Hilston said:
While I admire the efforts of Tetelestai to present arguments that support the infinitude of God as outside of time, there is no clearer indictment against the Open View than its conception of God as finite. Open Theology should be renamed Open Anthropology, because, despite the protests from Open Theists to the contrary, the Open View measures all things by the standard of finite man, even God Himself.
For example, according to the Open View, God cannot have exhaustive foreknowledge, because that would implicate Him when evil events occur, making God responsible for not stopping the evil that He knew would happen. Open Theists hold this view only because they would never excuse a finite human being having such knowledge for not intervening when evil happens. They therefore cannot believe that God would have good and moral reasons for decreeing evil events, because they would never grant this to a finite man.
Clete said:
It is you who seem obsessed with this "finite man" idea. I've never seen a single argument presented by any open theist that employees such an argument.
Note above, where I wrote "despite the protests from Open Theists to the contrary." Clete demonstrates perfectly what I'm talking about. The point is, Open Theists don't even understand the logical conclusions of their own humanistic arguments, as clearly evidenced by Clete's post. Not only that, but they refuse to see that their noble efforts of holding God to, and judging Him according to, such concepts as justice, love, relationship, etc. are actually a self-deceptive smokescreen by which they reduce God and measure Him according to the standards of man. To wit:
(1) Under the guise of "freeing" God from any association with evil, the Open Theist strips God of His essential and transcendent God-like attributes, i.e. His omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, impassibility and immutability;
(2) Under the guise of extolling God's hatred of evil, the Open Theist over-emphasizes God's imminent attributes, i.e. that He is living, loving, good, personal and relational, all attributes that could just as easily apply to my neighbor's dog.
(3) Under the guise of affirming justice, and all the while ignoring its true definition, the Open Theist makes man completely and totally autonomous by insisting that man's will must have libertarian freedom, otherwise God ostensibly could not justly hold them accountable;
(4) Under the guise of affirming "genuine" love (whatever that means), and all the while ignoring its true definition, the Open Theist makes man the final authority by insisting that man must choose for himself whether or not God will save him.
Clete said:
As such, your inserting the concept into our arguments does nothing to refute the arguments we actually do use.
Clete makes the classic Open Theist mistake of confusing the critique of their arguments with a critique of the logical conclusion of their arguments.
Clete said:
In short, it isn't that we can't grant it to finite man but that because of the definition of all kinds of Biblical concepts, like justice, love, relationship, etc, we cannot rationally grant it to anyone - including a God who was, is and forever will be.
That is to say, that God is finite, according to Open Theist doctrine. Note that Clete has declared God is subject to the concepts of justice, love and relationship. Clete's God is subordinate, finite, not ultimate, not infinite. This again is the strategy of Enemy: to take Biblical concepts intended for finite man and to turn them around and use them against the infinite God, as if He could be subject to them. The very fact that the Open Theist presumes to sit in judgment of God demonstrates the depth of Luciferian distortion that pervades their thinking. Clete and I have been over this many times in the past. He didn't get it then, and he doesn't get it now. The only way someone can presume to judge God for His behavior is if man is more than man, and God is less than God. And there's nothing more Luciferian than that. Ask any Open Theist how he knows God is loving, just and relational, and you find out that their "trust" in God is existential and not essential. They trust God only "so far," preserving the possibility that God could change His mind about being loving, just and relational. Keep in mind that their Luciferian doctrine requires this, and they don't even realize it. Here is the Open Theist modus operandi, in a nutshell:
(1) They sit in judgment of God by seizing upon apparent contradictions (i.e. figurative language) in the Bible, and explain them by declaring God's ignorance;
(2) They sit in judgment of God by seizing upon apparent contradictions (i.e. figurative language) in the Bible, and explain them by declaring God's lack of foresight;
(3) They sit in judgment of God by seizing upon finite and figurative descriptions of God as changing and emoting, and to explain them by declaring God's ignorance and lack of foresight.
Hilston said:
The same is true with God's meticulous control of the universe. Since the Open Theist cannot imagine a finite human being having such control without being a corrupt control freak, they cannot allow God to have such control either.
Clete said:
Once again, your inserting arguments we've never made does nothing to refute the real arguments we have made. It has nothing to do with whether a human being can have such control, it has to do with whether anyone can.
See the limitations the finite man puts on the infinite God. According to the Open Theist, God is just a stronger, bigger, more powerful human. God is smarter, too, but not by much.
