I still maintain that Num. and Mal. proof texts, in context, do not show that God CANNOT change His mind (would contradict 39 other verses that explicitly said He can and did change His mind). This is proof texting to retain a philosophical view of immutability (the alternate explanation deals with your two texts, but I do not think you are answering the 39 other ones). Rather, the verses show that God does not always change His mind and that if He does, it is not in the same way as imperfect humans. God would not remain righteous if He did not change His mind sometimes (Jonah). Hezekiah is a clear picture of God changing His mind (you are a dead duck....prayer....I will add 15 years to your life). A contingent vs deterministic universe, a personal vs impersonal God, etc. supports God changing. Your texts can be seen with one paradigm or the other. You must also wrestle with passages like I Sam. 15 where God changes His mind about one thing, but refuses (not that He cannot, but will not) to change it about another matter.
We can take Scripture at face value if we change some aspects of tradition that are not truth. This does not mean we do not correctly distinguish figurative from literal (like God having feathers).
Here is an answer to your objection. I have looked at most of the 39 verses that talk about God changing His mind, relenting, etc. I believe Open Theism will stand against the traditional view.
You are a bright guy. If you can buy into MAD (against the grain), I think you will be a delightful Open Theist when the lights go on.
While you are at it, the nature of eternity vs time is another pivotal issue. I assume you see eternity as 'eternal now' timelessness vs biblical endless time/duration? Of course, the exhaustive definite foreknowledge/omniscience issue will be a can of worms food for thought.
If you do not settle it now, see me in heaven with the Open Theist Club. The Calvinists, etc. will be across the street with their tails between their legs.:idea:
We can take Scripture at face value if we change some aspects of tradition that are not truth. This does not mean we do not correctly distinguish figurative from literal (like God having feathers).
Here is an answer to your objection. I have looked at most of the 39 verses that talk about God changing His mind, relenting, etc. I believe Open Theism will stand against the traditional view.
You are a bright guy. If you can buy into MAD (against the grain), I think you will be a delightful Open Theist when the lights go on.
While you are at it, the nature of eternity vs time is another pivotal issue. I assume you see eternity as 'eternal now' timelessness vs biblical endless time/duration? Of course, the exhaustive definite foreknowledge/omniscience issue will be a can of worms food for thought.
If you do not settle it now, see me in heaven with the Open Theist Club. The Calvinists, etc. will be across the street with their tails between their legs.:idea: