In the interest of collating all your varied opinions, objections and complaints in one place, you are invited to post what you think is the single biggest error of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism. Yes, you probably have a list of a dozen complaints,
but you are asked to limit yourself to the #1 absolute worst of them all. With as many replies as we're bound to get, your whole list will probably get covered eventually.
Ground rules...please be mature and observe them:
1. Only those who consider the Bible to be the Word of God and Christ to be their Lord and Savior may reply. If that isn't you, please be mature and refrain from disrupting.
2. One complaint per customer, so make it your #1.
3. Stick to the doctrinal. Avoid the personal.
4. Cite the relevant Scriptures to make your point.
5. Be as brief as possible. Aim for one paragraph or less.
6. No links and no cut and paste from outside sources. Post your own thoughts, not someone else's. |
MADs are respectfully requested to refrain from replying until it appears we've gotten however many complaints we're going to get (I expect a minimum of 15).
This is a genuine attempt to foster honest discussion with a minimum of personal rancor. Please treat it as such.
Thank you in advance for an enlightening discussion.
And for fun, a poll question.