Clete said:
It has nothing to do with whether a human being could exist outside of time but whether such a concept is at all rational, which it is not. God can no more exist outside of time than He can exist outside of quality or outside of any other abstract concept that only exists within the thoughts of a thinking mind. Time is nothing but a means of discussing duration and/or sequence and thus existence itself implies the passage of time. If you exist, you have duration and so existence outside of time is a self-refuting concept and cannot be true for anyone whether human or otherwise.
There you have existentialism of the Open View. Bottom line of Open Theism: Man is the measure of all things. Since man is limited by time, so is God.
Hilston said:
Finite man is the standard, the measure of all things, according to Open Theist assumptions.
Clete said:
I would point out for those reading this that Jim knows that this is not true.
I have come to find that I understand Open Theism, and what makes it tick, better than Open Theists. The fact that Clete so vehemently denies what I'm saying proves the case. One of two things are true: Either Clete knows what I'm saying is true and he is lying, or he doesn't see it and is gravely deceived. I'm inclined to think it is the latter.
Clete said:
He KNOWS that this is not true.
See what I mean? So deceptive and insidious is the Open View that it affects one's ability to think rationally. I've demonstrated this time and again. Have a look at the One-on-One dialogues I've had with Open Theists. It is abundantly clear which view is biblical and logical and which view must resort to unsupported claims, name-calling and insults. More on this below.
Clete said:
He is intentionally deceiving people because he also knows that he is incapable of defeating the Open View position in any rational way as I have demonstrated numerous times on this website and elsewhere. Those who hold to a true position have no need to intentionally deceive their audience.
Despite Clete's baseless claims, he will not be able to show where I'm being deceptive because he himself is deceived. He can say, "Open Theists don't make that argument," but I have shown how the arguments they
do make logically lead to the very conclusions that Clete and other Open Theists irrationally deny.
Hilston said:
And by setting such a standard and applying them to God, their conception of God becomes one that is finite.
Clete said:
Actually by rejecting sound reason and exempting God from anything rational, all truth claims become unfalsifiable.
On the contrary, the only way sound reason can even be used and truth claims can be falsifiable is if God Himself is
not falsifiable. This is yet another example of the finite God of Open Theism. They deny His essential attributes and view Him existentially only. Only through the lens of humanism and existentialism is God falsifiable, and that is because Open Theism, despite its protests to the contrary, posits a finite God. You cannot falsify that which is required for rationality to work. It's like trying to prove or disprove the scientific method. You have to use induction to even get started, therefore it's not falsifiable. If you attempt to falsify the very foundation of rational discourse (God Himself), you can't even get started because you immediately begin to employ that which could not exist unless God Himself exists.
Clete said:
Thus, since Jim's god is not required to be self-consistent (i.e. rational) then for all we know his god and the tooth-fairy might be the same guy.
This is the difference between Biblical teaching and Open Theism: The Scriptures teach that no one can justly demand anything of God. God is infinite, unbounded, supreme. Nothing is greater than God; God is not subordinate to anything, not time, not man, not man's judgment, not man's will. God answers to no one. Ever. Whereas the Open Theist will readily and eagerly seize upon any verse they can twist to make God subordinate to time, man, man's judgment and man's will. The Open View teaches, as Clete does above, that God is subordinate to rules and is held responsible by finite man to a higher authority than Himself
Clete said:
When you reject rationality, on what basis would you ever be able to prove otherwise?
Amazing how the one accusing me of rejecting rationality impugns the very nature and character of Him Who is the very foundation of rationality.
Clete said:
The "one" doing the imaging being Aristotle. ... The "one" doing the imaging being Plato. ... The "one" doing the imaging being Augustine.
Three men who got it right. I find it fascinating that Aristotle, Plato and Augustine have become pariahs and personae non gratae to the Open View Community, but they don't even recognize the teachings of the true Enemy that saturates every fiber of their false doctrine.
Hilston said:
Instead, He is a demigod, a half-god. He is more like man than God.
Clete said:
The God of Scripture is much more like a man than is the god of Aristotle, Plato, and Augustine is but I couldn't care less about their god. The God of Scripture is relational and He created mankind with the divine-human relationship firmly in mind. God loving us and our loving God is the entire point of our existence. Indeed, it is the point of the whole of creation.
