I welcome your advice.themuzicman said:Well, Hilston, I suppose you need to be educated in the art of discussion and debate.
Hilston said:Anyone who "grasps" such a concept is not thinking very carefully. The reason that God can be trusted to use evil for good (Gen 50:20) is because He knows the exact course of the future exhaustively.
You really don't seem to know what a presupposition is. The thesis I've expressed is not the presupposition. It is the conclusion of a premise. My presuppositions are that logic is unwavering and law-like, and that language has meaning. I assume these to be your presuppositions as well, lest debate itself becomes futile. I further point out that the Open Theist, who believes that God sometimes gets it wrong, cannot justify the claim that God's knowledge of all possible futures means God will get it right in the end. Based on the fundamental presuppositions of logic and language, your view seems untenable. Please show me how I've got this wrong.themuzicman said:You are doing two things. First, you are expressing the presupposition that the only was God can accomplish this is through exhaustive and definite foreknowledge.
I demand nothing, muz. I only ask that you respect the debate and use your head. So far, it seems you have done neither. I could be wrong, and know there are readers who want to see if you can show me that I'm wrong. So please indulge me, and satisfy the curiosity of the readers.themuzicman said:However, you are also demanding that we accept your presupposition as true (without any foundation for making such a demand) because you demand that we accept that the statement you have made is true.
Where are you getting this? I've made no demands. I don't insist that you accept anything. I assume you use logic. I assume we both speak the same language. If this is not the case, I can use my time elsewhere. I spent considerable time answering your last post and asking some very careful and important questions. Your avoidance of them might be viewed as evasive or obfuscatory. I hope that is not the case.themuzicman said:Thus you are attempting to impose this on us, because you demand that we accept your presuppositions in order to have a discussion.
What are you talking about? I merely explained my position, attempted to voice my understanding of your position, and asked you a series of questions. I welcome your correction, and look forward to your responses to my questions. As do those who are following this thread.themuzicman said:If I do not accept your presupposition (and I do not, as you have not provided a basis for doing so), and you are unwilling to accept that my position does not embrace your presupposition, and you are unwilling to engage in discussion at that level, then discussion and debate is not possible.
I agree. But I've done more than "declare" it. I've demonstrated, through the use of logic, how your view appears to be irrational. I may be wrong, and I welcome your correction.themuzicman said:(No, your declaration that something is somehow irrational isn't sufficient.
Ok, I'll accept that. Please show me how my view does not comport with rationality, and how yours does. I'm eager to see it, as are others.themuzicman said:Again, what you consider rational is still based upon your presuppositions.
What are your presuppositions? Please share so I and the readers may know and evaluate them.themuzicman said:You either need to provide a scriptural or logical reason to accept your presupposition, or demonstrate from my presuppositions how I am illogical or unscriptural. However, you do none of these.)
We all argue from our presuppositions. It's inescapable. But that doesn't mean we can't have a meaningful dialogue of discovery to better understand each others view. So far, I've demonstrated an earnest attempt to understand your position (evidenced by the concrete examples that you requested, and my attending questions). So far, you've not returned in kind. Instead, you've imposed upon me views that I do not hold, with no apparent attempt to discover what my views actually are, except to categorize me as some sort of Calvinist or Arminian.themuzicman said:All that will ensue is you will continue to argue from your presuppositions, and I will continue to identify the presuppositions that I have scriptural or logical basis for denying.
I sincerely hope you will reconsider, as I do not see anything in my response to you that suggests we cannot have a mutually beneficial exchange.themuzicman said:So, until you are able to grasp the concepts of dialogue and debate, there is simply no point in having a discussion with you. You demonstrate nothing other than your own presuppositions, and you fail to provide any reason for anyone to accept them.
I like sandwiches,