The description of John in Rev 1 is not very Jewish either. What difference does it make if He is painted as being blonde or brown haired/olive skin or African American or Chinese? Jesus is the same to all people, regardless of the color of His skin and how they perceive Him. We do not worship a man, but the Lord in Heaven, surrounded by a unimaginable hued rainbow surrounding Him. Do you think He cares that there are paintings depicting Him in a human form? Seriously?

I fail to see what any of this has to do with the worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We do not know the Creator's Name. For good reason. God does not want us to know it. In fact, He states in His Word that we will not know it until the age to come. Even Jesus will be given a new name. You are making an argument based totally on conjecture and supposition.

There are "613" commandments in the Mosaic Law Covenant. Are you keeping them all? Why not? It's what God commanded. What is your excuse?

I do respect the name of Jesus. Jesus is the Sweetest Name I know.

I do not care what God calls me. He knows me. My name is the same as many thousands of others. He knows how much I hate my name, so why would He call me by it?
The Apostles were Sabbath keepers. Your understanding needs twerking tweety.

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