What the Open Theist fails to grasp is that the demigod they describe is not capable of loving us or receiving love from us in terms that are consistent with Biblical teaching. The God of Open Theism doesn't really do anything. Ask any Open Theist: "What has God done for you lately?" You will get a blank stare. Go ahead. Ask one.
Hilston said:
Furthermore, the Open View grants more power and influence to man than the Scriptures allow, thus making man more like God.
Clete said:
Saying it doesn't make it so.
Saying, "saying it doesn't make it so," doesn't make it NOT so either. Fact is, Open Theists view man as his own savior, and Jesus is the Savior Assistant. I know Open Theists will openly deny this, but it's true. Ask them if Jesus can save a man who does not
first request to be saved. If the answer is "no," then the Open View is granting more power and influence to man than the Scriptures allow.
Clete said:
Indeed, if Jim could establish this point he will have falsified Open Theism.
Q.E.D. It has been established repeatedly, and by Clete's own words, Open Theism has been falsified. Of course, he will never admit to this, such is the delusion of the Open View.
Hilston said:
Man himself becomes a demigod, according to Open View assumptions.
Clete said:
This is just patently absurd. The Open View makes no assumptions in this regard. The Open View is little more than the logical conclusion of a consistent application of sound reason and the plainly read text of Scripture.
Through the distorting lenses of the Open View, the "plainly read text of Scripture" absurdly comes to the conclusion that man is able to thwart God's plans. Thus making man more than man and God less than God. There is neither "sound reason" nor "logic" present in such a statement.
Clete said:
Just because it leads to an understanding of mankind that is significantly different than what Aristotle thought should be permitted doesn't mean that we've turned man into a demigod.
Notice that the Open View demonizes Aristotle for positing a view the Open Theist doesn't like. But when the Open View is shown to align perfectly with the demonic lies of Satan, the Open Theist calls this a "guilt by association fallacy." (See below)
Clete said:
Mankind is what it is and the teaching of Scripture and the application of sound reason will reveal it as such. Nothing more nothing less.
Yet the Open View persists in making mankind
more than what it is, and God less than what He is.
Hilston said:
They believe in a finite deistic sort God who is powerless to actually do anything to affect the course of history with any sort of certainty or hope.
Clete said:
The Open View actually teaches the exact opposite - which, once again, Jim knew when he wrote this.
Notice the difference between what "the Open View actually teaches" and the logical conclusions of what they teach. As I've stated, the Open Theist doesn't realize what he believes. Ask the Open Theist what God can actually
do. Since God's so-called "relational" attributes of being "good, personal, living, relational and loving" (i.e., dog-like attributes) take priority over everything else, then He really can't do anything, which is what has been demonstrated profusely in this forum for more than a decade. It is undeniably evident in the inability of any Open Theist to tell me one thing that God actually, actively is doing in their lives on a daily basis. Dear Open Theists, what is God actively doing in your life right this moment? The Open Theist has no rational answer.
Hilston said:
He certainly can't save anyone, not without the help of people, which doesn't amount to much of a salvation, since you basically have to save yourself. You are your own savior, with the aid of Jesus, the Salvation Assistant.
Clete said:
Idiotic nonsense.
Scripture teaches that if you believe you will be saved and if you do not believe you will not be.
See what I mean? Clete takes the concept of coexisting states (belief and redemption) and turns them it into a contingent and causal sequence of events. Belief doesn't cause redemption. Christ's death causes redemption. Open Theism makes man into his own redeemer.
Clete said:
Did you get that? SCRIPTURE teaches that, not merely Open Theism.
Scripture teaches that Christ is the Savior and that His death is sufficient. Open Theism twists scripture to make man's decision the determining factor, thus making Christ's death less-than-sufficient to save.
Hilston said:
Finally, from where might one expect such a view to originate? Who do we know in history who has a tendency to make man more than man, and God less than God?
Clete said:
Since Jim has failed to establish that Open Theism does any such thing the answer to this question is moot.
Anyone who can read without their Open View lenses cemented to their face will see that the case has been soundly established and that the question is not only relevant, but essential to understanding what makes Open Theism, and the Open Theist, tick.
Hilston said:
Isn't there someone who once said, "Ye shall be as gods?" Isn't there someone who once questioned God's knowledge of the future and His judgment of good and evil, saying, "Ye shall not surely die [if you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil]"? Isn't there someone who has asked all the same questions that the Open View asks? The answer is obvious, and it should be equally obvious whence the Open View originated. All false religions and all false doctrines originate ultimately from Satan, but none is more Luciferian than the Open View, whose script comes directly from Satan's playbook.
