Arkansas Church Kicks Out Young Gay Man For ‘Choosing A Sinful Lifestyle’


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Arkansas Church Kicks Out Young Gay Man For ‘Choosing A Sinful Lifestyle’

Jesus didn't reach out to sinners who knew they were sinning and who determined to continue sinning

You don't think Jesus reached out and hung out with Judas?

Also, do you really think everyone at the tax collector parties repented?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and Judas informed Christ of his intention to do this and Christ still accepted him as an apostle?


New member
Where can a sinful person, no matter what the sin is, find spiritual help but where the Church gathers?

What does the Church do with those who are already tattooed from the top of the head to the sole of the feet before they are saved? The Bible says no no to 'tattoos'. Do we throw them out also? Even though no questions about it, the Lord has saved the already tattooed person and using that person mightily?

How about those who are saved, the Lord is using them, but for the life of them, they are struggling with smoking?

How about those who are saved, the Lord is using them, however, they are struggling with drinking?

How about those who are saved, the Lord is using them, however, gambling has them all tied up.

Should we continue with the list? These are all part of the Church: fornicators, wicked ones, covetous ones, malicious ones. How about those full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers (gossipers), 30 backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.

And that is what some of you were. However, some are still struggling with some of this.

Salvation is a one time thing, ALL of God and nothing of us. It matters not what the sinner is, did, etc. --- come unto Me all who are tired and heavy ladden and I, JESUS, WILL GIVE YOU REST.

Sanctification on the other hand is what the Church is supposed to teach inside the building. And we are supposed to throw them out? Might as well tell this particular pastor to empty the building and throw away the key, for this is just one example that has come out of the darkness into the light of a saved one in his building.

Imagine if God had thrown out of His Church Abraham (producer of Ishmael), Jacob, Isaac, Noah, Lot (producer of the Moabites and Ammonites - real nice people hiring Balaam to curse Israel as it journeyed toward the Promised Land), David (well especially that David one, adulterer and murderer, without any hope to be able to bring a sacrifice for his sins, for there were none to bring), Joseph, etc., etc., etc. There would be no Bible. No Church. No Salvation. No Sanctification.

The Church is so lazy that it does not even want to bother with those sinful ones, you know, those who are not like 'us,' 'cause we're all perfect and them ones are all sinful and them ones can stain us perfect ones. Throw them all out, the Church tells you. Throw them all out, repeat the Church. No wonder the buildings are empty of the Church and the Church is wondering in the wilderness.

So sad!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
struggling is one thing

it indicates that one recognizes the sinfulness of their behavior

willful embracing of a sinful lifestyle is quite a different thing


New member
struggling is one thing

it indicates that one recognizes the sinfulness of their behavior

willful embracing of a sinful lifestyle is quite a different thing

Absolutely! However, where is he/she going to find the spiritual 'reprimand'? In the world?


Well-known member
He said go and sin no more because he had freed her by giving her the gift of no condemnation which actually empowered her to go and sin no more.

I think you don't hear what I'm saying. I don't want people living in sin. Sin is stupid and it brings death. I want people living right because they know who they are in Christ and I want the church to be reaching out to sinners in love and acceptance as Jesus did.
When people live 'in Christ', they have no need to judge and condemn others. They have no fear or contempt in their hearts. Only gratitude, and joy, and empathy and kindness toward those who have not yet realized their own redemption.


New member
Hall of Fame
Absolutely not!

Did God gave David (adulterer and murderer) the spiritual reprimand by throwing him out of His Church?

Do you believe Paul is wrong here and teaching an untruth?

1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Willful embracing looks just like somebody who doesn't idolize Christ.

If we idolize him, then we don't just accept our own or others' sinful lifestyle, without offering forgiveness in return: this is in exchange for the recognition that we ourselves have been forgiven: this is what he said to do. He said, "Forgive them." He said it to us, and he said it to his Father in Heaven. "Forgive them." That's what he said to do.

I think of it like people leaning on me, when they sin against me. I forgive them for leaning on me. They don't have any right to do it, but I forgive them anyway. That's because I recognize my own sinfulness.

And I am an Idolater of Christ.
struggling is one thing

it indicates that one recognizes the sinfulness of their behavior

willful embracing of a sinful lifestyle is quite a different thing


New member
Hall of Fame
Willful embracing looks just like somebody who doesn't idolize Christ.

If we idolize him, then we don't just accept our own or others' sinful lifestyle, without offering forgiveness in return: this is in exchange for the recognition that we ourselves have been forgiven: this is what he said to do. He said, "Forgive them." He said it to us, and he said it to his Father in Heaven. "Forgive them." That's what he said to do.

I think of it like people leaning on me, when they sin against me. I forgive them for leaning on me. They don't have any right to do it, but I forgive them anyway. That's because I recognize my own sinfulness.

And I am an Idolater of Christ.

Forgivness doesnt = embracing sin choices

Desert Reign

The way I see it is if I join a chess club, the rules state that I shall act in such a way that maintains the good name of the club. People who go around rubbishing other club members or deliberately throwing games to make the team lose in matches or who persistently arrive drunk to a match against another club - that sort of thing - will be thrown out of the club.
This is only normal. This is only what you would expect in any club. In a paid employment, the rules of conduct are even much stricter than in clubs.
So what did this guy expect? Every association has this rule, whether explicit or implicit, that you maintain the good name of the organisation. The church is no exception. If he had a problem with the rules he should not have joined. Instead he now goes around expecting that he is supposed to be the exception to these rules. That the rules don't apply to him.
I will tell you who the rules don't apply to. The rules don't apply to animals. They don't apply to young children. They don't apply to unicorns. They don't apply to idiots. Society would not function if it were not for these basic rules. He is arrogant enough to think he is the exception.