Imitating me again, with that "poser" copycat? I understand Timmy, as I'm one of the most admired, and, at the same time, humble, TOL members
Next up: Sup? Whatev's....
More self-righteous methane.
More stock cliches, that you assess that no one has ever heard before.
No. I pity you. I can't imagine what convinces you that you have salvific faith and all those you lambast do not. You being the spirit of anitchrist is the answer.
Another zinger, from the fruit inspector, the son of Cain. I'm speechless, Timmy.
The serpent calling a true Believer a wolf. Hilarious.
More imitating me, copying me, eh, Timmy, with "serpent." Again, sit down, as you don't have my following, or clout, to pull it off. I'm honored, though, Timmy. Thanks!
More LSD delayed affects. It's amazing how much you impress yourself.
Another "Google" stock cliche. Try "Bing" next time, Timmy.
You even say the same stupid little things repeatedly. You can't even be original when bloviating your serpent-spew. Pitiful.
Kids, little tike wolves, Boy Scouts, such as yourself, need repetition, Timmy. Can you dig it, ignored one of TOL?
No. It belongs to Knight.
You are such a wealth of obvious information, Timmy. Please teach us? Please?
Incorrect. But I'm becoming more convinced that it excludes you.
Made up, wolfie. You are blind/lost/drugged up. My evidence? Your "posts."
No. If all non-MADs left, there'd be nobody to represent the actual Gospel that you pervert with your Neo-Judaism of law methodology.
The "actual Gospel," you say, junkie? I've laid out the good news, on TOL, for years, sport, so stuff your assert/pound the podium/declare victory/return to emotional diatribe echo chamber jazz. Lay it out for us, Timmy. Unpack it for us. Give us this "actual Gospel," from the "volume of the book," instead of from your pipe.
Transparent as can be. I see right through you, Lucy(fer).
No, Timmy, the only "thin" that you can see, is the smoke from your bong, you junked up, ignorant blowhard.
Leave T(R)OL. The "Christianity" section of TOL is reserved for members of the body of Christ.
Understood, Timmy? Good.