Clete said:
Guilt by association fallacy.
Fascinating how a mere observation (a rather scathing one, admittedly) about the similarities between Lucifer's deceptions and those of Open Theism are taken by Clete as "proofs" that need some logical fallacy assigned to them. They were not intended as proofs, but comparisons. What is proven, however, is how powerful those comparisons must be for Clete to react so strongly.
Clete said:
No such connection has been established, either theologically, Scripturally, historically or rationally. Calling a teaching a "doctrine of Demons" or the "Spawn of Satan" or some other horrific sounding thing has terrific emotional effect on an audience ...
Contrary to Clete's claim, this is not mere name-calling. It's a description, and a compelling one at that. In order to understand the psychology and motives of the Open Theist mind, one must ask, what is the Open Theist's
raison d'etre? The answer is: To secure for themselves freedom from God's decrees, total autonomy and final authority to themselves. And again, this should sound familiar, because the sin of seeking autonomous authority is the sin of Adam (i.e. humanism, existentialism, evidentialism), and is (almost) as old as time itself. Open Theists have succeeded in creating a God in their own image, the ultimate narcissism, and have thereby committed the sin of Adam -- "Ye shall be as gods" (i.e.
"elohim"). They have sought to independently, on their own will, on their own judgment, authority and autonomy, to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that is, to acquire autonomous knowledge and judgment apart from God (as "gods" themselves,
elohim). Such a specious theology seems powerful and compelling to the uninitiated, and directly appeals to the innate humanistic rebellion and sinful nature of man. This is the Broad Road, bidding welcome to the basest level of humanistic theology.
Open Theism, taken to its logical conclusion, impugns and denigrates God, thereby pulling Him down, making Him less God-like and more human-like ("Yea, hath God REALLY said?"). Open Theism exalts man's freedom and autonomy from God, thereby giving man the final authority of all matters concerning his own life and eternal state ("Ye shall be as gods."). Open Theism is nothing new. It started in the Garden of Eden, and has existed in one form or another ever since. Its goal is to question, judge and reduce God to something acceptable to sinful humanity (i.e. humanism). Its goal is to make God less than God and to make man more than man. It is theological humanism with a Luciferian impetus. With man as the final authority, God has become incidental, untrustworthy — the Sand God — not the Rock of Scripture. Here is God's answer to those who seek to bring God down and to raise man up:
Job 40:8 Wilt thou also disannul My judgment? wilt thou condemn Me, that thou mayest be righteous?
And now for the inevitable self-delusion, name-calling and whining that we've come to expect from Open Theists who can offer little else against the sound argumentation and clear exegesis of the Settled View:
Clete said:
and usually engenders a raucous banter of "Amen brother!"s and "Preach it!"s from pew warming Calvinists, but it does nothing whatsoever to actually refute the actual doctrinal teaching of the Open View, which bares no resemblance whatsoever to the ramblings of a man who has been defeated so many times on this topic that he's clearly lost the ability to engage it honestly.
I understand the natural human reaction to pain and embarrassment is to forget or ignore those memories. But anyone who has followed my dialogues with Clete over the years knows that Clete has had his hat handed to him so many times that one wonders why he persists in making these laughable assertions, when anyone can search and see for themselves that the exact opposite of what Clete is saying is true. Shall I start posting links? Can anyone forget (except Clete) the multiple times Clete has said out of sheer desperation:
Clete said:
"Don't respond to my posts you fool! I wasn't talking to you nor am I interested in doing so. DO NOT RESPOND TO MY POSTS! Do not quote me, do not discuss me, do not discuss my beliefs, do not do anything that would acknowledge that I exist. As far as you are concerned I am dead. Now go away!"
I've honored his requests in the past. But he keeps coming back for more, expecting a different result.
Clete said:
He's been reduced to maniacal, unsubstantial emotionalism that is better suited to the silly conversations amongst teenage girls and the mindless chatter of frivolous, gossipy women.
Clete never learns. Like a has-been prize-fighter whose only victories have been against kids in the gym, he will try to forget the beatings he's taken yet again, go lick his wounds in the locker room, commiserate with his sycophantic and equally self-deluded and defeated entourage, and then come back with a renewed and delusional vigor, thinking maybe
this time it will be different. What's one definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. And he calls
me "maniacal" and "mindless"?
Actual size,